Hey everyone. Sorry for the over year-long update, but I managed to pull through. This is Sister 1 with an update right as I'm in the process of moving to another state. Today, we're going to my aunt's for the weekend, and then, we'll be leaving to go about three states over... But enough of my real-life drama. Let's get to the reason you're all here: the one-shot.

For this chapter, we bring you Kleptoshipping (Yami Bakura and Yugi). I guess since Gemshipping, I haven't gotten out of my yaoi rut, huh? Unlike my past two chapters though, this is a yaoi that I do support quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, Gemshipping and Irateshipping are interesting and fun to work with, but something about Kleptoshipping really fascinates me. I've never written for the pairing before and have been curious to try it, so, as you can imagine, I both had fun and a really hard time typing this one-shot out. Before we get to the story, I am going to tell you guys right now: this is DEFINITELY an AU story. I was originally going to go for a canon storyline, but then this idea sprang up and I wanted to do it. Bear in mind, I have no idea if this is a cliche idea that's already been used. And if it is, I just haven't come across a well-written one with this sort of idea. Anyways, that's enough of my rambling. On to the shipping!

Disclaimer: Many fanfiction writers, but there can be only one owner of the Yu-Gi-Oh series... I am NOT that owner. That honor goes to Kazuki Takahashi, who I can guarantee, doesn't read or write fanfiction.

'So hot… Why is it so hot?'

Yugi opened his violet eyes slowly and rolled over on his bed. He had gotten rid of the covers hours ago, hoping that it would help. He had also opened all the windows in the building, hoping to get some cool air going through the building. However, neither of these actions seemed to do anything. Tiredly, he lifted his head off of his pillow and glanced at the alarm clock by his bed.

"Three in the morning…" Yugi mumbled, slightly annoyed. "I guess I won't be sleeping tonight…"

Slowly, the young boy sat up and rubbed at his eyes. At this point, he almost regretted leaving the game shop. A couple years ago, he had left his old home after getting into a college out of town. He and his grandfather had been anxious about it, but Yugi knew that he wanted to go to this college. He knew this university had a good archeology program for him to learn in the best way possible, and plus, he knew he'd have to go out on his own eventually.

"I need coffee…" Yugi mumbled, thinking maybe if he was more awake, he could possibly work on some of his assignments early.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Perking up, he tried to place what it was. It was a very faint sound: possibly from another room in his small apartment. Maybe something fell over? At that moment, a sudden idea came into Yugi's mind; what if someone was breaking into his house? Although he believed this thought was due to paranoia caused by exhaustion, Yugi still looked around his room for something, just in case. He couldn't help but mumble silent curses, realizing that he didn't have many heavy items in his bedroom to use as a weapon. Eventually, he decided to settle on a big textbook: a calculus textbook to be exact.

After picking up the book, Yugi cautiously opened the door and slowly made his way through the apartment. As he neared the kitchen, he could hear the sound of something, or someone, moving through his cabinets. The boy froze momentarily as he considered what could be going on in there. Slowly, he snuck along the wall leading to the open pathway that would go into the kitchen. As soon as he made it to the entrance, Yugi peeked into the kitchen, taking great care to stay as hidden as possible.

Looking into the kitchen, he saw a man rummaging through his silverware. In the dark, Yugi couldn't really make out any physical features; all he could tell was that the man had long hair and looked a bit taller than him. Quickly, Yugi took his head away from the entrance and lay back against the wall, trying to think of the best course of action. He couldn't use a phone to call the police right now; the apartment's phone was past the kitchen and his cell phone was currently out of battery power. If he tried running out of the apartment, the burglar would most likely hear him and either run away before he could get caught or come after him to kill him. Yugi even considered for the briefest of moments just going back into his room and ignoring this whole situation. Quickly, he shook his head, feeling ashamed of thinking of that idea. His thoughts stopped momentarily as he heard the stranger angrily mutter, "Damn, doesn't this fool have anything valuable?"

Yugi felt a little miffed that this person was acting as if his things were junk, but still, these words helped him bring his mind back to the situation at hand. Coming to a decision in his mind, he thought, 'I guess I'll try to stop him. Maybe if I hit him hard enough with my textbook, that will knock him out long enough for me to call the police.'

