Elite: the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group or community.
Oxford's Dictionary describes the Elite as so but they left out the fact that they could also be vicious, seductive, self destructive, and beautiful.
It's senior year and they're out for blood on each other.
The Girls
The Alpha: She's the top dog and self described bitch, she's been reigning since her seventh grade year and to be at top as a senior is icing on the cake or so to say, she doesn't eat such sweets. Her social network is bigger then the friends you have on facebook. But even the queen has a few dirty secrets on how she's managed to stay on top. If seduction and bribery aren't scandalous enough what else could it be? Only a select few know, and this chick might just realize that her senior isn't as great as she might have thought, when the ones closest to her could bring her demise.
"Please you think I care you call me a bitch?" Her blood was boiling and she didn't bother to pay attention to the response.
"I'm Massie Block I'm everything you want to be."
The Beta: She's second in command in a kingdom run by a dictator. Once the proudest and most vicious of all girls this reformed bad girl wants out, but does she really? Could the reason of her sudden change in heart be that she once again wants the crown? Good always triumphs over evil. Plausible but good luck hunny, with your dirty little secrets spilling out left and right there's no chance you'll get a second shot.
"But I fucking love you." Tears were beginning to spill and his words shattered her heart.
"Dammit Alicia did you think I wouldn't find out someday about you-"
The Forgotten one: She never thought her life could turn out how it did. She'd always thought she'd be happy being one of the forgotten in her beautiful circle of friends. But this year there is NEED to be noticed and heard. One way or the other her school will know her name and who she is. She doesn't care about how they will know her as or the reputation that will soon follow. She wants a golden opportunity into being remembered. With scandal comes recognition. And it might just land her in bigger trouble than she thought possible.
"This really isn't a good idea," she looked at the girl sharply.
"You're right its not good its great and by the end of tonight everyone will know just who is Dylan Marvil."
The Perfect One: She'd always been on top of everything as far as she remembered. She was a star jock, ranked one in her class, and had an early admission to Yale. But after all the pressure the perfectionist has a need to break free from it all. It's her final year, studies don't count as much and soccer season hasn't even begun yet. A tryst and a party here and there couldn't hurt her, right?
"I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about," the girls looked at the other nervously.
"Kristen you've lost everything!"
The Innocent one: Bright blue eyes and platinum blonde this girl is epitome of innocence. She's come back to Westchester for her senior year after being gone since summer before freshman year. And she's clueless as to the storm that is brewing beneath the surface of the superficial smiles her friends make. Digging dirt on her won't be easy, she's so clean the lack of scandal will make her alpha. But even she has something to hide, right? Can the uncorrupted be corrupted?
"This is wrong," her breath was coming out in white puffs in the cold winter's air.
"I know you can feel the electricity running through the both of us, you can't deny how you feel, Claire."
The Rebel: She's always been the true wallflower at this school. Sure she's outspoken and most of the student body likes her much to the chagrin of the alpha. She's always taken pride in being different but even with her uniqueness it doesn't change the fact that she's a Westchester girl. And she takes more pride in knowing many of the secrets the Elite hide. Alicia might be called The Gossip but she was the true Gossip Queen. Who knows maybe one day she'll use her knowledge to her advantage.
"How do you like the tapes?" She grinned cheekily as she looked at the girl as she replayed the tape over and over.
"They're perfect, and true to our deal here," she handed over the envelope. "Great doing business with you, Layne."
The Boys
The Dominant: With warm brown eyes and charming smile that can melt any girl's heart this guy is full of it. He might not care much about a girl's heart but he does have a passion for the game. But this puppy might have just been trained by one of the girl's. Too bad you can never really teach an old dog new tricks it's going to take more than looks to make him settle. When she shows up he knows things are about to change but he doesn't expect a sea of betrayal to follow it.
"Man how could you do that?" His friend grinned,
"it wasn't hard Derrick, you can't settle for anyone, and once I hand this to a certain girl well let's say I'll be the one to comfort her."
The Subordinate: He's always been the best friend the guy next door. The nice one the safe option. He doesn't mind, really. But when his best friend has eyes for his girl he might just bite back. He knows its not typical behavior for a guy but they are part of Westchester's Elite and he's determined to make her his once more. They say all is fair in love and war.
"I still love you," his eyes were soft as they looked into her teary ones.
"That's the thing, I don't love you, I'm sorry, Cam."
The foreign hottie: Olive skin brown wispy hair and brown eyes he's the definition of foreign. He's every girl's dream and more, too bad he's already taken. He's not the typical hot and rich boyfriend, no this guy actually cares about his girl. How long could his seemingly perfect relationship last when all the rumors begin to spread? And his own hidden monsters begin to see the light of day, as it all falls apart he begins to find his cure. Too bad everyone's called "dibs", this pretty boy is ready to get down and dirty and fight for love.
"Fuck, that was only when her and I... we were taking a break and I was hammered I swear, you've got to believe that I'd..." she grasped his arm.
"Hey it's okay, we've never been close but I believe you Josh."
The Pest: Sure he's not a senior or an upperclassmen but the ladies sure do love him. He's not looking for trouble at this new school but it always seems to find him. He's caught in the middle between all sides of an all out war and he's not afraid to backstab his friends to get what he wants. He knows he's acting like a chick but to survive a few more years you do what you have to. But when his decisions end up hurting the one closest to him this rookie will have to decide between his best friend or his reputation.
"I had no idea that she'd use it against you!" His eyes bore into hers pleading for her to believe him.
"Hah, I can't believe I thought you weren't like them, you've changed too, Todd."
They're The Elite.
What do you think?
The first chapter will be out soon.
But before that happens I would love it if you guys reviewed.
Tell me your opinions. I'd love them.