NintendoGal55: Hello one and all, and welcome back! :D I've been crazy into collabs lately, but that's because they're super special awesome and fun! Today we have quite a treat in store for you, oh yes we do! A three act one-shot with our favourite couple!
HAFanForever: Hello all! This is my first real fanfic, even if it's a collaborative work. This story is based on one of the many ideas I have shared with NintendoGal55. We are both very much on the same page about Arnold and Helga being an awesome pair, and that's why we have started this new story together! :D
The following is a Nintendo Forever Production, written by NintendoGal55 and HAFanForever. This takes place after TJM, and some of the material in this story includes details based on thoughts by HAFanForever on how TJM would have turned out.
Disclaimer: We do not own Hey Arnold! or any of the characters, we're merely just fans making stories in our own interpretations./But as fans, we try to keep the characters in character from the show as much as possible.
Credit for the "Tying Up Loose Ends" scene and dialogue goes to limey404 of deviantART, for her awesome comic. :D
One Saturday morning, Helga was over at Arnold's house, where they were working in his room on a project about a particular animal, which, in their case, was the lion. Tomorrow, they were planning to visit the zoo to get pictures of real lions, including some cubs that had recently been born. They usually alternated from each other's houses since they'd began dating, and now today they were working at his house. Once more, they were paired together; even in the fifth grade, they were still paired up together most of the time.
For the moment, they were sprawled on the floor, a couple of textbooks open beside them, their little notebooks, pens and pencils, and a piece of Bristol board where they would glue on some pictures and notes onto it to present their project.
"It's funny how it's the lionesses who do most if not all the hunting, ain't it, Arnoldo?" Helga remarked playfully.
"That's usually because of their higher speed, isn't it?" Arnold jotted something down in his notes and looked at her.
"Apparently." Helga stood up and stretched her body. "Hey, I'm gonna go onto the online Encyclopedia and print some pictures we could use."
"Go ahead," Arnold gestured to his computer.
Helga went over to his desk and sat down at his computer, clicking away as she searched the online Encyclopedia. As she researched, Arnold then took to sitting on his couch while reading his textbook, studying through it on the African lion. For a while, they read, browsed, and researched in contended silence, which was a normal occurrence between them when they weren't doing much of anything that didn't require physical activity. It was funny how their moments together could range from passionate and fun, to quiet and calm, pretty much the best of both worlds, in a sense.
After some time, Arnold looked toward Helga and found himself smiling as she sat there, typing away at the keyboard or clicking the mouse as she browsed photos of lions. He had to admit, she was pretty cute when she concentrated so much, all focused on what she was doing with determination and pure will. It was like she could do anything if she put her mind to it.
Arnold was also thinking about how over the past year when he and Helga were partnered for a few school projects before, especially with the egg. Back then, she had mercilessly teased and insulted him everyday in school. When assigned to take care of the egg and pretend like he and Helga were a couple looking after a baby, he immediately thought she was going to start bullying and teasing him, and they soon started fighting afterwards for the rest of the day, losing the egg twice in the process. He also remembered how he told her that he would much rather work with Lila, and that she (Helga) was not one of his favorite people.
But as he sat here now, working on this new project with Helga, he knew that he changed his mind about Lila and Helga a long time ago.
Ever since last year, when Arnold had saved his neighborhood from being destroyed, discovered that Helga was "Deep Voice," (the source of his information) and that she had confessed to him that she really loved him...well, that was the moment when things between them were never the same again.
He and Helga had agreed that it was just in "the heat of the moment," but for a good reason. Arnold wanted to take the time and think about his feelings for Helga after what she did for him, and to be fair and honest with her and himself. Over the next several months, including after they had finished fourth grade, Arnold thought about his feelings for Helga carefully, and even went to see Dr. Bliss, the school psychologist, a few times to get some help.
After October 5th, which was the anniversary of the day Arnold's parents had left him eight years before, and the day he found his father's old journal (which detailed his adventures in San Lorenzo), Arnold began to have an even bigger awakening. He had won an essay contest that allowed him and his classmates to take a trip down to San Lorenzo. But he was determined to find his parents using a map he found in the journal. After several exhausting days of searching deep in the dense and dangerous jungles, Arnold had finally accomplished his mission, but he didn't do it alone: he had help from Helga G. Pataki.
This made him think even more about how he saw Helga: when he was determined to save his neighbourhood, he succeeded in the end, all because Helga had helped him. Now, in an even bigger mission of searching for his parents after their eight-year absence, he had accomplished this one, too, and it was all because Helga helped to do it. Before they went home, Arnold had taken Helga aside to talk to her. While she tried putting up her front again and said there was no need to thank her in helping him find his parents, Arnold said he wanted to tell her that he was not only thanking her, but that he loved her, too.
