Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter Three- A Melody, A Memory

"A melody, a memory or just one picture,

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost,

It's empty and cold without you here,

Too many people to ache over,

Trials in life, questions of us existing here,

Don't want to die alone without you here,

Please tell me what we have is real,"

-Avenged Sevenfold- "Seize the Day"

The morning of Jasper's birthday, the blond sat straight up in bed with a smile spreading across his face. He closed his eyes and made his wish.

I wish for Edward.

I wish for Edward.

I wish for Edward.


Jasper's eyes flew open at the intruding sound. He flung the blanket out of him and rushed into the living room where the sound had come from. The wide smile was still in place when he came to a stop in the doorway of his living room. However, seeing the form standing there the smile rapidly disappeared.

"Edward?" he asked, although he already knew that this large person sprawled across his floor was not Edward.

The person stood up and smiled at Jasper. "Hi there, birthday boy! I'm Emmett!"

"You're not Edward," Jasper said dumbly. This was wrong, this was all wrong. This was not how this was supposed to be.

"No, I'm Emmett. Didn't you hear me?" the new angel asked.

"I heard you," Jasper said softly. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Where was Edward? Why hadn't he come? He opened his eyes and looked back to the new angel.

Emmett was taller than Jasper, standing about six-five. He had a huge body, very muscular. As the angel was naked, Jasper was getting the full view of the angel's body. He had bright blue eyes and curly black hair on top of his head. He looked around twenty-five years old.

"Something wrong?" Emmett asked worriedly. "You did wish for me didn't you? Am I in the wrong place?" His voice got higher as his panic increased. "Oh man, this is only my first day and I messed up already." He put his hands over his face as if to hide.

"You're not in the wrong place, but I didn't wish for you. I wished for Edward," Jasper said.

Emmett looked up at him. "Oh so that's what they meant," he said.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked him.

"My bosses told me that you wished for an angel on your last birthday and then on New Year's you wished for a specific angel. They said you're not supposed to do that. That's why they were waiting for you to wish again this year. They intercepted your wish and sent me instead of…the other one," Emmett explained.

"This can't be happening," Jasper said, he closed his eyes and tried to calm down to avoid hyperventilating. Edward was supposed to be here, not Emmett. "Why aren't you allowed to wish for a specific angel?" he asked finally, his eyes still closed.

"Um…I actually don't know. This is my first day so I don't really know all the rules," Emmett said.

Jasper sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. Emmett rubbed his shoulder in a comforting gesture. Jasper looked up to thank him, but quickly turned his head away after getting a close up of Emmett's genitals. "Do you think you could put some clothes on please?"

"Oh right," Emmett said. "I don't know how."

Jasper laughed without humor. "Figure it out please." Emmett was quiet for a few minutes. When Jasper looked up, the angel was dressed. Horribly. He was wearing a mesh top with bright blue pants and cowboy boots. Jasper really laughed now.

"So now what do we do?" Emmett asked excitedly.

Jasper focused hard to keep his laughter under control when he looked at Emmett. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you become an angel?"

Emmett's face screwed up in concentration. "I don't know. See, angels are all dead people who've been given a second chance at life. I don't remember how I died though. My bosses keep you in this place for a long time so you forget all about your human life. I'm not sure how long, though. Someone told me it was forty earth years, but someone else said a hundred earth years. I don't remember anything from when I was alive," Emmett said.

Jasper didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say exactly. His stomach growled, breaking the awkward silence. Emmett jumped in alarm and looked around. Jasper paid no attention to him. His stomach growled again.

Emmett crossed the room and knelt down next to the chair Jasper was seated in. Jasper stared at the angel wondering what the hell was wrong with him. His stomach gurgled and growled. Emmett stared at his stomach and then growled back.

Jasper burst out laughing, his stomach shaking from how hard he was laughing. Emmett stood up, embarrassed.

"What's funny?" the angel asked.

"That's my stomach, Emmett. I'm hungry," Jasper explained through fits of laughter.

"Oh." Emmett's face lit up. "Food! I can do that!" He closed his eyes and concentrated hard until an assortment of food fell onto the table and floor around the men. Emmett smiled sheepishly when he spotted spaghetti turned over on the floor. "Sorry. First day and all."

"It's totally fine. Don't worry about it. Place is a mess anyway," Jasper said, sliding a pot of Swedish meatballs toward him.

After finishing their meal, Jasper took Emmett for a walk around the city. He took him to the park to see the ducks, but Emmett was afraid of them and seemed too afraid to go near them so Jasper didn't make him.

They went to a store to go shopping where Emmett was afraid of the mannequins modeling the clothes because their eyes were too blank. They went bowling, where Emmett managed to break a pin and lose a bowling ball.

Jasper had to admit, Emmett was fun to have around. But he wasn't Edward.

That night, Emmett managed to summon food and keep it all on the table. At midnight, Jasper was quite sad to see Emmett go. Though the disappointment of not seeing Edward was strong. He'd looked forward to this for months and he'd missed his shot. Since Emmett said he broke the rules, Jasper didn't think he'd get another chance to see Edward ever again. When Jasper fell asleep that night, there were more tears on his pillow.