With this vague plan in mind, Yugi took a deep breath, making sure to stay quiet, in order to calm his nerves. As soon as he was ready, he turned to peek into the kitchen again. Upon looking, he noticed the thief had moved on to raiding the living room. As the robber looked through the contents placed on top of the tables and counters, his back towards the boy, Yugi snuck up quietly. Just as he got into attacking position, the stranger bent over slightly and picked up one of the picture frames. The other man must have sensed something was off, because right as Yugi was going to smack him with the textbook, he turned his head to look behind him. Thankfully, Yugi managed to smack the burglar across his face just before the man could make any sort of retaliation, causing him to fall to the ground and drop the picture frame.

Yugi prepared for another strike but stopped as he noticed the other man wasn't moving. The boy stood for a moment, panting after feeling that rush of adrenaline, and he silently thought, 'Oh my goodness. Did my plan actually work?'

Cautiously, he got on his knees and took a closer look at the criminal. After his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he noticed the man's hair was actually white, and upon taking a closer look, he could tell that this man had a fair amount of muscles as well. Yugi kept staring at the man's face, his cheek more than likely bruised from the textbook hitting it, to see if he truly had been knocked unconscious. After staring at the man for a few seconds (and gently poking his cheek once), Yugi sighed with relief and thought, 'It's a good thing I managed to knock him out in time. I don't think I'd be able to fight him off if he had attacked me.'

Feeling confident that the man was unconscious, Yugi grabbed the picture frame that the criminal was looking at earlier. It was rectangular and had a golden frame around the edge. He assumed that's why the man was looking at this item in particular; he could imagine the thief trying to sell this at a pawn shop. However, that wasn't what Yugi like about this frame. He was fonder of the photo inside; it had been a picture of him and his grandfather from a few years ago. In the photo, they were just working in the game shop. They had been re-organizing things that day, and personally, Yugi had been pretty proud of what they had accomplished.

Still holding onto the photo, Yugi got up and went over to the phone, leaving the stranger lying on the ground. Quickly, he picked up the phone and was about to dial 911, but he suddenly stopped as he realized something. Looking back to the criminal, Yugi thought, 'I can't just leave him lying there like that! He could wake up and escape! I need to find something to keep him from getting away!'

Quickly, he put the photo on the counter. Then, carrying the phone with him, Yugi ran towards the hallway. In no time, he made it to his closet and opened the door, going through everything inside. Anxiously, he thought, 'Don't I have any rope or something that could help me? How can I keep him from running away if I can't even restrain him?'

After a couple minutes of looking, Yugi sighed, realizing he had nothing. Silently, he mumbled, "Great, what do I do now? Do I just tie him up using my bed sheets?"

Yugi took a step back but was surprised when he had backed into a body. Before he could voice out a question as to who was behind him, he felt a hand clamp over his mouth and another one twist his arm behind his back. This sudden discomfort caused him to drop the phone he had been holding. Automatically entering a state of panic, Yugi let out muffled screams and tried desperately to struggle against his captor. As he struggled, he heard the man behind him say, "Think you're clever, don't you?"

Yugi momentarily paused, eyes widening in fear as he recognized the voice. It belonged to the criminal that had broken into his house. A muffled cry of confusion escaped from his mouth; he thought he had knocked this guy out. The man must have realized what he was confused about, because shortly after he made that noise, the criminal said, "Yeah, you thought that book had knocked me out cold. I hate to break it to you, but it will take much more than that to keep me down."

Feeling the man lean in closer to him, Yugi tried jerking his head away, not comfortable with this invasion of his personal space. With the next words that the criminal said, the boy could tell he must've had a malicious look on his face with the way he spoke. Malevolently, the criminal said softly into Yugi's ear, "Now, what to do with you? I need to pay you back for hitting me with that book."

