Warning! Warning! Warning!

If you haven't read Never Gonna Be Alone and Savin' Me, stop reading this and go do it. If you don't, you will be confused. You have been warned.

Author Note:

So, here we are. Third story and we move on to the specials. Again I will warn, if you haven't read the first two stories of this series, go do that. You will not understand otherwise.

Just a quick recap:

When we left off, Davros and the Daleks had been defeated, Rose and the human Doctor were left in the alternate universe to live out their days together, and Lily was dead. Technically.

She opened the watch, regenerated, and promptly fell into a coma. Inside her mind, she discovered that she now had three distinct personalities, Lily Carter, Alyssy the Time Lord, and the Phoenix the avatar of the Vortex. Eventually they will all coalesce into one being, but in the mean time one needs to be in charge. Three strong minded women in one body. Yeah, that's gonna go well.

In the mean time, the Doctor is left waiting for his mate to wake up.

And that's what happened last time.

Full recap explaining who Lily is:

Lily is a Time Lord turned human from an alternate reality than the one our Doctor exists in. She was taken away from Gallifrey by her Time Lord parents before the Time War was time locked. They put her in the Chameleon Arch and made her human, leaving her on Earth with a new family, a watch, and no memory of who she used to be. Lily grew in Manhattan, New York, America, happy and loved, but even so, she never truly fit in and longed for the beautiful world she saw in her dreams.

When her class took a trip to the British Isles, she was greeted in Cardiff by a man named Jack Harkness. He revealed to her that she was destined to travel with a man known only as the Doctor. After much explanation, she finally believed him, and she stayed in England. She met a young woman by the name of Rose Tyler, and spent the next few months working in a store called Henriks. Finally, one night, she was attacked by Autotons, and saved by the man she had been waiting for. Unfortunately, Rose was killed in the attack and the Doctor disappeared.

The next day, the Doctor reappeared at her apartment, and she explained who she was to him. She helped him defeat the Nestene and he brought her into the TARDIS. From there they traveled the universe, past, present, and future, and along the way they fell in love. They picked up a young Jack Harkness in WWII London and brought him with them.

Then they were sucked into the Daleks' game station. To protect her, the Doctor sent Lily and the TARDIS back to Earth, but Lily wasn't about to sit idly by while the two men she loved most died.

It was then she finally noticed the two words following her and the Doctor through time: Dark Phoenix. She opened the heart of the TARDIS, absorbed the power of the vortex, and followed the words back to the Doctor.

The moment the power entered her, it began to change her. She wasn't fully human, so it couldn't take complete control, but she wasn't fully Time Lord, so she didn't have full control. She was able to destroy some of the Daleks and chase the rest away. She brought Jack back to life, but she messed up and brought him back for good.

Three days later, she woke up on the TARDIS, the power of the vortex irreversibly a part of her now. She had the Doctor take her back to Earth. To Jack. She finally understood what she had done to him.

From there, they went back to traveling. They met a young doctor by the name of Martha Jones, who diagnosed Lily's new illness as a child. They brought her along for awhile and she helped take care of Lily. When she went home, a woman named Donna Noble joined them.

But then the Daleks came.

Their first wave killed Owen Harper, a friend and the medical officer of Jack's Torchwood, and Gwen Harkness, Jack's wife.

After that there was nowhere to hide.

One by one they were killed off.

Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones were killed in an attack on a Dalek ship. Martha Jones was trampled to death by a mob, trying to save an injured child. Jack was captured and left on the edge of a black hole, always alive and always dying. Lily was hurt in an explosion and lost her child, a daughter she would have named Samantha.

Finally all that was left was the Doctor, Lily, and Donna in the only safe place left, the TARDIS. But then they captured Donna. They kept her as bait, all the while, torturing her for information she would never give.

Donna died in Lily's arms as she tried to rescue her best friend.

Then the news came that the Daleks were coming for Lily in hopes of controlling her access to the power of the vortex. So the Doctor sent her away. Far away.

As the Doctor in our reality's transmission to Bad Wolf Bay cut off, Lily appeared on the deck of the TARDIS, screaming at the universe to take her back and receiving the answer. No.

