Intro: What's a fairy tale collection without Cinderfella! More story/romance than anything hardcore in this one, sorry. I did quite a bit of research on fairy tale elements and different versions of Cinderella so I think I've come up with a nice mix and a unhealthy dose of QAF, of course! Please read and review and thanks to all my few fantasy fans that are doing so with my other stories. Your reviews keep my pen and fingers moving!


By Bryton4ever71


Once upon a time, a long time ago, far, far away there was a kingdom that was simply called The Loft.

The Loft was ruled by King Jack and Queen Joan and their son, the handsome Prince Brian. The royal family ruled The Loft in happiness and peace until Prince Brian's thirteenth birthday. It was then that Brian told his parents that he was a homosexual. It didn't go well. King Jack and Queen Joan tried for many years to "fix" Brian. This, of course, had no success. Then, in Brian's sixteenth year, such a calamity arose that Brian's sexual orientation was put on the back burner and the royal family reached an uneasy truce.

A terrible disease swept over the land. Much research was done but no cure was ever found. The disease grew into a plague and became known as FADES. It was known as such because an infected person grew transparent like a ghost and then vanished away entirely. Sometimes it was quick but sometimes the FADES lasted years and years.

Ten years passed. FADES grew worse and still there was no cure. Prince Brian was grown and had turned into a very angry and rebellious young man. He had adopted a fuck-em all attitude and become very promiscuous and uncaring. His motto had become "fucking is for queers, there's no such thing as love. This was very distressing to the king and queen and finally they had a serious talk. They still did not approve of Brian's orientation but they could see he was not going to change so they adopted a "if you can't beat them, join them" attitude and came to a grudging type of acceptance. This they told Prince Brian which he thanked them for but it was still many years before he could forgive them and due to the psychological damage, stayed angry and promiscuous for years after that.

Meanwhile, across town, far enough away so that the castle looked like a toy, there lived a young man named Justin Taylor. Justin came from a rich family. His father and mother owned a large condom company. When Justin was eight, his father died. Two years later, his mother re-married a man named Craig. Craig had two sons of his own named Michael and Ethan. Craig took over the condom company and something strange happened. He didn't run it into the ground but at the same time it stopped bringing in the profits that it used to. And two years after that, Justin's mother, Jennifer caught FADES and began to die. Jennifer's FADES lingered for a number of years but at last, when Justin reached 16, she could tell that her time was near.

Jennifer called Justin to her bedside and said, "My only son, for years I have been slowly FADE-ing, but now, I feel as if my time is near. If there is anything you need to tell me, now would be the time."

"There is one thing. Mother, I have been feeling it in my soul for a long time but I didn't want to say anything in your sickness. But, Mom, if you are on point of death then I want you to know…I'm gay."

"Well, Justin, had I known this before, I might have been a little upset. But I guess there's no point now. Be loud, be proud, be pious and good and it will go well for you."

"But Mother, can I be pious and good AND loud and proud? Is such a thing even possible?"

"Yes, my son. Being gay is who you are but being good is a choice. Choose to be a good boy for me, my son. Also, take this." Jennifer pointed to her treasure box and had Justin take out a small broach made out of hazel wood. She was so transparent she could not open it herself anymore. As it was, she hovered just above her bed, as solid objects had no effect on her anymore.

"A long time ago, your father was on a business trip and found a large piece of hazel wood and whittled this for me. He told me he was drawn to it as metal is drawn to a magnet, and I have always felt the same way. It is my most precious possession. I want you to bury it in the yard as a memorial to me as I fear Craig will do nothing."

"I know he won't. Mother, I know he's your husband but he has a black heart and he does not love me. His sons are also ugly inside and they bully me constantly when you're not around. I fear for my safety when you are gone."

"Plant my memorial, and I think some kind of help will come to you. Good bye my son…" Justin could barely see her as it was but now Jennifer faded away completely and with a 'pop'! disappeared.

Justin hid the piece of hazel wood and went to inform his step-father that his mother had died. Up until that time, Craig had maintained a pretense of good will for his wife's sake but as soon as he heard the news, all this was dropped and his father showed his true colors.

