That bright light shining in her eyes was irritating. She wished someone would shut that off and let her sleep. Suddenly she became aware of her body and she shot up in bed. She opened her eyes. Yes, her eyes. She had depth perception again. Both her eyes were open and functioning normally. She touched the eyeball through her eyelid and indeed it seemed to have healed. However, that light had not been a light at all but rather a single stream of sunlight shining through her heavily curtained windows. It burned slightly, so she moved out of the way.
She was having trouble remembering what had happened last night. She vaguely remembered a fight with Alucard. But something seemed off. Despite not wearing her glasses, she could see every minute detail of the room. She was never capable of this before. She had poor vision since childhood. And yet, now everything was clear, not only that but almost hyper real. Colors seemed brighter. Shadows were more distinct.
She climbed out of bed; her white nightgown seemed to glow in the gloom of the room. She felt groggy, but she also felt strength in her legs, which she had been lacking lately. She walked towards her closet, passing by a large mirror, which she only glimpsed into. She grabbed her usual men's suit and walked back out the closet. She passed by the mirror again, and even in the gloom of the room she could tell something was off.
She stopped to look at herself. She dropped the clothes onto the floor and screamed.
This was not her face. It was and it wasn't. This was the face of a twenty-year-old Integra. Not the face of a fifty-year-old woman. Her eyes were as icy as she remembered, not the dull color they had seem to take on when she grew older. All her wrinkles were gone, her hair was lush and long and blonde, no grey hair. Her physique was muscular and as curvy as it was in her youth. She touched the mirror still in disbelief.
Then she remembered she was no longer human.
"Are you all right, Master? I thought I'd be here when you awoke."
Alucard floated over to where she stood, still hypnotized by the face in the mirror.
She looked down at her hands, turned them over, wondering if she could really pull bodies apart with just her bare hands. She opened her mouth and saw white, gleaming fangs; she slid her tongue across them, surprised by how sharp they were. Then she willed them to go away and they did.
"You are more beautiful than ever. How do you feel?"
"Very…hungry." Her lips quivered, her body started shaking as she fully realized the life she had chosen. She would no longer love the sun as she used to, but now she was a queen of the night, and Alucard was her No Life King.
A tear slid down her cheek, and Alucard stood behind her, looking at her through the mirror, brushing her long hair from her young face.
"You are in the image I remember you most fondly."
"I feel as if it is merely an illusion."
"Your age was the illusion. You will always be a young woman to me, even when you're thousands of years old."
He left his right hand on her right shoulder, and she reached with her left to put her hand on his. She continued to cry.
"At first it may be difficult to come to terms, but soon enough you will see. Do you want to know why I really made Ceres into a vampire?"
Integra looked up into the mirror to see the reflection of his eyes.
"Because I wanted you to see that becoming a vampire wasn't as horrible a fate as you believed. Ceres had a hard time of accepting it, but once she did, she became a great vampire. She is no longer filled with regret for her lost humanity. She cherishes the fate she was given, and above all, she cherishes you. In fact, she has been taking tremendous care of you for the past week, and she has been taking care of all your business."
"Week?" Integra's eyes opened wide.
"Yes, you have been asleep for a week."
"What have you told people?"
"I told them what happened."
"And what happened, Alucard?"
"I told them you had a heart attack and I knew you were dying, so I saved you by becoming a vampire. Of course, the Knights all threw a hissy fit, saying how irresponsible I had been and inconsiderate to do so without your permission, but none of that matters now. You said you were hungry?"
"Yes…" Integra realized what this meant.
"Don't be foolish like Ceres. I know that despite all your etiquette and honor, you'll drink blood like an animal until your heart's content. As you have every right to, my Integra."
She turned slowly to face him, taking in a deep breath that she did not need since she was human no longer. Alucard threw his jacket to the floor, and swept his long, black hair away from his neck. Integra see the pulse of his undead body in his neck. She could almost feel the blood leisurely flowing through his calm veins. It was almost as if his throat expected it. It was just sitting there, free for the taking, like he was merely a lamb and she was a wolf. She felt her fangs protrude from her mouth again.
She stepped towards him, assuming this gesture was an open invitation to drink his blood but he caught her arms and said, "I want to hear you say it."
"Say what?" She said distractedly, she could barely concentrate with all that blood just waiting to be spilled into her mouth.
"That I am your master. I want to hear you beg for a drop of my blood. Indulge me." He grinned mischievously.
"Alucard, may I please drink the blood you are offering me?" She asked politely, as if she was merely asking for a helping of dessert.
"No. I need more."
"May I please have your blood, Master?" Her voice went almost to a whisper on the last word, not wanting to openly admit that he was in control now.
"I still don't feel any fire, Integra. How badly do you want my blood?"
"I want to drink you dry, I am so thirsty." She said, her voice getting hoarse as if she needed water and could not get any.
"I don't believe you." He said.
At this point she grew tired of his games and thought if she were to get it, it would be by force.
Integra pulled her arms back a bit and then thrust her hands full force into his chest. He catapulted backwards and hit the wall. She ran into him, sliding her left hand into his hair, grabbing and pull tight, while using the other hand to expose as much of his skin as possible. Without any second thought she penetrated her fangs into his neck and the blood began oozing into her mouth. It tasted rich, like fine wine, which only improves with age.
