Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the Vampire diaries or any of the characters. Nor do I seek to infringe any copyright laws. ALL RIGHTS belong to LJ smith & the CW network.

AN: Hey guys so heres chapter 8. Thank you to all you amazing guys who stuck with this story. You guys are so patient and your reviews are the best Also RockerChick08 told me the People's Choice Awards are coming up and voting will apparently be ending soon. Ian Somerhalder is up for Best Drama actor but apparently Nina Dobrev is not up for female and Paul isn't nominated. But if you're interested there is a chance to get them nominated. Get voting :) Love ya xxx

Chapter 8: High on the red stuff.

"Oh my god!" Caroline screeched as her, Jeremy and Elena burst into the room. It was 3:00 in the afternoon the following day and Damon, Bonnie and Stefan still hadn't resurfaced.

Caroline ran to Bonnie who was cradled, back against Stefan with Damon lying in her lap face down. Both boys at first looked asleep so Caroline went straight to checking her friend's pulse, which seemed to be accelerated but okay. Her colour had also returned to a prefect deep honey caramel.

"She's okay thank god you saved her!" Caroline said cheerily patting Stefan. But when she got no response she lifted Stefan's drooping head to look at him properly. At the same time Elena followed by moving Damon so he was face up on Bonnie's lap. She and Elena's faces contorted into sheer terror at the sight of both boys purple vein engulfed faces. Jeremy rushed to examine them both. There wasn't a single sound from either of them, they were heavy and ice cold.

"They need blood and lots of it now! Caroline get Stefan something from the park. Elena get Damon the human packets from the fridge. Hurry Caroline, Elena go they haven't got long!" he ordered.

Bonnie fluttered her green eyes open wiping her throbbing eyes, her temples pounding as everything was dizzy. She placed her hands face down on the bed and braced herself to get up, heart feeling heavy. The room soon started to pulse between grey scale and crimson red, making a crackling sound every time she blinked. Bonnie attempted to push off the bed sheets, heart racing when she noticed she was drenched in blood and it wasn't hers. Hysterically turning to the right side her arm collided with a still frosty cold hand. Bonnie screamed, salty tears immediately attacking her eyes as she looked down at Stefan's pale, blood stained body. He was as still as a statue, his main arteries protruding the colour bluey grey.

"Stefan!" she roared in fear shuddering with every breath she took, as she jolted magical electricity through his lifeless body with all her might. Bonnie stifled in what could only be described as something between a pained cry and a shriek as he lay there mouth open, lips dry and peeling, skin like eroded marble.

"Stefan please please no don't leave me! How can you leave me? You promised!" She tried to stop the brown blood gushing from his neck and wrists. Bonnie squirmed she needed her grimmoire she'd fix this. Sweat now drenched her petite body and she finally noticed her stomach, ribs and neck were aching too, contracting. She felt as if she were going to vomit. The room everyone and everything continued to flicker red and grey. Bonnie in trying to cradle Stefan soon collided with something else just as cold on her left.

"No no this can't be. Damon damn it wake up! Wake up! What happened? Did I do this to you both? I didn't mean to please I'm sorry wake up please Stefan! Damon!" she yelled fearfully, taking turns between looking at the both of them. She repetitively nudged Damon's still muscular body and noticed his neck and wrists seemed less bloody than Stefan's as if void of any blood at all. She looked dead straight into Damon's frozen open oceanic eyes, an image that would forever haunt her.

"No please I hate what he did to me but I don't want this for him and Stefan Stefan I can't do any of this without him. Please Emily, Grams someone help me save them both." Bonnie pushed her wrists hard and relentlessly to both boys.

"NO you have to drink dam it Please!" she wailed when their fangs actually crumbed to white dust against her wrists.

Bonnie had one hand on Damon's arm the other on Stefan's as she began to chant relentlessly.

"These men they mean so much to me.

One my love the other has caused me misery.

But help me gods and I promise I'll forever owe you.

Take my soul as replacement for theirs you know you want to."

Bonnie recited before ripping open Damon and Stefan's shirts. She placed her head one after the other on both boys' freezing cool chests listening for anything. They usually breathed though they had no pulse but this time nothing. Bonnie couldn't think straight as the coppery stench of their blood assaulted her senses again and again.

"Get it off!" she cried tears falling all over Damon and Stefan as she scrubbed violently at her body before coming to whisper in both boys ears.

"Please come back Stefan I need you! I won't be without you."

"Damon you've hurt me so bad but I still care. I know I keep saying I don't and I try blocking it out but I do feel for you. Please come back."

Bonnie ran on trembling legs to open the bedroom door, as dizzy as she was she managed it. Opening the door she was hit by a flash of light. The room was now in normal colour as she howled for Jeremy and Caroline to help her. She found both Caroline and Jeremy running towards her. She couldn't hear their words; they were a muffled dull thudding to her.

