Chapter 1: They Meet Again

"We'll meet at that place, 7:00pm, okay?"

"Okay! It's a promise!"

. . .

"Where is he? He said that we're supposed to meet here..."

. . .

"3 hours? Does he still want to come here or not?"

Mumbling to herself, she turned from left to right and right to the left as she kept on looking at the sky. At last, she gave up.

(3 years later)

The sound of the alarm clock made Misaki Ayuzawa jerk up from her deep sleep. It was yet another morning, and the combination of the birds chirping and the irritating ring of her alarm clock made her eyes snap open. Sunlight flowed through the glass, flooding her room with light.

Reaching out her hand, she turned off her alarm. The door creaked open and a girl entered the room, a fresh set of Misaki's college uniform folded neatly on her arm.

"Nee-chan, hurry up. Breakfast's ready, and today's the first day of school too," Suzuna said.

"W-what? Oh right! Just give me ten minutes and I'll go downstairs!"

She grabbed her uniform from Suzuna and started to prepare for school. When she was done, she proceeded downstairs where her mother and sister were currently having their breakfast.

"Good morning," Misaki said, taking her usual seat in the dining table.

Minako smiled brightly at her eldest daughter. "Good morning, Misaki."

"Good morning, nee-chan," Suzuna greeted as a piece of bread hung loosely from her mouth.

The morning at the Ayuzawa's residence passed quickly as they talked. Afterward, Suzuna and Misaki went on their separate destinations to school.

"Misaki-chan! Good morning!" Sakura greeted happily, clinging to Misaki's arm once she arrived at their university.

"You didn't need to run, Misaki. There's still a lot of time before classes start," said Shizuko.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just too nervous about our first day."

When they got inside their classroom, the three decided to sit beside each other. They spent the time waiting for their teacher through having a conversation about random topics. Finally, the door slid open and a young, handsome man topped in a white long-sleeved polo shirt and a yellow tie and brown pants trudged inside.

"Morning, my dears! Apologies for being late but there were things that needed to be done. So now, traditionally, we shall introduce ourselves." He paused and glanced the whole class. "All right then, I am Professor Kazuhito Daichi, your homeroom teacher. I hope we'll have a wonderful school year together."

The students started to introduce themselves one at a time at the front of the class. When all had finished, Professor Kazuhito said, "And here are two additional students who registered quite late. Come in now."

Misaki never expected this day to come. It was Usui Takumi. With a pretty girl just behind him.

"Usui Takumi-kun and Mille Carina-san," said Professor Kazuhito.

"Usui . . ."

Author's Note:

Greetings to everyone! Thank you for reading my second story, the beta reader that I had now is 'crystalline'maia'. I really am grateful for those of you who had been supporting and reviewing my first story. Actually the real plot before for the second story is not about 'memory' but more on 'revenge' but because I discuss and discuss with crystalline'maia it had turn out to be like this. No matter what, I will try my best for this story but because my school had started for few weeks already and I have course so I would be pretty late to update but rest assured I will be updating it. Well that's all I've got to say so Review 'kay?