I dont own glee! And hey im Rachel and i love glee! Thia is my first story so enjoy! :)


The strong breeze of summer air blew past Rachel Barry as she walked back from school. It blew by her with confidence, something Rachel didn't have. Losing regional's made her self esteem level drop faster than it took Quinn to get her figure back. She was furious with Jesse. In less than two weeks he broke her heart and stole her dreams. If New Directions couldn't have won, than why did Vocal Adrenaline have to?

But it didn't matter because it was summer. And Rachel Barry was taking a break. Well her version of a break. Everyone knows Rachel is not one to lose. So for the summer she had put herself on a confidence regaining schedule. From vocal seminars to genre practices, Rachel was preparing to win. She had set her goals high and planned on hitting them, one note at a time.

As she walked on she noticed that Ohio was looking a little brighter. Maybe just in her eyes, but the world was looking like it was coming back. After a long winter, and rainy spring, everything seemed to come into place. Rachel hoped it would be the same for glee club. Winning sectionals was sensational. And many ups and downs brought the glee club closer. Pregnancy, crushes, battles for solos and even a disability had brought together New Directions. And only one wanted to tear them apart.

Sue Sylvester. The frightening cheerio's coach was always looking for ways to destroy glee. From stealing leads, putting spies to work to becoming co-captain and leaking set lists. Sue wanted glee dead. And she was known for getting what she wants.

But odd jesters of kindness and put Sue on Rachel's nice list. Sue had offered to put in wheel chair exits and even saved glee. And rumour had it she had voted for New Directions at regionals. And Rachel was sure she was the one who convinced Figgins to give glee another year. But Rachel secretly liked Sue because she could sing. She had proven herself a good singer when she was in a Madonna video and she re-sung Olivia Newton Johns Physical with the artist herself. And Rachel was a fan of the artist.

Why? Because Olivia's "Your the one that I want" was the first song Rachel and Finn had sung together. Finn. Rachel shuddered. She loved the way his name sounded. She had loved him since the day they meant in Glee. Than he was dating Quinn but now...

Rachel thought back to what he said before they had gone on stage at regionals. I love you. Rachel went into a Finn daze. Rachel Barry and Finn-


A loud car horn went off beside her, pulling her out of her Finn coma. A group of sophomores in a Toyota rav4 pulled up beside her. Rachel squinted into the tinted windows. She jumped as the car window rolled down. Tiao Cruz's Dynamite was blaring from the speakers.

"HEY !" Mercedes yelled over the music.

Rachel smiled; at the wheel was Kurt Hummel.

"New present Kurt?" Rachel asked, referring to the car.

"Yeah, it's a "Sorry you didn't place at regionals" gift. It's my Dad's way of being supportive." Kurt shrugged.

"Wow. All I got was a big hug and a "Don't worry we'll sue." Rachel joked.

"So are you coming to Kurt's party tonight?" A third voice asked from the backseat.

Rachel looked and came face to face with Quinn Ferbray sitting in the back. Mercedes must have seen the look of surprise on Rachel's face.

"Quinn is coming home with us because her car's in the shop. And since she lives with me we will be helping each other get ready for Kurt's party." She explained. "Wanna join?"

"Ummm... Sure, why not. But I need to get home first and decide what to wear. Kurt wouldn't like it if I arrived in a kitty shirt." Rachel joked as she waved good bye to them.

Everyone was looking forward to Kurt's summer bash. He had invited most the school and his house was huge. Even people who weren't fond of Kurt because he was gay still came because everyone who is everyone was coming.

That meant including Finn. Rachel couldn't wait to see him again. After all, an evening with Finn is a happy one.