A/N - Okay, time to finish up this story and start another one.

Hope you have enjoyed it.

Disclaimer in Chapter 1


Emma was lying back in Callen's arms on the couch, hands wrapped around a mug of warm tea. Jacobs was on the seat across from them, smiling. She thought her father looked rather pleased with something.

"So who's Sally?" Jacobs asked.

Emma frowned. "How do you know Sally?"

"She sent me a text, gave us her address," Jacobs admitted. "She seems a little bit weird."

"Sally? Weird?" Emma chuckled. "Only when she wants to be. She's a lawyer."

"Really?" asked Callen. As he thought back to their encounter, he could actually see the signs.

"Yeah. She's really good. Works for a top law firm in the city. Gets to pick and choose her clients. Only takes on those she believes are telling her the truth. No matter what the case," Emma explained. She knew it would be hard for them to believe, especially if Sally had been all weird with them.

"She any good?" asked Callen, his fingers gently running up and down her arms. He felt her shiver slightly at his touch and held back a smile.

"Always wins. Even on ones where the evidence says otherwise," Emma replied. She was having a little trouble concentrating on anything other than Callen's fingers running over her arms. She knew he knew it, so she fought hard to keep the conversation going.

"How does she managed that?" asked Jacobs, obviously intrigued.

"You can't lie to Sally. To be more accurate, you can't successfully lie to Sally. Don't know why but she just knows. Can be a bit annoying sometimes." Emma adored Sally, but when she didn't want her to know something, this talent made things a little tricky.

"Seemed pretty weird today. Asking a lot of questions before she'd tell us where you were," Callen said.

Emma turned slightly in his arms and looked at him. "I thought you'd found me through the necklace." She frowned, fingering the necklace and silently thanking whatever, or whoever, was out there that had made her put it on and keep it on.

"At the end, yes. But first we stopped by her place."

"What kind of questions?" Emma asked, as a sense of dread settled on her. What have you done Sally?

"Do I dance, why do I care, favourite thing to do with you..." Callen started.

"Stop!" Emma blushed and wondered if her answer was the same as his. She wasn't about to ask with her father sitting across from them.

"And she sent a message for you. She said to tell you you forgot one, hot. Which means eleven. She said you would understand." Callen watched her reaction carefully. He saw on her face that she knew exactly what Sally meant.

Emma blushed again and Jacob chuckled which just made the blush go even deeper. If she hadn't been holding a cup of tea in her hands, she would have covered her face. Sally knew already. She was too smart for her own good sometimes. Emma smiled at little, knowing someday she would have to thank Sally.

"Emma?" Callen asked her, curious about the blush.

Emma tried to turn away but he moved his arms and held her where she was, facing him.

She tried to work out how to get out of this. Thanks very much Sally.

"Umm.." Emma said. Callen looked at her and it reminded her of the look her father got, the one that told them they wouldn't win.

"Okay, well..." she bit her lip. Callen raised his eyebrows, waiting patiently.

"There's this list..."

A/N 2 - If you want to know the list - it's in the prequel story - A Promise Kept.

Thanks for reading.