Author's Note: This is my first time ever writing a Fan Fiction on any website, so I'm a little nervous. xD Since it is my first Fan Fiction, reviews are greatly appreciated, good or bad, anything that will help me improve. Don't hesitate to point out mistakes or criticize. Hope you enjoy. =]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bones or any of the characters. This is simply for entertainment purposes. No Copyright Infringement Intended.

Chapter One:

"It's Like, Tom Without Jerry"

Temperance Brennan dipped her clear straw, which was now bent up at the top from being chewed on, in and out of her Coke, watching the brown, carbonated liquid swish around in glass as she waited for her partner, and best friend, Seeley Booth, at Wong Fu's, twisting restlessly in the stool she was sitting in at the bar. She tapped impatiently on the dark wooden bar in front of her, wondering what was taking him so long. Booth had a tendency of being late every time she invited him to dinner. It was actually starting to irritate her. As she contemplated whether next time she invited him out, to tell him to meet her there a half an hour earlier than she was planning, she heard the heavy door of Wong Fu's swing open, and then shut in a matter of seconds.

"Sorry, Bones," Booth's voice was apologetic as he took a seat next to her at the bar, shaking some of the rain out of his hair, "I was talking to Sully about one of the cases and I lost track of time. He says hello, by the way."

Brennan sighed at the mention of her former lover, Tim Sullivan, better known to most as Sully. She could still remember everything about the day when he sailed away into the sunset, leaving her behind, in Washington DC. The only reason she didn't go off with Sully on his boat to take a year long vacation, was because of her feelings for Booth. She would never admit it, but her feelings for Booth were the reason for a lot of life changing decisions she made.

"Sully's back?" She asked, trying her best to hide the disappointment in her voice. Sully being back, was only going to cause problems. "I didn't think he'd come back to DC after his vacation. Does he even have anywhere to live here?"

"I don't know, Bones," Booth had to chuckle now, "I don't keep tabs on Sully. I thought that was your job."

"Your attempts at being funny are very poor," Brennan said simply, as Sid set down their food in front of them.

Booth ignored her last comment as they both started to eat, barely taking a second to breathe between bites, let alone engage in conversation. Occasionally, Brennan would glance at him out of the corner of her eye, but he was too absorbed in his food to notice. She'd contemplated telling him how she felt about him several times, but the negative outcomes always seemed to outweigh the positive. If he didn't feel the same way, not only would their friendship be destroyed, but their partnership as well. Working together would be way too awkward if Brennan confessed her true feelings for Booth, and he didn't feel the same way about her.

Brennan sipped on her Coke as she watched Booth out of the corner of her eye, some food still left on her plate that she wasn't intending on finishing.

"Booth?" Brennan asked, breaking the silence between them as she looked up from her glass of soda and to Booth, who turned his head to look at her now.

"What?" He asked back at her, his chocolate brown eyes having a curious look to them.

Brennan shook her head as she sipped on her soda again, blushing a very faint pinkish color as she glanced back over at him.

"Nothing," she mumbled, slightly embarrassed now, "it was just quiet and I–"

"Needed to fill the silence with the sound of your own voice?" Booth cut her off, a playful grin on his face as she blushed a little more now.

"No," she said defensively, picking up her fork and pushing around some of the food on her plate, her eyes locked on the food so she could avoid eye contact, "you make me sound like a child when you say it like that. "

"Come on, Bones, not just children fill the silence," Booth encouraged her, nudging her arm gently and playfully with his elbow, "I do it all the time."

"That's because you're childish," Brennan shrugged, not even realize how harsh that sounded, since she wasn't very good at being playfully mean.

Booth had to laugh softly now at her attempt to be affectionate. When he insulted her, it was always clear that he was just being playful, but when she did it to him, she sounded so serious, that sometimes it took him a minute to figure out if she actually was. But today, he felt like messing around with her, pretending he couldn't read her like a book.

"You know, you're pretty rude sometimes," he said, his voice flat.

"Booth," she laughed softly now, her eyes shimmering as she nudged him with her elbow the way he did to her only a few minutes ago, "come on, you know I was just pulling your arm."

"Leg, Bones," he corrected her, rolling his eyes to the ceiling, a smile on his face as he took a sip of his beer, "pulling your leg."

