Okay before I say anything, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU! to all you guys with the story alerts, favorites story adds, and reviews. You guys are AMAZING :D I never could've finished this story so fast without all the motivation. So, as always, please ENJOY! =)
All I can think is that I'm safe now; riding in Morty with Eli gently holding my hand. The car ride has been filled with dead silence so far. Still, it's not an awkward silence. It never is with Eli. He knows when I just need time to think for myself and wrestle with the thoughts in my head.
What happened with Fitz back at the ravine was terrifying. As angry as I am at what Fitz did, I can't help but think that Fitz wasn't in total control of himself. I'm not talking about sexual control or whatever. As I said, at the ravine drugs and alcohol are common. While I was sitting contemplating why Fitz brought me there, he could have easily taken something or drank something. I didn't smell any alcohol on his breath so I'm assuming the previous, but then again maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Fitz was all there and intentionally tried to hurt me. Regardless, the war is over. Both Fitz and Eli know it. Eli even acknowledged it out loud in words, but Fitz knows that he crossed the line. I could get him in a good amount of trouble for what he did…or what he didn't do. Principal Simpson would probably freak taking what happened with Darcy. I'm happy. The war is over. Eli and Fitz can now go back to ignoring each other's existence as Eli puts it.
I look over at the center of my thoughts. His eyes are straight on the road. I can sense his anger and worry. "You won." I say quietly.
He looks over at me puzzled. "Excuse me?" His eyes dart back to the road.
"The war. You won. Fitz crossed the line. He went too far. Congrats." I reply.
Eli looks a little frustrated. "Clare, I honestly don't give a shit about this stupid war anymore." He sees the look on my face. "Pardon my language." He adds.
I nod. "So the whole violence thing is done? Its over?"
"I promise you. I'm done with this. Fitz dragged you into a conflict that was between me and him."
I smile. "I'm glad it's all over. Now everything can go back to normal."
Silence ensues. I can tell Eli's a little confused as to how I'm letting all this go so easily. You see, it's very simple. I don't want anything to do with this. My parents are fighting at home. That's enough drama for me. I just want to move on from what happened.
"Thank you." I say simply to him. Now I can tell I really threw him off.
He looks over at me with the funniest look on his face. If the atmosphere wasn't filled with so much tension, I would've laughed. "For?" He asks.
"For coming for me; saving me."
"You wouldn't have been in that position if it wasn't for me."
"Eli, chances are that if it wasn't me, it would've been some other girl Fitz decides to take one day."
"Yeah, but he picked you because of me."
"But I had you. I had you as my defense. I was lucky. Another girl may-"
"Lucky?" He cuts me off. "You have got to be kidding me. I don't care if it could've been another girl. I care that it was you."
I smile. "Look Eli. It's honestly ok. I'm fine. See?" He looks over and I give him the cheesiest smile ever.
He laughs lightly. "Fine. But you're going to have to hold me back whenever I see Fitz at school."
"Think up some strategies Blue Eyes. I could easily fight you off."
"You know, you're not as tough as you think you are."
"Ouch. Did you not see me totally beat the crap out of Fitz back there?"
"Eh. You know he could've been totally under the influence of something. That may have lowered his hand-eye coordination."
"I can beat Fitz any day. Drugs or not."
I laugh. "You know, like I said, you don't have to try to impress me-"
Again he cuts me off. "Like I said, who says I'm trying to impress you?"
I give him the same look I did before. Once again, he gives in. I love winning. "Fine." He mumbles. I laugh.
Before I know it, we reach my house. Eli parks Morty along the curb. For the first time I register his cut lip. It's a lot worse than the one Fitz gave him before. "Come on." I say. Eli looks at me. "Turn off the car. You're coming inside."
"Someone's got to clean your lip." I respond. He looks like he just registered the injury too.
"Whatever you say." He says as he turns off Morty and steps out of the car. I do the same and lead him up to my front porch. I search my bag for my keys. Once I find them, I open the door and gently, just in case, call out "Hello?" I wait. No response. Yes. No parents to questions why I'm bringing a boy with a bleeding lip home.
I lead Eli over to the kitchen and pull out a chair. "Sit." I order.
