Mad about Syaoran
Chapter 1
"I'm in love! That has got to be it, sleepless nights and every time I'm around her I can't breathe, I stutter, I never know what to say. But there is so much I want to tell her, I like to think in my head that if she got to know me, she would inevitably love me back."
He stared at the girl sitting by the window in the school main library. He never thought that he would live to see the something so beautiful. He covered his face with the book he had opened in his hands. Syaoran hated the library. What a fool, pathetic—he thought trying to rationalize with himself.
Suddenly she averted her gaze to him. His lips trembled and he thought of what the guys would say if they were to hear what he had spent his last few afternoons doing. Syaoran the almighty womanizer of Tomeada high had ultimately reach his downfall, but luckily there was no one there to see it.
He swallowed hard, as beads of sweat went all the way up to his nose.
"Oh how the mighty have fallen." A voice startled him from behind.
He slowly turned his head to look at the person standing behind him. The second he saw her long legs he turned his head away refusing to look at the annoying grin he imagined she had on her face.
"What do you want Sakura?" he asked her in a bitter tone that emphasized that he did not want her around. That Sakura Kinomoto was something, she never gave up an opportunity to tease him or judge him.
"What are you doing in the library?" she asked poking his cheek as she always did, and then she giggled. He could feel his eyebrow tremble.
"Reading, isn't it obvious."
"Not quiet." She said inviting herself to sit on the chair opposite him.
"You, in the library, now I'm sure it's the end of the world. "
"Will you…will you just…Sakura…" he didn't know how to tell her. She was the only beautiful woman he had ever put aside, sometimes he thought the fact that he showed no interest in her in spite of her beauty and popularity made her mean to him. It's not that he had never thought of her in that way, it was just that she reminded him too much of himself—stubborn with a desire to always be right but what separated him from her was that unlike him she was too morally upright for his liking.
"I'd like to invite you to join the celibacy club for an outing next week, it will be fu.."
"NO!" he replied.
"But Syaoran…"
"Why do you always invite me to these stupid things? Do I even need to remind you that I'm not a virgin and I hate everything that that silly club of yours stands for."
She sighed "It's not just about abstinence you know."
He gave her a sarcastic look then he mused a saucy chuckle before settling his eyes on the book once more.
"You're eyes always seem to be mocking me." She said feeling slightly hurt.
She settled her hands on the desk "Fine, I think it's high time I leave you Li Syaoran alone."
He said nothing, he knew that she would only come back tomorrow.
She looked at him for a minute while he stared right past her, his face turning red and she could almost swear she saw drool escape the corner of his lips. She swallowed a look of disgust then turned around to see what he was staring at. The only person she saw was her friend Tomoyo.
She slowly turned her head back to look at Syaoran "Eww." She said disgusted "You're in love with Tomoyo?" she asked him nervously.
He shook his head when he realized what Sakura was asking, a confirmation or denial. He laughed and a tear came to his eye.
"No, I'm not. Wow Sakura you have some imagination." He said nervously loosening his school tie.
"If you don't, why are you staring at her that way?"
He stood up and grabbed his satchel bag from the table "You need to learn how to mind your own business."
He started his way out the door, Sakura followed him "You know, I can help you." She said a little confused of why she would suggest such a thing.
"Help?" he asked her slowly turning around.
"Tomoyo and I are friends, I can put in a good word for you." She said.
"Really?" he asked her shocked.
"So you are in love with her." Sakura said bluntly.
"I never said that."
"Well, maybe in not so many words."
He walked to Sakura and stood close to her "Now why the hell would you want to help me. We hate each other, have you forgotten?"
"Stop assuming I hate you."
He laughed sardonically "Really? Isn't it you that told the teachers that I was smoking behind the boys bathroom? You like teasing me in front of your friends."
"You do too." She pouted.
"See, so you agree, we hate each other, now why would you want to help me?"
Tears nearly came to her eyes, why did she allow herself get so out of control. Her feelings for Syaoran were far from hate. In fact the things she did or the way she acted around him had nothing to do with how she felt about him. She thought, so why would she help him? Why on earth would anyone help the guy they were in love with hook-up with their best friend, well—to spend more time with him. And in that moment that logic made sense.
"I'll help you because I'm a good person." She said with a hint of pride in her tone.
"Come on, there has got to be a catch."
"Perhaps you can…walk me home every evening. I live far and my parents can't pick me up. I get very scared." Her face turned bright red for reasons that were unknown to him.
He looked at her confused then he placed his hand on her head and disheveled her short auburn hair. She flinched as though he was hurting her.
"That's way too easy you little monster." He teased her.
"It won't be easy for me!" she exclaimed "I'll have to be around you." And she did it again, masked her breaking heart with dishonest words.
"You have a point but couldn't you ask any of the other guys?"
"You are the only guy I talk to…I can't talk to the others." She said looking down, her eyes glancing at his shoes then she held her head up high.
He had never realized that before.
He chuckled and withdrew his hand from her head "You sure are something."
"So is it a deal?" she looked into his face.
He sighed "Alright fine."
She smiled from ear to ear and they walked out of the library together. "You start today."
"So what kind of girls are you into?" she asked him out of her own curiosity.
"I like girls with big tits…really big tits and a great ass is always good, a girl who's sporty…no flexible if you know what I mean." He sad playfully nudging her hand with his shoulder.
"You're disgusting." Sakura said holding her hand over her mouth as though she was going to vomit. Why the hell did she like someone as disrespectful and as arrogant as Syaoran. She bit her tongue and thought hard. Maybe she didn't like him, she liked the attention he had given her no matter how negative. He was the only boy who had ever dared to cross her path.
