Chapter 22: In Search of a New Story
He was lying on his back once more, feeling the after-effects of a vague dream quickly slipping away as the rich smells of the earth and grass greeted his nostrils. At first he saw only a bleak, black curtain that was blindfolding him, but as he strained his ears, he could hear the voices calling out to him as one.
"Please don't die, Phelan!"
"You can't give up now! We won't let you die for nothing, Phelan!"
Phelan struggled to lift those heavy eyelids, but at last the world came into full view. They were all there – Alvin, his brothers, the Chipettes, and even Soron, still clad in their Halloween costumes. Their sad and worried looks immediately evaporated into tears of joy.
"Phelan! Can you hear us?" cried Alvin, shaking him by the shoulders.
"You're alive." Soron seemed to appear the most casual of the lot, but even he couldn't control his emotions as he folded his arms. "You idiot, you had us thinking you were a goner for sure!"
"Yeah," smiled Phelan weakly, adding with a sly wink. "Sorry to disappoint if you guys thought I was dead."
He sat up on his legs, and saw that he was outside the school grounds underneath a pale and waning moon. The next thing Phelan knew, there were more cheers, whoops and even sobs as all the six other chipmunks gathered around him for a group hug, and in that moment, nothing could bring his spirits to soar even higher than the skies above.
"Guys... can't breathe!" gasped Phelan dramatically, and everyone cleared some space for him to catch his breath. He looked down at his chest, and was glad to see his phantom-tuxedo costume covering his fur once more. The dreams would no longer haunt him, nor would the past come back to hurt him and his family again.
"Does this means that it's over?" asked Theodore, wiping the last of his tears away.
"You're right, little bro," said Phelan. "It is finished."
Soron's voice was serious. "The Darkness... is it... gone?"
The wolf-like chipmunk just smiled. "Banished to the darkest corners of my forgotten memories."
Once more, there were smiles beaming on every face, a sigh of relief as even the Chipettes leaned closer to their counterparts for reassurance.
Simon straightened his glasses. "Still, it is impossible to describe how you came back from the dead. I checked your pulse and even gave you CPR, Phelan, but you weren't responding at all."
"Well," said Phelan, dusting off the corners of his cloak. "Like Soron here who always jumps to a thesis, I think I have a little theory of my own – something that maybe science won't be able to comprehend."
"Oh really? Explain then, my doubting brother," grinned Simon.
Phelan turned to face Soron and tapped the light-wielding chipmunk's shoulder.
"I think it's my penance," he smiled, "for saving your butt back there at the warehouse that I really ticked off Death, but fate decided to give me a second chance after all."
Soron pulled Phelan into a brotherly hug. "That's the best theory I've heard in ages."
"What kind of second chance?" asked Simon, his eyes widening with interest.
But Phelan wasn't fully listening; rather, he was paying attention to something else that caught his focus. The faint light of the moon now shone down upon his fur, reflecting his soul and renewing his strength. Gently, Phelan threw back his head and issued a low, mournful howl.
Soron was the only one who fur wasn't standing on ends upon hearing Phelan's call of the wild.
"Woah, that was some howl!" Alvin wiped the sweat off his brows; he looked as though he'd seen a ghost leap out of Phelan's body. "What was that all about?"
"Nothing, I guess... I'm just embracing my inner wolf," he said, and for some reason unknown to the others, Phelan broke into a warm smile.
Then to everyone's surprise, he lay back onto the grass and stared up at the sky, where each glittering star shone even brighter than the last.
"It's so beautiful," Phelan whispered, and he felt the tears flowing warmly down his cheeks. "I've never seen the sky at night to be such at peace... and such harmony at it too..."
Alvin, Simon, Theodore and the others didn't know what to make of the wolf-like chipmunk's sudden appreciation of nature, but deep down, they knew that it meant something good for all of them.
"I'd like to stay here and accompany you on your stargazing activities..." Simon began.
"But we've still got a show to do, and right now, the whole school need you," said Alvin, offering out a hand. "Actually, we're the ones who really need you right now, Phelan."
