Disclaimer: I don't own The A-Team

This is something that has been in my head for quite awhile, and I had a lot of problems getting it written. I really hope you all like it, also my computer was broken so I had to wait to put this up. I apologize for not getting back with any of you and hope that you can forgive me for that. I just had no way to get on my laptop to update because it was busted.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this.

Murdock's eyes began to feel weighed down, sliding shut involuntarily for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. He forced his eyes open only to have them fall again as his whole head pitched forward; touching his chest which caused him to throw his head up with a jump.

He sighed, running a hand over his face as he leaned against the side of the van; making a fist and holding it to his mouth, muffling his cough. Waiting while Face and Hannibal talked things over with another satisfied client.

Murdock's eyes shifted as if taking in the scenery for the first time even though they'd been there for almost half an hour, the sunlight beat down on them as a light wind began to pick up.

The faint sounds of talking from the three men mixed with the crunching dirt and rock made Murdock's head pound ten times more than it already was, his hand unconsciously holding his head as he moved to the other side of the van, sitting on the edge of the open side door as the cool air and shade helped him feel a little better.

He didn't even realize how hot he was until he removed his hand, sticky sweat running slowly down it before wiping it on his pant leg and muffling another cough. "What's up with you, nutjob?"

Murdock slowly moved his gaze to B.A. staring at him from the front of the van, the hood popped up as he messed with the engine, only half his face was visible from where Murdock was sitting. "Nothing big guy, it's just the space hamsters."

B.A. scowled before turning his attention back to the van, shaking his head with a sigh. "Now he's seein' space hamsters?" He said to no one in particular, Murdock chuckled to himself, his hand running down his face to wipe away the sweat as his eyes began to droop again.

A flash of heat more intense than before hitting him as his vision blurring, he held his head with both hands to try and stop the world from spinning, his head pounding harder than it had a few minutes ago.

He was so out of it that he didn't even hear the sirens in the distance, the nightmarish sound approaching their location as his stomach knotted up.

Something rushing up his throat that he couldn't stop as he released the hold he had on his head, pushing himself out of the van and falling to his knees. Using one hand to hold himself up, the other wrapping around his stomach as he threw up onto the dirt road.

Murdock faintly heard the slam of the van hood and could see a blurred cloud of dust that was kicked up under B.A.'s boots as he ran around the side to see Hannibal and Face. "Somethin's wrong with Murdock!" He yelled out to Hannibal who looked around and started pushing Face towards the vette.

"Get him out of here, Face and I will take care of these guys!" Hannibal yelled while jumping into seat beside Face, the con man stepped on the gas and went down the road while the large man got Murdock into the van and took off in the opposite direction.

"Hey, you alright back there!" B.A. yelled towards the back, the only responce he received was a weak moan before hearing a small, "I'm fine."

B.A. wasn't convinced, continuing down the dirt road while keeping an eye out for any kind of building,his foot staying on the accelerator until he spotted a rundown motel. It's sign not lit, looking as if it would fall any minute and it only looked to have four rooms as B.A. stopped the van in front of the office.

Going inside to find an older man behind the counter, his hair gone in some places, his clothing covered in dirt spots while an indistinguishable smell came from his body. B.A. slammed his hand down onto the counter to get the man's attention, "I need a room."

The older man starred at B.A. and looked him up and down before smirking, "Got any money?"

The larger man sighed, reluctantly removing one of his gold chains and handing it to the man who snatched it from him without hesitation. "Here's your key." He said with a smile, throwing B.A. a room key and going into the backroom.

B.A. sighed again, holding onto the key tightly and going back to the van, he started the van again and moved it so it wouldn't be seen from the road.

Going to the van's side and sliding open the door, the only thing that greeted him was Murdock who was curled in a ball shaking, sweat pratically dripping off his face as his arm lay across his stomach. The driver helped Murdock out of the van, "You're gonna pay me back for that chain I lost."

Walking Murdock to the room number that was on his key, the weaker man almost losing his footing a few times until B.A. finally got him to the room and sat him down on bed. "I'll be right back."

Murdock watched B.A. leave as his head began to spin, a familiar feeling coming up his throat again and filling his mouth before he ran to the next room.

B.A. came back with some bottled water and a some of the first aid supplies they kept in the car incase he needed it, he set the items on a small table that sat between the two beds in the room.

