Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded in a LONG while. Just got loads of college work and other things to do.
Vee's POV
The Dark Descent
I stood there as I watched Nora run towards the entrance of this huge looming castle. Something was off about this whole setting. What was even more weird was the hum that was emitted whenever Sirera shouted for help.
Wait? A Hum!
I darted, putting all force and power I had and stopped in front of her, causing her to slam into me. The force Nora caught me with caused us to fall. Nora struggled away from me and tried to get up, but I pulled her arms down and pinned her to the 'floor'… or whatever the floor was.
"Listen, don't be so stupid I know you're close friends with Sirera but really…you're expecting them to have cupcakes and alcohol waiting for you and going 'Hey it's okay we're sorry, please take her.' Wake up from that Nora, get a grip! Listen to that!" I lay over Nora, pinning her down and she tilted her head and closed her eyes. The realization to what I was thinking was clear on her face.
"That's not her."
"Well done, what this lesson taught you today?"
"Look before you leap?"
"Good girl! Get up."
I pulled Nora up and we both scanned the large fortress. The hum became clearer and clearer as we listened and observed the area. Then Nora pointed to the left side of the fortress.
"Can you see the stairs? That will probably be servants' quarters for dungeons. Going through the main way will definitely get us spotted. Fancy going in sp-AH!" Nora bent over in pain, cupping her heart. It was only when I lent over to check on her did I realize I was falling too. The pain in my chest was only obvious when I was on the floor.
"I think, that means we need to hurry up." I said between breaths and pains.
"You think? Look, we aren't going through the front door that's a definite, lets just make it up as we go along." Nora looked at me with pleading, nearly tearing eyes.
"Wing it, it is." I pushed myself up and pulled Nora with me, ignoring the pain in my chest and giving a light jog towards the stairs. As I looked down, I saw the stairs were vary narrow, narrow enough you nearly can't have single file, these steps just hugged the wall. "These look like servant stairs? They're tiny!"
"Servants weren't really given the pleasure of comfort you should know that." Nora held her hair back as the wind became stronger.
"Even when it means height fears and near death experiences?" I held my hair back too, and hugged myself. The wind was freezing, but Nora didn't shout a reply, she spoke, crystal clear, in what I knew was developing Huntress skills. It was if she was speaking inside my mind. The message was clear, and relevant to everything.
"They were expendable."
I nodded and began the descent, hugging the wall as I did, and hoping that I wouldn't fall. The stairs required that much attention that me and Nora didn't speak for the whole way.
Patch's POV
He is here, and he's angry.
But I had him pinned, the knife through his gut and pinned to the wall.
"Why what?"
Rodes came and shoved his elbow against his fathers neck. "Was it necessary to kill Alaric father? Your thirst for power is sickening that you kill your own kind!"
"You're all expendable. That is the way of the world."
"You bastard." I shook my head and turned around. "Rodes are you going to handle this? Are you alright with it?"
"I've been waiting to do this for a long time. But first I want to see something else." I turned around to see Rodes pull out his bastard sword and shoved it in his fathers heart, or where it would've been if he had one. The old angel looked away with no pain on his face and no care, but his eyes started to widen and the whites turned black until all his eyes were black and a black liquid overflowed down his cheeks, and a choking sound caused him to throw up more of this black stuff.
"Rodes, what is that?" I looked at Rodes with concern, and edged away as the black liquid came closer to me.
"It's corrupt souls. Souls he has taken and damned by devouring them. This black…shit is all because of him, the girls, boys, children were ALL mean t for something great, and you killed them just to get a little extra power." Rodes turned to his father, and with every stress and relief of emotion that came did he drive his sword further and further into his father.
The old one started to change; his skin became pale and old, and his body small, frail and weak. It was then that I realized, that the souls were the only thing that was keeping him alive, and now Rodes is taking it away, he has nothing left to live for.
"Patch don't touch that stuff." I lightly went around the black liquid that flowed and then faded into nothingness, but before the liquid disappeared it seemed almost alive, and that's when I saw that inside the liquid were screaming faces, of boys and girls, screaming and begging for another chance and release in life.
"What's going to happen to them?" I turned to the old man and he smiled and gave a look which can only be called evil. His eyes gone and his skin withering away, it was most likely the last thing he was ever going to say.
"Their souls are tarnished, corrupt." The old mans voice was hollow, with no emotion. "Remember, they gave themselves to me before I killed them and took their souls, because it was then that I had most control over them. I made them all realize that they were never going to see the gates to heaven. That they are forever and eternally doomed." Rodes leaned and punched the dying father.
"You made them victims of lust, no more. Surely He will forgive that now that he knows what you have done." The father started to laugh, and I raised my eyebrows in confusion, putting a hand on Rodes's shoulder just before he lunged again.
"I think that's enough Rodes, he's dying, there's nothing that's going to stop that, and believe me he is going to the lowest part of hell." Rodes gave me a reluctant look and shoved me away moving towards the front of the house.
"I've seen enough I'm going inside." Rodes disappeared. I turned back to the dying angel, and he was looking straight at me, making me feel like my insides were going to burst.
"Those souls belong to hell. There is nothing He can do."
"And whose fault is that?" I cross my arms over my chest.
"I do not regret my actions."
"Even now? It's the reason why you're dying."
"Patch, why do you side with Rodes, he is weak. I know my predicament cannot be reversed, but in my last moments I could teach you wonders." His arm reached out as if to shake my hand. I stood still, ignoring everything he did.
"One thing, you attacked my girlfriends best friend. Then you kill my girlfriends Carnet, and then you took Sirera. But most of all, you sent your sons, and their friends, down as the first Fallen, to cover up your mess. You don't deserve Rodes."
"I never wanted him."
"Yet you still had him."
"Crimson was the perfect Angel, he could've achieved anything if he wanted to." The old one leaned his head back as if to gaze into the sky.
"Look where that got him."
"You want to know what happened to all the other Arch Angels I sent after you and Alaric ?" I hadn't actually thought of that, but the fact Rodes's father came down means that when he dies, this is the end of all. I nodded and he raised his arm above his head, and circled, pointing to the house. It was only then, when I really looked, did I see that in the stone of the house at the corner, weird Gargoyles were added. Some in pain, some in peace.
"You killed your own comrades?"
"I had to. Wouldn't you?"
"I wouldn't have to since I would never put myself in your position." The old man started to fade, flakes of his skin peeling away. His cackled and finally, his head slumped and he was gone. The dust from his old form floating away with the night.