
Alternative Summary: They met almost ten years ago. Her actions only made sense ten years afterwards. She was a person who longed for excitement, and decided to stick around at one of the most nerve racking times for Vongola Decimo and his family. However, just for the sake of it, she stuck to one Hibari Kyoya. And he was not happy about her interference. Slight Hibari/OC focused on the part where they were training before they invaded the base in Japan in the future arc.

Disclaimer in Profile. Most of the time I don't put disclaimers in my fics simply because I forget.

Please forgive me, my knowledge of KHR is not much, because I've only started watching from half way through the anime (I'm not so much of a big fan of fillers really). That means Hibari will be slightly OOC, but please forgive me! The way I'm going to write him is going to be slightly different to the anime, possibly the manga as well. The OC's a bit of a Mysterious! Sue, but I don't think she's all that bad. Oh, and also, this is my first KHR fanfic. It'll only be about seven chapters long, with not much fighting scenes (because I suck at writing them). I think I'll post a one-shot later on too. That's it. If this story turns out good, maybe I'll write a sequel.

1. Chance Meeting under the Rain.

The school day had ended a couple of hours ago. The weather was not good at all, as the rain was mercilessly throwing itself down onto the floor. Hibari eyed it with indifference – weather did not matter much to him. It was something to be accepted, to be used to his advantage.

He peered down at the school's main entrance, a sign which meant he was bored. He blinked twice when he saw a figure jump over the wall and head toward the school. Intruder.

He ran over to the nearest window, opened it and jumped. His patrols could wait a while longer.

He got straight to the point, and ignored the battering of rain on his skin. The intruder now held an umbrella in one hand.

He raised his pair of tonfas slightly, as he usually did to warn others. "Whoever you are, intruders are not permitted to step foot in school. It is against Namimori Junior High regulations to have anyone other than permitted staff on premises. Leave now or I'll bite you to death."

The intruder giggled. Hibari then noticed that the intruder was a woman. A woman, huh.

Hibari wondered why he didn't notice earlier. It seemed obvious now. Although the umbrella in question covered her face, her body shape did tell him load and clear.

"Ah, ah. Kyoya, don't be like that. I only came to talk."

"I am not interested. Leave now or I shall bite you to death, whoever you are." He raised his tonfas. He did not like the aura she was bringing to the school.

"Then I will have no choice."

The woman let her umbrella drop as the area around him turned strange, disorientated. He was unfamiliar with the scene, but that only perked his interest. He smirked, lowering his head by half a centimetre.

"Wow. Not bad."

His brain raced through the things he should do in case of an illusion. Illusions were usually simple to break depending on the strength of the illusionist. However, gut instinct told him not to underestimate this woman. There was something strange about her which was unknown, but that didn't matter. The issue in hand was clear.

How to defeat the strange woman.

Hibari charged without notice. The woman's eyes perked at the movement and dodged it, while a pair of guns, bigger than standard pistols, were fished out of her belt and were drawn at the exact same time to point at Hibari. Hibari forced them out of her hands, but not before she shot them, twice. Hibari kicked, expecting her to fly to the other corner of the illusion, but he ended up kicking thin air instead. He frowned. He expected something like that, and that was one of the reasons why he hated illusions. Illusionists were cowards, after all, who won't face him one on one like real men should. Well, she wasn't exactly male.


He could see the guns around him, preparing for fire. He quickly tried to destroy them all, but despite his speed, there were just too many. The guns surrounding him, looking exactly the same as the two the woman drew out, fired simultaneously.

Hibari could only destroy about 20% of them. Fuck.

They began to shoot, only to stop centimetres away from Hibari. He looked on in confusion, only to hear a voice call him.

It was the woman. She was floating in midair, watching him. To her, Hibari looked strange, like he was surrounded by a cage of bullets. Hibari was fuming at his mistake. He would not lose. Defeat was unacceptable. He swung his tonfas hard, but they would not budge.

"Now I've defeated you, Kyoya, you must listen to me. At my name, Rosalina Echearte, I will be your ally when the time comes. However, I will only stay where I am needed and I will go when I am not. I'll meet you in the future, where all is dying. Take good care of your ring, but I guess I shouldn't bother telling you that."

The next thing Hibari could remember was that he was standing near the entrance of Namimori Junior High, on a particular sunny day. Hibari's eyes narrowed. His memory was unmistakeably taken, but only partly so. He could still remember that stupid woman with illogical guns who was a cowardly illusionist. He was fuming.

When he saw a group of scum walking by the school dragging an innocent, stupid herbivore around, he decided they were good enough, for now, for him to take his anger out.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Rosalina's only strong because of reasons which will be stated in the next chapter. She may seem perfect with lots of power, but I'm telling you now, she had earned that power. I know this will lead to things about being a Sue and all that, but please, just give her a chance. Hibari's slightly OOC because I find it hard writing him, yada yada. I've mentioned that before the chapter started, methinks.