Chapter 25: A New Beginning

Three weeks later and summer had descended upon Spencer Academy. Since the prom event, it was all anyone could talk about. News spread like wildfire amongst Ipswich and it seemed nearly impossible for any of the students to focus on finishing their school year.

Peyton was in her room packing up her large suitcase. Gale had decided to let the kids use her summer home in the Hamptons in New York. She was nearly half way done when she needed to take a break and sit down on her bed. Her arm was sore, and she rubbed the gauze bandage that was around her upper forearm. The doctors told her that she'd have a scar on her arm, a constant reminder of that nights events. As if she even needed the mark to remind her of what she had experienced.

She had spent the last few weeks of school at home, thanks to the Provost being understanding about her not wanting to be there. The lack of her presence didn't stop the talking and gossiping that went along with the story. The boys had all defended her and went to school, enduring the rumors and harsh whispers.

"Hey." Peyton was pushed out of her thoughts by her hero leaning against her door in a grey shirt and jeans. His arms were crossed against his chest as he looked lovingly down at the girl who had stolen his heart.

"Hey." She gave him half a smile and then turned her attention to the arm she was rubbing again because it was still tender. Bruises were just now starting to fade, but they were still there and visible for the world to see.

Her boyfriend moved over to the bed and sat beside her, putting his arm gently around her. Peyton snuggled into his embrace, and he wrapped both his arms around her tiny body, being careful to avoid her arm. Caleb kissed the top of her head.

Voices echoed through the halls of the house. Gale had come into town just as soon as Beatrice had called her. She had stayed overnight in the hospital with Peyton and was staying with the Parry's until they were leaving for their summer holiday. They were due to leave in the next day, unless anyone objected to starting summer the weekend school had been let out.

"How's the packing going?"

"It's okay.' Peyton's voice was quiet. Even though it was over and Andrew had been caught, she had been oddly quiet lately. She had cooperated with the police, answering all their questions and working with them to get Andrew charged with murder, stalking, and attempted murder. 'I dunno... I guess I'm just..."

"Just what?"

"Tired, I guess."

Caleb looked at her with sympathetic eyes. She looked pale and sickly in his eyes. Dark circles were under her eyes and though she wasn't as tense as she had been during the past few months, she looked worn down. He carefully swept her hair out of her face and then using both his gentle hands, he cupped her face and leaned into give her a sweet and chaste kiss on the lips, which she reciprocated. Once the kiss was over, he pressed his lips to her forehead before speaking.

"I'm gonna go down and get you some food. Do you think you can eat?' A nod confirmed his questions which made him stand up and get ready to move towards the door. He had opened the door and was about to head out when he turned back to see her. 'I love you, baby girl."

"Love you too." Her smile at saying the truth was enough to tell Caleb that she was going to be okay.

Once she was alone, Peyton began to feel the silence enveloping her. It was so loud that the quiet was erupting in her ears. She finally had enough of the silence that was so loud, so she got up and grabbed her jacket. She quietly walked down the stairs, careful to not make any noise as to be noticed by the others in the house.

On the way out, she grabbed the package, tall and only a foot or so wide, that was placed on the coffee table in the living room. Carrying it securely in her arms, she opened the front door and was sure to shut it quietly to keep from anyone coming after her.

She took the long walk into the woods and out through the grass off the dusty road. Peyton was careful to walk slowly, deep in thought until she reached the cliff that overlooked the Dells. She kneeled at the edge of the cliff, and carefully opened the packing box she had been carrying for the past hour during her walk. Out of the box came a simple black urn, which she took in her hands and stood up with the urn in her hands.

"Hi mom.' Peyton's voice was quiet and shaky, clearly holding back tears of pain that had been bottled up in the back of her mind. 'It's all over now. Andrew's gone. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't take care of you, take care of everything. I miss you so much, so so much."

Sounds of crunching grass made Peyton turn around to see all four boys walking up behind her, hands in their pockets with sympathy and remorse on their faces as they watched Peyton cry. She turned back to look at the urn and the Dells once they reached her side. Pogue put an arm around his cousin's shoulders while Caleb stood on her other side close to her body. Their presence gave Peyton the strength to finally say goodbye to her past, to her mother.

"I'm okay now mom. I'm with Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Wayne and the boys are taking good care of me. I'm gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay.' She leaned her head into to rest on Caleb's shoulder. Reid rubbed her back and Tyler was holding one of her hands as the other clutched the urn. 'I'm in love, and I'm home, mom. I'm finally home... and I'm happy."

She opened the top of the urn and handed it to Tyler. She broke free of the boys support and walked to the very edge of the cliff. With the wind blowing over the Dells, she tossed the ashes in the urn to the wind and watched as they were carried out over the hills and beach.

