A/N: Well, haha since you guys really liked Hearse; I decided to upload a sequel. This story will have chapters, and I will make them as long as possible. I don't know exactly how many chapters this story will have, but I'm pretty sure that this story will be long.

Disclaimer: Same as before, I own only my story.

A/N 2: This it still going to be in Clare's POV, I think I'm getting better at first person -pumps fist in the air- Oh, and I must put a heads up, judging from the summary, no, Clare isn't going to turn into a slut, skank, hoe, etc. I'm not that cruel, and I can't just turn an innocent girl into something like that.

Beautiful Blue Eyes

Summary: Sequel to Hearse; Eli and I are together now, and when we're alone, pleasure is something that I expect to happen...even if it means that I must do something in return...

[C H A P T E R .1.]
B r e a t h i n g .in. S e q u e n c e

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

I practically slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I lazily sat up, and raked my fingers through my hair, and yawned. I looked over at the bright red numbers on my digital alarm clock, and noticed that it was only five thirty; I lie back down, and let the alarm go off again after I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. The noise had started to get on my nerves, and I slammed the thing off again with my hand.

I slowly got out of bed, and headed towards my bathroom to take a quick shower.

About thirty minutes went by, and I stepped out with a towel wrapped around my body, and one around my hair.

I walked to my closet, and pulled out a pair of blue jean skinnies, a mid sleeve button down light purple shirt, my blue jean jacket, and my silver small heel slip ons, with a small bow at the top of the shoes.

"Bzz, bzz, bzz."

As I was getting dressed I heard my cell phone going off. I walked to my bed, and smiled when I received a text from Eli.

Good morning

I quickly responded to his text, and finished getting dressed. I curled my hair, and applied a small amount of makeup, and looked over at my cell phone when it started to ring.

"Eli..." I growled while laughing.


"What no good morning to you to Eli?"

"I responded to your text." I said while laughing.

"Did not." Eli responded.

"Hold on." I looked through my sent messages, and accidently sent the text to Alli's phone instead. Wondering how I sent it to her phone instead of Eli, I wasn't paying attention to the fact that Eli was asking me a question.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"I see how it is, not paying attention to me." Eli joked, and I fake laughed at him.

"I'll see you in school." I hung up, and I walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. As I was pouring some juice, the sound of my parents arguing early in the morning erupted, causing my once good quiet morning to ruin. I quickly downed my drink, and I exited the house, not wanting to be a part of the argument. When I closed the door, and started walking down the street, my mom had called.

"Clare, let me take you to school." Mom said.

I turned around and smiled.

"It's okay. I'll walk. It's nice out today." I said.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked.

"Yeah I'm fine really." I smiled faintly, and turned to start walking towards the school again. A tear has started pricking in my eyes, threatening to fall, but I held them back and just sighed. I hated hearing my parents fighting. It really did suck. After a few minutes, and I looked up to see that the school had come into a sight. I smiled when I saw that Eli was waiting in the front like he had been doing for the past two weeks. Speaking of two weeks, it's been that long since your incident in his car. I still feel kind of awkward around him, even though he hasn't been saying anything to me about it. Eli said he wouldn't mention it to me...unless he really had to.

"Hey." I smiled and I hugged him, and he kissed my forehead.

"...Have you been crying?" He asked me.

"No." I lied.

"Yeah, that's what I said once, but my mom saw that I had running mascara and she kind of made me spill." I laughed.

"You where mascara." I questioned, while walking into the school and headed to my locker.

"No, but you do, and I see that little smudge under your eye, proving that either you shed a tear, or...you poked your eye with eyeliner." Eli said. I couldn't help but laugh again. He had always had ways to make me laugh. I grabbed the books that I needed, and we walked to homeroom.

"Clare!" I turned around to see Alli running up to me. I sighed, and Eli kissed my temple, and walked to his homeroom.

"Yes Alli?" I asked as we walked into the media room, and sat down on the bouncy balls (Which I still think to be a really stupid idea...but they are comfy to sit on). We sat down, and she looked over at me.

"So are you and Eli still nothing? I saw the kiss he gave you." Alli said, logging into her account.

"Alli, we've been together for two weeks now."