Taking Helga aside away from the crowd and into the trees to be alone with her, Arnold felt his stomach tighten for what was about to happen now. He had to talk to her about all of this, he had to thank her, and moreover, had to tell her a very important regards to her feelings.
But it wasn't going to be easy. He was nervous, and certain she would just put up her front again in an attempt to make things go back to the way they were.
Not this time. He was not going to let that happen.
"Criminy, football head, you don't have to thank me!" Helga said, pulling her hand away. "So I helped you find your parents, big deal! I couldn't just sit back and let something bad happen. I'm not THAT heartless!"
"'ve done a lot of things for me that have really helped and done out of sincere effort. You may not always succeed, but you try, and I always appreciate it. But this...Helga, this goes far beyond just an act of genuine kindness. Same when you helped me and Gerald save the neighbourhood from the FTi. And now this, you risked your entire life to help me find my parents and to stop La Sombra. Like I said before, that's an amazing thing to do for someone you claim to hate."
"I do hate you, hair boy! Haven't I told you before? Did it not get through your thick, football-headed skull?" She knocked on his head lightly with her fist.
"That's not going to work, Helga." Arnold said firmly, but patiently. "I know how you feel about me."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Helga backed away a step, seeming arrogant and indignant, but he caught the look of nervousness in her eyes.
"Yes, you do. What you told me before, back on the rooftop of the FTI building, that wasn't in the heat of the moment. What you did there, you had all of that planned. And you did it because you..." A blush came to his face. "Because you love me. Not a lot of girls your age give up getting rich for a boy they like. And now you risked your own life just to help me find my parents. Helga, if that isn't love...then what is?"
"This whole jungle thing must have gotten to your head, or you contracted a jungle disease! That's it, you can't be serious...just stop there before you hurt yourself!" Again she looked very nervous, but trying to hide it.
"Helga, I'm serious." Arnold grabbed her by the shoulders, gently. "You've done all those great things for me. Especially now with helping me find my parents... That means so much to me, it really does. I can't thank you enough. So...thank you, really, thank you." He smiled brightly. "And well...that's not all I wanted to say."
"Yadda yadda yadda, I helped you, you thanked me, you're welcome, now let me go!"
"No Helga, please, hear me out."
"Forget it, I've heard enough!" Helga tried to move away, but it was futile.
"Listen to me, please!" He practically begged. "You'll want to hear what I have to say."
"Let go of me, football head!"
Ignoring her, he shook his head. "Helga, I... I wanted you to know that I...I feel the same way about you."
"I said let me go or I'll-...what?" Her eyes widened.
"I feel the same way about you, I've thought a lot about it and-"
"Wait, stop! You can't love! You're just grateful that I helped you save your parents!"
"Yes, I am grateful, very grateful in fact, but that's not the reason."
"It has to be! You could never love me! I mean criminy I've tormented you for ages! No, you're just confused, you don't love me, you can't possibly."
"I do, Helga."
"No, you don't! Just stop it, Arnold, I don't need this! Just thank me and we'll be done with it!"
His grip on her shoulders tightened. "Helga, I feel the same way about you. I like you like you...well, more than that, even. And I'll prove it."
"You could never even come close to proving-mmmm..."
Before she could finish, Arnold had leaned up to her level and touched his lips to hers with a kiss of his own, proving to her once and for all that his words were true, that he truly did feel the same way. If a kiss would be what it took to prove it to her, then so be it.
A soft, nearly inaudible gasp had escaped her, and he could feel her trembling lightly, but she relaxed and pretty soon was kissing him back, his stomach filling with butterflies. Her hands came sliding gently up his arms and stopping at his neck and head, bringing him just a little closer...
"Arnold! Helga! C'mon guys, the bus just came and we're leaving so-" Gerald's yell from nearby suddenly interrupted them, making the two of them jump apart as if the ground had been struck by lightning. He raised an eyebrow at the two of them, having caught them, even if just half a second or two, kissing. Actually kissing. "Er...what are you guys doin'?"
"N-Nothing...she just...we... She had something in her eye." Arnold stammered, blushing furiously.
"Also had a...mosquito on my lip, and he was trying to kill it." Helga tugged at her collar, her brain too fried to think of a good excuse.
Gerald stared at them, eyebrow raised, before he gave a knowing smirk and crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Whatever you say. C'mon, everyone's getting on the bus, we're leaving now."