Yugi momentarily froze, horrified by the tone the criminal had. Acting purely on instinct now, he bit down hard on the man's hand. Letting out a cry of pain, he momentarily removed the hand that had been over his mouth. Using his free arm, Yugi then attempted to elbow the man in the stomach and tried to run away. As soon as he felt his elbow hitting flesh, he shouted, "HEL-"

The robber had quick reflexes, however, and quickly covered the boy's mouth again, trying to regain his hold on him. Yugi, however, wasn't going to let him gain the upper hand again. He continued to try and pry himself away from the criminal with his free hand as the other man tried to pull him back into the living room. For a while, the two struggled with each other, the thief trying to move them into the living room while Yugi was trying to move towards the door that would lead outside. Finally, after a few minutes of fighting, Yugi lost his energy to pull away and got pulled roughly towards the man. He ran into the stranger with such force that the two men fell to the ground, Yugi on top of his assailant. Yugi lifted himself up and was about to run when he looked at the stranger's face and paused at the man's expression. The look on his face seemed to be a strange mixture of shock, slight annoyance, and, unless he was mistaken, small hints of amusement. It wasn't the expression that caught his attention, though. It was the sharp look in the criminal's eyes: eyes that had some sort of dark color that Yugi couldn't make out in the darkened room.

Looking into the man's eyes seemed to be a mistake, though, for while Yugi had stayed still, the other man shoved the boy off of him and into one of the end tables. His head hit the wood, causing Yugi to be slightly dazed. By the time he was able to clear his head and get back to his senses, Yugi noticed the other man had begun to tie his hands behind his back and to one of the legs of the table. Gasping, he tried to pull away and start screaming again. However, he was once again stopped as the man clamped a hand over his mouth. This time, though, the stranger said, "Stop trying to resist and scream. If you even think about continuing this nonsense, I will kill you."

Yugi froze in fear; although he didn't like the position he was in right now, he certainly didn't want to die, either. The older man took the look on his face as a sign that he would stay quiet and took his hand away from his mouth. As the threatening man got back to tying the boy to the table leg, Yugi tried to calm himself down. However, he couldn't help from feeling distressed and on the verge of tears. When he felt the man was finished behind him, Yugi gathered courage to finally ask, "W-Who are you? What do you want from me?"

The other man gave him a dead-pan stare before replying, "Are you really that dumb, kid? I'm obviously a thief. I'm here to look for anything of value. But it doesn't look like you have much."

The thief left Yugi sitting there as he continued to scan through one of his bookshelves. The young boy struggled against his bonds for a little bit before asking, "And., uh… Your name?"

The older man paused and turned to glare at Yugi. This caused him to flinch. Frowning, he said, "And why should I tell you my name? If I did, I'd have to get rid of you in one way or another."

Yugi gasped, realizing the other man was right. If he knew his name and he told the police about it later, the thief would have a higher chance of being arrested. So of course, he'd probably kill him before he could get to the police with that information. Timidly, Yugi muttered, "I-I'm so-"

"You can call me Bakura," the man responded, interrupting the young boy's attempted apology. Blinking at the thief, he asked, "When you say I can call you that, d-does that mean it's not your real name?"

Bakura smirked before saying, "That is up to you to decide, kid."

Yugi frowned before saying, "My name's not 'kid'. It's Yugi."

"And you really think I care?" Bakura asked nonchalantly. "Thieves never bother to learn the names of the ones they steal from." The white-haired criminal continued to look through the shelves until he finally let out a frustrated growl. Turning to Yugi, he said, "I can't believe you don't have anything worth stealing in this place. Don't you have any money or valuable things here?"

Yugi stayed silent and pretended to be interested in his carpet, not wanting to give the man any reason to hurt him. However, with a quick growl and a hard yank on his hair from the thief's part, he was back to looking into Bakura's eyes as he growled out, "Answer, kid."

"I-I only have necessities," Yugi answered timidly, wincing as he felt himself forced into this position. "I didn't want to bring too much with me. I'm attending college right now."

Frowning, Bakura let him go and decided to walk back into the kitchen. Yugi tried to see what the man was doing, but he couldn't do much while being attached to his end table. The boy continued to strain against the ropes until Bakura came back into the room, holding an apple and the picture frame from earlier. Being sure that the other man most likely didn't bring his own food, Yugi said angrily, "That's not your food! Drop it!"

"Or what? You can't really do anything about it," Bakura said with a taunting smirk before taking a big bite out of the apple. While the boy continued to glare at him, he looked at the photo and said, "So, who is this old man, anyways? Is he supposed to be a relative, or do you just like making friends with the elderly?"

Yugi stopped glaring for a moment and paused, worried about what the consequences of answering his question would be. However, a glare from the other man willed him into replying, "H-He's my grandfather. He runs a game shop; in that picture, we had recently cleaned it up."

