I waited in the parking lot of Degrassi. What was I waiting for? The most obnoxious, annoying, egotistical, sarcastic, witty, intelligent, handsome, endearing, sexy man I have ever met. Who was he? I think you already know!
"Carly!" Jenna called after me, "Do you need a ride? My brother's taking me home."
"No thanks, I'm waiting for someone."
"Oooo," She wiggled her eyebrows, "Is it a special someone?"
"You caught me," I held my hands up sarcastically.
"I bet he drives a sweet car!" She jumped up and down. What's so exciting about that?
"Absolutely," I faked enthusiasm, "Here he comes now."
"Oh my god," Jenna's jaw dropped, Eli waved at me from inside the hearse. I smiled and restrained myself from hopping up and down, "That's him? Scary-emo-freak dude?"
"Yep, later!" I hurried to the coffin-car and flopped into the seat.
"What was that about?" He gestured toward Jenna, still gaping at the sight of me in a funeral home vehicle.
"She's shocked that I'm hitchhiking with you." I pulled out my agenda book and handed him a little slip of paper.
"What's this?" He read it slowly.
"The money I owe you for damaging Morty." I made a sad face and rubbed the leather seat. Last week Eli took me to an empty lot and tried to teach me to drive. I crashed his car.
"Thanks, but I can pay for it myself." He held the check out for me to take it.
"No way, Goldsworthy!" I shoved it back in his face. We both started to giggle.
"Take it!" He smiled and put it in my backpack. I pulled it out and crumpled it up, shoving it into his mouth. His eyes widened as he pulled it out, wincing, "You cut my lip with your crazed paper-jamming!"
"I'm sorry," I made a sad face. We both knew neither one of us was upset. He threw the soggy paper into the back and put Morty into drive. We cruised down the road, talking about random things, playing a stupid game.
"Favorite cheese?" I questioned.
"Swiss. Color?"
"Green. Animal?"
"Dog. Eye color?" He had no idea the significance of that question he just asked. He didn't even look at me as I pondered my answer, staring at his perfect face, his perfect hazel eyes.
"Why because you have hazel eyes?" He joked.
"No," I tried to laugh.
"Hey, if we both have the same eye color, and we got married, our kids would have hazel eyes, right?"
"Maybe." I blushed, "But Hazel isn't a dominate gene. Wow we've used the word Hazel so many times in this conversation. Favorite…"
"We're here."
"What?" I looked at him strangely.
"Your house?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Oh, right!" I jumped out of the hearse and skipped to the door. I was surprised to see Eli following me to my front steps. I turned to face him.
"What no 'thank you?'" He joked. I stepped down to his level and hugged him. I tried to pull away but he wrapped his arms around me, letting go just two seconds later. I reached into my bag to retrieve my keys.
"Oh my God."
"Hey, can't we share God evenly?" He smirked, "What's wrong?"
"I don't have my keys!"
"When did you last have them?" He walked over to a window and tried to push it open.
"I don't remember if I picked them up this morning or not, maybe I left them at school?" I sat down on the steps.
"What's the big deal?" He sat next to me, "Your parents will be home to let you in soon enough, right?"
"I live with my dad, and he won't be home until Monday."
"Oh, so you're locked out for two whole days. Hmm." Eli said scheming.
"What?" I said with a confused look on my face.
"Why don't you stay over at my house?"
"My clothes?" I pointed inside.
"I'll lend you some. We'll go buy you a toothbrush and you can crash with me." He smiled really big.
"Your parents?" I was trying to find some reason to say no.
"Um… out of town for a while. They travel a lot," He stood up and held his hand out, "Shall we?"
I sighed. There really was no getting out of this, "I really could just call Jenna or Alli or something."
"Oh, come on, Carly. I won't bite." He smirked, "Or are you scared?"
"I am not scared!" Oh yes, I was. I stood up without his help and walked over to Morty. He sighed and followed me. I reached over and locked his door. I put my chin in my hand and watched him jiggle the handle for a few seconds. Then I saw his lips move 'open the door!'
"What? I can't hear you!" I mused. Then he pulled out his keys and unlocked it. Boy, am I smart. Not.
"Good try," He smirked and shut the door. I felt his eyes on me as I started to play with his radio. I found a good station with some super heavy metal screamo music on. I started to headbang, but I soon became much disoriented. He started to chuckle.
"What's so funny?" I blinked.
"You," His bangs fell into his eyes. I bit my lip as he pushed them back and continued to stare at me, "I didn't know you liked this kind of music?"