Eight Months Later

Jasper ran across the street, coffee in hand. He was late for the meeting again. I really need to get a car, Jasper thought. He couldn't believe he was ten minutes late and he was still three blocks away from his office.

He stood on the corner waiting to cross the street when the usual sounds of morning traffic were interrupted by the crunching of metal, horns honking and people screaming.

Jasper turned his head to the right and saw that a car had ran a red light through an intersection and crashed into another car. People were running all around the cars, screaming and pointing, but no one was checking to see if the people in the cars were okay. Jasper dropped his coffee and briefcase and ran toward the crash.

When he reached the crash, he saw that the driver who ran the red light was out of his car, on all fours and panting. The other car was upside down on the sidewalk. Apparently the tires had slammed into the curb and the car flipped over. Jasper raced around to the driver's side and saw that the driver of the upside down car was a woman, and she was pregnant. Very pregnant.

"Oh shit, holy fucking shit," Jasper rasped, his hands pulling his hair out. He opened the passenger door beside the woman and climbed in. The woman's eyes were impossibly wide and she was panicking.

"You have to keep calm, okay," Jasper said, though he didn't know how he sounded so calm when he said that. He was freaking out on the inside.

"I'm gonna lose my baby," the woman cried.

"You're not," Jasper said firmly, looking around to try and figure out how to get her out of the car.

"I am!" she sobbed. She reached between her legs and pulled her hand back covered in blood.

Jasper could see the blood now that she'd pointed it out. It was spreading quickly and Jasper knew he had to get her out. He reached for the seat belt, but it was jammed and wouldn't unbuckle. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out his pocketknife.

"Put your hands on the roof," he said. The woman placed her hands against the roof of the car to prevent her from falling, and Jasper went to work cutting the seat belt.

A guy standing in the crowd watching Jasper yelled, "Hey buddy, that thing's gonna blow!"

Jasper knew this. He smelled the gas the moment he opened the door. He was working against time and he knew it.

Apparently this was news to the woman, who began to sob. "I don't want to lose my baby!"

"Your baby will be fine, I promise." How Jasper was able to make this promise, he didn't know; he only hoped he could keep it.

The knife cut through the last bit of the seat belt and the woman slid free. Jasper helped her maneuver around so that she crawled free of the car. Two men from the crowd ran forward and pulled her to her feet. They picked her up and hurried her toward the waiting ambulance.

Jasper knew there wasn't much time left, the car would blow up any minute. He crawled forward as fast as he could, but didn't make it out of the car.

The woman sitting in the ambulance, holding her stomach began to sob when she saw her car explode. A random stranger had climbed into her car, cut her free and saved not only her life but her baby's as well. And she'd just watched him die.

Light. Bright light all around. It was all Jasper could see.

"What's happening?" he asked, putting his hands over his eyes.

"You're dead."

That voice, Jasper knew that voice. How is that possible? He took his hands from his eyes and his face broke into a smile. "Edward," he breathed.

"I wouldn't look so happy if I were you," Edward said, smiling his big smile.

"Why?" Jasper asked.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? You're dead." Jasper blinked. Edward rolled his eyes and smiled. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Jasper thought. "There was a woman, she was trapped in her car. And she was pregnant. And…oh no." Jasper gasped. "Did the car blow up?" Edward nodded. "And I died?" Edward nodded.

"And now, you're an angel," Edward said softly, a serene smile on his face. Now that they were both angels, Edward would be allowed to be with Jasper, and they could be together forever if they chose to be. Jasper didn't know any of this.

"Did the woman get out okay?" Jasper asked.

Edward stood up and led Jasper to a table that had a crystal top. Edward waved his hand over it and the woman from the car appeared.

Jasper exhaled. "She's okay." The image changed and the woman was now holding her baby. "And the baby too."

"Yes," Edward said. "Her name is Amber and she is just fine thanks to you." Jasper blushed. "Her son, Jasper is alive because of you."

"She had a boy? What did she name him?" Jasper asked, staring at the image.



"She named him Jasper."

The blond's eyes grew wide and he stared at Edward. "She named him after me?"

Edward smiled. "Yes. She found out your name from the police. Amber thought that a man who would save a complete stranger would be worthy of naming her son after. You gave your life to save that woman and her son. You're a hero. And now you're an angel."

Jasper didn't know what to say to that. He could only blush and stare at the now blank crystal tabletop.

"And now you're mine," Edward said,

Jasper looked up. "What?"

"We're both angels. We can be together now." Edward smiled.

Jasper returned the smile. "You'll never be taken away from me again?"

"Never ever."

"Can I get a kiss then?" Jasper asked.

Edward smiled. "You can have whatever you want…..Angel."

The End.

A/N: Yes, that's really the end. How did you like it? Love it? Hate it? Shocked? Appalled? Let me know!

Always, JLL