"I'm going to give you a choice. You're going to work at the condom company and you'll work here or you can just get out and make your own way in the world."

"You're serious. You'd turn me out of doors without a cent?"

"I'm going to when you're eighteen anyway. What's two years difference?"

"My God! You really are a monster! However, since I'd rather not be homeless, I'll accept your terms."

Well, that the gist of the conversation anyway. The real one was filled with yelling and tears and Justin getting knocked around by Michael and Ethan a bit. In the end he had a black eye. Craig always had his sons do the dirty work so he couldn't be charged with child abuse.

And so, began a terrible time for Justin. His stepfather and stepbrothers took away his room and all his nice toys and books and sold them. They took away his nice clothes and shoes and only gave him a simple grayed out tunic, a rope as a girdle and ripped pants to wear. For shoes they gave him wooden shoes, which hurt his feet.

On weekdays, during the day, he worked at the factory doing everything from vacuum sealing the condoms into their packages to sweeping the floor to lighting his stepfather's cigar. Nights and all day on weekends, he was compelled to be the sole house servant. He cooked, cleaned, tended the garden, did repairs, chopped wood, washed the car, and took out the trash. Michael and Ethan did nothing but sleep and eat and read comics and attempt to excel in their singing and music lessons, both of which failed miserably. Michael's singing sounded like someone stepping on a cat's tail and Ethan played the violin in a shrill, screeching way that made Justin want to pull his ears off.

At night when he finally went to sleep, they provided him only with a straw mat in the basement where he slept near the incinerator. The soot and cinders coated him and eventually he tired of trying to wash them out and acquired a black or grey face nearly all the time. His yellow blond hair grayed out and his bright blue eyes lost their luster from all the abuse. He was tired all the time. And because he was covered in soot and cinders all the time, they called him Cinderfella. Despite all this, he bore his abuse with good humor and remained pious and good.

Meanwhile, two days after his mother's death, Justin obeyed her wishes and planted the piece of hazel wood at the back of the back yard. Winter came and snow covered the yard like a white blanket. When spring came a hazel tree grew up. Justin considered it a grave marker and went to visit it often. He was seventeen.

FADES continued to plague The Loft. More research was done and it was discovered that it was sexually transmitted. This meant more condom sales and the Taylors prospered. Do you think Justin saw any of that money that was his, anyway? No sir! His greedy step relatives kept it all, save a small, trust fund kept for him when he turned 18. Strangely enough though, even with the increased condom use, FADES continued to spread unabated.

Finally the time approached when Justin's 18th birthday approached. As he approached his age of ascension, Justin had grown up into a handsome young man. He was small, about 5'8" or so, but his muscles were hard and toned from all his hard work. He had creamy, fair skin, brilliant blue eyes, and short, yellow blond hair. Well, that's how he would have looked if ashes and soot and hard labor hadn't grayed him out. Despite all this, he was far more handsome than his stepbrothers who by this time also worked in the condom company, although in positions far above him. This was saying a lot, because, despite their evil natures, Michael and Ethan were both quite the lookers themselves. Both had dark hair and handsome faces. Ethan had a small goatee on his chin that he thought made him looked distinguished. Justin thought he looked like he'd dipped his chin in the toilet. Plus, he still couldn't play the violin. He screeched the violin so shrill, he attracted cats and he broke strings continually. As for Michael, he continued to break records (and windows) with his singing. His first love continued to be comic books.

Meanwhile, far away at the castle Brian was turning 29. As he grew older, Brian was still pretty promiscuous but he was forced to cut down because of the FADES. But that also made him resentful that he HAD to cut down. He was also accepting more and more ruling responsibilities, which he liked but he felt his parents were still holding out on him and keeping him a prince. One day he went on a tour through The Loft and saw all the misty, ghostly figures wandering through his kingdom living sickly, half lives. He knew something had to be done.

Brian asked for an audience with his parents and was it granted. He strutted into the throne room and cut a fine figure doing so He was an even six feet tall, with ropy, toned muscles and a handsome face that had a constant arrogant sneer on it. He had shiny, short brown hair and eyes that changed color from day to day. They were brown with gold flecks but every day when he awoke they would be gold with brown flecks. Then they would change back to brown. On his head he wore a simple circlet of gold.

