A/N: Seriously…this is weird stuff! I had nothing better to do, so I wrote this. This is extremely wacky and also kinda point – and meaning – less.

I was walking down the hallway, when I heard Aro call my name. I went to the throne room immediately, nobody wants to see Aro when he is angry. Not even me.

Even though I am Jane Volturi, Aro will still execute me if he has to. I pushed the door open and I was totally surprised.

Aro was curled up on the floor, and was constantly twitching…


Felix was above him, holding millions of HUGE feathers. It took my mind a few minutes to put it all together.

Felix was tickling Aro.

I never knew vampires could get tickled. "Give me that!" I snapped at Felix.

He smiled and tickled me. I laughed like you would never believe!

I tried to torture him, butt it didn't work…

"Feli-haahahaha hahahahaha hahahahhaha hahaahahahaa hhahaahah ahahahahaha!"

I tried everything to stop him. I just forgot one very obvious thing. "Felix! STOP!"

And he stopped. As simple as that. And I was stupid enough to miss that. Dumb me.

I went back out, not standing Master Aro's laughter.

I bumped into Felix. "I thought you were with Master Laughter."

"I went out!" he said cheerfully.

"Hi." I said













"H" –

I was interrupted by my twin. "ALEC! What did you interrupt me for?"

"I just wanted to say something."



Felix rolled his eyes.

"What are you rolling your eyes for? I am supposed to roll my eyes at you because you rolled my eyes at me so I have to roll your eyes at me and Jane will roll her eyes at both of us then you will roll your eyes and I will roll my eyes and Jane will roll her eyes and you will roll your eyes and then Jane will put me in charge and technically you are – or will be - under my command" –

"Under my command? What are you Alec? Three?" I asked.

"No, silly! I'm one and a half!"

"Guards!" Aro's booming voice came from the beginning of the hallway.

"Yes Master!" we said, and raced to his side immediately.

"I lost my TEDDY!"

We all burst into laughter…which was a very wrong thing because Aro was shouting at us now.


"Of course sir! We will handle this matter as seriously as possible!" Marcus said.

Then he excused himself. I followed him and heard him say, "My eeevil plan will work! I will take over the world with Aro's teddy and all the other teddy's of the world! And," he paused dramatically, even though no-one was listening (except me) "SUGAR!"

So MARCUS had Aro's teddy!


I went to tell Aro immediately, but he didn't believe me. So I had to solve this Marcus mystery by myself!

I went to Marcus and he said, "Open your mouth." So I did as he said.

He shot a whole lot of sugar in my mouth. And, OMG, it totally tasted like sugar. I jumped around and laughed and acted drunk. THAT'S IT!


That's what Marcus meant by ruling the world with sugar!

I tried to torture him, but my powers didn't work when I was drunk! NOO! DOOM!

I tickled Marcus with my feather and escaped! What a lucky escape!

I have to find Master Aro and tell him I found his teddy. "Sissy! I lost Beary!" my moronic twin said.

Oh no! Marcus was capturing all the teddies of the castle! My little Fee-fee is next!


Jane Volturi

A/N: So? How wacky and pointless is this? Tell me! REVIEW! It will make me happy! PLEASE REVIEW! Or Else! (Just Kidding) ;D