Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Summary: AU: After her grandmother passed away, Sakura was left with all of her possessions including a few interesting dolls, that come alive? Life had never been this complicated for Sakura, "Sakura-sama, we have come to take care of you." Until now. MultiSaku

The Doll Master

Chapter 1

"Haruno-san, thank you for all your hard work today." The teacher beamed at her top student, the bubblegum haired girl bowed and returned the cheery smile. "Thank you sensei, it was nothing really." She replied honestly, accompanied with a blush colouring her cheeks.

"You're too modest Sakura-san; now don't forget to finish reading the text and answer the questions okay?" She reminded the bubbly girl, a stern expression crossed her face, but a smile threatened to break out any moment.

"I won't sensei, have a nice weekend!" Sakura bowed again and with that, she left the classroom, a bright smile plastered on her face. Other students bowed in respect as she passed by in the halls which she returned with her smile, Sakura was looked up to by the students of her school as she was dependable, smart, easy to talk to and great at giving advice.

"H-Haruno-san, I was told to g-give this to y-you." She was approached by a shy student, holding out a piece of paper. She said her thanks to the boy before glancing at the note with hidden dread, sighing she opened the note and wasn't surprised with the content.


I'm sorry, but I can't make it tonight. I have lots of homework to get through.


This was the third time he had cancelled on her this week, sometimes she wondered why they were dating in the first place if they didn't even see each other. It was great at the beginning, she couldn't get him to stay away but now...it was as if he couldn't care less about her. Her previously happy face melted away and was replaced with a depressed look.

She didn't know why she bothered in the first place; here she was getting all excited about finally seeing her boyfriend after a week when all she got in return was simply disappointment. The pinkette walked outside, only to be welcomed by a light rain shower. She opened up her umbrella and processed to make her way home and get started on her homework.

While adjusting her bag strap, she brushed a pink strand of hair behind her ear. The rain was starting to get heavier as she walked onwards, but it only darkened her mood further. She looked through shop windows as she passed by, until she arrived at a cosy cafe that was near her apartment.

'I could do with some cheering up,' she thought to herself, as she entered the cafe and was greeted with the heavenly scent of newly baked cinnamon buns, she smiled slightly as she made her way to the counter, and waited her turn. She silently observed the cafe, emerald eyes looked through unfamiliar faces until she recognised someone and her eyes widened in shock.

There, sitting at one of the end corners of the cafe was her dear boyfriend Haru, who was joined by a blonde. From the eyes of an average person, you would quickly assume that they were a couple, seeing how...close they were sitting next to each other. She suppressed the strong urge to walk over and demand what the hell he was doing, but managed to prevent her anger to get the better of her.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you?" The pinkette's reverie was broken as she turned to see a friendly face, a small notebook and pen in hand. "Umm, can I have a few cinnamon buns please?" She asked, keeping her tone polite as she heard laughter coming from a certain corner of the cafe. She smiled tightly, clenching her fists in evident anger.

"I'm sorry Miss, but they are still cooking but they should be done at any moment. Would you care to take a seat until then?" She shot her an apologetic look, as she gestured for her to sit down. Sakura inwardly scowled, at being forced to sit in the same room as that two-faced jerk but nevertheless smiled back,

"Sure, no problem." She replied, and with that she turned on her heel to find a seat, and to her dismay the only remaining seats available were near her backstabbing boyfriend. She gritted her teeth in annoyance and grudgingly walked over as quickly as possible without getting recognised. So this was "lots of homework"? After all this time, he was just using her and seeing someone else behind her back.

"Hey Haru-chan, do you want to go to the festival later?" The girl inquired, accompanied with a girlish giggle. Sakura inwardly gagged, she didn't know Haru-"chan" was interested in these kinds of girls.

"Sure, why not?" Sakura's eyes narrowed darkly, so he was available for her but not his girlfriend? She couldn't believed she was stupid enough to listen to his lies, the girls in her class tried to convince her that he was no good but she –being a nice person, was willing to give him a chance despite hearing rumours that he had a reputation of a playboy.

"Great! So, Haru-chan, I was wondering when you were going to like dump that Sakura girl." 'that' Sakura girl twitched in annoyance, but crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for his response.

"I haven't found the right moment, love. But trust me, she means nothing to me." He smiled softly at the girl sitting next to him, who sighed happily and snuggled up closer to him. Haru smirked smugly to himself; most girls were easy to impress. He froze for a moment, feeling a sudden sinister presence appear behind him.

"I mean nothing to you Haru-chan?" Sakura drawled; a sickeningly sweet tone laced in her words as she cracked her knuckles loudly, her eyes narrowing at the surprised boy who quickly pushed off the girl who sat beside him and shot up hastily as excuses started streaming out of his mouth.