She was grabbed kicking and screaming hysterically in strong arms and a smell so familiar enveloped Bonnie. The smell of aftershave, whisky and that unique manliness that was all ...

Looking up she saw Damon, hair slightly tussled staring intensely at her with what she didn't recognise was concern, love, regret and longing. He held her firmly in his embrace, cradling her and hushing her, rubbing her gently to reassure her everything was okay. He continued to keep her to him as close as was naturally possible and kissed her forehead, burying his face in her chocolate slightly sweaty curls. Damon went down to her eye level, strong hands clamped gently against her caramel rosy cheeks.

"Shhhh its okay Bonnie it's okay."

"But you you." Bonnie tuned back to the room and there it was Stefan and Damon's blood ridden ashy bodies staring at her. Stefan's greyish green eyes and Damon's icy irises both dead open straight penetrating hers. She began to cry.

"What's wrong with her is she okay? Has the poison worn off tell me please!" came Caroline's frantic questions.

"She'll be okay I know it. I promise it's just she's been through a lot. She's traumatised and confused form it all. We just need to break her out of it and watch her for the next day or two. You hear that Bonnie it's just been a long night."

"Lair! What the fuck are you!" She screamed in anger. "Damon and Stefan are in my room they they..."

"Whatever tricks your mind is playing on you Bonnie that's all it is, bogus, fake. I'm right here. Feel me I'm real?" Damon tenderly took Bonnies hands and guided them across his face, trying not to sigh in relief and in ecstasy at her touch.

"Now go back into your room. What do you see?"

"You and Stefan but your not in colour you're pasty, grey and dead. I can't deal with you guys being gone." She began to howl with more tears.

"I promise you my love it's not real. Touch what you see. Which feels real that or me?" his blue grey eyes bore into hers. "It's true Stefan and I were in a fucked up state but Jeremy, Caroline and Elena came and fed us blood a few hours ago. I swear they gave me so much I think I've put on weight." He smiled at her wiping her teary emerald eyes. "We are completely fine now Bonnie. Whatever you thought you saw you really didn't."

Bonnie looked at him as if understanding and when she turned the nightmare in her room was gone. She was now in the living room with Damon, Elena, Caroline and Jeremy.

"You're alive?" She began to touch his smooth face again needing reassurance and confirmation. He seemed to be in heaven as she placed her caramel hands to his cheeks stroking his lips and chiselled cheekbones. But horror soon struck her again "Wait where is Stefan? You're a liar he'd be here." She began kicking and pushing against Damon to let her go.

Damon couldn't let her go he just couldn't do it.

Bonnie's eyes rolled to the back of her head as her mind was attacked with images of the vampires beating her, threatening her life and her loved ones. She suddenly felt unsafe and unsure again.

"I want Stefan!" she blurted out when Damon was massaging her shoulders and stroking her cheek. She was confused again. The dead bodies in her room were gone but then if this was real where was Stefan? He'd be with there right?

"Bonnie its okay. He'll be back soon he just had to go feed okay."

"Deceiver! You said you both already fed. Why would he need to feed again? You did something to him I know it! "You're not the real Damon whatever you are! Bring me Stefan NOW!" She began to squeal. She bawled her eyes out pushing Damon yet again to let go but his grip tightened on her arms not to hurt her but in urgency and desperation. He grabbed her face in between both his hands again begging her to look in his eyes. He yanked her to his chest when she moved again.

"Stop Bonnie please it's me stop! I won't let go now look at me?"

Bonnie began to cry crumbling to the floor.

Caroline soon smacked Damon away.

"Get your hands off her she hates you! You're making her worse! Hey hey it's me look at me BB you can trust me." Caroline kissed Bonnies cheek and pulled her into a hug. Bonnie immediately smelt the candy smelling fragrance that was all Caroline Forbes.

"I don't understand look he's the one lying he's not real!"She pointed to Damon.

"What's happening? What did you do to her?" Jeremy screamed holding Damon by his collar. Deep down he knew Damon had done nothing but try to calm Bonnie but seeing her so lost and confused made him unable to think straight, he just wanted to lash out at whatever he could.

"Nothing you dick get your hands off me before I snap them at the wrist."

Damon took Bonnie into his arms pulling her with more force this time and ignoring her howls.

