Mario, Peach, Luigi, Daisy, Toad, Toadette, Dixie, Diddy, DK, Yoshi, Birdo, Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi, Tiny Kong, and Jojora.
"THIS CRUISE IS GONNA BE SO FETCH!" Screeched Toadette at the dock as the group awaited to board the giant cruise ship.
Wario grumbled, "Why does she have to be so loud and spunky" He rolles his eyes.
"Lighten up Wario, be happy " Jojora smiled, "Be positive, be happy happy!"
Mario leaned over and whispered in Peach's ear, "God Jojora's so happy all the time I just wanna shoot her,"
"Don't say that, Jojora is my best friend!" Peach replied.
Daisy skimpered around on the docks as everyone walked onto the cruise ship. She was about to board the giant boat, but saw a suitcase laying on the dock. She glanced around, no one was watching. She knocked over the suit case with her thin body and opened it up. Guns, knifes, ropes, duct tape and a Justin Bieber CD were in it. She snatched the CD before saying aloud "Whos deadly belongings could this be..." She dragged the suitcase to the edge of the dock and threw it in the water, then bolted onto the boat. It was the only thing she could do. Reporting it would put the cruise on hold, and she really wanted this cruise.
She couldn't mention it to the group, especially if she threw into the water. How would she explain that?
Birdo, Yoshi and Rosalina all roomed together.
"Let's go the bar first!" Yoshi said throwing his suitcase on the bed.
"Yeah, they have free drinks the whole cruise!" Birdo grinned.
"Wait you guys... I can't find my other suit case! Ugh I must have left it at the airport, or the dock or somewhere! doh!" Rosalina whimpered.
"Dude, chill. Don't be a girl about it. Now let's party!" Yoshi cheered.
The cruise ships horn rang and left the docks.
Dixie, Rosalina, Toadette, Daisy, and Tiny were in their skimpy bikinis, and Peach and Jojora were laying on lawn chairs by the pool.
"Aw, this is the life." Toadette said putting her shades on.
"This trip is so awesome. I can't believe us 16 get this whole boat to ourselves for 2 weeks." Tiny murmured while sipping her margarita.
"So awesome! Glad to be getting away from annoying Cranky!" Dixie smiled.
Rosalina thought about the suitcase, and couldn't focus on the conversation. Her mind kept drifting.
Diddy came out of his room and onto the deck where the pool was. He cannon balled into the pool, splashing the 8 girls.
"HEY ASS!" Jojora yelled, "We're tanning here!"
Diddy snickered and gave Waluigi a sly smirk. Jojora returned with a mischief smirk.
"HEY!" Dixie said in frustration at Jojora.
"What...?" Jojora said confused.
"Nothing. Nothing, sorry."
DK, Toad, Mario, and Luigi were playing a game of miniature golf.
"YES! Hole in one!" Toad happily announced.
"That is your third one in a row! What the hell? Do you have this game rigged or something? Jesus." Mario pouted.
"No! I wont chill! You've been a douche to me ever since we got on the airplane. Making me hold your sh!t while you go to the bathroom? Like really? Cheating in miniature golf! Im outta here." Mario threw his golf club over the side of the boat and stormed off.
"Ummm... ok" DK said.
"How about that weather?" Luigi awkwardly said.
Yoshi sat alone in the cruise ship's restaurant eating various foods.
"Can I bring you anything else?" The kind Italian water asked.
"Just a bit of vodka, and that will be all. Thank you." Yoshi replied.
"Do you want to sit and talk after I get you your vodka? I have nothing else to do. And you aren't with anyone." The waiter politely asked. Yoshi gave him an odd look.
" thanks. It's fine." Yoshi answered.
When the waiter returned with the vodka, Yoshi was gone. He had left a tip on the table, though.
The waiter sighed, and sat in an empty chair. He looked at the vodka and decided he would treat himself to some liquor.
The sun was setting, and it was beautiful sight. Dixie sat atop the railing and watched it set.
"Hey Dixie, I saw how you reacted earlier by the pool earlier today." Diddy grinned from behind her.
Dixie turned on a dime and sighed, "God, you scared me!"
Diddy laughed, "Sorry," He walked a bit closer to her.
"Yeah, so just to let you know I am NOT cheating on you. That was just me being playful" Diddy said with a smile.
"It's-it's just fine..." Dixie trailed off.
"You don't have to answer..." Diddy leaned in and was inches from Dixie's face.
She leaned closer, and then Diddy kissed her.
"Damn," Rosalina said downing another beer, "T-this is fffunn"
Yoshi belched and laughed.
"Have you ever noticed... that, that Lady Gaga would look like a dutch man if you cut all her hair off?" Birdo laughed.
Waluigi walked in and ordered orange juice with a few drops of tequila.
"Don't be such a woman!" Magikoopa laughed. "Bartender, get him some rum and coke to start."
"No, no," Waluigi insisted.
"Come on!" Yoshi shouted.
The bartender handed Waluigi the rum and coke.
"DRINK IT!" Birdo chanted.
Waluigi took a sip of it and Birdo, Rosalina and Yoshi cheered.
Tiny and Jojora went to the theatre the cruise ship had.
"Hm, what movie should we see?" Tiny asked.
"Let's look at what they have playing," Jojora replied.
"Here," Tiny handed Bowser Jr a flyer on the coffee table in their room, "They have all the movies listed here."
The list read:
Twilight: The Movie New Moon: The Movie Eclipise: The Movie
"I guess they only expected girls 13 and under to be watching movies..." Jojora mumbled.
"Screw it! Let's have a Twilight marathon!"
"Let's live on the edge! Let's be rebels!" Tiny grinned.
"Living on the edge is watching crappy movies? Being a rebel is being part of the most hated fans in the world?" Jojora groaned.
"Don't be such a negative nelly. Come on! What else are we gonna do?" Tiny looked at Jojora with child like eyes.
They walked into the theatre, and it turned out they weren't the only ones to have thought of a Twilight marathon. They met up with Peach, Dixie, Toadette and Diddy.
"I can NOT believe I'm being forced to watch this!" Diddy pouted.
"Toad would've come as well but he got seasick. Or so I'm told." Toadette said.
Wario awoke in middle of the night and couldn't sleep. He sneaked out of his room, trying not to disturb the others sleeping, and went out onto the deck. He got out on the top deck. The moon was out and the stars were shining. A cool breeze rolled through the air. The smell of salt water and oil filled the air. Petey made out a figure by the deck. It was DK.
He waddled over to him, "Couldn't sleep either?"
"Na, just had another n-nightmare, so I thought I would come up here to chill out."
They talked for awhile, but Wario's eyes began to grow heavy.
"I'm gonna hit the hay, see ya tomorrow." Wario said as he headed back to his room.
"Alright, I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit." DK replied.
5 minutes later, DK heard someone on the deck. He turned around and couldn't see who it was.
No reply.
The person approached DK from behind and pushed him with incredibly strong force, making him fall over the railing and into the ocean.
"Have a nice swim," The person said in a hoarse voice.
The ocean water was extremely cold, hitting DK like a ton of glass pieces stabbing through him all at once.
End of the chapter.
So who do you all think the murderer is? Please leave it in your reviews! Thank you!