"I don't."
"Then why did you put it on?" He had a weird expression.
"Because you like it," I confessed, "And it's your car."
Then things got very quiet and awkward. Drive! I yelled in my head. As if he heard me, he started to cruise down the street.
"Here we are," He pulled into the drive. It was a nice house, a pale blue with navy shutters and a white door. I smiled a little. I could never imagine that Elijah, prince of darkness, death, and all things frightening lived in a nice baby blue house in the suburbs.
"It's cute," I giggled.
"Yeah, yeah," He opened the front door and went to the kitchen. He came out a few minutes later with two sandwiches and walked with me to the door at the end of the hallway. It opened up to a staircase leaning down into the basement. All I saw was nothing. Black everywhere.
"Now I'm seeing a little bit of you in this."
"Wow." I said quietly. His room is impressively messy. I know it's a basement, and it's a really big room, shaped like a T, but he could keep it a little bit clean, "How do you live down here?"
"Easily. But hey, I'll clean it up a little for you." He smiled and threw a heap of clothes on the floor into a closet and stretched, "There we go."
"Thanks…" I said uneasily.
"I'm kidding!" He laughed, "I'm really gonna clean it. And all of those clothes were clean, I'm just too lazy to put them away."
"Can I help?" I looked around for a window to open, "It's really stuffy in here."
"All my windows are bolted shut."
"Are you an idiot?" I smacked him over the head, "That's so dangerous! What if there was a fire and you were trapped down here?"
"I have a back-door right over there," He pointed and raised his eyebrows. I went over and opened it, letting the light illuminate the room that smelt of death.
I suddenly tripped and fell flat on my face. Eli put his hands on my waist and pulled me up quickly. I tried to walk forward but he pulled me back, leading me up the stairs. He dragged me all over the house giving me a quick tour and then he let me wander around aimlessly. I found my way to the closet that contained the broom and vacuum. I pulled them out and dragged them down the stairs to his room.
"What are those?" He looked at me strangely.
"Cleaning utensils! Ever heard of them?" I sort of threw the broom at him and plugged the vacuum in and started to clean.
About an hour later, the room was almost sort of clean. I sat down against the wall and closed my eyes. He gently tugged at my hair, "No resting! You can rest after you help me do laundry."
"Aww, no!" I whined, grabbing onto his lower leg and refusing to let go, "I don't want to!"
He tried to shake me off but I only tightened my grip on his skinny jeans. He smirked, "Fine then what would you like to do?"
I stood up and sniffed him, "You stink."
"Thanks," He said sarcastically, sniffing himself.
"No, nevermind, it's not you. It's the whole room. Hey, where's the shower it's getting late and I don't like to go to bed with wet hair."
"Upstairs, first door on the left," He pointed, "There's a towel and washcloth and you can use whatever else is in there."
I headed up the stairs and into the washroom, "Even these boxers?"
"What?" Eli bolted up the stairs.
I dangled them in front of his face, "Nice."
"My bad," He grabbed them and threw them into the laundry room. He had a goofy grin trying to hide his embarrassment. I slammed the door in his face and started the shower.
Crap. I hate him so much.
"Eli!" I yelled through the door. No response. I wrapped myself in a towel and ran down the hall to his room, where he was blasting music, "ELI!"
I didn't see him anywhere. I ran around the room, "What are you doing?"
I turned around. Eli was standing there in only his jeans, no longer rummaging through his closet. I quickly tightened the towel around myself, "You didn't give me any clothes-"
"Hold on!" He turned the music down, "What?"
"You didn't give me anything to wear." I said, stating the obvious.
"Oh, right, my bad. Again." He searched through his closet and handed me a T-shirt and some pajama pants.
"Thank you," I said, continuing to stare at him. He cleared his throat, "Right. I'm leaving."
After I changed I hung out in the backyard, swinging on a tire-swing, "You shouldn't do that."
"Why?" I looked at Eli standing on the porch. Suddenly the rope holding the tire snapped, "Thank you SO much."
"You're welcome," He said, not bothering to hide his laughter. I struggled to get out of the tangled mess. I stomped over to him and fake pushed him. He started to tickle me, I stepped on his foot. His mouth dropped open and his eyes gleamed as he laughed and pinned me against the side of the house, hands above my head. I was panting from being tickled and I didn't notice just how close he was so me, his torso pressed gently against me, our faces just a few inches apart. He hesitated, and I took advantage of it and pushed him off. I flipped my wet hair in his face sending drops of water all over him. He faked an annoyed face and followed me back inside.