Still on his back, Phelan looked up at Alvin, and everyone else who were smiling at him. "Do you really think... that the world can learn to forgive me, despite all that I've done?"
He sat up on his back, still feeling unsure of himself.
In reply, both Theodore and Eleanor came over to him and gave Phelan a hug, where he could sense the warmth that spread through them – not from their furry costumes, but from the sincerity of their hearts.
"You're our brother, Phelan," smiled little Theo. "We'll always forgive you, no matter what."
"And we don't care what anyone else says, you've sacrificed so much just to protect us, and nobody could ask for more," said Eleanor. "You're the best friend any chipmunk can ever have."
The wolf-like chipmunk was close to breaking down as he patted both chipmunks on the back. "Thanks, guys," he smiled, looking at all of them. "That really means a lot to me."
A look of relief crossed Alvin's green made-up face. "So does this mean that you'll be doing the show with us?"
Phelan grabbed a hold of his brother's arm and hoisted himself up. "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" This led off another series of whooping for joy.
Nobody saw Soron turn his back during this family reunion. He had only taken a couple of steps forward when Phelan's voice stopped him in his tracks.
"And just where do you think you're going?"
"My work here is done," said Soron, resting his paws in his pockets. "I've done my duties of watching over your family and beating the crap out of the Darkness, but now it seems that you're needed back where you belong. And with that said, I must return to where I'm needed too." He looked out towards the direction of where the park should've roughly been. "We have our own stories to tell, remember?"
Phelan nodded.
"I won't argue with you on that, Soron. But can't you at least stay, until the night comes to an end? We're still a family, no matter what happens." He spread out his arms in the direction of the Chipmunks and Chipettes, as though hoping to emphasize his point.
"That's nice of you, but I think I'll stick out like a rotten nut amongst a group of party-goers. Thanks for the offer, though."
The wolf-like chipmunk looked at the warrior of the Light as he raised an eyebrow and winked.
"I'll be embarrassing myself in front of a live audience," he grinned.
It didn't take Soron long to change his mind, giving his signature smirk as he high-fived Phelan.
"Are you ready?" asked Alvin.
The four Seville brothers put their hands together in a group shake, and then broke off with a whoop that seemed to lighten up the serene and nocturnal atmosphere.
"Let's give them a show they'll never forget!" cheered Phelan.
Every bit of joyous thoughts within Phelan had all but vanished in an instant. The school hall was filled with the stares and whispers as they watched the seven of them return. And all eyes were now fixed on the wolf-like chipmunk like a multitude of tiny daggers.
"Maybe I shouldn't have come back," he hissed in Alvin's ear. "They still think I'm responsible for ruining the party!"
"Don't worry about them!" said Alvin as he pushed Phelan on stage. "As long as we get our act on, nobody's going to care about anything else!"
"But what am I going to tell them?"
"I don't know! Just say something!"
He looked to Simon and Theodore, but even they shrugged their shoulders in confounded silence.
From the crowd of onlookers, he saw Brittany smiling up at him and whispering "Good luck, Phelan!" while her sisters were waving to him.
With sweaty palms, Phelan grabbed the microphone and cleared his throat. "Hey, how y'all doing? You guys having a good time tonight?"
His voice boomed throughout the hall, shaky and uncertain. There was an uncomfortable silence. Nobody seemed to take notice or get their partying spirits rallied up. Next to the Chipettes, Phelan could see Soron face palming himself. This was not going out the way the Chipmunks were expecting.
Nevertheless, Phelan steeled himself and took a deep breath before continuing.
"I... uh, wanted to apologize for my sudden behaviour on stage. You see, I was trying to get into the Halloween spirit. Isn't that what the festivities are about, to scare somebody out of their own pants? So, what I'm trying to say is... I guess I must have done a really good job. Uh... surprise?"
For a moment he thought he was going to receive the silent treatment once more. Then from out of nowhere (perhaps it was Soron, or maybe not), a voice rang out loud and clear.
"You totally rock, Phelan!"
The entire hall erupted into one huge cheer as they called out Phelan's name. Alvin took this chance to rally everybody's spirits.
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time tonight, we are proud to welcome our newest member into the band. So please put your hands together and give it up – for Phelan and the Chipmunks!"