"Listen to me okay Bonnie we had to save you. The poison blocked us from healing you for god knows how many hours. We had to act fast. We couldn't risk just giving you a little and it not working. So as soon as we could we pumped you full of a hell of alotta mine and Stefan's blood. We must have fallen asleep with you still drinking. It's more than I've given to anyone, twice as when you count Stefan gave you just as much. It's a lot for your body to cope with and adjust to. It seems to have created a hallucination effect. Please Bonnie whatever you saw it wasn't real. I have run out of answers. I don't know how to convince you. You know me, everything about me. You know the man standing before you now is not a figment of your imagination or lying to you. Breath and really look at me." When she didn't respond Damon grew exasperated, seeing that look of non recognition in her eyes was too hard for him. Damon pressed his lips to her mouth, knowing full well if she didn't kick the crap out of him for it Caroline and Jeremy would. "Do I feel real now?" he murmured against her non responding lips. God once again she had not kissed him back and though it stung again like the time before, he was grateful she wasn't a two timer. She'd always been loyal and he'd forever love her for it.

Bonnie felt Damon's warm, full lips crash against hers immediately begging for entry. His tongue sweeping against her bottom lip, licking her and pleading, insisting she let him in. The force, the stubbornness of his ways and the passion that seemed to be coming off him in waves. Bonnie instantly knew this was the pain in the arse, doesn't take no for an answer Damon Salvatore who had been the cause of so much aggravation in her life. The man she'd once hated with every fibre of her being then loved with every fibre of her being, before he betrayed her.

Bonnie slapped Damon putting a little magic into it but nothing to really hurt him.

That's my girl! He annoyingly smirked before turning serious.

"We'll feed you now. We'll get you all bathed up and cool down your temperature. I promise you won't be having any more hallucinations. I'll sit with you through this. I won't leave your side I promise."

"Or you could just fuck off! If anyone will "sit through this with me." she gestured in hand quotations. "I know it'll be Caroline, Jeremy and Stefan the people who have been there for me all along. You you can't just come back and think one good deed makes up for everything." Bonnie said regaining her senses from her little drugged up trip, anger radiating off her. She couldn't believe he tried to kiss her yet again. She loved Stefan and Damon was just going to have to deal. To her it was simply not about love from Damon he just wanted what his brother had. It was getting old. If only she knew the truth of the matter was the complete opposite. She was madder with herself. Seeing that mind trick and the concern she had for Damon, she knew she'd be heartbroken if anything happened to Stefan. She'd die without him that was a fact, a certainty but she'd thought any feelings for Damon had died away. After all the hurtful ,deceitful things he'd done to her to even feel an ounce of concern for him made her feel like there was something severely wrong with her. How could she feel a smidgen of compassion for someone who broke her, shattered her life and dreams so badly? But she was Bonnie Bennet she cared if he lived or died just like with anybody else, that's all she reasoned. She still had a lot of hate and anger towards the eldest Salvatore, wounds she didn't think could ever be mended where he was concerned. So much distrust and fear at even letting him come close to being hers and Stefan's friends, for fear their kindness would only be thrown back in their faces when Damon decided to hurt them again. Bonnie was so distraught last night about whether she should have let Damon walk away but now she was thinking that it sucked this danger had brought them all together. It just meant more opportunity to be harmed by Elena and Damon. More chances for them to charm and manipulate their ways into the group. If he thought he could come back here worm his way in and joke around like they were a happy family he was wrong. Yep I'm back she thought to herself feeling her confidence rise, pushing to the back of her mind the fact he had actually helped save her. It was too hard to think about the reality he'd just risked his life for her. It was too confusing to think she genuinely mattered to him. It was just easier to ignore how sweet, and loving he'd been towards her just now, trying to comfort her and ease her stress. It just made more sense to think he was up to no good and had ulterior motives.

"Stefan." She demanded tapping her foot waiting for an answer.

It broke Damon that she kept calling for Stefan. Damon had seen a slight bit of empathy for himself in Bonnie when she thought he died, a sense of relief from Bonnie as she stroked his cheeks hoping he was still alive. He realised though she was far from his number one fan really. If she hadn't thought he was dead she wouldn't have been anywhere near happy to see him. He didn't know how he was going to prove his love but he knew it was going to take a great deal of time and the help of the gods to do so that's for sure. Damon broke out of these thoughts and tried to answer her while hiding the hurt he felt.

"He isn't like me remember he needed to feed on more animal blood. These two brain boxes..." he gestured to Caroline and Elena brought him one freaking squirrel for god's sake. I just took some of Jeremy's blood packets. Tyler and Matt went with Stefan, to help him hunt and make sure nothing attacked him as he was pretty weak. They'll be back soon." Damon ignored the glares he was getting from Caroline at his suggestion she hadn't been helpful.

"Tyler, Matt?" Bonnie said still trying to work against the slight disorientation she felt.

"Yeah you said we were all in danger. I put in call to them straight away."

Jeremy confirmed.

Bonnie ran to him and out of Damon's arms immediately leaving him feeling empty.

Jeremy cradled her as Caroline joined in. Elena looked on at the friend that would once upon a time only run into her arms for comfort. She wanted to hold Bonnie again. Realisation made her want to cry.