She ignored him, the way she always did when he corrected her with mistakes in things like that, and set her fork down, taking the last sip of her soda.

"I'm going to take some of my vacation days," Brennan said, changing the subject as she prodded at the ice in her cup with her straw now.

"Why?" Booth asked, tearing his gaze away from the wall to look at her curiously.

"I don't know," Brennan shrugged, stopping with the straw when she realized how annoying it probably was to the people around her, "I need some time off."

"But, Bones," Booth used his best persuasive voice now, "what if a case comes up? I'm not going to have my partner. What good is an FBI agent without his forensic anthropologist? It's like, Tom without Jerry. It just doesn't make sense."

"I don't know what that means," Brennan shook her head at his 'Tom and Jerry' comment as she looked at him again, "but I'm sure Zach will be an exceptional replacement for me if you need to work on a case with a for-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Booth cut her off, putting his hand up to motion for her to stop talking, "No. No. N-O. No. Absolutely not."

"I know how to spell no," she muttered before he continued.

"There is absolutely no way in hell I'm working with Zach, do you understand?" he asked, looking at her seriously, as if this were a life of death situation.

"Why not?" Brennan asked, puzzled now, "He's excellent at his job, he's smart, and, he learned from me, so we have the same tactics. He would naturally be the best replacement if you needed to work with an anthropologist who operates like I do, Booth."

"You know, Bones, when exactly are you taking your vacation time?" Booth asked, a glimmer in his eye now, the one he gets when he has an idea.

"Well today is Friday, so from Monday to next Friday, I guess," Brennan shrugged, seeing the look in his eyes now as she eyed him curiously, "why?"

He held his hand up to hush her as he flipped his phone open and pressed a number on speed dial, keeping his hand held up to her until he started to speak after a few rings.

"Hi, yes, it's Special Agent Seeley Booth," he spoke into the phone as Brennan watched him, knowing he was up to no good.

She turned her attention to the wall now as she focused on some other people's conversations her eyes darting around the room until they landed on a couple in one of the booths in the corner, holding hands on top of the table as they looked into each other's eyes endearingly. Brennan let her mind drift as she stared at them, imagining that being her and Booth. She imagined his hand on hers, his other arm wrapped around her waist as they cuddled in the booth at 'their' restaurant, Wong Fu's. He'd take his hand off hers, slip it under her chin, turn her head to face him and kiss her gently on the lips.

"Bones!" Booth grabbed her attention, jerking her out of her daydream as she turned to him now, her eyes looking slightly alarmed at the sudden noise.

"What?" She asked, confused as to why he was yelling her name.

Booth chuckled as he shook his head at her.

"I called your name like five times and you weren't answering me," he chuckled, getting to the point of what he was going to tell her now, "guess who's on vacation from Monday to next Friday? Just take a guess."

Booth smirked when he saw the annoyed expression on her face.

"Booth!" She complained, "Why'd you have to go and do that?"

"Come on, Bones, it'll be fun," he promised her, "We're going to spend some quality vacation time together. Maybe we'll go ice skating, or go see a movie, or go to th-"

"I was planning on working on my novel," Brennan interrupted, "And who said just because we're on vacation time at the same time that we're going to spend it together?"

"Come on, Bones, it'll be fun," he repeated himself.

"You said that already," she mumbled, resuming prodding at the ice in her glass with the straw, "give me one good reason why I should agree to spending my hard earned vacation time with you, when I have to see you everyday at work."

"Because," he spoke slowly, "It. Will. Be. Fun. How many times do I gotta tell you that? Fun. You know, Happy? Smiling? Laughter? Interacting with people who are actually alive for a change instead of hovering over that autopsy table playing with your bones?"

Brennan sighed as she jammed her straw down in the ice, looking at him.

"Fine," she caved into his reasoning, "I guess nothing bad could come in spending a little non work related time with you."

"Alright," Booth smiled widely, nudging her with his elbow again as he stood up from the bar stool and took her arm to help her up as well, "let's go, Jerry. It's getting late."

"My name is not Jerry," she said, clearly not understanding the joke, as Booth just laughed and led her outside, not before taking his jacket off and handing it to her to shield her from the rain.