As he walked off, Arnold looked over at Helga, who stared back at him, also blushing quite a bit, before they followed after Gerald, a little awkward and yet ecstatic all at once.
Since they came back to Hillwood, Arnold's feelings for Helga grew stronger everyday and the two of them became inseparable. He truly loved being with her and just being around her.
Their classmates had begun to suspect, even when they'd been leaving San Lorenzo, that something had been going on between them, and were teasing them quite a bit on the trip back, especially since they sat next to each other on the plane. Inevitably, they'd fallen asleep on the plane against each other, after such a long and tiring journey through the dangerous and dense jungles of San Lorenzo... They'd gone there on a field trip, with Arnold in search of his parents, and they all went back safe and sound. Arnold came back not just with his parents, but also, with things never the same between him and Helga.
Their classmates didn't understand why Arnold would have feelings for Helga. They were so sure that Helga hated Arnold because of the way she teased and pranked him. And while Arnold didn't seem like the kind of person who hated people, they still thought he wouldn't care for Helga at all due to the way she treated him. Many of the kids referred to them as "the Saint-like do-gooder and the aggressive troublemaker," and believed that the two of them were a true mismatch. Rhonda was one who especially thought that: "Arnold and Helga together? That is so utterly ridiculous. They couldn't be more opposite. Arnold is nice and Helga is not. He is better off with Lila, they match up better."
But Arnold's crush on Lila ended long before their adventure in San Lorenzo, and since his confession to Helga, he slowly but surely realized his feelings for her were more than a crush.
It was love, true love.
Before he had confessed to Helga at the end of their trip, Arnold had come to realize that the two of them were actually perfect for each other. While they were both very complex people and could be polar opposites at times, they had enough in common to get each other, and common interests with which they could have fun and share. And while he had common interests and a similar in personality shared with Lila, the two of them were just not compatible since they were too alike. Arnold had differences with Helga, both with qualities and flaws, but that only made them stronger and complimented each other, giving just what the other person needed. Since they had been together, Helga was gradually shedding her walls and defenses and trying to be more herself, but there were times that her aggressive behavior was necessary because she could keep Arnold on his toes and give him strength to be more assertive. If she still went overboard with her aggression, Arnold was able to calm Helga down, and yet he still showed her kindness and hope.
When they returned from San Lorenzo, Arnold immediately started bonding with his parents because they all realized that, after the long absence, they had some serious catching up to do, and Miles and Stella just wanted to be with their little boy after having missed so many years of his childhood with him. Phil and Gertie were shocked and happy at the same time when Arnold returned from San Lorenzo and had his parents right behind him when he first entered the boarding house. The five of them spent a great deal of time together, though Arnold also wanted to spend time alone with just his parents.
During this time, Arnold and Helga didn't speak to each other, and Helga feared that is was, once again, in "the heat of the moment," that Arnold wanted to take back what he said and only kissed her because he was grateful for her help in stopping La Sombra and reuniting him with his parents. But one day, nearly two weeks since the trip, Arnold came over to Helga's house because he wanted to get everything sorted out once and for all.
Helga came downstairs after Bob had called her down, announcing that one of her friends was here, obviously Phoebe. Not quite what she had in mind, but at least she'd have something to do and think about for a while.
"So Pheebs I'm thinkin' after the baseball game today we can go throw rocks at the-" She stopped in mid-sentence and in her tracks as she came to the last step and saw that the visitor wasn't Phoebe at all. "A-Arnold?"
"Hi, Helga." Arnold was sitting on the little bench next to the stairs, looking a bit nervous.
What was he doing here? The past few days since they'd come back from San Lorenzo, he had spent it with his parents, to catch up on lost time. Because of it, she and him didn't get a chance to talk about what had happened before they'd left, much to her dismay. But of course, she wanted him to have fun and be with his family for a while, and would never stand in the way. She was happy for him, glad that he finally had his parents home, safe and sound. But why was he here now?
"What are you doing at my house, football head? I thought you'd be off spending time with your parents." Helga wanted to know.
"I have been, and it's been great. We've really-" Arnold began.
"HEY! Keep it down in there! I'm trying to watch my soap!" Big Bob yelled from the living room, cutting the poor boy off and scaring him while annoying Helga.
The two of them stood there, looking away from each other. Helga finally turned to him then, taking initiative. He wanted to come over and talk, obviously, so she decided to just get this over with and hear him out.
"Come on, we can sit outside."
Helga opened the door, and they went to sit outside on the front stoop. Arnold sat on the top step, and Helga sat one step below next to him.
"So..." Helga said, trying to reiterate to what they were talking about earlier. "Is it weird, y'know, having parents again?"
