I woke up the next morning to Find the room empty. I growled and called Loren mobile phone but notice it rang in the room. The idiot left it here, Left me here.. How could he think i wouldnt be able to do this.. i wanted Everyone back Safe.. i wanted Lily back safe where she belongs, im Going to kill that bastard. I smirked to myself as something came to mind, A Gadget that Rose had given me ages ago incase something happened to the kids, its a locator, I had completely forgot all about it until now, i grinned now i could find them much more easily. I turned it one and noticed the dot was right next to Lily!. But also noticed that there was a extra dot on the screen, I chuckled Roza had placed a tracker on Loren always, i shook my head and smiled. I quickly got my things together and made a few calls and rounded up more poeple, i gave them the direction to head and would meet them have way, i then went out to find myself a car so i could get there. It took me about hour to round of with the new group and then we heard after Loren, we wore fast drives and ended up right behind them.
"Everyone get in groups of Five.. group one will go in first... Ten minutes after group two and then five minutes after group 3 and 4 and then last group five stay here... we take everyone out, but leave Tasha to me."
I watched as everyone nodded and got in groups. The less experience fighters wore in 3 and 4, hopefully we would have gotten everyone with groups one and two. I gave a nod for group one to set of. I then ten minutes later set of myself. Once we came to the house we noticed that group one was already fighting some that wore outside. we then headed inside and searched around i told everyone to pair up it would be easier to fight where i went of on my own.
Once everyone was taken out i found Tasha in a room lying on the bed, Dressed in, omg her underwear. I covered my eyes
"You came my love... i knew you would..."
she said and i tried my best not to Gag, i knew what i had to do, i had to pretend, i very slowly removed my hands from my eyes trying not to gag to much
"yes my love... i have come..."
i said keeping my voice normal and loving.
"but you shouldnt have to take my daughter... or hurt my best friend..."
i said as i looked towards her and made my way close to the bed
"but it was nessecery..."
she said and i nod my head
"If you really wanted me to come all you had to do was ask my love..."
i told her while trying to hold back the puke that was treathening to come up. Tasha just smiled at me and moved over in the bed to the middle. I leaned on the edge of the bed and smiled.
"My love.. Are you going to let my daughter go... and my friend?"
i asked her, Tasha smirked slightly
"your daughter can go but you friend... i'm Sorry he was in the way... it was his fault anyways..."
she said and i raised my eyebrow at her
"What was his fault?"
i asked her while trying to keep my voice loving.
"I had to kill him Dimitri... i left him to die with your daughter... but its all right she cant see it him..."
she said with a smile. I wanted to kill her, she left a dying man with my daughter in the room, she wanted him to die and scar my daughter for Life... how could she... Evil Cow!.
I leaned over in the bed and I began to kiss her, I tried not to gag but I needed to do this, I kissed her thinking of Roza, seen her distracted I slip one hand into the inside of my pocket, I took out the stake and drove it through her heart smirking
"never… take my children or harm them again…."
Tasha eyes widen seen the stake, I smirked
"Never hurt a Friend of mine and
never trust a man who suddenly wants to be with you…"
I lughed and watched as all the life left her eyes, I got up and wiped my mouth, I would a bloody toothbrush and toothpaste or some mouth wash or soap.. All sound good. I stood up and pulled my stake out of her chest.
"stupid Cow..."
i mumbled and went outside to see three men.
"sir... We Found them..."
they said and they all looked so sad. I nodded perparing myself for the worst. I let them lead the way, We can to the room and seen Lily laying and Loren chest, she looked so pale. I rushed over to her and checked her pulse along with Loren. I sighed in relief and turned to the three men. I picked up Lily and sighed. she hadnt been fed. He frowned slightly and looked around
"Get him into the Van now... he wont survive much longer..."
I told him and they qucikly moved him, i led the way out of the room and into the Van Lily resting in my arms and Loren on the back seat. We rushed back to the Court and they wore seen to straight away. I went to Roza i needed to Tell her everything was fine. I went to the house and looked around to see Roza sitting stil by the window with the Em and Andy sitting in her lap. I went over and place both my hands on her face and smiled
"she here... she back... she alive... we need lissa.."
was all i said and she instantly stood and passed me the kids and ran from the House with Lissa Calling after her. I quickly Explained to Lissa that they wore found and we headed to the imfirmary.