"I remember everything. They hurt me, beat me." she cried into Jeremy's shirt.

Damon punched the wall in frustration clenching his bleeding fists. He was about to go and hold Bonnie again whether Jeremy and Caroline tried to get in his way or not. He wanted her to feel safe with him and to know he'd stop those that were after them. That he wouldn't let anyone touch her again. She was so fragile right now, so defeated and beat up. It made his blood feel like fire. He would kill what hurt her slow.

Stefan soon came bursting through the door immediately running to Bonnie with open

arms, cradling her to his chest. Stefan held her for dear life as he rested his forehead against hers, kissing away her tears and holding in his own. He was so relieved she was okay. Last night he'd even thought about drowning himself in vervain if she didn't wake.

Bonnie looked up through teary eyes grabbing Stefan by the hair on the nape of his neck and pulling him into a deep zealous kiss. He responded massaging her tongue hard with a need and craving to be connected to her and never let her go, let her go anywhere near danger. Elena and Damon watched on taking yet another blow to their hearts. They didn't know what to do so they just stared.

Bonnie soon smacked Stefan in the chest more playful than anything else pouting. "where were you? You gave me a heart attack when I couldn't find you. You made a promise to me mister."

"And I will never leave you Bonnie I swear."He kissed her again as everyone watched the public display of affection. Jeremy and Caroline smirking at their friends and knowing Damon and Elena were obviously miserable and wouldn't get their way.

Damon watched on realising these two really had connected and made promises to each other. It made his eyes sting threatening tears to know he'd let down every promise he'd made to Bonnie. It was so frustrating and upsetting, all he wanted was the opportunity to show he wouldn't be a disappointment to either of them ever again.

"Yeah well you did leave me journal boy." She poked him in the chest. "Next time I go on the red stuff you should be there taking the trip with me." She chuckled. "God you totally missed out on all their freaked faces." She joked too happy to see him to care about anything else or such company as Elena and Damon.

"Well don't we get a hug?" came Tyler's husky voice. On the inside he was furious to see Bonnie so distraught but if he was in that situation he'd want to forget. So he'd make jokes and he'd lighten the mood for her.

Bonnie looked on at her childhood friends, they'd kept in contact of course but to see Tyler and Matt in person made her forget the current calamitous situation they were in. Stefan and Damon were alive; Caroline and Jeremy were by her side and now so were Matt and Tyler. In that respect it was all good.

She smiled widely looking up at Stefan who could see she was struggling to contain her excitement at seeing them. He happily let go so she could embrace her friends. Seeing her 20 watt smile always melted him.

Bonnie ran and jumped into Matt's arms kissing his cheek she then enveloped Tyler ruffling his hair.

"I missed you bitches way too much. Why no visit?"

"Sorry Bon but trying to get Tyler to set foot on educational grounds since we left high school has been quite the challenge."

"Well you've missed out Tyler!" Jeremy chimed. He knew they had a lot to deal with but for now it was just nice to reunite, though he felt wary of Damon and Elena's presence.

"Oh and how have I missed out fang boy?" Tyler swaggered over to Jeremy giving him a man hug.

"Oh just you know college girls way more experienced and up for it." Jeremy smirked, placing one hand by his mouth like he was telling a secret but saying it so loud they all heard.

Bonnie and Caroline quickly snuck up on the young vampire slapping him upside the head.

"Oh I forget Stefan and I aren't allowed to talk about these two girls gone wild and their frankly x rated shenanigans."

"Oh really what antics are these?" Tyler said putting on a sexy voice, while Matt looked a little shy.

"Let's just say the day before yesterday when Caroline was licking Bonnies face

And dancing like stripper with her on a table, it was only the mildest of unruly times."

Damon was partly happy to see them all laughing and joking but it also secretly made him feel so left out. He gave up so much to be with Elena and she him.

Soon the peaceful mood was over however as both Matt and Tyler locked eyes with Elena and Damon.

"What the fuck are those two sleazes doing here?" Tyler almost growled like the werewolf he was.

"What did you just call me?" Damon was almost feral. "Let's not pretend for one moment that the reason you don't like me is because you were always so jealous of mine and Bonnies love. Everybody here knows you always wanted to get into Bonnies pants. You were waiting for me to screw up!" Damon all but snarled.

"No it's because you two are disgusting backstabbers." Matt gestured towards Elena as well. He wasn't going to sit back and let Tyler deal with this. He, Tyler, Jeremy, Caroline, Stefan and Bonnie were a unit, they defended their own and Damon and Elena wouldn't break that.

"You even manipulated my mum to get your way!"

"Yeah and if you fucking morons had just kept out of it, it wouldn't have taken us a year to find them. They would have known much sooner that Elena and I ended pretty much instantly, realising our mistake and that we loved them so much. They wouldn't have gotten together."