"S-Sakura, what are you doing here?" He smiled weakly, but his poor attempt to calm the pinkette was futile. "So, you were cheating on me with some blonde bimbo?" Sakura accused him, and was answered by silence. She chuckled darkly, "Oh Haru-chan, you are just precious! You don't have any time for me, your girlfriend. But you are more than happy to spend time with another girl?" Her menacing aura was growing by the minute, which seemed to scare the living daylights of Haru-chan and his new girl.

"Hmm, hey can I borrow your drink?" She asked the girl, who nodded frantically, her baby blue eyes widening by the second. She smiled mockingly sweet as she pick the glass up, and pretended to bring it to her lips before quickly tipping all of the contents onto the unexpected boy. She smiled as she settled the glass back to its original place. "Oh, did I embarrass you in front of your date Haru-chan?" She pointed to herself innocently, inwardly cheering when his chocolate brown eyes narrowed.

"Well, I'll make this easier for you dearest. I'm dumping you." And with that, she slapped him across the face and turned around to the counter, to pick up the bag of treats and gave her the right amount of money before leaving the silent cafe and walking back into the light rain, the liquid mixing with her tears as she didn't bother putting up her umbrella and jogged to her apartment. She fumbled clumsily with the key as she entered through the clean hallway, her soaking wet hair dripped on the floor.

She dragged herself up the stairs, sniffing all the way until she eventually reached her flat door. She was about to unlock the door, when she stumbled into a cardboard that was just outside of her door. Sakura blinked in confusion for a moment, before picking the box up and moved forward to unlock the door. Once she was in the kitchen, she settled the box onto her table and checked who it was from, but there was nothing written on it besides her address.

Grabbing a knife, she easily sliced the box's cover, which revealed a note, which she concluded after reading was from her solicitor. The box contained the last of her grandmother's possessions, a few old photos when she was younger and her grandmother's old collection of dolls, which she wasn't allowed to touch when she was a child.

A few months ago, Sakura learned that her grandmother had passed away, leaving her all alone in her flat. She was her guardian for what she can remember; strangely enough Sakura couldn't remember her parents –who did not bother keeping in touch with her all this years. Now that her grandmother had left her, she didn't have anyone left. The people in her school assumed that she came from a good, loving family, that she had the perfect life.

Sometimes she wished that she did, that she could go home to find her mother cooking dinner and her father coming home from work, and maybe have a brother or sister to look after and everything would be fine...but that was just wishful thinking.

After turning the kettle on, she picked up a picture of her grandmother and smiled sadly. The pink haired beauty picked all the photos, and arranged them around her small but cosy room. She lit candles near the photos, and after looking at the pictures for awhile, she didn't realise the tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes.

"I wish you were here, Obaasan," She whispered, and took a deep breath and before she knew it, the tears flowed down her cheeks. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get the tears to stop and she finally gave in and cried her heart out. Something she tried to avoid when she found out her grandmother died, crying didn't solve anything and it made Sakura felt weak –a feeling that she loathed.

After an hour had passed, Sakura had managed to calm herself and kept herself busy by making herself a cup of coffee to help her with the stack of homework she had forgotten to do. It took her longer than expected as she struggled with the maths homework, being in an advanced class sure did have its disadvantages.

"It's getting late," Sakura mumbled, peeping at the clock to check the time. 11:06 blinked back, she didn't usually go to bed this late in the night, as it was hard enough getting up early for school. The pinkette reluctantly got up from the floor, after picking up her mug and walked slowly into her kitchen. She stifled a yawn, as she made her fourth cup of coffee. She was only halfway through her homework, and needed to finish her English literature homework. Ugh, how she hated that subject with a passion.

She walked towards the cardboard box, after refilling the kettle with water and looked at the dolls. It was a bit creepy that they looked so...lifelike, they looked so real. Sakura wondered why her grandmother never let her touch them; she had a strict rule about even going near them, as if they were somehow enchanted.

'But that's just stupid, dolls can't come to life' Sakura dismissed the thought, chucking to herself at the idea. She picked up the two visible dolls in the box and waited, but nothing happened. 'What did I expect to happen? For them to suddenly come to life?' Sakura sighed, as she observed the detailed dolls. Her grandmother made a complete fuss over nothing; she carefully placed the dolls back in the box and poured herself a cup of coffee before returning back to work.

"Finally, I'm...done." Sakura yawned for the umpteenth time; she had luckily managed to finish all of her homework, after a long two hour period, she had to focus on Macbeth. One of the reasons why she loathed English literature was that it mostly concentrated on coursework, mostly on Shakespeare's plays.

She rubbed her sleep-deprived eyes as tried to stand up, but felt her legs stiff from sitting down for too long. Sakura brushed the feeling off as she quickly switched the light off and walked to the couch and promptly fell into a deep slumber.

