Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympian's books, movies, or characters.

A/N: This takes place nine months after the last Olympian, and Percy and Annabeth aren't going out.

Percy's POV

It was June, thank god. Annabeth and I, were vacationing for a few weeks (compliments of Chiron, who insisted we had done enough for now, and needed a break). We weren't exactly sure where we were going yet, but I guess that's what makes it fun, right?

I was packing my bag, when I felt a breath on my neck, surprised, I spun around. Nobody was thereā€¦ strange. I turned back to my packing, and found that my bag was gone. Realization struck me, Annabeth and her magic Yankee's cap.

"Come on wise girl, give me back my bag" I smirked. Annabeth appeared next to me. She put her cap in her back pocket.

"Watsup seaweed brain?" she asked playfully.

"Well, I was just packing, when my bag disappeared." I said gesturing to my unpacked clothes.

"Ohh I know where that went! I saw it fly out the window onto the fire escape. I wonder why it went out there?" She said playing along. I went and retrieved my bag while she brought my suitcase out to the taxi. She came back in and helped me pack the remainder of my clothes. Finally, we placed my bag in the trunk next to my suitcase and Annabeth's belongings. The taxi had a leather interior and smelled of tobacco. Neither of us had any idea where we were going, Chiron said he had It all planned out for us. I gulped at the thought of being alone with Annabeth for three weeks.

"Soo how's it going?" I asked smoothly, trying to make small talk.

'Well, since we left camp I've been studying Daedulus' architectural designs more. They make a lot more sense with the architect courses I'm taking. How 'bout you, seaweed brain?"

"I've been going to high school, been attacked by numerous monsters, nothing I couldn't handle, by the way." I flashed a brilliant smile, showing off my pearly white teeth.

Annabeth's POV

"I'm glad" I smiled kindly at Percy's cocky grin. Sometimes he was just impossibly charming, so charming in fact, that even I succumb to it.

"Me, too. So did Chiron say anything about where we're going?" Percy asked. He and I both new that Chiron had refused to even give us a hint.


"Hmmph" He grumbled.

"Ohhh seaweed brain. It's fine. Chiron wouldn't send us anywhere dangerous on our vacation." I hoped I was right.

A/N: Soo how'd you like it? should i continue?