"Mother, Father, something must be done. FADES is destroying The Loft. We must find the cause and cure or there will be nothing left when I take the throne."

"Yes, not to mention, that people are dying," said Queen Joan sarcastically.

Brian rolled his eyes. Here we go.

"And what makes you think you are going to take the throne?" asked King Jack, "You are still far too immature."

"Because…I have…a Plan!" said Brian dramatically.

"What is this plan?" asked Queen Joan.

"I have been checking with the FADES Research Foundation. They are nearing an answer. They have discovered that condoms are no protection and even might be instrumental in spreading the disease. I've already ordered testing. But in order to find a definite answer they need a final and rather large infusion of money."

"Of course," said the king.

"It always seems to come down to that," sighed the queen.

"And so…" continued Brian, rolling his eyes again, "I propose we hold a fundraiser. A three-day festival to raise the last of the money. Also, we could offer a reward to anyone who can discover the cause of FADES."

"What sort of reward?" asked his parents.

Why, a date and a stellar fuck session with me, of course," replied Brian arrogantly.

His parents held each other and laughed uproariously.

Brian frowned. "And just what is so funny?" he demanded.

"Oh, Brian! That's not a reward! That's a bottle of Jim Beam and a Saturday night," said Queen Joan, wiping away a tear. "You're going to have to do better than that."

"I think I have an idea that will fix everything," said the king, "Have your festival and raise your money. But you must use this opportunity to find true love and a groom instead of just another…date."

"Why don't you just ask me to grow wings and fly?" grumbled Brian resentfully, "I fuck. Love is for straights and munchers. There's no such thing."

"So you keep telling yourself. But it's not true. Love is simply fucking with maturity and commitment. Look, you know, your mother and I have come to a grudging acceptance to the fact you are going to choose a groom instead of a bride. The least you can do is give this plan a chance. And in return, if you manage to choose yourself a br – uh, partner…it'll show me you are mature enough to ascend the throne!

"Really! You'll let me take the throne? OK, you got yourself a deal!"

"Jack! Are you sure?" worried Queen Joan.

"Joan…quiet!" He whispered, "Early retirement!"

"Ohhh, good point," she said, "OK, I'm in."

And so, word of the festival was spread throughout The Loft. The first night was to be a White Party. The second night was to be a Leather Ball. The third and final night would be a formal Ball. It was decreed that straight and gay couples were welcome but all eligible men were especially invited for it was decreed that the Prince was seeking a partner in marriage. Furthermore, anyone with information leading to the cause of FADES would receive a handsome monetary reward and the title of Duke or Duchess.

The Taylors were delighted to hear the news and began to prepare for the festival at once. Of course, this meant Justin began to prepare them. He cut and brushed their hair, shined their shoes and laid out their clothes.

"Please stepfather, I want to go to the White Party too. Let me come with you. For once we could do something as a family."

The others just laughed as if that was the best joke they had heard in years. Which it was.

Michael and Ethan were advancing on Justin ready to give his kidneys a workout, when suddenly Craig held up a hand.

"Hold it boys! OK Justin, I'll make you a deal. The prince had ordered us to beef up testing our condoms for quality. I'll have a box of a thousand condoms shipped here and if you can inspect all of them in an hour, I'll provide you with a white suit to go to the Ball."

"What! That's impossible!"

"Take it or leave it," Craig said pitilessly.

"Fine! I'll take it!"

So Craig had the box shipped and Justin took it out in the yard and got started. He held each one up to the sunlight looking for pinholes but progress was painfully slow.

At last, he collapsed back in despair and leaned against the young hazel tree.

His blue eyes were bright with sorrow. "Oh Mom, I sure miss you. I wish there was a better way to do this. I sure need help."

Suddenly, a tiny spider dropped down in front of him on its silken thread. Then another. Then another. And then the air and tree and even his tunic seemed to be crawling with spiders.

At first, Justin was a little creeped out. But, being a guy, he knew he could take a few creepy crawlies without jumping around and screaming like a little girl. So he just swallowed his fear and let them ramble all over him and drop from the branches.