Bakura stared at the photo in thought, taking in this information. Realizing what he had just said earlier, Yugi said defensively, "But that won't get you anywhere. My grandpa doesn't make enough money to make it worth breaking into. And I don't live with him anymore, so I doubt you'd be able to hold me for ransom."

The white-haired man gave the boy a bewildered look before letting out a chuckle. Taken aback by this, Yugi said, "W-What's so funny?"

"You, kid," Bakura said after calming down. "Let me tell you, I rarely ever run into any homeowners to ruin my nightly excursions, let alone leave them alive while I look through their houses. Even those I do leave alive never list out all of my possible options to make a profit. So, to say the least, you've made my night."

"I'm not here for entertainment," Yugi couldn't help but growl out, pulling against his restraints angrily.

Seeing this, Bakura couldn't help but let out a slightly louder laugh. Smirking, he looked back at him and said, "I also have to admit, you are by far the feistiest person I've had to deal with. Not even the women I go after to take care of my… other desires have this much fight in them."

Yugi blinked in slight confusion before asking, "… Desires?"

"Yes, the desires that any man would wish to have fulfilled by a woman," Bakura said, giving Yugi a mischievous look. "Surely, you know what I mean by this?"

After a moment of thinking, Yugi flushed slightly and looked away from the other man, muttering, "Disgusting... How could you do that to a girl?"

"Oh, like I'm the only one that's done it?" Bakura said with a scowl. "There are thousands of women worldwide who are sexually assaulted every day. Most of these cases go unheard because the victims rarely ever report these attacks. Just think of how many other men have done what I have done and gotten away with it." Smirking, he added, "In fact, I could get away with doing it tonight and having no one hear of this rape whatsoever."

"You monster!" Yugi exclaimed, not believing how sure of himself Bakura sounded.

"Hey, I may be a monster, but I'm not the one being robbed here," the white-haired man said calmly, the smirk still on his face as he slowly approached the boy.

Yugi momentarily froze up, startled by seeing Bakura approaching him, and although he knew it was pointless, he still struggled in vain to get away from the psychotic thief. Fearing the worst, the boy stammered, "S-Stay away from me! I-If you do anything to me, you… You won't be able to get anything from me! I thought you came to steal something!"

"Oh, but don't you know? Not everything we thieves steal has a set price," Bakura said as he closed the gap between the two of them. "Since I don't see anything I can make money off of in this dingy place, I'm hoping you can give me some entertainment."

Bakura knelt down in front of Yugi, and the young boy was afraid and confused by the look on his face. The other man looked as if he was gawking at a juicy, piece of meat, only he wasn't looking at meat: he was looking at Yugi. Timidly, Yugi asked, "What are y-"

Yugi's words never came out because at that moment, Bakura grabbed his chin roughly, stunning him into silence. The young boy spent a moment staring at the other man (who he could now see had a brown eye color), and before he could come up with something to say, the thief caught his lips in a fierce kiss. Yugi let out a surprised sound and tried in vain to pull away. This only caused Bakura to lean further into the boy and deepen the kiss. Yugi shut his eyes tightly, hoping that maybe, he'd eventually stop. However, his eyes shot open as he felt the other man's tongue invade his mouth. The young boy moaned, and in hopes to make the older man stop, he bit down on the man's lower lip.

This seemed to work, because Bakura pulled back immediately. As Yugi took a gasp of air, the other man scowled at him, wiping his lower lip. Seeing the man's scowl, Yugi flinched, fearing that the man would hit him, or worse, kill him. However, the boy's fear only heightened when he saw Bakura's scowl change into a smirk and watched the thief let out a dark chuckle. Looking back at the boy, he said, "Now, I haven't seen this sort of bite from one of my victims in a long time. I like your spunk, kid." Then, with a strange glint in his eyes, he said, "Why don't I give you something more exciting?"

Quickly, the man roughly grabbed Yugi's hair with one hand and pulled him in for another kiss. As Bakura dominated the inside of his mouth, his second hand reached underneath the boy's nightshirt and trailed along his chest, enticing Yugi to let out, to his surprise, a moan of pleasure. This strange sense of pleasure frightened him. Why was he enjoying this so much? While the man's hand danced across his body, he pulled back from his kiss, allowing Yugi to gather his breath. Quietly, he gasped out, "Please… Please stop…"

Bakura ignored him and instead began to give him light kisses on his neck. Yugi suddenly let out a slight cry of shock as the man nipped him around his neck, biting into the flesh. As he felt Bakura's hand trail lower and lower down his body, Yugi cried out softly, "Stop it! Please!"

