No explanation what so ever. Thank you to everyone who reviewed and added this story to their favs and alerts! You guys are the best. Many thanks to…

. .My 2 . . .CeeCeeEss.&the special someone.

Extra special thanks to elektra66- thank you so much, your review literally made my day better, you're awesome!Charm697- thanks lots and thanks for understanding : ) Onyx Maxwell- thank you too, I enjoyed the length of the review and just for you I'll make sure that it's not as confusing this time. Olivia Williams- I simply loved your review and it made me laugh quite hard haha. [I'll make sure he's literally on his knees thanking her…when the time comes of course ;) ] I love it when I get actual reactions to my stories, so I must thank you for that too.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy. Richelle Mead does.

Word count: 1990

When suddenly…

I got the scare of my life. As you ponder what could possible scare me so much that I scream my head off causing the baby in my arms to scream and cry as well, I shall tell you what I saw.

When I got the door open, after a good five minutes of struggling- keys are not my friend at all, by the way- the first and most important thing I did was stop at the coat rack and take those blasted heals off. For all the boys out there scoffing at me for immediately taking shoes off, let me tell you that walking around in five inch devil spikes all day after cutting your feet up while fighting the undead- sounds pretty bad ass, huh? Sorry I'm off track here- is not the most pleasant thing in the world to do. As I was about to unload my skirt from my weapons I hear a sound. Hearing noises in your private residence that was supposed to be locked all day is never a good sign, especially when your senses were just on override during a life and death situation. Still weary from all the fighting, my mind went back into overdrive, going a mile a minute and asking quite a few useless questions that I knew I didn't have the answer to yet asked myself them anyway. Thoughts such as, "more Strigoi?" and, "what the hell do they want now?" and the ever original question, "who's there?" danced around in my head.

Well they did, until I decided not to be blind anymore and just look up to see who was standing in the hallway of my parlor. Then I asked myself, "Rose Hathaway, what kind of guardian, one that just came back from battle too mind you, doesn't use their eyes when entering any place?" Immediately I felt retarded. Then I felt petrified.

Why, you may ask. I'll tell you why. Standing not ten feet away from me was the infamous Janine Hathaway. And that's not all either! No, I do not kid you, I swear! Janine Hathaway… The Oncoming Storm… El Diablo….My Mother * insert gasps here* stood before me, scowling at me! As I have said before, I am not being flippant with you. No, and in all seriousness here, I'm just about quivering in my mini skirt. I just got more frightened than when I was outnumbered eleven to one today. And the worst thing about all of this is all I could do is stand there shaking, forcing a weak smile onto my face in greeting instead of putting a bit of attitude out there to ease the tension if only a bit. Then I realize I should speak before she speaks for me, and that would never be a good thing in any situation. So I gathered up what little courage I had when dealing with my parents and forced words out.

"Mom," Damn, that came out weaker than intended. My voice was scratchy and squeaky, and definitely not Rose-ish at all. Clearing my throat, I tried again. "Er, what are you doing here? The door was locked and…what?" And so the second attempt wasn't much better… Great. And now she's smirking at me, like she knows something I don't. Well, she probably does, now that I think about it.

I'll let you in on a little secret. Even now, my mother wasn't very what you'd call 'motherly'. She came maybe twice a year, maximum. That is, unless she has some news or something else to scold me about like I was still a teenager. The odds were ten to one that she was coming to scold me. She actually came more to see Lissa's kids more than her own. Sad, huh? Back on track here, though. She was still smirking at me.

Wait, I saw a change in facial expression! It wasn't a smirk any longer, nor was it scowl, or that patented Hathaway "run before your head is shoved up your ass" look. It was disbelief. Pure, honest to God shock. I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime. She raised a pointed finger at me.

"Rosemarie, what the hell is in your arms?" She whispered, still slightly dazed, but regaining that glare with each syllable that left her lips. Keeping quiet for a moment I peered down at the baby swaddled in my arms.

"A baby?" Perhaps I said that just a tad too innocently.

And this opened the door to a floodgate of questions which are unimportant, seeing as they received just the standard responses. The only question worth mentioning was the last my mother asked, and the only one for which I didn't have a definite answer to. "Rose, how long are you going to be keeping this child for?" my mom inquired, with the tender sort of voice you expect one to direct toward a child.

Silence followed. In my mind I had thought of several answers: until we find his parents, forever, I'm not keeping him at all he's going to stay with someone who can care for him. I didn't say any of this out loud and after a moment mom sighed in resignation, and ceased the questioning.