"And you're still not going to tell me what happened on your date?" Alli said. I blushed when I thought about what happened between me and Eli.


"WHY NOT! I WANT TO KNOW!" Alli nearly screeched. I flinched a little, and I sighed in defeat. I mean it's not like she was going to tell anyone. I hope she doesn't...Alli does tend to have a really big mouth.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" I questioned.

"I promise Clare." Alli said with a stressed out sigh. I leaned in and whispered it into her ear, and when I pulled away, her eyes were wide, and her mouth fell down. I blushed and looked over at the computer screen to see my assignment.

"Are you serious Clare?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be, okay can we drop it?" I asked quickly as I felt my face turn ten different shades of red. We stayed silent as we worked on our assignment while the teacher talked to us about the different ways to create videos using different software. Alli passed a note to me, and when I read it, I turned red again.

"Alli, do you mind!" I questioned. I knew I shouldn't have told her, she was going to tease me about it now...probably for another two months. Augh. I had continued to search the web, and before I knew it, the bell had rung. I quickly gathered my things, and walked out of the room. I walked to my English class, and I had bumped into someone, not knowing where I was going, since my head was down, and looking through the book that I had bought the other night.

"Oh, I'm sorry...K.C." I said.

"Morning Clare."

"...Morning." I walked passed him and walked into my classroom, and sat in my seat. I felt someone behind me, and about died when it was Eli breathing over my shoulder.

"Are you okay? You seem quite...jumpy." Eli said. I said that I was fine, and he sat on the desk behind me, and started to rub my shoulders. I smiled, and relaxed a little. I always loved it when he rubbed my shoulders, he's really good with his hands. I ran my fingers through my hair, and Eli stopped when the teacher walked in (1).

The teacher announced that we had to right a paper about whether we were for or against school uniforms, and that it was a partner assignment. I turned my desk around, to face Eli.

"Are you for it or against it?" I asked him

"Against, sorry I enjoy the way I dressed." He said. I nodded and smiled at how cocky he was.

"What about you?" He asked.

"A little bit of both. " I responded. He nodded, and we both started to right our papers. After we read over our papers, we had started talking about a lighter subject.

"So, my dad wants to finally meet you." I lifted my head, and watched as Eli's face turned a small shade of pink. I nodded and said that I would love to go to his place this weekend. He told me about what to expect from his dad, and how much of a butt he is, but after all that Eli said that we would go to his room, and watch T.V or something, play video games. I suck at video games, and I really don't know why he would want me to play him, oh well, if anything I would love to see if I could beat him.

The bell rang, and I gathered my things, and placed my paper on my teacher's desk, and walked to my locker. I grabbed my P.E clothes, and head to the gym.

"So Clare, I called my mom earlier and asked if I could have some people over." Alli said, as she changed into her clothes.

"Okay?" I questioned while putting my shoes on.

"Do you want to come over? You can bring Eli if you want. I'm going to bring Drew." Alli said, sighing when she said his name. I rolled my eyes at how much of a girl she is. We walked out of the locker room once we finished dressing.

"Okay class, we're going to play a game of dodge ball, girls against boys." The coach said. We divided ourselves into our teams as he passed out the balls. We played a decent game, until it was K.C and I left. I had a ball, and so did he. We stood there, waiting to see who would throw the ball first. Without hesitating, K.C threw the ball at me, with a great amount of force, too bad he missed.

I threw my ball, and I got him barely on his foot, I still got him out. Woot! Girls won. Alli and I walked to the locker rooms, and Jenna walked up to me.

"Thanks for getting my boyfriend out." She said in a cocky tone.

"Sorry you couldn't get him out." I said.

"Funny Clare bear." Jenna laughed.

"I know I am." I walked by her, and Alli quickly raced behind me, the sound of her heals kind of annoyed my anger more.

"So, are you coming over?" Alli asked.

"Yeah I guess so. I'll ask Eli." I said. She squealed and hugged me hard, and I practically almost fell back, and hugged her back.




The day had gone by rather quickly since Alli told me about her get together. I put all of my belongings in my locker, and walked out through the double doors, to find Eli waiting for me with his car parked in front of the school.

