A/N: UPDATE! Well, here is the third chapter, thank you to all my readers and reviewers, especially those who have been putting up with my sporadic up dating so patiently! It should be at least semi- regular now that I have finally settled into my new sixth form life : )

Bonus! To my 20th (I'm on 14 atm) reviewer, a bonus chapter which will not be included in the rest of the fic, I was thinking perhaps a flashback. Let me know what you think! If you would like to know what I pictured young doctor like please see my profile picture. As always if you want to see where I got the gallifreyan language from then go to http:/forums(dot)syfy(dot)com/index(dot)php?showtopic=2290974 (just insert in the dots)

Anyway enough of my wittering! And here we go…

While this exchange was going on, Jack turned to Martha and he whispered quietly but resolutely, "Go, look at them, it's obvious that the Doctor won't trust us whilst in this form, just go and carry out the plan!" Martha took one last look at the smiling Gallifreyans before nodding determinedly and saying, "I'll be back," before hitting a switch on the vortex manipulator and teleporting away…

Everyone in the room looked to the Master to see his reaction, the man himself however managed to look supremely unconcerned and nonchalant whilst still conveying a sense of utter menace. He turned to look fondly on the young child at his side before saying, "she will not go far little one, I will have my friends find her." The young Gallifreyan looked dubious at this, "I was under the impression that humans were lesser species, you would ally yourself with them?" He asked in his strange accent, the Master smiled indulgently at the young doctor, "but who said I was sending more humans," he spat the word, "after her?" "These," he paused holding his free hand to the side over which a small silver orb descended, "are my friends," he concluded with a smug smile.

The young doctor frowned and beckoned the orb over which turned to its Master and said in its childlike voice, "mister Master?" The Master scowled and said impatiently, "do what he asks," at this, the orb floated over to the young Doctor. Everyone in the room held their breath, Jack looked horrified and on the verge of trying (futilely) to intervene but the child merely held the sphere securely and sniffed it. He let it go at once and turned to the Master, "is that what I think it is?" The older Gallifreyan looked down at his young counterpart and simply asked, "well that depends on what you think it is," curiosity lilting his voice. "Krvas," the child answered at once, "krvas and ponlottyn and dialae," here he paused, "meim'idne, a meim'idne who is maerdy." The Master smiled smugly, "very good! I call them the Toclofane…what do you think." Everyone in the room started as the young Doctor burst into startled laughter, "the toclafane? That is a fairytale, a fairytale of a race who are out of time and seek only to …oh," he breathed, "who would have thought you had a sense of irony Koschei?" The Master laughed, and it was beautiful and terrible and it burned with the blood of a thousand deaths. "Ah my little Theta, how I have missed you."

Jack frowned, puzzled and asked, "who is Theta?" The Master snapped his head round, "who invited you to speak Freak?" Little Theta placed a pacifying hand on his friends arm and said, "I am, my name is Theta Sigma of the house of Lungbarrow, but you human cannot address me such!" At this exclamation Jack looked profoundly shocked and exclaimed without thinking, "so you actually have a name," he was quickly silenced by the Master striding forward three quick steps and shoving his face right in his, holding the child at his side tight and spitting the words out through his teeth, "young or not, thete is a child of time, born with the power to manipulate the hand of Omega, as all who follow Rassilon. You along with this whole stinking ape race will learn to fear the great and mighty race of the Time Lords. So, dear Freak, show him some repect."

Jack looked on horrified as young theta looked up at his onetime friend with something akin to hero worship in his roiling grey eyes. "Nemiar Koschei, you are truly the greatest friend I could ever have, and I trust you above all else." The older gallifreyan settled a hand in the child's hair and whispered through his smug, all-knowing smile, "as it should be, little one." The humans stood in silence none daring to disrupt the tender moment, which they knew to be formed of falsehood, between the two last of the their kind.

Theta's POV

Theta leaned his little head back and enjoyed the feeling of fingers threading into his hair. His greatest friend Koschei was a grumlie, he was stuck suspended above a planet of apes, and the human male 'hurts, hurts, wrong and burning, fire of the mind, fact, friend?' claimed to know him. But he couldn't, could he? Theta had never been to earth 'nor was he planning to little unimportant planet' before so theta ignored the ring of memories that had clawed at his unconsciousness when the young female had addressed him as Doctor 'why did that sound so right?'

Thete once more turned his thought in the direction of Koschei and opened his eyes to find the elder time lord staring straight back at him with an indiscernible gaze 'friend, enemy, ally, coward, family,' rang at him from a place he couldn't identify. NO. Theta thought to himself Koschei was his friend; he had defended him from the wrong human and had stopped the humans from subjugating his race. That's what Koschei had said and his Koschei, his friend would not lie to him. He looked at the Master, and really who had let that name through the naming ceremony he would never know, and smiled brilliantly, showing all his little teeth and saying, "meyopapa, so… what did Borusa say?" As theta watched Koschei's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled a smile only for his friend and said, "something about dellusions of grandeur and thinking myself above others,,, I merely reminded him of the incident with the tafelshrew in his ceremonial robes and he shut up pretty quickly." Theta chuckled shuffling through his memories of the 'taffelshrew incident' as it had begun to be referred to by students of the prydonian academy. Out loud he said, "no wonder the teachers all refuse to teach at prydonia, that was fun though." Koschei nodded his agreement ruffling Theta's hair and chuckling.

Thinking of the time lords led Theta, to wondering why they were all so silent, he concentrated hard on the place where the billions of voices should be and found… nothing 'gallifrey falls, I had no choice, burning, dying, daleks.' Snapping back from his reverie to find Koschei looking at him worriedly Theta voiced his query out loud, "Koschei why is it so silent, where are all the time lords?" …

A/N: Duh, duh duuuh. Oh no, what lie will Koschei fabricate this time? Once again thanks to all my wonderful reviewers, and also to those who take the time to favourite/alert this story.

Also, as mentioned in first authors note, bonus chappie for my 20th reviewer! Any ideas, queries or otherwise please leave me a review and I will try to answer all your questions.

For picture of little Doc, see my profile pic!

Thanks and lotsa' love

Rosanna : )