"Bullshit! They love each other. Get over it. I'm happy for Stefan that he's with Bonnie. At least he deserves her and Come to think of it how do we know this all isn't one of yours and Elena's games. Bonnie gets assaulted few days after you two get into town. What thought you'd create some danger so you could get close again? Sweep in and save her so she fell into your arms?" Tyler fumed. How dare they bring up his love for Bonnie which had never really died down if he was honest but he really was happy for Stefan. The younger Salvatore had been a good mate to him over the last few years and he knew he treated Bonnie amazingly.

Damon saw red the thought he would conspire to hurt Bonnie made him sick. It wasn't even a millisecond that had passed before Damon was pummelling Tyler on the floor laying thundering blow after blow.

"You fucking shit! I'd never hurt her ever! Think what you like mutt but don't you ever try convince Bonnie of such lies. I wouldn't harm a hair on her head you all know that you're just trying to turn her against me." He screamed

Tyler didn't heed his warning. "Oh yeah screwing her best friend didn't hurt her at all did it Damon?"

Damon growled pulling a piece of wolfbane out of his pocket. Yes he'd found it amongst Bonnies herb stash in the locked chest she kept under her bed. She'd done the same back in mystic falls so he didn't need to snoop long. He had grabbed it the minute he knew Tyler was coming. He stroked it against his face eliciting a cry of pane from Tyler.

Matt was infuriated he may be human but he had to do something taking the vervain from his pocket and pushing to Damon face so he'd get off.

"Yeah we all got herbs Damon! Two can play that game!" Damon immediately had him by the throat.

"Go on do it! To think we became friends makes me sick."

Stefan had had enough and so had Jeremy yanking the two apart. Damon paused now looking first at his little brother who gripped him firmly, grey eyes showing unhappiness at him yet again. He looked around the rest of the room at people who had once finally accepted him. He snapped out of his anger just in time to hear Caroline reprimanding Jeremy and Stefan for stopping Damon's beat down.

"I'm sorry little brother. I I don't want you to be let down by me anymore. I'll keep my cool. I just can't stand you or Bonnie believing I'd do such a horrific thing as to get Bonnie beaten up. It's a spiteful thing to say because deep down Tyler, Matt they know I love you and Bonnie. They know I've searched a year for you. I know I've hurt you both in the past emotionally but it was never on purpose. I'd die for you both Okay? " he said all this so quite only Stefan and possibly Jeremy could hear. Damon placed his hands on Stefan's shoulders, peering deeply into his eyes for reassurance he believed him. He signed in relief when his brother gave him a little nod. It wasn't much but it was hope.

They all had their backs to Bonnie now in heated argument. If she wasn't still woozy

She'd have bitterly chuckled at the fact they were all so irate over her but still not paying any attention to her opinions on the matter.

Bonnie whispered stop for the 30th time, her vocals and chest still hurt too much to scream. Bonnie soon collapsed to the floor. The thud Bonnie made caused them all to run to her in panic, Stefan and Damon at the forefront. Caroline wanted to smack the black headed pest out of the way which she did, never one to just want to do something.

Stefan picked Bonnie up bridal style laying her on the couch as Caroline got a wet cloth.

"Let me please?" Damon pleaded with the blonde to let him be the one to tend to Bonnie. He only received a stare down from her in response. At the same time Elena came running with a glass of cold water.

"Get lost both of you!" Caroline almost full on pushed Elena.

Stefan sighed "look guys we haven't got time for this. Bonnie just fainted because of the stress of all this shouting. We need to put the arguing on hold for today okay? For Bonnie and as for Damon he helped save her, that cannot be denied. So I get the defensiveness but we can all agree he's not here to physically hurt us. Although god knows what he's gonna to do us emotionally. Now Caro I know you're just being protective and I love you for it. Let's face it I'd be in a fit of laughter, cheering you on because yup I'd like to see you smack Damon and Elena the hell outta here for the things they've done in the past but let's focus on the present. I'm sure Bonnie would much rather you make her some of those chocolate gooey cupcakes she loves.

"The ones I make whenever she's sick. I remember." She nodded heading to the kitchen.

It was like having an arrow through Elena's heart when Stefan said what he did. She put it to the side though. Cradling Bonnies beaten body the previous night had scared the crap out of her. Life without ever seeing Bonnie again made her want to vomit; she needed her that much for sure had been awaken in her.

"Maybe I could help?" Elena offered

"Well of course not!" the blonde chimed. Yes Damon had helped saved Bonnie so she had to give him some credit for that but what the hell was Elena contributing? Jeremy tried not to laugh in the disastrous situation and the fact that Caroline was still being stubborn as ever. Still he could give Damon some points for his help although really if he hadn't given Bonnie blood Jeremy would have happily. But Elena hadn't said much to him or done much since she came so who cared? he thought as he stroked Bonnies locks in a brotherly fashion.

