A/N:Hey guys! This is a challenge I accepted by SmileyFace! I hope you like it. P.S. The first chapter isn't that exciting.

Disclaimer:I DON'T OWN iCARLY! Sheesh..


Everything was normal. Carly and I were best friends, Freddie and I still argued, we still did iCarly, and I still beat up random people. It was just normal summer. Then it all changed in one small day.

I got a call from Carly so I picked up my cell. "Hey, Carly," I said into my phone.

"Hey, Sam. So I was wondering if you wanted to go to Build-A-Bra with me?"

"Yes! But I can't, my mom is forcing me to stay home and she actually set up an alarm system so I can't escape."


"Yeah, her stupid new boyfriend is a cop and he suggested it."

"Sorry," Carly said. "Well, I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye," I said as I hung up the phone. "Stupid mom," I muttered to myself.

And hour later. I heard my phone start to beep saying I got a text message. I grabbed my phone and looked at it.

Carly-Liar! You did go to Build-A-Bra! But why did you ignore me?

Me-What? I've been stuck in my house all day.

Carly-Was it Melanie?

Me-No, she's been stuck here too.

Carly-That's weird. Anyways, just sent you a pic message of the girl.

I looked at the picture Carly sent me and looked closely. The girl looked exactly like me and Melanie. It was so weird. I got up off my bed and walked into Melanie's room. "Hey, did you go to Build-A-Bra today?" I asked her.

"No, why?"she asked putting down the book she was reading.

"Well, look at this picture Carly sent me." I handed her my phone and she looked at the picture.

"Cool! There's a girl who looks just like us," she said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, you just got a new text message." She handed me my phone and I quickly read it.

Gibster-Are you stalking me?

Me-No. Why?

Gibster-Well, some girl who looks just like you is following me everywhere.

I looked over at Melanie. "Are you stalking Gibby?"

"No," she answered.

Then I got another text message from Wendy.

Wendy-What are you doing?

Me-Sitting at home.

Wendy-No you're not. You're sitting on a bench on the other side of the street at my house.

Me-That's not me.

I looked at Melanie. "A girl who looks just like us is at Wendy's house," I told her.


"Yeah, but isn't this like really weird?" I asked her.

"I guess so," she said as she picked up her book and began reading again. I sat down on her bed as I got another text message, this one was from Freddie.

Dork-What were you doing at the library?

"What the hell?" I murmered to myself.

Melanie elbowed me in the stomach. "Watch your language." I rolled my eyes at her.

Me-When was this?

Dork-Ten minutes ago. Why?

Me-That wasn't me or Melanie.


I ignored Freddie and saw Melanie was reading over my shoulder. "You couldn't have been at the library ten minutes ago because you were sitting right here with me," Melanie said.

"I know," I whispered.

Well! That's the prolouge for you guys! The next chapter should be up later on today! :D


~Insane Blueberry~