A sound coming from the bathroom got his attention and he now noticed Murdock wasn't on the bed, he threw the rest of the supplies down and went into the bathroom.

Murdock was leaning over the toilet, his forehead resting on his arm as he threw up again; B.A.'s hand unconsciously rubbing Murdock's back as he got down on one knee. "Hannibal...?" Murdock whispered, unable to say his other friend's name as he heaved again, B.A. held back a grimace at the sight. "They'll catch up."

The crazy man's small whimper reached B.A.'s ears as the pilot whispered that he didn't want to throw up anymore, sounding as if he was about to cry as the feeling came back. "It's alright fool, just let it out."

Murdock continued to throw up until there was nothing left, his head falling against his arm as B.A. left the room, coming back with a damp rag and pulling Murdock from the toilet before flushing it.

Using the rag to wipe Murdock's mouth, throwing the dirty rag into the shower beside them as Murdock leaned against him with heavy eyes as he breathed unevenly. The sargent put his hand onto the sick man's forehead, pulling it back as if burned by the intense heat before standing up and letting Murdock sit with his back on the wall.

"Man you're hot."

"Well... T-Thanks Bosco, that's s-sweet of ya to say."

"Shut up! I meant you got a fever." B.A. raised his voice to try and sound treatening to the pilot who only chuckled before coughing hard into his hand. Sounding as if he was going to cough up both lungs, B.A. stood quiet and looking away until it was over.

"B...A.." Murdock said quietly with a weak voice, the large man looked down at the fragile looking pilot as he glanced up so they're eyes met. B.A.'s mouth turned to a tight frown, his eyes so transparent that Murdock could see the mixed feelings the big man had towards him.

"Can you..Help me?" The pilot asked, feeling uncertain until B.A. gently pulled him to his feet, the weaker man's legs about to give out on him as the grip on him tightened, the heat still poured off the pilot's body, sending a slight chill down B.A.'s spine.

"You're really burning up." He said aloud, walking the unstable man to the bed closest to the bathroom and sitting him down again. Throwing some extra pillows onto the ones already placed there and pulled back the bedclothes.

Helping Murdock out of his jacket and shoes before lying him down, making sure he was comfortable before sitting on the second bed. The pilot's eyes shut and it only took a minute or so for him to fall asleep, B.A.'s hand going to the pilot's forehead again and brushing back the damp hair softly.

"Stupid fool, why'd you have to get sick now!" He growled to the unresponsive man before rubbing his eyes, the small crack on sunlight coming through the closed curtains shining on the two of them as he wet another cloth and laid it on Murdock's forehead.

B.A. sat on the bed, staring at the ceiling and walking around the room while every few minutes looking out the window.

A groan alerted the large man to the bed, closing the dusty curtain and returning to the his place on the edge of the second bed; Murdock's eyes already halfway open by the time he sat down.

"How you feelin'?" B.A. asked with his usual tone of voice, Murdock weakly lifted his arm and touched his forehead, his fingers feeling the freshly damped cloth that was cold under his hot fingertips. Blinking he laid his hand on the soft blanket and looked at B.A. with fevered eyes, trying to speak.

B.A. stood and got closer, "Water please," Murdock's voice was almost a whisper as another bead of sweat ran down his cheek. B.A. took one of the bottles of water off the table and lifted the pilot, "Drink slow."

B.A. knew that Murdock would throw it back up anyway but also knew he needed water, tipping the bottle he helped the pilot drink until Murdock pulled away. Laying back down and coughing into his hand as his friend looked back at him, "You feel nausous?"

"No," Murdock swallowed and smiled, "I feel fine... Right now."

B.A. only nodded, watching as Murdock fell asleep with the comfort of B.A.'s presense as the larger man watched over him through the night.

The morning sun shined through the cracked curtains of the window, the light hitting B.A.'s face as he rolled over and rubbed his eyes, not realizing that he fell asleep as he looked around trying to wake himself up.

His eyes moved from the wall the mirror above the hotel room sinks to Murdock, the pilots breathing was uneven, his chest seemed to barely moved under the blanket as his body stiffened. His shallow breathing beginning to quick as he opened his eyes, struggling to find his voice as B.A. got closer.