"Make sure you put some vanilla ice cream and hot custard with it she likes that." Damon muttered. Whether they liked it or not he knew her, he really did.

The boys crowded round Bonnie as Stefan signalled Jeremy to make sure Elena and Caroline played nice amongst a kitchen full of cutlery and heavy metal objects.

Stefan sat on the couch pulling Bonnie gently on top of him, wiping the beads of sweat from her caramel face. Bonnie's eyes soon fluttered open. "What happened?" she moaned.

"You fainted. But I got you now." Stefan kissed her lips softly.

"Oh yeah I remember you guys were making my head spin. There's nothing like a room full of testosterone filled boys and two crazy cheerleaders." She tried to joke but they could see she was upset and a little angry at the past being yet again dragged up.

"Look Bon." Damon placed his hand lovingly on her knee.

"It's Bonnie I haven't been called Bon since I was 19. Which you'd know if you haven't been a jerk off" she corrected crossing her arms and hitting it away.

"Sorry Bonnie" Damon sighed "Do you remember what they looked like? Exactly what they said? Did they smell of anything in particular? Feel like anything in particular? It will all help."

"It was hard to tell they were young. Smooth faces about your ages and builds. They smelt of Calvin Kline and herbs. The kind of herbs I use in magic. You know stuff like Mandrake root, mugwort, angelica root, blessed thistle, caraway, damiana and hibiscus flower. God knows what else but it was an assault on the senses for sure. It's just weird a lot of those herbs can be used for good like protection. They said they knew about us all and that we'd pay for Katherine. They wanted to make us suffer slowly and painfully. They weren't trying to kill me this is just the beginning for us all." She Began to sob she just wanted to get on with university life and normality with Stefan and her friends, But no now they were back to fending for their lives.

After the group settled down Bonnie watched them eying her as she ate her chocolate cupcake with ice cream and custard. She was surprised Caroline remembered the last two. Little did she know it had nothing to do with her.

"So where do we start?" She said between mouthfuls.

"Well it would help if we could see what you saw." Damon quickly responded.

"Maybe we could try that memory spell you know where we journey through. It would have to wait till tomorrow. I don't want you using any strength tonight."

"Surprisingly I agree with Damon. I don't want you worrying about anything tonight Bonnie. Just let us take care of things and we'll deal with spells, research, weapons all that. You can help tomorrow. And don't even think of opening you mouth to challenge me woman." He flicked her nose smirking. "Kiss now please!" He demanded playfully as she smiled obliging happily. She loved how he was more strong and in control these days. Remembering how he told her he felt like a doormat with Elena had been excruciating. It was amazing how far he'd come.

"Okay okay but before I rest like a princess as you guys so suggest can I just point out something? Where do we even start I mean love sick men avenging Katherine is hardly a narrow field, that slut bag has had quite a few."

"Well we should work on finding that poison I've never seen anything like it but you said it smelt familiar." Stefan said looking at Damon. "Maybe if we track that..."

"We find them." Damon finished his brother's sentence trying to fight the feeling of warmth it gave him to work alongside his brother. "It's a rare poison for sure so it'll definitely narrow things down."

"And then what? Without knowing what we are dealing with how can we plan anything? They have been watching us, they could be right now." Bonnie shuddered "and it's not just vampires they obviously have access to magic."

"Okay so we stick together at all times to be on guard." Damon suggested.

"Easy for you to say I personally would rather be attacked by those punk vamps than be in confined spaces with you." Jeremy barked.

"Guys simmer." Bonnie sighed but she could never be annoyed at Jeremy for looking out for her. "Damon this would work a lot better if you shut up. Look I get that you are trying to be helpful but you've hurt not just me and Stefan in this room. Jeremy thought of you as a mentor, a brother once upon a time. We can't all just forget and pretend everything's normal and that sticking together is something easy. You have to understand this hostility isn't coming from nowhere and that trying to push and force us into close proximity isn't helping everyone stay calm."

"I just wanna help you." he said frustrated and a little desperately.

"Too late! You've failed to help me the last year and a half! Why you trying now? I'm seriously struggling here to understand you."

"Bonnie I can't apologise enough. I ..."

"Stop we'll be going round in circles all night at this rate and I'm way too tired for this. Tyler and Matt you okay to cramp in one room? Stefan and Jeremy you too bunk together and me and care bear will share."

They all turned to Elena and Damon. Stefan sighed "right I guess you guys want to stay close too."

"How far is the hotel?" Caroline, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler asked in unison.

"I can't be all the way across town, not knowing if they are safe, unable to help and protect MY brother and my Bonnie. I'm staying with them deal with it!" Damon part hissed but there was some pleading in his voice.