"Welcome home mom." Peyton smiled in the wind.


They had decided not to leave until the weekend. They were planning on driving the entire way, staying over in New York to see an old friend of Gale's. All the boys had been busy packing. Bigger suitcases had been sent ahead to the house, leaving only the personal bags to carry on their persons.

Peyton was barely packed. Sure she had sent some bags ahead to the house for the entirety of the summer, but she was having a hard time focusing enough to pack a smaller bag.

She had just finished her shower and was wrapped in her big fluffy towel, staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. Peyton had been standing there for a few minutes now, just looking at herself in the mirror. She looked better than she had before; her eyes weren't as tired, her skin wasn't as pale, and she was beginning to look healthier. The only thing that looked off was her hair. The bright orange was beginning to fade, and her roots were starting to grow in, making the mousy brown infringe onto the orange hair. She needed to fix it before they left for New York.

Peyton reached for the box on the end of the counter. It was a hair dye box and the color on the box was the same mousy brown that was growing in from her roots. She reached for the box and was ready to open it and get ready.

"Don't do that, baby girl." Pogue was behind her watching as his cousin attempt to open the brown hair box as he was leaning against the door frame, holding something under his arm.

"Do what?"

"Go back to be a brunette." He walked in and sat on the counter next to her, facing her tiny body that was too focused on the box before her.

"Why not?' She had a straight look on her face. 'It's a new beginning, Pogue. A new start for me. I need new hair."

"Yes, it is. But you need a piece of you to carry onto the new beginning.' He brushed her wet hair out of her face and smiled at his cousin. 'Didn't you say your mom picked out of this color?"


"Then keep it that way.' He handed her the box he had been carrying. It was bright orange hair dye, perfect to match the shade that was already on her hair. 'Keep a piece of you mom with you, even if it is just a crazy shade of hair."

He patted her on the head and kissed the side of her hair. Pogue walked out of the room and left Peyton there to stare at herself in the mirror, knowing that the color of her hair meant more to her than just a box of dye.


"Are you kiddies all ready to go?" Gale was yelling out at the front of the house, after having put her suitcase into the back of the limo. She had insisted on doing it herself, refusing the help of the driver.

"Coming Gran!" Tyler was the first out of the house, carting his luggage through the door and out to the car. He hoisted it in the back and then walked to side door and held it open for Gale.

"Why thank you, baby boy. Such a gentleman!" She slid in.

"Gentleman? More like a suck up.' Reid joined the crowd after putting away his bags, and came to the side of the door and pinched Tyler's cheek who slapped it away, giving Reid a face.

"Don't be an asshole, Garwin!' Gale's voice rang from inside the car, putting the teasing to an end. 'Or else I'll make you sleep outside!"

"You wouldn't do that to me, Gran. You love me." Reid was grinning as he slid into the limo, followed by Tyler.

"Don't push your luck, kid."

"Would you shut up. You guys are too damn annoying.' Pogue slid in next to his best friends and Grandmother. They continued to goof around and laugh as they waited for their missing two companions.

Caleb and Peyton stood at the front door hand in hand, walking slowly to the limo that was waiting to take them. Her bright orange hair stood out next to his black hair, but it suited them perfectly. Caleb had tried to take his girlfriends suitcase, but she had insisted on carrying it herself, wanting to hold his hand instead.

The past few days had been good for Peyton. She was hanging out with the boys, her grandmother, and her aunt and uncle. Things felt... well normal to her for the first time, and she was happy.

They walked hand in hand to the trunk of the car where Caleb shoved their bags into the little space that was left. When he turned to walk to the car door, Peyton stopped him by grabbing his forearm.

"You okay?" His voice was filled with concerned, worried that she had stopped him for some reason. He was just rewarded with a soft smile as she placed both her hands on either side of his torso outside his shirt and leaned up to kiss him deeply, which he returned with his hands running through her hair. Their tender kiss was suddenly interrupted by the hollers of Reid.

"Yo! Lovebirds!' Both turned to see Reid's head sticking out of the sun roof of the limo. 'Can we get going please? We got a long drive and I so need to get to the Hamptons. The ladies are waiting!"

Peyton laughed as Caleb shook his head. He looked down at the beautiful girl.

"You ready?"

Peyton looked back at the house, smiling, and then back to the dark Adonis that was before her. She kissed him again, and replied with confidence.

"Let's go."


Hullo readers! Thank you so much for reading my story! I have had so many positive responses and I want to thank you all for being kind and supportive. This isn't the end for Peyton and Caleb... like I said, I will be continuing with 3 more stories, just to work with the entire covenant. THe next one will be a Tyler centered story (followed by Pogue than Reid) titled "Believe". Please continue to read! It should be up soon!

Thanks to you all and much love from me!

xoxoxo Ash