Hey guys i had this in mind for awhile now, way before i started writing 'Our Secret' and well i thought i should type it up and post it so tell me what you think. The characters are a little out of character but all the stories i write they are so its normal for me.

Ok so, Rose, Lissa and Christian are 24 Adrian and Dimitri are 26.

Rose works as a waitress

Lissa is a Teacher

Christian is a Doctor

Adrian works as a CEO of some random place i'll make up later in the story

and Dimitri works as a Doctor with Christian.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

XOXO Destinee

"What are you going to do? Run back to daddy? Or you going to run to Lissa like you always do when things aren't going your way?" Adrian asked while i packed my bag with my things after another one of his drunken rampages.

"I don't know but i just cant stay here with you. Every night you come home drunk start yelling at me and or hit me i'm sick of it i just cant pretend it's nothing anymore Adrian" I said as i walked out the bedroom door i knew he was following me but i didn't care i just wanted to get out of here.

"You know what i don't even want you anymore" He yelled after me as i got into my car and drove away i stopped a couple of blocks over to look at my arm where there should be a bruise from him hitting me with a frozen piece of steak (Had that happen to me it hurt like hell left a nice big bruise on my arm where it hit) i could see the outline from where it hit the bruise was forming nicely i shook my head letting the tears fall and started to drive to Lissa's i knew she was holding a dinner party tonight with some of her and Christian's co-workers i pulled into there driveway and walked up to the two story house and knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer Christian answered the door.

"Whats up Rose?" He then looked at my arm and swore, "Hey Liss we have a friend here who needs your help" He called over his shoulder i heard her walk to the door.

"Who is... Oh my god what did he do to you this time?" She asked ass she pushed me into the house we had to walk into the dining to get to the kitchen thankfully i stopped crying on the way over here but i knew i didn't look to good my black eye was still there but not that much noticeable only if you look really closely, "I'll be back in a minute i just need to help Rose here a minute" Lissa and took me into the kitchen and took my arm to look at it she looked at me with sad eyes.

"He hit me with frozen steak" I said she winced i shook my head, "I left him" I said she pulled me into a hug we pulled apart when a voice spoke.

"Lissa Christian needs you in the dining room" He said he had a accent i couldn't place Lissa looked at me then back at him and smiled.

"Dimitri would you please make sure Rose keeps the ice on her arm, I'll be right back" She said and left the guy Dimitri stood in front of me i looked at him he had brown hair that was tied up at the back of his neck dark brown eyes.

"What happened?" He asked lifting the ice of my arm.

"Hit a door" I lied he looked at me.

"I've seen bruises before this is not from a door. What happened?" He asked again i sighed.

"My boyfriend threw a frozen stake at me" I said he looked at me.

"Your boyfriend did this to you? Did he do the one to your eye too?" He asked looking at my left eye closely i nodded.

"Well i guess he's my ex now. Who are you?" I asked he looked at me and smiled a half smile.

"Dimitri Belikov i work with Christian, and who are you might i ask?" He asked looking me in the eyes so he's a doctor he's a hot doctor.

"Rose Hathaway i work with no one here" I said he chuckled i smiled.

"Where do you work?" He asked putting the ice back on my arm.

"I'm a waitress at Walter's Place not as fancy as anyone here" I said he nodded and laughed.

"Why isn't fancy as the people here?" He asked with curiously.

"Well the people here are either Doctors or Teachers i'm just a lousy waitress that couldn't afford to go to collage" I said he looked at me.

"And if you could go to collage what would you like to do?" He asked i looked at him rising my eyebrows at him but answered the question.

"I would love to become a photographer" I said he nodded just as Lissa came back in.

"Thank you Dimitri" Lissa said he nodded and left the kitchen, "What did you two talk about?" She asked.

"He asked how i did this" I said she nodded.

"I thought that Adrian was trying to stop drinking?" She asked i snorted she looked at me.

"That was almost a year ago Liss and he still hasn't stopped" I said looking down.

"Well at least you got out of there" She said i nodded, "Christian said you could stay her tonight" She told me i nodded.

"I don't want to be a hassle to you two, you guys just moved in together i don't want to spoil this for you" I said she looked at me and nodded.

"Do you have anywhere else to stay?" She asked i sighed and nodded.

"I guess i can call my mom or dad and ask if i can stay there" I said she nodded and went out of the kitchen and back to her party while i called one of my parents.

Sorry to pin Adrian as the bad guy. So do you like it? Should I continue? Any questions? and just so you know yes getting hit by frozen meat is painful :(

I'll update if i get 10 reviews saying i should continue! if i do i will update once a week on any given day i have free.

XOXO Destinee