The kid had fallen asleep a while ago, shortly after we moved into my living room. Even though I had taken care of the triplets since they were born, I didn't know where to start to help this boy. It felt different caring for him than it did caring for other kids. There was a pressure I felt pressing down on my shoulders now that wasn't there previously. I chalked it up to the fact that before, someone was always there to fix my mistakes and make sure no harm ever came to the kids. Not now. Currently I was on my own. No husband to rely on, and as if my mom knew how to take care of kids; she dropped me off at the academy as soon as she could.

Feeling rather helpless, a feeling I did not enjoy at all mind you, I began my own inquisition. As it turned out, Janine wasn't here to scold me or to have just a friendly visit. No, she was living here. And I would see her every day. And I had authority over her, which she couldn't deny… All sorts of plots of revenge began circulation around my brain.

Soon after the questions ended, the silence grew awkward, so I decided to grab a change of clothes- sweats, a t-shirt and my combat boots- so I could go find Lissa and hopefully solve the mystery of this baby.

As I came down the stairs, my mother was already standing at the door waiting for me so we could leave together. At the end of my driveway, we parted ways. Janine going left to the offices so she could pick up assignments and what not, and me going right to the day care, which through the bond I knew was where my friend would be. I was a few steps down the way when I heard my mom's voice call back. "Oh by the way, your dad is here too." I got chills down my spine from that fact, and my body just about froze at the next words that came out of her mouth, "and he will be hearing about this baby situation."

Attempting to shake that one sided conversation out of my head; I continued on my way to the day care. The baby- I was really going to have to give him some sort of name because I couldn't keep calling him 'the baby' all of the time- was fast asleep in my arms despite the slightly sharp movements of my steps. Soon enough I stood at the entrance to the building, baby names swirling in my head. Only a little distracted now, I actually used my eyes this time to survey the rooms I entered. Nothing unnatural going on here.

… Unless you count a severely pissed off Princess shouting at a cowering Lord, and an enraged pyrotechnic holding a ball of fire in one hand and a small entertained child in the other. I wasn't concerned enough for Adrian to step in at that point for two reasons. One: this was prime time entertainment, and a welcomed sense of comic relief that this day was in desperate need of. Two: Adrian proved to me that he wasn't quite as cowardly as I had thought earlier, seeing as he told Lissa and Chris about Carlee getting injured that day; but on the other hand, he also proved that he was far stupider than we had ever assumed. I mean, he took on Lissa and Chris without someone there to protect him… moronic is the word to describe Adrian Ivashkov. Brave, I conceded, but still moronic.

Finally I got bored with watching the show, so after handing the baby off to a nearby guardian who protested the exchange severely, I joined in the scene. Instead of pushing them apart or yelling, I simply laughed obnoxiously. It broke up the screaming match without someone getting punched (a plus for those people). The overly protective parents calmed down slightly, and the trembling boy, well he just went back to normal. Normal meaning smirking with a conceited look on his face.

Still giggling slightly, I got Lissa and Christian back on track. We needed to figure out a new plan for safety for the compound, as wards just proved to be rather ineffective. After agreeing to take our little party back to base headquarters after returning the kids back to their families' homes—the picnic ended quite a while ago – I watched Lissa and Chris gather up their kids and march out of the door, still sending Adrian murderous glares.

The guardians rounded up the kids and put them in groups. I "offered" to return a group. It's not like I was busy with the Princess or anything. Note the sarcasm. I checked my weapons as per the Princess's orders, took the baby back from the disgruntled guardian, and got my kids out the door. It was only then when I noticed who I had in my small group. Kesslyn was holding the hands of two little girls, reassuring them in her high soprano voice.

The first five children got home safely; then it was just Kess, the baby and myself. She didn't speak a whole lot and I didn't volunteer to start the conversation. I led her to her family's apartment, slightly curious as to who would open the door: her mother, father or what appeared to be the grandmother I saw earlier.

Walking up the path to the door Kesslyn ran ahead of me and pushed the door open calling for "Baba". I hesitated slightly before entering the home. Her "Baba" came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and dark hair pulled back. They conversed in quiet Russian for a moment before the lady came over to me.

"Thank you for taking care of my granddaughter. My son will be so relieved to know that she's been brought home safely." The older woman said, with the expected bit of gratitude in her voice that all of the other parents and family members also had.

"It was my pleasure, ma'am. I really must be going now," I said thinking of the meeting I was supposed to be conducting right about now with Lissa and Chris. As I walked back out of the house, I heard another, heavier set of footsteps coming from behind me. It must be the woman's son, Kess' father, I thought. The door closed behind me.

Olena's POV:

Not five seconds after I closed the door behind Roza, Dimitri came up to me, inquiring as to who brought his daughter back. He wanted to thank her. Dear lord, ubey menya.

Translation: ubey menya: kill me now.

Hope you enjoyed. REVIEW.