The Doctor took Lily in. He gave her a new home.

And together they traveled, meeting new and old faces. They saved Donna Noble from a giant spider and an evil husband. They helped Martha Jones save a hospital and then the world.

They met the Master, who, as it turns out, was Lily's brother, and saved the earth from him.

Along the way, they helped each other to heal. They taught each other how to laugh again, how to live again…how to love again.

At the start of last year, the Titanic almost crashed into Earth. Yeah.

The Doctor and Lily stopped it, but along the way they found out that when Lily shot off the Master's suppression device, it damaged her body. Now every time she used her powers, it damaged her body even further. In little less than a year, she would be dead. Her only hope was opening the watch and it was proving stubborn, insisting that it wasn't time.

The Doctor and Lily continued to travel, determined to make the most of the time they had left, when they met Donna Noble for the second time. After helping them deal with the Adipose, she came along with them.

They went to Pompeii and found the Pyrovillians, met the Ood and set them free, and Donna met Martha and they didn't fight, except with the Sontarans.

They went to a war zone and the Doctor had a daughter. And then he and Lily both mourned the loss of another child.

They solved a murder with Agatha Christie and solved the mystery of her disappearance, then discovered the mystery of River Song while fighting against living shadows know as the Vashta Nerada.

They went to Midnight to relax as Lily got weaker only for the Doctor to have his voice stolen from him, forcing Lily to give up what time she had left to save him.

With little time left, they went on one last shopping trip, but Donna had a parallel universe created around her, where she met both Rose and Lily's original Doctor. There they told her that the stars were going out.

The Doctor and company raced back to Earth to find it fine. But then it was stolen right from underneath them. By the Daleks.

Everyone came together to fight the Daleks. Harriet Jones, Sarah Jane Smith and her son, Martha Jones, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Jackie Tyler, Rose Tyler, and Lily's Doctor.

Harriet Jones died bringing the Doctor to Earth.

Lily's Doctor died saving our Doctor.

Lily and Donna brought a new, human Doctor into the world.

The Children of Time defeated the Daleks, but at a cost.

Lily was forced to regenerate, leaving her with three separate personalities waiting to be integrated and vying for dominance in the mean time. Until they finished fighting, she's left in a coma, and the Doctor is left to wait.

Now all she has to do is wake up.


Name: Lily Elizabeth Carter, Dark Phoenix, Alyssy (called that by the Master when she was on Gallifrey)

Age: She was around 20 in Gallifreyan years when she was taken away, and she's lived as a human for 21 Earth years. Normally she'd be considered a very young teenager by the Time Lords, but she has matured at a human rate, so mentally, she is an adult. Usually she ignores the difference between an Earth year and Gallifreyan year and says she's around 41.

Hair: Black, pre-regeneration. Blonde, post-regeneration

Skin: Pale, both pre and post.

Eyes: Grey with flecks of gold or the inverse when she uses her powers. When she goes deeply into the vortex, they can lose all of the grey and turn completely gold. No matter what, they remain this way.

Height: 5'7", pre. 5'3", post.

Personality: She's very sarcastic. She makes jokes when she's upset. She has a need to take care of everyone and tends to put them first even at the risk of ignoring what she needs. After she regenerates, she's still sarcastic, but less defensive. She knows who she is now and is more secure about it. She won't beat herself up as much about what she can't stop.


The Doctor-she is his bond-mate. She loves him very much, more than she loved her original Doctor. She needs him every bit as much as he needs her and doesn't take being separated from him very well.

Jack Harkness-she considers him her brother in every way but blood. She views him as only second to the Doctor and would do anything for him.

Donna Noble-she and Donna were linked by the metacrisis and now have a bond similar to twins. Donna is her sister in all but blood and she will do anything to protect her. They also share a low level telepathic bond. Nothing like the bond she shares with the Doctor, but enough that she can share information with her if need be.

Again, if you haven't read Never Gonna Be Alone and Savin' Me, in that order, go do it now.

For the rest of you, welcome to Someday.