"B.A.. S-Sick." He whispered to his friend who was already pulling back the blanket, helping Murdock off the bed and walking him into the bathroom, the pilot leaning on him until he was sitting on the tile floor with his head hovering above the toilet again.

Watching as Murdock threw up again, B.A.'s hand going up and down his back as he muttered words of comfort to the ailing pilot. "It'll pass."

He whispered those words over and over again until it finally stopped; helping the pilot to his feet and cleaning out his mouth before putting him to bed once more.

"Thanks, Bosco."

"Shut up ya crazy fool." B.A. said with a fierce voice and angry expression, not knowing that Murdock could see through his mask and could tell that deep down he was worried.

"I'll be.. Better in no time, you'll see."

As Murdock fell asleep again, B.A. stared at his peaceful face before going to the window without a word, just taking in the sound of his friend's coughs mixed with his raspy breathing until an hour or so later when he finally fell into a very light sleep.

"B.A. and Murdock must be here, they went in the opposite direction and there are no other buildings around here." Hannibal said taking the unlit cigar from his mouth as Face looked over the motel with a grimace, "It's not the best looking motel, that's for sure."

"Park the vette in the back, no one will see it from the road."

Face obeyed, pulling the car around back and stopping with a smile when he saw the van parked there as well. "Guess the big guy had the same idea."

"C'mon Face."

The con man followed the older man silently, trudging to the office and asking about B.A., the man's eyes lit up as he held up the chain that was hanging around his neck.

"Man paid me well."

"What room?"

"Room 3."

Hannibal thanked the man while Face left the office, wanting to get to the room and get as far away from the dirty, foul smelling manager as quickly as possible.

"Hannibal, it's right here."

Face pointed to the door without another word, knocking on the old wooden door until there was a click from the other side, the door opening enough so Face could be seen.

"Hey, it's us." Face's voice came through the cracked open door, B.A. saw Face start looking around as Hannibal stopped beside him; the mechanic opened the door and let them in.

The door was shut and locked behind them before B.A. went over to the bed where Murdock was starting to wake up.

B.A. got close to him, the water bottle from before in his hand while the other one lightly touched Murdock's shoulder, trying to get the pilot's attention. "Hey crazy man, how you feeling?"

"Thirsty... How are you?"

"I'm fine crazy man, now shut up and drink." B.A. said, with some force in his voice as he helped the pilot drink before letting him lay back down. "F-Face and.. Hannibal?"

Hannibal smiled, a light chuckle escaping his lips as he and Face ventured closer to their friends bedside, "We're here Captain."

"Good... I was worried."

Face and Hannibal smiled, relieved that Murdock seemed to be doing alright until he shut his eyes with a weak groan.

B.A. stepped in front of his two friends, his hand instinctively clutching the blanket, "Sick?"

The brown eyes opened at the sound of B.A.'s voice, managing a slight nod before feeling his big friends arms around him as he was again helped out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Hannibal sighed quietly to himself, his hand running through his hair as he began walking towards the doorway where B.A. was down on one knee.

"We'll take care of him B.A."

Hannibal's strong voice startled B.A. who turned to see the Colonel standing behind him, his boss' hand resting on his shoulder and giving an encouraging pat that made him nod before standing.

B.A. stepped aside and watched Hannibal kneel beside Murdock who was still vomiting, the colonel's comforting words too quiet for him to hear as he was led out of the bathroom by Face.

"Go get some sleep, you could use it." B.A.'s eyes moved to his handsome friend who gestured to the second bed, his offer of the second bed turned down when B.A. went towards the door.

"I'll just hang out in the van, can't sleep too well in here with him being sick."

Face nodded slowly, his ocean eyes moving to the bathroom doorway as he ran a hand down his face. "Yea, I got'cha."

B.A. unlocked the door and opened it slowly, pausing outside the doorway and turning to Face, "You get me if anything changes with that fool."


B.A. nodded, shutting the door with a hesitation before continuing on his way to the van and climbing into the driver's seat. Thankful that the place he hid it was a place with some shade as he sank further into the now reclined seat, slipping into the darkness of sleep.

I really hope this didn't end too abruptly, I just couldn't think of anything else to write and didn't want this to go on too long. Please give me your honest thoughts because this is my first time really trying to portray Murdock and B.A.'s friendship and I would like to know where I could possibly improve.