"Well, it's... different." Arnold said thoughtfully, looking up at the sky with a content smile. "Different in a really good way. It's been really cool getting to know them in the past week. I...I guess for the first time in my life, I don't constantly feel like I'm missing something."
Helga looked toward him with a small smile. "Hey, that's great to hear, Arnoldo. Glad to know that everything is finally working out for you."
She looked away then, and Arnold looked at her, wide-eyed for a moment. He smiled then, his gaze half-lidded.
"Yeah...almost everything."
Raising one side of her eyebrow, Helga looked at him then, puzzled. What could he possibly be missing now? He had his parents, his grandparents, all his friends, he was home in Hillwood...what now? What could he be missing?
"Huh? Sheesh, football head, what's missing now?"
Arnold blushed then, rubbing his arm. "Um..."
A moment of silence passed, but Helga was then taken aback when Arnold skooched down to the step she was sitting on.
"Helga, the reason I came over is because, well, I've really missed hanging out with you the past few days, and, uh..." He blushed again, now sitting beside her. Could this possibly mean...? "...Would you maybe want to go see a movie or something tonight? With me?"
Helga blushed, her eyes widening slightly. "Y-You a date?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought that we haven't gotten to talk much since" Arnold admitted.
"Oh, I thought we were gonna forget about that, uh, THING in the jungle. Y'know. Like we did with the whole FTi thing." Helga rubbed the back of her neck in a nervous manner.
"I don't think I want to forget about it." Arnold murmured, his hand slowly moving to rest on top of hers on the stoop. "...Do you?" He blushed a bit, smiling sheepishly at her.
Helga looked down and saw what he was doing."...No." She admitted softly, blushing a bit.
Once more, the two of them were silent, just sitting there on Helga's front stoop, trying to decide what to say next.
Helga looked at him then, and crossed her arms over her chest and gave a playful, light smirk. "...About that movie... I think I'm gonna have to take you up on that, hair boy. As long as you're buyin'. Nothing on the cheap, ya know."
"Of course, Helga." Arnold smiled, his eyes half-lidded, and inconspicuously skooched closer to her on the step.
"Hehe, cool." Helga giggled, blushing a bit as she tugged at her collar.
Arnold came closer to her, blushing a bit himself. "Cool."
Before Helga had time to think, or even absorb this little change in their...well, moment, Arnold had taken a bold chance and leaned over to her, kissing her on the lips, and holding her shoulder as he did so. It was brief, but it was very sweet and succeeded at turning her insides into jello.
They turned away from each other, both blushing, but were inwardly jumping with excitement. At least, Helga showed it more, while Arnold was trying to keep cool, but his face was completely betraying it.
Helga quickly slapped herself on the cheek, surprising Arnold then.
"Um, Helga?"
"I was makin' sure I wasn't dreaming, Arnoldo. Just a precaution."
Arnold gave her a weirded out smile, unsure of what to say to that. "Whatever you say, Helga."
Before long, now off the stoop, they were walking down the street together, holding hands. Helga was along the left side of Arnold, walking with a bounce in her step as if she were floating on air. She couldn't believe this was really happening: Arnold had truly returned her feelings and kissed her again (brief but sweet). And now here they were, walking down the street together and holding hands like a real boyfriend and girlfriend.
It was since that moment on her front stoop, yet again, that their lives were never the same.
Ever since that moment, Arnold and Helga had been a couple. While they still kept their relationship in low key at school, there were a few people who accepted their relationship: Phoebe had known about Helga's secret feelings for Arnold for years and was only too happy that Helga had feelings of love for Arnold that were finally reciprocated by him. Gerald was initially weirded out by it, but he gradually accepted it because he felt happy that his best friend finally found a girl he truly loved, even if it was Helga G. Pataki! And even Lila was happy for them, especially since she had a hunch that Helga liked Arnold a long time ago, even before Helga had actually confessed her secret about Arnold to her (Lila). She was also happy that Arnold had finally found a girl he truly loved. Since Lila was no longer in Helga's way of having Arnold's affections, the two of them were even gradually becoming good friends.
Since they had mended things between them, Arnold and Helga started doing things together like any couple did. They spoke on the phone, hung out with each other at the other's house, and even went on dates, such as the movies, exchanging study dates at their homes, eating out for lunch or dinner, and having picnic meals (including sharing pizza at each other's house or meeting for real picnics at Mighty Pete). Even at school, they would do little things, like walk to class together (and they held hands while they did so), eat lunch together (and sometimes if her mother didn't make her lunch or give her enough food, Arnold would offer Helga some of his food or buy her lunch), and exchange little notes in class. Sometimes they would walk to and from school together, get a ride from Miles and Stella in the Packard, or take the bus and sit next to each other when they did.