"Haru...kun," The pinkette mumbled, clutching tightly onto her surprisingly warm pillow. She snuggled closer, and sighed in content. What she didn't expect her was that her 'pillow' started to chuckle, the unfamiliar sound rang into Sakura's ears. Her eyes snapped open, and found herself staring into a pair of soft cerulean eyes.

"So you're finally awake, Sakura-sama." He shot a dazzling smile at the pinkette, who froze after noticing the position they were in. She shot up instantly, and backed away from the offending stranger and fell off the sofa.

"Are you alright, Sakura-sama?" The boy looked almost genially worried about her welfare, that Sakura nearly believed his act. But a more important question sprang to mind, how the hell did he get into her apartment?

"H-How did you get in, y-you pervert!" Sakura shouted, throwing the nearest thing at the boy, which happened to be her mug. Emerald eyes widened as he nonchalantly caught the object in his hand, sighing as he settled the cup on a nearby table.

"Please calm down, Sakura-sama." He advanced closer to her slowly, as if trying not to startle her. The pinkette's eyes narrowed dangerously, why did he keep persistently calling her "Sakura-sama", they had only met a few seconds ago!

"Don't tell me to calm down! And why are you calling me Sakura-sama!" She pointed suspiciously at him for a moment, "Wait, how do you know my name?" She tiled her head to the side, in a confused matter, her innocent side melting away her suspicious mind.

She inwardly fumed at the gall of the boy, as he grinned sheepishly, but her attention was momentarily averted elsewhere and before she knew it, he appeared out of nowhere and brought her hand to his lips. The contact made her flush brightly with embarrassment and instantly snatched her hand back from the offending male.

"Forgive me Sakura-sama, my name is Naruto Uzumaki." He introduced himself, that infuriating smile emerged again. "We have come to look after you," And with that, 'Naruto' gently pushed her to sit down on the couch. Sakura studied the male for a moment, to find that he looked strangely familiar, until she remembered he said 'we'.

"Excuse me, but who is 'we'," Sakura inquired, while trying to distance herself from the blond, and calmed herself after concluding that there wasn't any point in shouting in the early hours of the morning, as the neighbours would wonder why it was so noisy and see the males in her flat –not exactly something she wanted to explain.

Naruto pointed his thumb behind him, "Sasuke's in the kitchen preparing your soup," He informed the weary pinkette, whose eyebrows furrowed together at the foreign name. "He's cooking soup, for whom?" She rubbed her forehead, feeling it slightly warmer than usual.

"Well, it seems that you have the symptoms of the flu." He sighed, softly stroking the pinkette's hair almost affectionately. Sakura, after relishing at the tender touch, realised what she was doing and jerked away from the confused blond.

"Stupid Haru, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have run in the rain." She muttered darkly under her breath, she ran a hand through her messy tresses and shut her eyes to stop the tears from overflowing, she wasn't about to cry over some guy who clearly isn't worth the time. She was so deep in her thoughts, that she didn't notice a sudden presence appear next to her.

"Sakura-sama, its okay, please do not hide away your feelings." The said girl was about to push away Naruto, when she noted that that didn't sound anything like the blond. She squeaked in surprise when she opened her eyes to find a dark haired male sitting next to her, and moved as far away from him as possible.

"Who are you people?" She cried, her eyes flickering frantically from Naruto to who she presumed was 'Sasuke'. "How did you get in my apartment? And why do you keep calling me Sakura-sama?" She slowly backed away from the two males, her eyes widened as unexpected tears started flow down her rosy cheeks. The pinkette felt slightly woozy, and a headache suddenly hit her, and didn't protest or struggle when she felt two pairs of hands move her back over to the couch.

"Sakura-sama, please you need to rest." Naruto pleaded with the sick pink haired girl, his soft blue eyes searching through her own emerald orbs. Sakura was about to retort when she felt the other boy positioned her head on his lap, and felt all her energy slowly disappearing.

"We promise to answer all of your questions when you feel better," He answered her silent question, and gently wiped away her tears. She turned slightly to face Naruto, who in turn nodded with a small, reassuring smile. Sakura sighed in defeat, and closed her eyes and found herself quickly falling asleep.

The two males exchanged a knowing look before looking back to the sleeping pinkette; there was going to be hell to pay when she woke up.

A/N: Hey guys, it's been awhile! :) The beginning was cliché, I know but I've been watching Skip Beat a few days ago!

Just to let you know, I'll be taking down the poll next Friday. So if you haven't yet voted, go vote now!

I recently watched Toy Story 3 –which by the way was great! Spanish Buzz was hilarious xD how did you guys think of it?

Reviews make me happy, but constructive criticism is also appreciated :)