As the crowd broke into its approval once more, the music kicked off with Simon playing the intro on his cello. Theodore drummed a little, and Alvin revved up with his guitar. Phelan cast all fears aside, and started to sing – to tell the tale he knew he had wanted to say for a very long time:
I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that'll light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My God
Amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And every day I see the news, all the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises, just write it into an album
Seen it straight to gold
But I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that'll light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Ooh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that'll light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that'll light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
The band ended the song with a final beat, followed by a loud roar of applause that shook the entire hall. As Phelan waved to the cheering crowd, Alvin took his brother's arm and raised it into the air, as though announcing him the winner of the greatest fight of his life.
And in some ways, Phelan did feel like he had won something for himself.
This was the best night of Phelan's life. Even an army of a thousand of the Darkness could not possibly ruin the chance of enjoying the one thing Phelan had learned to cherish the most. For tonight, he had finally found his place amongst the people who he could now call his friends and his family.
No longer would they look upon him as a freak, or even a cold-hearted killer...
And just like the ever-changing phases of the moon, perhaps things were starting to change for the better.
The festivities continued late into the night back at the Seville's household.
Dave was proud that the boys had pulled off yet another astounding show with great success, especially since it was Phelan's debut performance. To celebrate, he had invited the Chipettes and Soron over for pizza (vegetarian, of course) and ice-cream. Now all eight of them were in their regular clothes; sitting together in the living room and enjoying their desserts.
"You know, this cold stuff doesn't taste as bad as it sounds like," said Soron, who had just dug into his second scoop of ice-cream. "I sure wish I could have a bowl of this every day of the week!"
He looked at Phelan, who raised his glass in a half-hearted smile, but the wolf-like chipmunk still nodded his head in agreement. Ever since he'd removed his costume and makeup along with the other chipmunks, it was as though he'd left his jovial personality behind to be worn again next October. Something was definitely amiss, and you didn't need rocket science to prove it.
"Is there something bothering you, Phelan?" asked Jeanette, looking up from her spoon. "You haven't said a word since we came back."
"I'm fine, really," said Phelan.
"But you're thinking about something, aren't you?" Eleanor piped up.
Nobody said a word as Phelan began pacing around the room.
"You're thinking about the fight with the Darkness, am I right?" asked Alvin.
"My body was completely taken over by the Darkness in that final battle we had, but I still kept a fraction of my mind alive, even when the things I said weren't exactly my own. I remember the last thing the Darkness told me, right before I vanquished him.
"He said, 'There will be others like me. And there will be someone – a new apprentice with powers far greater than yours.' Or something like that."
Simon shot Phelan an anxious glare. "Does this mean that your fight against the Darkness isn't over yet? But I thought you said it was finished?"
Phelan sighed; this didn't seem like another of his desperate lies, but at the same time, perhaps it wasn't exactly the truth either.
"Who knows? The Darkness may be the worst of liars, but he never jokes about his schemes to conquer the world. I wouldn't be surprised if he had gathered chipmunks from around the world to train them in the dark arts. He's learned from his mistakes never to use a pawn that might turn against him someday, so I'm pretty sure he's got other pieces on the board for that."
This caused a look of fear amongst the brothers and their counterparts; the last thing on their minds right now would be to picture themselves being enslaved to the rule of the Darkness.
A sudden sharp noise brought the chipmunks. Soron had clapped his paws together as he leapt off the couch.
"Where are you going?" asked Phelan.
"Well, what else do you think? There's evil lurking out there, and someone's got to go out there and teach them a lesson or two," said Soron.
He was about to leave when Phelan called out to him. "Wait. There's something else I need to ask."
The wolf-like chipmunk stood up and took in a last look at his family, all of them gathered together in one spot.
He unclasped the chain that lingered around his neck and held it out for all to see.
"For ten years, I've treasured this necklace because it always reminded me of my parents. But now..." He paused to hold the necklace close to his lips, which he kissed tenderly before handing it over to the little green-clad chipmunk. "Now a part of me resides in that necklace too, and I want you to hold on to it, Theo, so that it will remind you that I'll always be here – watching over my family. Can you promise me you'll do that?"
