And CANDAXFRANCE is the Winner!
Here's the fic's first chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or France of Canada (running countries is too hard)

Hello. We've probably never met before, you probably wouldn't have seen me if we have. I tend to become invisible in crowds. Course you wouldn't have noticed me if it was a one on one encounter. I don't stand out much; which is strange because I'm always holding a lil' polar bear in my arms. My name is Matthew. But if you do know me, you probably know me better as Canada.

I live north of America. We look alike, so I end up enduring the aftermath of his idiotic ventures. People, like Cuba, confuse me for America and I end up getting beat up. Seems the only time I'm not invisible to people.

I was originally staying with France. He was nice to me. And very, very sweet. And treated me very well. He gave me a stuffed animal. My Kumajirou. Then England decided he wanted more of North America and took me away from France. I miss France so much.

Oh! No England didn't treat me badly! No, he was very sweet. He didn't cook as well as France though, but it was okay. He tried his best so I ate it without complaint. Unlike the more favored America. It was just, with France I got all his attention. With England, he was always with America. England felt bad though and gave me a playmate. He turned Kumajirou into a real, talking polar bear! I was mad at first. He had messed up the only thing I had left of France! My last thing from him! But when England went away to fight with America, I was around my teenage years then, I was happy to have someone to talk to. Even if he didn't remember my name.

I still miss France, though. I loved him.

England always sent me to talk to France when he decided he had other things to do. Although, nowadays, I'm independent, I still do what England says. I placed Kumajirou on my head and carried the notebook England asked me to give France. I like this arrangement as messenger boy, it meant I get to see France again!

"Are we going to see France?" Kumajirou asked quietly. I felt his paws on the side of my temples as he lazed on my head.

"Mm hmm." I replied trying not to sound eager. I was so excited to see France again! We walked down the hallway towards France's residing office and I paused at a mirror, looking at myself wearing dark blue trousers, a white collared shirt and black tie with a lazy bear on my head. "Kumatarou? Do I look ok?" I asked, beginning to fret. I wanted to look good for France.

By the way. I actually know my bear's name. I just call him something different every time as revenge for him forgetting my name.

"I guess." He said eyes moving up and down at my reflecting.

I fiddled with the notebook, beginning to get nervous. It had been so long since I'd seen France. Did he even remember me? I continued walking and fixed my glasses. Would he even notice me if I walked in? Or would I be invisible to him too. I hoped not. I wanted him to notice me, above everyone else. France had to see me.

Then his door. The office to his door. Er, I mean the door to his office. I swallowed, hugging the notebook tighter. I reached up and froze. I picked Kumajirou off my head and put him on the floor. I didn't want to look weird in front of France. "Hey, you stole my bed!" He protested sitting up looking at me.

"You can have it back later." I whispered, desperately. I couldn't embarrass myself in front of France. Anything but that. I reached up to knock again and froze. My hand became stiff. I couldn't remember how to knock!

I felt Kumajirou's eyes on me. "You hit your knuckles on the door." He advised quietly. I swallowed feeling stupid, my cheeks heating up. I finally knocked and withdrew my hand quickly.

Then his voice. His flowing, sweet voice. "Eenter."

I froze. Did I forget how to turn a doorknob too. No I was just so nervous. Did I really look ok? Would he remember me. I swallowed and opened the door and entered the well furnished office.

The walls were light oak finish, antique wall lamps mounted on wood panels between paintings. Bookshelves surrounding the door I walked through. Art decorated the walls. Good art, some French, but mostly the paintings Italy had loaned him that he never returned. He sat at a big desk working on paperwork, sitting in a manner most elegant, leaned slightly to the side. He looked bored, however, holding his head in his hands, elbow resting on the desk. He looked up at him. I felt his eyes looking me over. Then he stood so suddenly I almost jumped. "Canada!"

He rushed forward and hugged me, kissing my cheeks and smiled. I smiled back, nervously. I had not expected such a greeting. "H-Hi, France."

"Eet 'as been far too long!" He hugged him again, this time tighter, like he didn't wanna let me go again. I didn't want him too. The notebook slipped out of my hands and I hugged him back.

"Oo 'ave grown so much!" France said after awhile, pulling away and spinning me around to admire my growth. Or was it my body? I felt myself blushing redder. "Oh, my little Canada's a grown man now. I feel so old."

I smiled weakly. I wanted to hug him again. When would the next time I see him be? I wanted to get as many hugs as possible in. "I missed you." I said, not realizing it until the words had left my mouth and I heard them.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I meezed 'oo too. Eet really 'as been far too long. What brings 'oo 'ere?" He took my hand in his. He had a firm grip, his hands soft. I didn't want him to let go.

I grabbed the notebook off the floor. We sat down on the couch and I handed it to him. "England wanted me to give you this." I reported.

"Oh, thee stoopid England? 'As 'e been taking good care of 'oo? 'Oo are not starving wiz 'is 'orrible food? Come see me anytime and I will make 'oo somezing good to eat." Then I could have fainted. He wrapped both his hands on my waist. "'Oo are pretty thin…." His tone sounded worried. His hands stayed there for a while. I felt my face heat up, becoming redder.

"He took good care of me." I said loyally. It was true. England never mistreated me. "His food is tolerable."

France laughed. "But not good? Like I said, come see me and I will make 'oo delicious food." I nodded telling him I would, trying to control the excitement in my voice. He kissed my cheek and put an arm around my shoulders. "Good, 'ow about tonight?"

France's Dialogue for the Easily Confused

It Has been too long.

You have grown so much!

(I'm not translating the OVERLY obvious stuff!)

I missed you too. It really has been far too long. What brings you here.

Oh the stupid England? Has he been taking good care of you. You are not starving with his horrible good?… make you something good to eat. You are pretty thin….

(you should be able to figure out the rest from here)

Decided to give France an accent? Should I? If not I won't do it in the next chapters.

Won't be able to post for the next 3 days. Going to the beach... with my boyfriends parents... they hate me! If I don't post after 3 days... well I've been traumitized by over protectives, discriminating, close minded parents...