Hey, so I needed to get this out there, I think it would be hilarious if Eli gets all jealous when Clare befriends Adam, maybe thinking they're up to something something, when they're up to... well read and find out!

"Clare I need your help." Adam says as he pops out form behind my locker door. After Eli started defending (him) when we found out he was a she, we became good friends.

"What do you need?" I asked, worried Fitz was messing with him again.

"I have a… problem t-that I can't talked about with… guys…" He told me

"So… a girl problem?" I ask, interested that he would come to me.

"Yeah. Um-" Adam was cut off when Eli walked up and leaned against the locker next to me.

"What's up Adam, Clare."? He said, locking eyes with me when he said my name.

"What? Pshhh, nothing. Why would there be any…thing. Um, later." And with that Adam fast walked out the hallways.

"What were you two talking about?" Eli asks, raising his eyebrows, staring me down.

"Uh-" I say deciding whether or not to tell him what Adam said." "Nothing much." I decide.

"Uh-huh." He questioned me with his eyes, scooting towards me and raising an arm over our heads against the locker. "You know you're not a very good liar." He tells me.

"And you're very untrustworthy." I say trying to control the blush threatening to break my cheeks any second. I scoot around him and start walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Come on, what's with the secrets." He says, walking close to me so our arms were touching."

"No secrets, your paranoid." I tell him turning around to face him and stopping.

"Ouch" he feigns hurt while clutching a hand to his heart.

"You'll live," I tell him, and head in to the bathroom only to lean my back against the door to catch my breath. Talking to Eli always makes my heart pound. I look around to see no one is in the bathroom, which is till Adam walks out of a stall.

"Adam what are you doing in here!" I whisper…loudly.

"I needed to talk to you alone." He says, shifting his feet and looking any where but me. "Look you can't tell the guys but I need your help to use a..umm-"

I realize what's going on, after all Adam is a girl.

"Tampon." I say a little uneasy, I still think of Adam as a guy so it's a little weird.

"Shhhhh!" He spits.

"No one is in here." I tell him. He looked guilty and starts to stutter.

"So, uh- c-can y-you help, um, you know-" He continues.

"Sure, I'll guide you through it while your in the stall, I did it with Alli, believe it or not." I tell him..er- her.

"Ugh, Clare you're my hero. I hit puberty really… late. Anyways I think its best to not tell Eli. He might be a little jealous were spending time together, even if its only once.

I blushed at the thought of Eli getting jealous over me, of course Adam just meant 'cause he would feel left out… right?

This was going to be a strange few days.

Hey I'm gonna keep going on this, but I NEED reviews. There is deffinatley going to be a lot more Eclare, I just needed this first scene out.