Not pleased with the protests, Bakura came back up and had their lips lock again. Yugi felt terrible as he realized that the man wouldn't stop his advances. So instead of simply protesting, the boy figured maybe he could out-do him. Despite the fact he couldn't move his arms and let his hands try to attempt what Bakura was doing with his (not that he would even dare to try that), Yugi tried to gain dominance in this kiss by letting his tongue forcefully fight back against his. As this happened, he could feel Bakura smirk against his lips, happy to accept the challenge. As their kiss deepened, the two felt lost in the moment. For a while, the fact that there was a burglar robbing a small apartment, owned by a small-time college student, had been erased from their minds. It was during this time that Yugi felt a very bizarre sense of peace. However, this serene feeling seemed to come to a halt as Yugi felt Bakura's hand reached across his stomach and towards the top of the boy's pajama bottoms. A sudden wave of panic hit Yugi and he attempted to use his legs to brush the man away. However, all his efforts did was cause Bakura to stop his kiss. Smirking with a lustful look in his eyes, the thief teased, "What? Don't you want to feel intense pleasure?"

Bakura then proceeded to let his hand wander, but just as his hand brushed the side of his hip, a loud knocking at the door startled the two. As they turned their heads to the sound, a voice called out, "Hey, is everything okay in there?"

Yugi couldn't help but relax slightly, recognizing the voice as one of the neighbors in his apartment, while Bakura scowled and muttered, "Damn, I can't have more witnesses tonight…"

The loud pounding continued as Bakura turned his eyes once more to Yugi who immediately froze at seeing his gaze again. Bakura leaned in until his face was a few inches in front of his, and then he quietly growled out, "Not one word of this goes out to the authorities. If I here anything about the police going after a thief named Bakura breaking into some low-brow apartment or here them chasing some albino, sexual harasser, I'll make sure to come back and make you suffer beyond your wildest dreams. Understand?"

Frightened to have the thief either hurt him or have another passionate assault on his body, Yugi frantically nodded. Pleased with the boy's reaction, he muttered, "Good." Then, to the boy's surprise, he leaned in closer to the boy and whispered into his ear, "Until we meet again, Yugi."

The boy gasped and felt a strange sensation in his chest. Was he implying that they would see each other again? Before he could question it, the thief was already running out of the apartment, no doubt escaping through some sort of back exit. Yugi wanted to go after Bakura and stop him from getting away. However, as he tugged at his restraints, he suddenly realized that he could do absolutely nothing. After several more seconds of Yugi struggling and the banging on the door, the person outside suddenly broke the door down, ramming it open. Yugi turned his head to see a man with dark red hair burst into his apartment. As soon as he spotted Yugi, he ran towards him and asked, "What happened to you, Mouto? Who did this to you?"

Yugi was almost inclined to tell him everything that had happened. However, not only did he remember Bakura's threat, but he also realized that if he had said he had come across a robber who decided to tie him up and play kinky mind games with him, he would sound crazy. He didn't want to lie, though, so the boy said a little breathlessly, "A thief... Broke into my place…"

Yugi's neighbor almost looked like he wanted to ask for details, but instead, he just nodded and said, "Okay, let's get you out of this then. You should make sure nothing valuable was taken from you; after that, I suggest you call the cops."

The boy sighed as the older man undid his bonds. He was almost certain Bakura hadn't

stolen anything – or, at least, no material items (the picture frame he had been curious about had been left behind after all) – and he couldn't call the police. If Bakura found out he had turned him over, that could very well put his life in danger. Yugi was snapped out of his thoughts as his neighbor asked, "Are you hurt?"

It was then that Yugi noticed that he was no longer tied up. As he tried to shake the soreness out of his wrists, he replied, "Oh, no. I think I'm okay. Thanks… um…"

His mind went blank as he tried to remember his name. He remembered seeing his neighbor around campus with some of the other students. If Yugi remembered correctly, he was a professor's assistant, but he couldn't remember his name at all. After a few seconds of thinking, the last name came to mind, and Yugi quickly finished, "Albarn. Thank you, Mr. Albarn."