"I mean personality not looks." She said.
"I want a girl like Tomoyo."
Sakura rolled her eyes "Fine, just so we are on the same page what do you know about Tomoyo?"
"She's hot." He said to her.
Sakura heaved a sigh and purposely hit her forehead "Do you ever think past your penis?"
He gasped then his jaw dropped "You said penis."
Sakura turned bright red "Yeah, so, it's true."
He half smiled "I just didn't think you even knew what that was. No offence."
"None taken." She replied sarcastically.
"Wow Sakura, maybe spending time with you won't be so bad." He told her.
She paused for a second to think if him saying that was a good thing or a bad thing. She shook her head and stood still as he walked past her. The day was ending and the sun was setting.
"Hurry up, I still have to walk you home." He told her stopping in his tracks then looking back at her.
They started their way to her house. He was taller that her, she had to take big steps to keep up with him.
"You live on Karamu street right?" he asked her.
She nodded "Yes." Trying to hastily balance the books in her hands.
"Need help?" he asked her.
She shook her head "I can do it by myself." She sounded almost too confident.
"Relax, No need to get aggressive, I was just asking."
"Tomoyo knows how to sing." She said trying to ignore the fact that she was being weird around him.
He smiled and Sakura loved this, the look on his face made her heart melt. She restrained herself from smiling along with him.
"And her favorite food is ramen, sushi—she loves traditional Japanese dishes."
"Really?" he said slowly.
Sakura nodded.
"And what does she think about me?"
"She thinks…you're arrogant. But we can change that." Sakura said in a promising tone.
They started to walk down a few steps. Suddenly, unable to balance the books in her hands she skipped a step and fell. They were only four steps but nonetheless when she tried to get up, she was in extreme pain, the pain centering around her knee.
"Are you alright?" he asked her worryingly. "Sakura!"
She slowly picked her upper body from the ground and positioned her body in a sitting position, her legs stretched out.
"Ouch…"she said with tears in her yes "It hurts…how embarrassing." She muttered.
He crouched to her level "This is not the time to think of how embarrassed you are, let me look at it."
Her eyes pointed at her knee, it was bleeding." She cringed her face.
He slowly pushed her skirt above her knees all the way up to her thighs. This simple act made her heart burn and beat rapidly. He suddenly tore the sleeve of his shirt.
"What are you doing?" she asked him her tone shaky.
"Relax, I'm just going to cover it until you reach home."
"You didn't have to tear up your shirt." She said turning her face away to avoid his gaze. "You're so dramatic."
"I wanted to okay? It's not such a bad thing to accept people's kindness every once in a while you little monster."
"You don't count as people." She muttered.
"That's mean." He told her "I don't know what I ever did to you."
And she felt bad, maybe sometimes she went a little too far.
"You act very weird around me and I know you're being weird because you are not like this with anyone else. When I tell people of all the things you say and how aggressive you can be sometimes no one seems to believe me." He confessed "So what is it Sakura, why can't you be straight with me?" He ran his fingers through his chocolate hair frustrated.
"I am being straight with you, maybe I'm just not crazy about you. You are selfish and you think you are better than everyone else."
He sighed "You know what, whatever, we've been through this many times. Regardless, I'm taking you home and I'm going to need you to co-operate."
She looked at him confused.
He took her hand and helped her from off the ground. She held unto him tightly with her hands tightly wrapped around his neck. She blushed as the smell of his cologne melted in her nostrils. She became obsessed with it. The feeling of being in his arms. She sunk her nose in his shoulders as the material of his blazer rubbed against her nose.
She was standing on one foot with his hands and his shoulder supporting her.
He turned around slowly and said "Get on my back."
She kept her hands around his neck and he helped her climb unto his back.
He started to walk. He said nothing she felt stupid. He had placed her books in his satchel. "We're almost there." He finally spoke.
"Syaoran, why do you pick on me?"
"Honestly I think you take this virginity thing way too seriously. You walk around school with that purity ring of yours as though you are better than everyone else. How could you be so proud to a virgin when you have never found yourself in tempting circumstances? You're a virgin because you can't get a boy friend not because you choose to be one—I'm almost certain that you are afraid of men—well I'm the exception."
She was silent; from then on she did not say a word. When they reached the doorstep of her house she said "Put me down now." Her tone was soft and he could tell that he had hurt her feelings.
"I can't just put you down, I'll ring the door bell and your parents can help you…"
"NO!" she exclaimed. "Just put me down!" she said withdrawing her hands from his neck.
He released her. She reached for the keys in the pocket of her skirt and opened the door hopping on one foot.
"Sakura…allow me to…" he said then bit his tongue before he could say more.
She got in and said "The deal is off."
"You don't deserve anyone and you can go screw yourself." She slammed the door in his face.
"Sheesh." He muttered. He knocked on the door "There is no need to be unreasonable Sakura. I shouldn't have said that but you also said some things to me that were not too great to hear."
"Go away. I wish you would just leave."
She heard his footsteps depart but yet his presence seemed to still be lingering.
She hopped all the way up to the couch where she sat down and tears came to her eyes. She was back home, to a pit of loneliness.
Tears filled eyes as she started to feel sorry for herself again. Her parents had long died and her ill grandmother was all she had and soon enough she would be completely alone.
As for Syaoran, the object of her desire, her possible escape hated her and she had everything to do with it. She was so sure they were perfect for each other, even long before she got to know him. He had ideal features, tall with dark features and handsome. She needed him to save her from her past and she did not understand why.
"how could you be in love with Tomoyo?"
To be continued