I used to think fairytales were where everything was almost perfect. I used to think monsters were the things that hid under your bed and in you closet. That's what I used to think, until I figured out Tyler was a werewolf, I was a witch, and Stefan and Damon were vampires. So, monsters were almost the things under your bed and in your closet. Almost.
On top of figuring out about witches, vampire, and werewolves I was also in love with a vampire. So, I knew what a monster was, it was Damon but he's not really a monster. He did almost kill me, but at the same way he had also saved me.
Who's to say that I'm not lying next to a monster? Sure you can call him a monster, but in that same sense he's a hero. But, he's a monster with black eyes and hair. He's a monster that thinks he's destined for hell, and all together he's a perfect monster.
"I'm a monster aren't I?"
"No Damon, you're not a monster, I am."
"You could never be Red."
"But I am, and in some way you are too. Just not a horrible one."
He had no way to respond. So, he was quiet, and kissed my temple. But, he still held me and watched through my fiery red hair.
So, I know what a monster is, it's Damon, but he's not really a monster.