(Viktor's POV)

"It's not going to happen! She's going to leave me! She'll realize I'm a bloke and run away from me!" I screeched, feeling my palms start to sweat. That's how nervous I was. Adon had to physically hold me into my seat as they fixed up my black tux.

"Dude, it's your wedding day. If she was going to leave you, she would have done it already!" Adon exclaimed, trying to calm my anxiousness. Yeah right.

Lyra was way too perfect for me. Half way down the isle, she'll turn and run. She'll take one look at me, and regret saying yes to my proposal.


"Viktor! Everyone you know is out there waiting for you! Now be a man and lets go!" Adon said, forcing me to stand up and walking beside me out into the shade of Lyra's favorite tree where we decided we would make the forever ending vow.

It was night, meaning that the tree was lit with glowing white lights. A man was standing under the tree, waiting to read us our vows, and I stood next to him. I faced the crowd of houndreds, and waited, horrified, as I heard the wedding bells. What if Lyra didn't show up? I don't think I could live with out her.

My fear, as well as my being, was calmed as an angle walked down the isle towards me.

He brown hair was pinned on top of her head, under a flimsy looking vial. Her blue eyes were shinning into me, framed lightly by black makeup. I felt the sharp in take of breath in my throat.

I never really knew what breath taking meant until that moment.

(Lyra pov)

"He's not going to come! I just know it! I'm going to go out there, and he won't be there!" I wailed to Theo, who coincidentally was my maid of honor.

"He'll be there Lyra. He loves you. Know come on, it's time!" Theo soothed, leading my out towards the enormous amount of people in white lawn chairs. Ahead of them, was Viktor who was standing under my favorite tree. I smiled at him. He actually showed up. I was so giddy with thoughts of Viktor, I didn't realize as the people around me stood. I smiled wider as I reached Viktor, taking his hand in mine.

"I, Viktor Krum…" He started, not braking eye contact. And so, our lives together, truly begun.

A/N~! Okay, finally the truthful ending. Tell me what you thought of it please! I honestly don't know.

This is also extremely short, but it's only to kind of wrap everything together. Any who, I hoped you liked this! And thanks to everyone who reviewed my story!