But wait a minute! They weren't just rambling. They were marching. The little spiders were marching in formation toward the box of condoms. Justin spread a few on the ground to see what would happen. Now the little spiders swarmed! They crawled all over the condoms and some of them found pinholes which they squeezed through and at the same time spun a line of thread as they went through. Justin picked up a defective condom with a hairlike but strong thread poking through it, showing the pinhole.

Justin spread more and more condoms from the box onto the ground and what seemed like hundreds and hundreds of spiders swarmed over them. Most of them were fine but whenever a spider found a defect, it would squeeeeze through and spin a thread, revealing it. In just under an hour, they were done. Justin stuffed the square condom packets back in the box.

The spiders climbed up the tree and spun a few strands of web out their backside and let go. The breeze caught the webbing and carried the spiders aloft and away into the world. Justin watched, fascinated. In a few moments the air was filled with silk and spiders. And a few minutes later, they were gone altogether.

Craig appeared out of nowhere. "Well! Are you done?"

Justin stood. "I am. It's most distressing. I figure about 1 in every 3 condoms is defective."

Craig squinted at the threads poking through the condoms. "How did you do this?"

"It doesn't matter. I did it. Now you have to take me to the Prince's White Party. You promised."

Craig was enraged. "Oh no I didn't! I promised to give you a white suit! And I have the perfect one for a washed up, filthy, grayed out CINDERFELLA! Thanks for the help chump!

Justin moved to follow him into the house and basically walked into the fist that knocked his lights out.

Justin woke up about sunset. Ohhhhh! Man, he could feel that he was going to have a shiner.

He went into the house and in the living room was a white bedsheet with holes cut out for the head and arms to slip through and a pair of bleached out beach thongs. His white suit. Great.

His eyes filled with tears and he fell to his knees. He really wanted to go. Why did they hate him so?

After a few minutes, he shrugged. Well, he couldn't go to the ball, but at least it was a change of clothes. He shrugged off the tunic slipped on the bedsheet and slipped on the thongs. Ahhhhh! Compared to the wooden shoes, these were heaven!

Then he ran outside. He watched the sunset and looked over at the toy castle. Somewhere there, the White Party was starting. Slowly, he trudged over to the hazel tree. In the dwindling light, he looked like a ghost moving through the garden.

He dropped before the tree onto his knees and wept bitter tears that watered it.

"Oh, Mom, since you've been gone, I did as you asked. I've been good and pious, even though no one cares and if I had the chance I'd be loud and proud too. I so wanted to go see the Prince! I wish I had some help!"

"So, is this a private pity party or can anyone join in!"

Justin whirled. There before him was a large woman with a red vest, red mouth, and frizzy red hair. All over the vest were Go Gay and Be Loud and Proud and PFLAG and My son is Gay buttons and dozens of others that Justin needed an hour to read them all. She wore a black T shirt with a white rooster on it and underneath that it said NEED COCK. A pair of black slacks finished her outfit.

"Who are you?" Justin cried, terrified.

"You asked for help. I'm help. I'm your fairy godmother. My name's Debbie."

"Good God help me!"

"The Good God helps those who get off their ASS! Now get up and let me see what I'm working with here?"

Afraid to do anything else, Justin obeyed.

"What the HELL!" she screeched, "You can't go in that!"

"I know that. My step –"

"I know all about it. I also know he gave you this." She reached out and pinched his cheek. Pain flared and he winced but suddenly it was gone. He stroked his face and knew his black eye was gone.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome Sunshine. But don't fuckin' thank me yet. We're just getting started."

"Started on what?"

On what! Why getting you ready for the White Party, of course! You still want to go, right?"


"All right then! Go get me one of your wooden shoes and a white mouse from the mousetrap at the side of the house."

"How did you know about my wooden shoes?"

"Angel, I told you, I'm your fairy godmother. I've been watching you since you're mother died. But I wasn't able to help you until you asked. Now hurry!"

Justin ran. He went and fetched a shoe from the living room and went around to the mousetrap cage where there was indeed a white mouse in it. He brought the shoe and cage to the back yard where Debbie was waiting.