Smiling, his neighbor said, "No problem. Look, if you need a place to stay tonight, you could come over to my place."

"No, that's fine," Yugi said, immediately waving off the idea. "I don't want to bother you. Besides, I don't think that thief will come back tonight."

"Are you sure?" the red-head asked. "There's a spare futon for you to sleep on over there, and we have plenty of blankets. All I'd have to do is clean up a little, and you could come over with no problem."

"Yeah, I'm sure, but thanks anyway," Yugi replied calmly.

Yugi almost thought he'd get an argument from the man, but then the two of them heard a small voice say, "Papa? What are you doing out of bed?"

The two turned to see a little four-year old girl looking into the apartment with short, light-brown hair and green eyes. While Yugi stood still, a little surprised his neighbor had a daughter, Mr. Albarn went over to his little girl and said kindly, "Don't worry, my little Maka. Your papa was just checking on our neighbor to make sure he was doing okay."

"Was he making that noise that woke me up?" Maka asked, pointing at Yugi.

"Yeah, he was," her father said. "He was just trying to get rid of some big bugs in his room. Now, let's get you into bed."

The small child let out a content mumble, and the man picked her up gently. Before turning away, he asked, "One last time, Mouto; are you absolutely sure you don't need to sleep at our place?"

Yugi nodded before saying, "Yeah. I'm sorry about waking your daughter."

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure to call me for help the next time you have 'big bugs' in your house, okay?"

Knowing what the man was talking about, Yugi nodded and said, "I'll keep that in mind."

The two bid each other good night before Mr. Albarn and his daughter left to go back to their home. After closing the door, Yugi sighed and muttered, "What am I going to do?"

He felt so terrible about disturbing his neighbors, but he felt even worse about having to experience those horrifying events from earlier. As he walked over to his bathroom, Yugi thought, 'I can't believe I wasn't able to do anything about that! A robber walked into my house, tied me down, messed with all of my things, and if Mr. Albarn didn't come by when he did, I could've been raped! And I couldn't do a damn thing about it! I can't even tell anyone what happened; if I do, he'll come back! And when he was kissing me… touching me… Why did he do all of that? Why didn't I do more to stop that? And why was I enjoying it?'

Letting out a frustrated groan and stepped into the bathroom, deciding to wash up and hopefully forget the entire incident. When he turned on the light and looked in the mirror, his appearance immediately brought him back to his memories of a few moments ago: tangled hair, ruffled clothes, and a slight bruise forming around his neck where he had been bitten. Gingerly, Yugi fingered that bruise, wincing slightly as he pressed his fingers down on the damaged skin. As he tried to recall his feelings as Bakura's act of lustful passion took place, he both found himself confused and understanding about his emotions. He was definitely able to remember his fear in that moment, but there were also a lot of feelings that left him baffled. It was almost as if he had felt every emotion at once.

Yugi let out another frustrated sigh before he began to wash up and attempt sleeping again. Well, if Bakura had stolen anything from him, he figured it was one of two things: his innocence or his sanity. With the swirl of emotions he had felt earlier, he would believe either one; heck, maybe Bakura had attempted to take both of them. That night, Yugi's sleep was not an easy one, for his dreams were plagued with the intense feelings of passion and lust that had surfaced from his encountered with the late-night thief.

... Yeah, I'm betting some of my friends didn't expect this kind of writing from me. Let me say, it wasn't easy to type it. I give my motivation credit all to my friend, NintendoQueen's, Yu-Gi-Oh RP site. Whether she knows it or not, my RPs with her and my other sister have helped me immensely in trying to get Bakura right for this sort of thing (although they will always be the best at writing these kind of things). By the way, for fans of this series that like RP sites, this one is worth checking out. If any of you guys are interested, just look up "kionakina proboards" and you should find it.

As for anything else about the story I need to talk about, I knew how I wanted the shipping interaction to end, but I really felt like throwing in a random cameo from characters in another anime series. Some may know where they come from, but for the sake of the story, it isn't a big deal if you don't know.

Well, thank you for reading this one-shot. Next update will be Sister 2 with the letter "L". Please make sure to give us reviews, and have a great day/night!