Theodore only locked eyes with Phelan, unsure of what to say until the silence was broken when Phelan put the necklace over his head.
"Why are you giving me such an important possession, Phelan? Don't you need it anymore?"
Instead of answering Theodore, Phelan turned to face everyone.
"When I fought with the Darkness in the world of my dreams, I realized what truly gave me the strength to conquer my own fears. It wasn't this necklace, nor was it my own powers. It was because I had opened up a new person inside of me – the person I was always meant to be. And in that instant when I connected with my inner soul... I felt stronger than ever.
"That's why I need to find out who I really am – so that I may find the truth of my soul within me, and use it to defend the weak and the innocent. They need me – more than I need any of you, but I'll never forget you guys. So this is..."
He struggled to find the words, but he had to wipe his eyes with his sleeve.
"I have to leave you guys for a while. This is where I'll be saying goodbye – for now."
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. They were half-expecting Phelan to suddenly burst out laughing; perhaps it was some sort of a final say as a Halloween joke. But the silence that followed in his words was just too much to bear.
"P-Phelan?" Theodore's voice was quivering as his eyes started to well up. "D-don't go, p-please? You're a p-part of our family now."
"I'm sorry, Theo. But I have to."
Brittany stepped forward. "Phelan, if this is about what happened between us and Alvin-"
"No, it's not." He patted the chipette reassuringly on her back. "It has nothing to do with any of you or your sisters. It's just me... it's always been about me, hasn't it?"
Soron looked at the wolf-like chipmunk as though he'd just transformed into the Darkness again.
"Phelan, you've been out of your mind plenty of times before, but this one really makes you a moron! This family has been linked together with a bond that's unbreakable because of you! You've brought them together out of pure love! Have you been eating too much Halloween candy?"
He even placed his paw against Phelan's forehead, who just brushed it off with a gentle chuckle.
"You're right about one thing, Soron. This is my story, and only I can find out the ending for myself. But every story begins with a journey somewhere, and I have to fill in these pages by undertaking a journey of my own.
"I want to find the truth out by myself. And I know that somewhere out there, I'm needed to fight the forces of evil that are gathering. Surely you know what must feel like, to be a protector?"
"Of course I do," said Soron, folding his arms. "But can't you let someone else do all the fighting instead? I'm sure you're as much as a family person as you are a fighter."
Phelan rested his paw on Soron's shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes with warmth.
"I know of two warriors who once gave up everything they cared about so that they could protect the ones they loved dearly. Their sacrifice was a tough decision for them to make, but I know that they made the right choice – because they are the brightest of lights that shine down upon the ones they care, and they have given us the best of hope."
Soron nodded, and Dave and the chipmunks watched as the two friends walked to the door like warriors calmly awaiting their destiny.
"But where will you go? You obviously don't have a clue as to where to start your travels," said Alvin.
"He's got a point there," agreed Simon. "Plus, it'll be winter in a couple of week's time, give or take. How are you going to survive being all by yourself in the cold?"
"And you won't be able to have three meals a day!" Theodore looked worried.
Phelan just smiled as he placed a paw over his scar-covered chest.
"I have always trusted my instincts, and they have led me to the right path, no matter which road I choose. This time, I just want you guys to put your faith in me and whatever I do, okay?"
When nobody dared to say anything, Phelan knew that they had no choice but to accept whatever intentions he had planned – his mind was made up.
He walked over to Alvin, who had turned his back away from his family.
"I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry," the red-clad chipmunk mumbled over and over to himself, but already there were tears streaming down his face.
'Alvin, I know you're a much stronger person than this," said Phelan. "It's you who's always been the big brother, not me. Who cares if I'm a little older, or stronger or even wiser? It's up to you to watch over this family while I'm gone. And I know you'll do great because I have my fullest trust in you."
All Alvin could do was to stare at the floor while he sobbed.
The aura of sorrow that racked his brother's body was enough to break anyone's heart in two, let alone Phelan's. Forgetting that his wolf instincts that took over him, Phelan pressed closer to Alvin and gently licked his cheek. That gesture of comfort brought Alvin back to his composed self, and he smiled as he returned the favour and kissed Phelan on the forehead.