She could feel and hear Alucard's laughter as she held him there, drinking his blood hungrily.
"You truly are amazing, Integra. Absolutely stunning. You are everything I could have hoped for and more. Drink, Integra, drink me, yes, that's it." He put his hands around her waist and pulled her in closer. He had never been more aroused, in all his centuries of existence, this woman made his blood burn like no one else. His whole body felt so alive. He wanted to conquer her. In this moment he felt that he already had, but he still was not satisfied. He wanted more than just her hunger; he wanted her body, her soul, her heart. He wanted everything.
A second later, he had Integra now pinned against the wall, with his hands holding her slender arms a little bit above her head. The glare in her eyes was magnificent. The orbs there were crimson red, like the color of the blood seeping idly through her lips. She was completely livid that he took her blood source away. It only made him more aroused. He could hardly take it any longer.
Integra glared at him, feeling the blood drip down her chin and onto her white nightgown. Their bodies were touching; this was the closest she had ever been to Alucard, the closest she had ever been with any man. She could feel how aroused he was but she did not care. All she wanted was the blood.
She licked the blood off the side of her mouth and Alucard thought of how animalistic it appeared, how provocative it looked even though she was not trying to be.
She said nothing as she saw his lips come towards hers. This time she reciprocated in the kiss because she realized she wanted his body anyway she could get it at this point. He licked some of his own blood from her lips, and grazed his fans across them to get a taste of her sweet blood. She felt his body start to grind against hers, and her desire for him grew tremendously. He let go of her hands so he could wrap his around her body. She started unbuttoning his shirt, then the buttons got stuck so she just ripped the shirt open and threw it off his body. She caressed his smooth, muscled chest and back, now desperately wishing her body was below his being crushed by his weight and passion.
He picked her up like she was nothing but a rag doll, and she wrapped her legs around him until he put her down beside her bed. While still kissing, he pulled her bloodied nightgown from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She stood in front of him completely naked but totally uncaring because just this once she felt good enough, she felt powerful enough to be his lover. To be truly his equal.
Alucard's hand softly caressed her starting from her collarbone and down the center of her chest.
"You have no idea how relentlessly I have longed to touch this flesh. How much I was tortured in the night when I watched to sleep."
He pulled his hands away so he could unfasten his pants and drop them to the floor. Integra could not help but looking at his beautiful male physique. He pulled her close to him and he held her face in his hands, putting his forehead against hers in a moment of tenderness.
"I could not have imagined losing you." He said quietly.
"I felt that I had already lost you once. I could not bare to lose you again."
"You will never lose me again. I promise you."
He pushed her onto the bed, their lips touching gently while he lowered his body onto hers. She felt his hardness and she practically moaned from expectation. She arched her back, trying to edge him closer to entering.
"I want to hear you say it." He said.
"Say what?" She gasped.
"I want to hear you say how much you want me inside you. I want to hear you call me your master, and mean it."
She fought his arms as her took hold of hers and pinned them above her, she twisted and turned in his grasp and as expected she lost the battle.
"Say it." He commanded.
She gave in and said, "I want you, Alucard, my Master. I want you to take my body and ravage it; I want you to do unspeakable things to me. I beg you, Master."
"I shall grant you this wish, since you asked so nicely."
He thrust himself into her and she tried desperately to keep from moaning out loud but he whispered into her ear, "Be as loud as you want, nobody will hear you scream, Integra."
He felt her tightness grip him and he felt incredible. He moved within her and she fought through the pain. She dug her nails into his back and he felt her puncture his skin, and it nearly made him come to a climax, but he held it in. He heard her moan and say his name. Everything she did only made him want to reach that much deeper.
Integra opened her eyes to see thousands of red eyes and blackness enveloping the room. She felt his energy reach out and touch her, massage her. It was like he was touching every point in her body, and trying to excite every cell. She threw her head back as he covered her neck in kisses. She felt the surge in her rise, she felt herself tighten and his body begin to shudder. Everything happened all at once yet she felt like her release lasted an eternity.
Finally, the chaos ended, and he remained on top of her, on his elbows looking down at her face, gently touching her cheeks, like real lovers. It was the first time she saw him as a man. There was no monster in his eyes. Instead of his eyes being the usual red color, they were black. They looked like human eyes. She wondered if his eyes were always red because he was constantly blood hungry. Or maybe it was a different hunger. Either way, he seemed satisfied. She watched his lips turn into a smile, a kind smile, full of love, instead of maniacal ferocity.
He slipped from her arms and walked to the window. She felt naked suddenly without him there. She observed him as he pulled the curtain open and exposed the moon that had risen since she had awoken.
"What a beautiful night. Don't you agree, my No Life Queen?"
She climbed out of bed and walked to him. She looked out the window, taking in her first full moon as a vampire.
She smiled, turned to him and said, "Is it ironic that I feel more alive now than ever before?"
He laughed and said, "That's what I've been trying to tell you all along."
Her smile widened as he put an arm over her shoulder and they watched the full moon rise together.