Arnold and Helga would get very affectionate with each other, more so when they were alone. She would often snuggle up to him and rest her head on his shoulder if they were watching a movie together or just simply sitting down together in contended silence. He would then put his arm around her and she would lean into him even more and put her hand on his chest. Sometimes he would put his other arm around her and bring her into a hug, and she would return the action. They often hugged whenever they greeted each other or parted ways. And even though Arnold kissed her back in the jungle to help show her that he felt the same way, he got used to the feeling of kissing and liked it even more as time passed. Helga especially loved to kiss Arnold on the lips and Arnold loved to kiss her anywhere he felt was appropriate. Whenever they would snuggle, he would kiss her on the forehead, the shoulder, or the neck, but when they were sure that they wanted to, they kissed each other on the lips because they wanted to.
And now, at this moment of them doing their assignment together, Arnold just continued to look at Helga as she sat at his computer, still browsing the online Encyclopedia. A lovesick smile formed on his face and he went up to her, standing behind her as he continued to stare down at her.
Helga was still very wrapped up in the material she found online. Not noticing that Arnold was directly behind her, she said, "So I found some stuff I think we could use, and hey, they even have some excerpts from books and stuff, we could quote them if we wanted to give a little extra info on our poster thing and-"
Helga stopped talking as she realized what was going on just then. Without warning, Arnold had randomly started kissing her neck, moving the kisses from one area to one another on the left side of her body. He also kissed her a few times on the shoulder, the cheek, and the temple. Helga began to melt and didn't dare ask why he was kissing her for no reason; she just let out a soft lovesick sigh and a dreamy half-lidded look as her beloved continued to kiss her. He soon brought his arms around her, with his right arm going around her waist and his left arm coming down from her left shoulder. Helga melted even more as he did this, and to take it a step further, she brought her arms around his arms. She wrapped her right hand around his left arm, then brought her other hand to her waist so she could hold his hand there. He moved to her right side and started kissing her neck and shoulder again, and Helga continued to keep her arms around his arms as she lost count of how many times Arnold kissed her as they held each other.
To Helga, no moment with Arnold was more perfect than the one they were in right now.
She was disappointed when he quickly broke away and removed his arms, but to make it better, he turned the chair around to look at her. As their eyes met, he didn't speak as he moved in forward and kissed her on the lips. Although it was brief, he did it again, kissing her a little longer than before. He continued to kiss her a few more times on the lips after that. They were a little forceful, but they were passionate nonetheless. Helga was too happy to speak, so she only reciprocated his kisses as he continued. Then he brought his hands to her face and stroked her cheeks as they started kissing more passionately than before. Arnold soon moved his hands down to her shoulders and held her arms as he began kissing her neck again. As he did so, Helga brought her arms around his middle and moved her in head in motion everytime he kissed her.
Helga felt so much in heaven with Arnold at this moment that she didn't want it to end.
Unfortunately, it did.
"Kimba, Eleanor, lunch will be ready in ten minutes." Arnold suddenly heard Gertie call loudly from the other end of the closed door.
He and Helga had been so lost in their kissing that they jumped with shock and abruptly stopped when they heard Gertie call them.
Arnold called back, "Okay, Grandma, we'll be right down."
"Okay, Kimba." Gertie called back, then she retreated down the stairs.
As they heard the footsteps retreat, Arnold and Helga looked at each other again.
"Sorry we were interrupted, Helga," Arnold apologized sheepishly, rubbing his arm.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, too," Helga said. Then she looked at him with a little smirk and asked, "What was that for, anyway, Arnoldo?"
Arnold smiled back and answered, "No reason. I just felt like kissing you and holding you at the same time." He saw Helga's face light up when he said those words. Then he continued, "Can't I do that to my girlfriend?"
"Well, yeah, but I thought I was the one who didn't give short kisses," Helga replied.
"Ooooh, touché."
Helga giggled. "But seriously, I loved that. Thanks, football head."
"You're welcome, angel," Arnold smiled. Then he looked her in the eye again, never taking his eyes off her eyes off hers as he said boldly and honestly, "I love you, Helga."
Helga felt tears briefly sting in her eyes when she heard Arnold's last words. She was practically speechless, but she managed to reply, "I love you, too, Arnold."
He leaned forward like he did before and they kissed again, repeating the same passionate kisses before they finally broke away reluctantly from the lack of oxygen. Arnold helped Helga out of the chair, and they held hands as they left the room and headed downstairs for lunch.