Water Water Everywhere

Bryn awoke to the sound of rushing water, which was weird because the cave wasn't located close enough to a river or stream to where you would be awoken, by the sound of its rushing waters. He felt around and noticed that the ground was wet. He followed the water to the rock in front of the cave. He tried to push the rock but it wasn't moving. By now, everyone else was awake from the water on the cave floor.

"What's going on?" Athea asked as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes.

"Something's happened and water is flooding into the cave," Bryn replied, "we have to get out of here before the water rises too high and we can't get out. Help me with the rock." They all pushed on the rock, which was hard to move in the first place, but made easier by the outside pressure from the water. They budged the rock slightly which was all the water needed. The water flung the rock into the cave with such force that it almost crushed Athea and Ivena.

The problem was that Bryn had underestimated the water level and the water was already above the cave door. The only way they would be able to get out would be to swim through the door and out, but there was a lot of confusion. Water was coming in fast, people were screaming, things were flying everywhere. One good thing on there side was that the cave ceiling was substantially taller then the cave entrance.

"Help, I can't swim," Ivena screamed. The water was only just reaching her neck but any minute now, it would rush in over her head. Luckily, Athea had heard her and tossed her a plank of wood to keep her afloat.

"We need to swim underwater and through the cave entrance," Bryn said, "it's our only hope. Who wants to go first?" nobody said anything for a while but finally Annabel spoke up.

"I'll do it," she said, "wish me luck." She pinched her nose with her fingers and dove under the water. She kicked hard with her feet and paddled with her free arm. She got to the cave entrance, grabbed the rock, and pulled herself out. She still had about ten feet of water to swim through and was running out of breath so she planted her feet firmly on the rock and pushed off with all that she had. She stuck her hand above her head for aerodynamics. She burst through the surface and gasped with relief. She swam over to the side of the volcano and began to bash rocks together hoping that the others still inside the cave would hear her and know that she made it out.

After what seemed like hours, but was in fact a couple seconds, Lesley came out of the cave.

"Oh, thank God you made it," Annabel said as she wrapped Lesley in a big hug, "who's coming out next?"

"We made an order. Me, Rin, Athea, and Bryn with Ivena because she can't swim," Lesley replied. She climbed up next to Annabel and waited for the others. It was two minutes before Rin came up which worried Lesley. The water was getting higher and higher every second and a human can only hold their breath for so long. Shortly after though, Athea came up which put Lesley's worries slightly at ease.

"Is Bryn still okay?" Rin asked Athea.

"Yeah he's fine, but I don't know about Ivena. She says she won't go under the water. She's too afraid," Athea replied.

"He'll force her," Rin said assuredly, "he won't leave without her." Now all they could do was sit there, wait, and hope for the best.