"Hmmm, not technically white, but what nobody knows, won't hurt me!" she quipped. She pointed a red painted nail at it and a red beam of energy hit the shoe, turning it white.

Then she set it on the ground, shot it with her beam and it grew and swelled into a white Rolls Royce.

"Open the trap," she commanded. Justin obeyed, wondering what was going to happen.

Debbie shot the mouse with her red beam. It grew and stood up in its hind legs and grew a white moustache and grew taller and suddenly a handsome chauffeur with white hair and mustache in a white uniform stepped forth.

"Hello," the chauffeur said, in a cultured accent, "Are you the young master, I'm to transport?"

"Uh, yes I am, thank you," said Justin.

"Very good. Oh no, this will never do. Good woman, this is a fine automobile, but there's no way I can drive it out of here."

"Good point. Get in the car and wait for him to come to you."

"Yes, ma'am. The driver got into the car and Debbie shot at it. The car disappeared.

"What happened to it?" cried Justin.

"Don't worry. I put in the driveway. Now my next problem is you. First the hair. She ruffled his hair and the cinders that grayed it vanished, leaving it beautifully blond once more.

"Now your clothes. She tapped her finger to her cheek, thinking for a second. All right I think I have it!

She zapped him.

The bed sheet rippled and molded to him, his ragged pants changed and formed to his legs and suddenly Justin found that he was wearing a wifebeater undershirt, a loose, open white dress shirt over it and tight, white, short shorts. On his feet were white loafers with a fringe on them.

"Not bad," Justin said, "But can we lose the fringe? I'm trying to get nailed by a tool, not look like one."

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Everybody's a critic." But she shot his shoes and the fringe vanished.

"Now…"she said, "A special touch to get you noticed."

She reached up and made a grabbing gesture. She opened her palm and there was some silver dust in her hand. "Some moondust to make you shine." She blew the dust onto his hair and clothes, making his hair and clothes glow silvery white, as if he were iced in moonlight. She pointed straight up and made a sweeping gesture downward. He felt something come upon his face around his eyes. "And some starshine to hide you from your brothers."

"What did you do?" asked Justin curiously.

You'll see. Well, I've done all I can here. OK, here's the deal. You have until 3 AM. On the stroke of 3 the spells will be broken and you will return to the state that I found you. The car and chauffeur will change back into a shoe and mouse so leave a little while before 3. Now get your sweet ass to the White Party and do everything I wouldn't, hear me, Sunshine?" She winked and vanished in a shower of sparks.

Justin grinned and ran to the front of the house and jumped into the back of the Rolls Royce.

"To the Castle and the White Party please!" he cried joyfully.

"Yes SIR!" cried the chauffeur, and they were off.

As they raced toward the castle, Justin looked into the rear view mirror to see his face and was delighted. A white bandit mask covered the upper part of his face. It flashed and sparkled with constant twinkling white pinpricks of light

The castle grew from a toy to real size in no time. The white Rolls zoomed to a stop and Justin got out. The turreted castle loomed overhead but Justin tried not to think about that. He walked up to the gate and up the stairs to the front door. All the guards thought the glowing man was royalty and bowed him in. One guard dressed in white armor for the night escorted him to the right ballroom. They escorted him to a ballroom with white double arched doors. Over top of the doors curved the words THE WHITE ROOM. Justin thanked him and went inside.

Inside, the room was packed with wall-to-wall men. Some were muscular and shirtless with shorts, white leather pants or jeans. Some wore wifebeaters or tee shirts and shorts. One wore a full tux. But whatever it was, it was white, white, everywhere was white. From a high stage, a laser generator zapped green laser bars just over everyone's heads. Strobe lights were going off everywhere. And on the stage was a large drag queen dressed as a bride. She wore blond hair and a fancy veil that went halfway down her back She wore formal white elbow long gloves and a hoop skirt type wedding dress sequined with diamonds and buttoned with pearls.

As Justin entered, the bride on the high stage threw a white bouquet, high and long. Justin followed it with his eyes as he walked down the stairs and as he reached the middle he held out his arms. The bouquet fell into them.

And overhead, a spotlight fell on him and it was as if he were standing alone in the dark under a streetlight. The light made his clothes and mask glow like the moon and stars they were made of.

