Sorry to ALL people, but this won't get off my head

Assistant: Fabian doesn't own Gakuen Alice

Yup, if you know this joke, congratulations then, a joke with a Gakuen Alice twist!

BlueBerry Hills

One Day

Class went on as usual, then Narumi-Sensei went through attendance.

"Natsume?" said Narumi-Sensei and no one answered, then the door opened, Natsume came in. Late. With his uniform messed up more than usual

"Where have you been?" asked Narumi

"BlueBerry Hills" answered Natsume smirking

Next Day

Natsume came in late. Again. This time, he was shirtless. Girls went CRAZY at the sight!

"Where have you been?" Asked Narumi to the shirtless boy, he smirked

"BlueBerry Hills" answered Natsume

Day After That

Once again, Natsume came in late, but this time with only boxers... Girls were DYING! At the sight!

"Where have you been?" asked Narumi more alarmed

"BluBerry Hills" answered Natsume, again, smirking

Day After That Day

Natsume came late. BUT! But this time... NAKED! I think all the girls fainted...

"NATSUME! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" aske Narumi looking completely alarmed

"BlueBerry Hills" answered Natsume, eyes closed, smirking

Day After That That Day

"We have a new student today!" said Narumi to his class, Natsume was in his seat like always, before the past days actually, "Mikan come in!" said Narumi as a girl stepped in class, uniform a bit messed, "So where do you come from?" asked Narumi

"BlueBerry Hills" said the teenage girl with a wink


That's all folks!