Bonnie groaned but paused for a moment in thought. She knew she was letting her emotions cloud her judgement. She just didn't know how to stop herself. She had to think of what was truly best for her loved ones though. "Look I think I'm letting my anger get the better of me. This is our lives we are talking about. No matter what's happened we don't want each other dead, any of us. We stand a better chance of protecting ourselves and our new friends if we work together. If that means you have to stay here I guess we'll all have to grit out teeth and deal. Okay now you two take the couch." She gestured to Elena and Damon.

"I'm not with Elena Bonnie!" Damon part yelled part sighed but he was at least grateful he'd be able to stay. If he hadn't been allowed, he would have camped out in the tree next to Bonnies room come rain or shine.

"He's telling the truth guys. Come on we haven't come here together to mess with you." Elena whined.

"Look I'll take the couch." Damon looked at Bonnie intensely.

"Yeah and maybe I could share with you and Caroline." Elena said hopefully.

Bonnie and Caroline exchanged looks of distaste.

"Actually Bonnie is camping with her stud muffin."

"Oh and who's that then? Give me a clue please." she teased.

"You need a hint is that right?" Stefan kissed her gently "how's that for one?"

"Well with that sorted Tyler, Matt and Jeremy you guys okay to share a room? and well..." Stefan looked at Caroline sympathetically. "I swear to you on my undead life I'll buy all your drinks when we go out, forever. I'll even buy you that juci bag you wanted, take you on a massive shopping spree? Give you my credit cards? Maybe a holiday? How about diamonds? Hey I'll even compel Robert Patterson to be your boy toy? Please? And sorry Caro."

"Gucci Stefan Gucci and you'll still owe me a lot more than that for this cruelty I am being subjected to." she groaned but then smiled unable to even pretend to be mad at him.

They had all decided not much could be done tonight. They had searched the books Bonnie owed on witchcraft and herbs but the library would offer more. Alaric was on his way too armed with Katherine's journals and Isobel's research. If these men were important they'd be mentioned there somewhere.

For now all that could be done was sleep.

Jeremy, Tyler and Matt eventually fell asleep after bitching about drowning Damon in vervain and catching up on all Jeremy's party stories. They'd even planned to attend a few. Come evil monsters or apocalypse they would not miss a party they decided.

Stefan and Bonnie fell asleep hands intertwined and bodies interlocked. Bonnie felt safe and loved as Stefan traced kisses down her neck and shoulders, massaging her till she succumbed to deep slumber.

Caroline grudgingly slept next to Elena huffing and puffing and planning on smacking and kicking into her every chance she got in the night.

"Look Caro I'm glad you're protecting Bon."

"You act like I've taken on a temporary position. She's my friend not yours."

"Listen I just want us to all be friends again."

Caroline stayed Silent for a few minutes seething with annoyance.



"Sleep with one eye open!"

Damon lay across the couch tossing and turning. He kept listening into Bonnie who seemed in distress but he knew he had no right to waltz into her room. He was also still fuming over everyone's attitudes. Whatever happened, the fact they thought he could have been in on the plan to assault Bonnie made him furious, he was disgusted at the thought. He hoped Bonnie and Stefan didn't share their feelings.

Bonnie felt hot and sweaty again thinking of the attack and the promise of more to come. Her magic hadn't been strong enough to stop the power of the poison. Whatever created it was surely stronger than her so how was she going to protect her loved ones? There were also her new and innocent friends to think about. What if they came after Max, Alexi or one of the boys?

Bonnie awoke deciding stuffing her face more and moping would be a good way to ponder their options. She quietly lifted the duvet off her and placed her bare caramel feet on the floor. She looked at a peaceful sleeping Stefan, mouth slightly open, dark honey hair all crazy and eyebrows even in sleep slightly furrowed. She kissed his lips tenderly as he moaned appreciation, smiling and turning into his pillow. Bonnie had to hold in a chuckle.

Walking into the dark kitchen in Stefan's grey shirt she ran the tap in need of cool water.

"Mmmm day old Chinese yep sounds good." she murmured opening the fridge.

"Couldn't sleep huh?"

Bonnie clenched her hand over chest in shock looking into Damon's icy concerned eyes. He was shirtless with his hair tussled and for some reason he was slightly sweaty.

"You scared the crap out me dumbass! I forgot you were here!"

Damon fought the urge to smile. He always loved when she chastised him and called him names, especially when those names weren't liar, manipulator or deceiver. "How you feeling? Let me help you with that." He gestured to warming the food in the microwave.

"I can do it myself thank you very much!"

"It's okay honest I just wanna help you. I should have been there when you got attacked. I should have protected you better. I would have ripped their hearts out and let you watch!" Damon stroked her cheeks tracing where her wounds had been. "I just thank whatever the hell miracle it was that kept you with me. May I add a little off topic but you look beautiful you know? Even if that is my brother's shirt not mine." He said sincerely with a little croak and hurt to his voice.