"So, where to sunshine, home?" He asked me, as I stood in front of him.

"Actually, Alli is having a small get together at her house. Do you want to go?" I asked him, with a small amount of hope in my eyes. Eli stared back with his intense green eyes, and I noticed the look of annoyance in his face.

"I mean, you don't have to go if you don't want to, we can hang out at my place if you want." I said. Eli smirked a little.

"No it's okay, we'll go to Alli's house." He said.

"We're just going to watch a movie and eat some snacks. No biggy." I said.

Eli nodded.

"We still have to go home so I can drop my stuff off." I said.

"Okay. Me too." Eli said. We got into his car, and he dropped me off first, and quickly drove to his house to go put his stuff down. I changed into some more comfortable clothes, and I left a note on the table, telling my mom that I was going to be out for an hour, at Alli's house.

As I walked out of the front door, I waited for Eli to come and pick me up. I looked down at my phone after ten minutes, and sighed, but I continued to wait.

20 Minutes Later…

30 Minutes Later…

I sighed, and I texted Alli and told her that something came up, and I walked back in the house, and I crumpled up the note that I left for my mom, and placed my cell phone on the table. I walked into the kitchen, and poured myself something to drink.

"Bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz…"

I looked back to my phone and noticed that it was ringing.


"Clare, I'm sorry…I can't come over, I'll IM you later."

"Eli, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you later."



"Bye." I said while hanging up. I blinked a few times; before I sat down to watch some T.V while I did my homework. It was about eightish when my parents came home from a fund raiser meeting from church, and it had only taken them a few seconds to start arguing.

I walked upstairs to my room, after grabbing my lap top, and I sat down on my bed. I opened my lap top, and logged into my MSN account.


'Eli-gold48: Hey

'Clare-e24: What happened? You bailed on me…

'Eli-gold48: My dad and I got into a fight. He wouldn't let me leave. I'm sorry.

'Clare-e24: Oh, I'm sorry…do you still want to come over or something?

'Eli-gold48: I don't think I can, my dad is kind of on my ass at the moment. He's still trying to get into my room while yelling at me.

'Clare-e24: Why is he yelling at you?

'Eli-gold48: …

I waited for him to respond. I had started to get really worried about him, since he told me that his dad was yelling at him. I hope I didn't do anything.

'Eli-gold48: Sorry, I have to go, I'll call you later. Probably around midnight when my dad is sleeping.

'Clare-e24: …okay that's fine. Will you tell me what's wrong later?

'Eli-gold48: Yeah, talk to you later Clare.

Eli-gold has signed out.

I sighed and closed out my IM and placed my laptop on my bed. I laid there, listening to my parents fight downstairs. I really don't understand why they're fighting. My mom told me that she was going to tell me what's going on between them, but she hasn't yet. I let the thought slide as I closed my eyes to nap for a little bit.







My eyes slowly flickered open when I heard the sound of my IM ringing.

'Eli-gold48: Hey…

'Eli-gold48: *pokes*

'Eli-gold48: Is it too late for me to come over…

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and checked to see what time it was.


'Clare-e24: It might be, you can climb up to my window, my parents are sleeping.

'Eli-gold48: That's fine, I'll be over there in a few minutes. By the way I'm going to walk.

I blinked a few times.

'Clare-e24: Why don't you take your car? Wouldn't walking be more dangerous?

'Eli-gold48: Yes, but my dad took my car keys; I'll see you in a few minutes.

Eli-gold48 has signed out.

I walked to my balcony and opened the door, and waited for Eli. I started to worry more than I needed to.A good ten minutes went by and I noticed something moving at the end of the street, Eli.

I smiled, and Eli had climbed up the tree next to my house, and jumped to the edge of the balcony. Who knew he was such a monkey.

"Shh, try not to make so much noise." I whispered.

"Sorry." He smirked.

We walked into my room, and he sat down on my bed. I sat down next to him.

"So, what's going on?" I whispered.

"…Dad and I got into a fight." He said.

"About?" I asked.




End of Chapter 1

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(1) Would any of you like to tell me how to spell the English teacher's name is .

In other words...

See you soon!



Arigato for those who read and reviewed!