The strobes and lasers continued. Everyone turned and looked at the newcomer and then went back to dancing to the thumpa thumpa music beat. All except one. A brown haired man with brown eyes was riveted to the glowing vision under the spotlight. He went forward to meet him. He wore a white dress shirt unbuttoned to show his bare chest and tight tummy and white jeans. He wore a circlet of white gold and several rings of white gold and diamonds.

Justin saw him and went down the rest of the stairs and went up to him. They were magnetized by each other's eyes.

Brown with gold flecks met blue and starlight. "Hi," said Justin, "I caught this but I want you to have it."

"You should offer that to the one you want to dance with," said Brian.

"You are the most handsome man here," said Justin, "I want you to have it."

"I am the most handsome because I am the Prince."

"I guessed," Justin said indicating the Prince's crown.

"If we dance together I will most likely end up fucking you."

"Time will tell," replied Justin. They began to dance, swaying to the thumpa thumpa music.

Justin and the Prince danced all night. If anyone tried to cut in on him or to take Justin away, he would say "Fuck off asshole, get your own dance partner. This one's mine." Justin was especially happy when this happened to both of his brothers, one at a time. Both had gone the formal route, earning Brian's scorn.

"That guy looks like he put his chin in the toilet!"

Justin smiled and laughed.

At one point, Brian asked, "How did you get your hair to do that?"

"I put moondust into it," Justin answered honestly.

Brian laughed delightedly.

"What's your name?"

"That I cannot tell thee."

"Come on."

"I'm afraid, Your Majesty, the only name I can leave you with is Starshine."

Much later, as the thumpa thumpa died down, Brian and Justin found themselves holding onto each other's butts and slowly bumping and grinding their crotches together.

"Let's go to the back room," said Brian, "We'll fuck like white rabbits."

"I'm loud and proud but I promised my mother I'd also be pious and good. Tell me you love me and I'll go with you."

"You're a strange one, Starshine."

"I know. But love is strange. I knew when I offered you that bouquet, I didn't want to dance with anyone but you, no matter who you were, whether the Prince of the Loft or the poorest pauper. I love you."

"All I know is I want your cute little butt. Fucking is for queers. No apologies, no regrets. I don't believe in love."

"Then I suppose I must go. What time is it?"

"About 2:15 AM."

"Oh, shit! I really do have to go! But I will come tomorrow."

Brian brushed the lightest of kisses across his rosy lips. "Sorry Sweetshine, I don't do repeats."

"Then, I pray you, give me a token so I'll remember you and this night forever."

So Brian took off one of his rings, a band of white gold and put it on Justin's finger. It didn't fit Justin's smaller finger so Justin bent his finger to keep it on.

"It's beautiful Brian. Just like you." Justin kissed Brian lightly, then deep. "I must go."

Lost in the kiss, Brian murmured, "Don't go."

"I must. Goodbye. You made this night as beautiful and pure as the white it's named after. Goodbye, my Prince."

Justin broke away and ran for the door. Brian chased him but the wall-to-wall men closed in.

Justin reached the stairs. He ran up them and away.

Brian fought the clawing hands. Finally, he shed his shirt and punched the rest of the way out. Far away he could see the glisten of moonshine.

Justin ran out of the castle and yelled," Car of White! Time for Flight!"

The Rolls Royce zoomed up and screeched to a stop right before him. He jumped in and they sped off.

Brian got outside just in time to see a white Rolls speed off into the night.

It was 2:30 AM.

Sighing, Prince Brian turned and went up to bed. He didn't feel like returning to that suffocating mob.

Justin arrived home just as the town clock boomed 3 times.

The Rolls evaporated. The chauffeur disappeared and a white mouse went running off. Justin was sitting there in the driveway next to a wooden shoe wearing a bedsheet and beach thongs. His face was gray with soot and there were cinders in his hair. From the pain, he could tell his shiner was back. It was over.

Sighing, he went in, gathered his gray tunic and other shoe, went to the basement and went to bed. Before he lay down to sleep, he found a loose brick in the wall and removed it. He put the Prince's ring in the hiding space behind there and replaced the brick. Then he went to sleep.