"Just back off." She whispered a please. "Look you helped Stefan save me at a risk to your own life when you didn't have to. I don't know why you did it if I'm truthful. I'm hoping it wasn't because you think it'll gain you brownie points. In any case you gave me your blood and I genuinely thank you for that. I honestly am relieved you're alive Damon and I know you had nothing to do with my assault. But now just please keep your distance! You keep crowding me and it's hard to know what you want from me and Stefan."

"You don't know how thankful I am that you know I wasn't part of your attack. As for helping save you, I did it for no self serving reason but to see you smiling and living again. It you were ever in that state again I'd do the same. I'd give my life for you without hesitation every time Bonnie. Same goes for Stefan. But it's okay you wouldn't be the Bonnie Bennet I love more than life itself if you weren't a little cynical of me. I I just I feel for you. I love you and I'm sorry I can't turn it off Bonnie. I'll never betray you and Stefan again or let you down."

She pushed him away as he was now standing mere inches away from her backing her into the kitchen sink, bracing his arms on the counter caging her in. She couldn't stand the shimmers of sincerity she kept seeing in his eyes. It wasn't real he had a century or more to practice the art of deception that's all she thought.

"Don't think just because we have to work together it changes things! Once this is over you and Elena can disappear."

"And If I can't? I know I originally said I would but I was fooling myself. What if I said I don't think I could ever leave you and Stefan ever again? Then what?"

Elsewhere across LA in a dark abandoned warehouse three women lay chained up in a cell, hands tied with their mouths gagged. The four figures traced their hands across the cell menacingly.

"Mmm that witch taste good no wonder Katherine liked the Bennets."

"Yeah but you fools shouldn't have beaten the crap out of her. We need them to suffer slow. You better hope her little gang got to her in time and the poison wore off before she fucking croaked. Or I swear I'll stake you idiot's right here." A fifth voice roared through the building, his anger echoing off the walls. Speaking of, that stuff worked a treat you witches are pretty good. Wonder what other magical weapons you three got up your sleeves." He opened the cage immediately ripping off the woman's gags, stroking their bare flesh.

"We won't help you anymore specially against a Bennet. They are honoured among our magical community."

"Well you three want to protect your families don't you? Your HUMAN, FRAGILE, BREAKABLE families? Your boyfriends, little sister and father? You'll do as you're told and as long as I have this crystal..." he held it up the gem containing each girl's DNA. A jewel blessed by their ancestors into making their powers immune to whoever possessed it. "Your magic is useless against me. God seducing your desperate ancestors was so damn easy. Got into their pants, their hearts and all it took was a simple fake I love you. I promised to protect them and their families but to do that it would be easier if their magic wasn't dangerous to me. They bought that shit about being able to protect them if I didn't have to worry about protecting myself from them. Lame they sold you out and your descendants for a man, a man really apart from fucking they didn't really know anything about. Man I love white witches a lot easier to get your way with them than the dark practitioners. Listen deals a deal I'll smash the necklace when you give me what I want and you can go back to living your boring little Wiccan lives without further disturbance from me."

"Now you guys and try not to be incompetent this time." he handed three of the men gloves. "Go get the vervain and wolfbane for the werewolf. Also word has it Alaric Salzmann will be coming into town; he'll have weapons of use to us. Sabotage him."

"And you" he referred to the fourth who finally coming into the light could be seen was 22 years old with sandy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. "Get back to campus and watch the witch she'll be making a trip to the library soon me thinks. She'll be heavily guarded by those two Salvatore brats.

"Yes Kane. Sorry for our screw up's it won't happen again." They all nodded in agreement to their orders from the curly brunette haired, brown eyed 20 year old man. He shrugged off his leather jacket revealing his tattooed wrist. He stared at it for a moment before Kane transformed his face, veins protruding and fangs piercing through his gums. The sound of the witches whimpers only making him more excited as he bit them repeatedly, savouring the taste of their witches blood, smiling when their whimpers turned to howls. "Sshhh honeys it'll be over soon. As for those Love sick pawns. "He gestured to men who had just left. "Katherine had them twisted round her pretty delicate little finger and now so do I.

To be continued...

Hope you like it and it wasn't rubbish. I'm not sure whether it turned out the way I wanted but hey. Please do review and let me know . I know everyone was nasty to Damon in this chapter and I was sad writing it lol but it's only the start so they can ease off slowly. It would have been odd to have them straightway being lovely to him. Bonnie and Stefan will be the first to show him more sympathy as it goes on. Oh and I know it looks like Damon doesn't have a chance in hell atm but this is Damon Salvatore were talking about ;) Also Kane isn't Katherine's maker or boy toy ;)