Disclaimer: Don't own SWAC or Zefron.

Wow, guys. The last chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Day 10: Shred every single picture of him in his dressing room.

Date: August 18th, 2010

Today was my last prank on Chad. It was sort of emotional, knowing it was the end of something so great, but the end of my journey did surprise me. I didn't end up anywhere where I expected. Let me start from the beginning.

Well, today's mission was to shred every picture of Chad Dylan Cooper that Chad Dylan Cooper has in Chad Dylan Cooper's dressing room. I knew there was nothing he hated more then to see his beautiful face destroyed. It really wasn't that hard of a task. I've snuck into his dressing room countless times before with various strange objects. How different was a paper shredder? So, basically, all I did was waltz through the door and walk into Chad's dressing room. It was easy, a little too easy.

The hardest part was probably that there were TONS of pictures of Chad Dylan Cooper on the walls. I'm not talking ten, I'm not talking twenty, I'm not even talking fifty, I'm talking hundreds! About every inch of the wall was covered with Chad. He must of done this last night because those pictures sure as heck weren't there last time I was in his dressing room. Maybe he needed a confidence booster after his Zefron meltdown. After all, he did have a pretty good looking face-for a Falls person I mean…So I decided to start my destruction by taking each picture out of it's frame. There were already about twenty five pictures in the frames of him. On one wall, there were three in a row of Chad doing the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" thing. On another wall, it was Chad's face in a whole emotional spectrum. It went from a super happy Chad to a crying Chad. I really don't understand why he had the crying pictures. Guess it was just the fact that he was dramatic. There was also another wall of Mackenzie Falls promotional pictures. Most were of Chad giving the "Mackenzie Falls look" but in a few he was smiling. Then, surprisingly, there was a very small photo album on the side of his desk with pictures of us together. I was a little surprised to see it, but he seemed to have a lot of pictures of us, so maybe I wouldn't be shredding these.

I decided to start my job with the pictures of crying Chad. I hated them the most, so why not destroy them first? I slowly took the one of sobbing Chad out of the frame and grasped the firm paper edges. It slid through the paper shredder like butter. One down, ninety nine to go! I got the next crying picture out and once again, took apart it's frame and slid the delicate paper through the shredder. Two down, ninety eight to go. The pattern was kind of tedious, but I could only imagine the look on Chad's face when he sees all of his pictures gone. I had about the fifteenth picture in my hand, halfway through the shredder, when the door opened. I turned around.

It was Chad.

This unexpected turn of events made me kind of queasy.

"So, you're the one who's been pranking me." I had no idea what to say.

"Surprise!" It came out more like a question than an exclamation.

"I kinda maybe thought it was you." Chad said, surprisingly not sounding angry at all.

"Seriously?" This wasn't how I was expecting him to react.

"You know the first little prank you did?"

"Ah yes, the phone?" I laughed a little. It was funny thinking back to the start of it all.

"You do know I could recognize your voice." I hadn't really thought about that before.

"Oh, I guess that it is kind of obvious. But if you knew it was me, why did you freak out so much?" "I didn't think you would be smart enough to pull all the other pranks. Apparently, Sonny Munroe has a bad side. Who knew."

"Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically.

"You really did do a good job." I blushed a little.

"Props accepted." Now it was Chad's turn to blush.

"So, you are sure Zac Efron had nothing to do with this?" My smile quickly turned into a frown.

"Really, Chad, Really? Zac Efron? Zac Efron probably doesn't even know you exist." Chad's face twisted up as if he had eaten something sour.

"Zac Efron definitely knows I exist, and he's is super jealous of me, even if he isn't pranking me."

"Okay, Chad, okay." I patted him on the shoulder. I went to go walk out of his dressing room when an arm around my waist stopped me.

"Uh, Sonny?" "Uh, Chad?" I was pretty confused. This was definitely not the response I was looking for.

"Have I ever told you that you have the prettiest brown eyes?" Okay, definitely not the response I was looking for.

"I don't think so."

"Well you do." I blushed.


"You know what else?" "What?" I was really curious now.

"I kinda maybe want to go out with you." Wow! Did Chad Dylan Cooper just ask me out?

"Well, I kinda maybe want to go out with you too."





"So, pick you up at eight Sonnysaur?"

"Never call me that again."

"Thank you."

Good Riddence, journal

XOXO Sonny Munroe (and some day Cooper) :D


Chad and I had just had the most perfect wedding. Seriously, everything was in place. The flowers were perfect, the music was perfect, the groom was perfect. It was a pretty traditional wedding. We had it at my church and a modest amount of people came. Chad even invited Zac Efron. I have a feeling it had nothing to do with mending their differences. I think it had something to do about Chad getting married first. The funniest part though was Zac did catch the garter. Guess who's getting married next?

Chad and I already had the cake and done all the normal wedding stuff, but now, I wanted to take some time to tell a very special story, one that was close to my heart and still hurting Chad's. And, it started a little something like this:

"Well, some of you may want to know how I got together with a certain three named jerk throb. Well, here's the story. It all started one day when a pesky little brunette came up with a list of ten ways to annoy Chad Dylan Cooper…"

And who would have thought that it brought us together?


Hope you were all satisfied with the ending! I can't believe it's over! I'm still in shock! I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANKS FOR THE BEST REVIEWS EVER YOU GUYS MAKE MY LIFE!

Love, Twipi :D