"As you wish." He jokingly responds. I walk over to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet. I take out some gauze pads and some Neosporin. I re-enter the kitchen and Eli looks up at me. "You know Clare, you're home is very…home-y."
I look around. I have to agree. It's the perfect setting for the picture perfect family. We're talking family photos covering the walls. Hand-knit throws along the couch. Doodles from when I was 5 hanging on our fridge. Yeah, it's almost too perfect. It's a great cover for the reality of the situation. "Thanks. I know. It's the complete opposite of the family that lives in it."
He looks over at me, worry crossing his face. "Is it still bad with your folks?"
I nod silently in response. "It's almost gotten worse since they had their talk. I don't know what to make of everything. Your headphones help though. Thank you for those again."
"No problem. It's the least I can do." I take a couple of paper towels and wet them under the sink. I walk over to Eli and lift up his chin with my fingers. For a split second I stare straight into his oh so gorgeous green eyes. My heart literally goes crazy. I look down at his lip, feeling the color rise up into my cheeks.
"It looks a lot worse than before." I say as I lightly touch it with the wet paper towel.
"No big deal. I barely feel the pain." He says acting all macho. I look at him. Again, with the impressing me. "Fine," he laughs. "It hurts a little. Make it better for me?" He pouts.
I laugh and shake my head. I gently wipe away all the blood. I take a small amount of the Neosporin and put it on the gauze pads. I rub it gently onto his lip. "Clare…"
"Hmm?" I look up at him and he looks worried. I follow his eye sight and my eyes fall upon my wrist. It's covered in red marks and bruises. Thanks Fitz. "Don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt all that much." I gently respond.
He looks at me obviously not buying what I'm saying. He lifts up his hand and gently grazes my wrist with his fingers, sending jolts of electricity through my body. Focus Clare focus. "Umm…okay. I think your lip is good." I say as I back away and take a look. It's definitely a lot cleaner and much less scary looking. I walk over and dispose of the paper towels and gauze and walk back into the bathroom and tuck away the Neosporin. When I walk back into the kitchen, Eli's standing up. He walks over to me and lifts up my hand and takes another look at my wrist. He silently shakes his head.
"I'm sorry."
"Eli, you didn't do anything."
"Still." I nod.
"No biggy. How about I put some ice on it? Will that make you happy?" He nods. I walk over and grab a small hand towel. I grab some ice and wrap the towel around it. I take a seat at the kitchen table and hold the towel to my wrist. Eli takes a seat next to me.
"I wish I could do something to make it feel better." He says. He obviously has zero clue of how much the proximity of our bodies is making my wrist the last thing on my mind.
"The company helps." I respond. It's not exactly a lie, but it's not the whole truth either.
"Then you have me for as long as you need me. Free of charge." He smirks, his signature sideways grin. Oh, boy.
"Good to know." I say. He lifts up the towel and takes another look at my wrist. And again, he touches his fingers to my wrist. I can't focus at all anymore. I bet my face looks like a tomato right now. "It's much better, Eli. Really. I can honestly say that I can barely feel any pain right now." I'm not lying. It's true.
He smiles. "Happy to hear it." Then, our eyes meet. If it's even possible, I blush more. "You know Clare, red suits you." He laughs. Thanks, Eli. Now, I'm probably blushing like crazy. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. I have that effect on a lot of people."
I take my hand to my heart and feign sorrow. "So I'm not special?"
I expected a snappy comeback. A smirk. I don't know. Anything but what he did. He puts the towel back on my wrist. He moves his hand towards my face and cups my cheek. His hand is like ice to my hot skin. It feels nice and soothing. "You're very special." He says as he lifts my head towards his. All I can think is OH MY GOSH. Eli Goldsworthy is about to kiss me, Clare Edwards. As his lips met mine, I seriously felt jolts of electricity run wild in my body. The kiss was short. We both didn't need a long make out session. There was enough passion in that one kiss to last me a long time. I blush, again. Way to go Clare.
He looks at me and takes my hand in his. He starts twiddling with my fingers. "You know," he says. "My lip suddenly feels a lot better." I laugh as I bend over and take his lips with mine once again.
The End. :) I hope you liked the story. Eli/Clare all the way! And as always, reviews are greatly appreciated! They make me happy :)