"You'd better come back in one piece, Phelan," warned Alvin, but with a light-humoured tone. "Or else I'm coming after you and I'll kick your sorry butt back here – whether you're done fighting evil or not!"
He held out a finger, and Phelan wrapped his around it in a pinky promise.
"You have my word on that, Alvin. Since when have I let you down?"
"Do you really want me to get started?" asked Alvin, and everybody else broke into a fit of laughter.
He gave everyone else one last hug, and when it came to Theodore's turn, he shook the green-clad chipmunk's paw with his own.
"I'll miss you a lot, little chef. Remember what I said, and don't forget to keep on cooking, okay? It's what makes the world a much better place."
Theodore nodded fiercely.
This time, Alvin didn't object as Brittany's lips brushed passionately against his, but it was only in the split of a second. "For luck," she winked.
Phelan smiled and looked at the Chipettes. "You girls are lucky to have such best friends who care for you deeply. Treasure them well, and never take your love for each other for granted."
When he turned to face Dave, he let a few sniffles escape his throat as he cuddled up against the man who he now thought of as a father. "I can never thank you enough, Dave. You've shown me what it's like to be part of a family again. And now... I'm so sorry I'm leaving you all over again."
Dave just smiled and patted his son's back.
"Maybe the best thing for you is to get away from all of this and be your own self. It's a sign that you're growing up, Phelan, and you're willing to take up whatever challenges lie your way."
"Thanks, Dave. Thanks for understanding."
Phelan dusted his trench coat and put a paw on the doorknob.
"Oh Soron, before I forget, can I ask something else from you?"
Soron rolled his eyes. "You know I'll have to do it, anyway."
"Can you keep an eye on my family while I'm gone? Just drop by once in a while to see how things are going. I know you have your own family to look out for..." he added with another wink.
"Consider it done," said Soron, though he knew what Phelan had really meant to say.
They shared one last hug.
"You take care of yourself, brother," said Phelan.
"You too," Soron smiled.
The wolf-like chipmunk waved to his family. "Don't worry about me, guys. I'll be back before you know it."
The door creaked open, and Soron vanished into the moonlight.
A sense of joy washed over Phelan as he stepped into the shadows.
And just like that, the great wielder of the Darkness had disappeared...
They ran outside, hoping to catch a final glimpse of their newest family member. But all they could see was the moonlit sky that spread across the endless horizon like a waning cloak.
Each chipmunk found comfort with their own counterpart as they watched the night slowly unfold itself; only the stars were bright enough to assure them that there was nothing to worry about.
Alvin had a look of relaxed confidence spread across his face.
"He'll be back. I know he will."
"How can you tell?" asked Brittany.
The red-clad chipmunk put his arm around and stole a kiss from her, smiling as they both held each other while staring up into the moonlight.
"Because he's a Seville, that's why. And a Seville always keeps his promise, no matter what."
The hands on the wall clock were now pointing to one minute after twelve.
Outside, the clouds had parted to reveal a now shining moon come full circle.
Tonight, the darkness that came did not bring about the end of another day...
But the promise that somewhere out there, hope would shine in their hearts brighter than any light, and as brave as a young and free-spirited wolf.
The End
The song that Phelan sings is Secrets by One Republic. Thought it would be a good way to finish where I started with a bang.
Well, that's it. The Darkness Comes has reached its end at last. :)
I can't believe it's come to this, but I have so many mixed feelings just writing this...
Thank you, one and all, to everyone who has told me to keep on going with this story, who have enjoyed it and have stayed with Phelan and Soron and the others all the way through their battles. You guys are my greatest readers ever - and I'm really grateful for that.
Oh yes, I wish to shout out a special thanks to Pontiac 56, Periosha and Victory's Raconteur - for adding their unique and astounding ideas into this story and giving it a flavour of their own. You guys rock my world, and I look forward to working with you again and again and again. :)
Don't stop reading and reviewing, and I'll see you again on the writer's field very soon (I hope)! :D
~ Wind