A/N: Okay, guys. Well... This will sort of confuse you maybe, but hopefully not too much. This story starts as completely a Damon/Elena perspective. And a new paragraph normally means a new point of view i.e: Damon. Since Danny and I alternated comments it had to be that way I'm afraid. Well, I hope you guys enjoy reading this little snag of our creativity as much as we enjoyed writing it. Elena's perspective is solely written by me, (Jackie) and Damon's perspective is solely written by Danny. (We share perspective of most other characters) So, peace out guys and enjoy. ^^ Read & Review? :B

Salvatore, If You Please.

Chapter One: Oh Elena, Elena.

Bonnie yanked eagerly on Elena's fore arm, pulling her down corridor after corridor until finally hurtling to a stop, facing Elena and grinning like an eight-year-old kid on Christmas morning. What the hell could be the matter with her this time? Bonnie was always bubbly; but this bubbly? There was definitely something she needed to get off of her chest. She inhaled deeply before grinning even wider at her best friend.

"Okay.. You and Mr. Hottieeee Stefan Salvatore... I want to know EVERYTHING!"

Her eyebrows wagging up and down made me chuckle. Sighing i regained my concentration and glanced around momentarily before answering her.

"So uhmm.. We might be.. Oh, you know.. Dating, and sorta' maybe... Made out," I couldn't help but extend my grin as i watched her own dark eyes light up.

"Wo-ah! Just whoa. Is that brother of his still single?" she teased, again with the waggling eyebrows.

Boring. Boring. Boring. There was nothing to do in the god damn house. He has read Stefan's diary, and got pretty bored with that too. He acted like a love sick puppy, needless to say making Damon quite amused actually. Why would a vampire bother to go to high school anyways ? It's not like he's going to learn anything new. He raised his eyebrow slightly, and smirked. You, sexy smartarse you. He mentally complimented himself, before picking up his black leather jacket from the sofa, and leaving the house.

Few minutes later, he was standing on the corridor of the Mystic Fall's school. He was bored at home, well, here in this building there was lots of chicks, that would beg him for a kiss. He might as well feed on them. Oh no, he forgot. Stefan told him he can't do that anymore. Damon rolled his eyes and laughed before heading for the office. Everyone was in class, which was quite handy.

Elena's smile soon faded at the mention of Damon Salvatore's name. Why was it every single girl went completely doe-eyed and wobbly knees at the mere sight of the arrogant Salvatore brother. Well, okay, he was good-looking. Well... That was sort of an understatement. But it was his personality that let him down; that cocky.. everybody-wants-me attitude. That sadly, if Elena was honest with herself drew him to her even more. No, wait. What the hell was she thinking? She was with Stefan and she... As if right on cue, there he was, accompanied with that winning smile and those sparkling eyes. Elena simply rolled hers and turned back to Bonnie.

"C'mon.. We better get back to class," she sighed.

Everything in the office went well. A bit of compulsion and it was all sorted. He was in Stefan's class. Walking down the corridor to his class, History, he heard some talk in the other corridor. And it wasn't only some talk, it was Elena talking to someone about Stefan. He headed that way, so as to pass the girls, and as he heard the girl ask the question about him, he sped up, just to be there in time to say . "He's very single." And with that leave, continue walking to his class, which he reached eventually. He walked in the door, smiled at the teacher.

"Good morning." He said arrogantly, before sitting at the back of the class beside Stefan.

Stefan of course, always looking like he's in physical and mental pain leaned towards him and asked what the hell does he think he is doing. "Studying..." He smirked, before adding. "..the female body in front of me."

Bonnie pouted slightly, but Elena just continued to glare at her. She'd get the message that she did not want to talk about Damon Salvatore; and hopefully she'd get that message very soon. Or Elena was going to go crazy.

"But.. Elena," Bonnie whined, still not giving up, flashing her best puppy-dog eyed expression.

Elena raised both of her hands and Bonnie sighed, nodding in defeat.

"Okay, okay, fine.. What is it with you and Damon? You're always so anti-him. What did he ever do to you?" Bonnie questioned, shuffling down the corridor after Elena.

Elena glanced back at her before replying, waiting for her to catch up.

"Damon's an ass, Bonnie. The sooner you learn that, the better," Elena murmured before pushing the door to their history class wide open.

He winked at the girl who was staring at him for the past few minutes, before grabbing a pen off Stefan, because he , himself, didn't have one, and scribbling something on a piece of paper and throwing it to that girl he winked at. She opened it and nodded eagerly to him. He smirked triumphantly. Tonight was to be a busy night anyways. Well, this whole high school idea was a very good idea indeed. He could just tune out in the class, observe the vulnerable girls then feed on them, and do whatever else he wanted to do to them. Of course, the little holy brother will disapprove but in all honesty, he couldn't care less about what Stefan thought. It was all Stefan's fault that he was a vampire, and at times he was glad that he was turned, but Stefan was too good. And sometime he is going to break and feed on human blood, and Damon will be there to watch and cheer.

Bonnie quickly sided up to Elena and nudged her elbow lightly into Elena's bare arm. Flinching, Elena darted her eyes down to Bonnie, waiting for her to comment.

"He's not that much of an ass... Well, okay, he can be a little cocky, but i mean look at him," Bonnie whispered before shutting up the second their teacher noticed them.

After quickly apologizing for their absence, Elena glanced over the classroom, only to meet Damon's eyes. Elena saw his smile, and while mentally cursing herself, for a split second, she smiled back. Finally reaching her seat behind Stefan, she placed her bag down and turned to the front. A second later, Stefan reached his hand back, and Elena laced her fingers with his, squeezing the hand once before letting it drop and grinning.

Both Stefan and Damon could hear Bonnie's and Elena's conversation in the classroom. Damon's smirk never disappeared, as he listened, however the pained expression on Stefan's face did. It was replaced by a smile. Damon knew what made him smile. He leaned towards Stefan before whispering.

"She's just saying that because she wants me for herself. Come on, which girl doesn't.? I mean I'm irresistible." He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath, before looking at Elena as she entered the classroom and waving at her.

He liked that. It was fun. Even the girls staring at him didn't annoy him, as he thought they would. But no, they were alright. They just were proving that the fact that he is irresistible was true.

Stefan turned slightly in his seat to face Elena. His eyes were glowing with fresh life; they were always so lively when they were set upon Elena. Elena herself couldn't help but grin back at Stefan - she really did love Stefan.

"Hello beautiful," Stefan cooed, blowing her a quick kiss before turning back to the front of the classroom.

Elena's cheeks were on mid-blush as she heard Damon's interjection. Instead of ignoring him like she normally would've and as Stefan had so clearly, this time Elena decided to play along with him. Elena pouted at Damon and reached forward, her hand fell gently upon his shoulder before delicately trailing down his arm in a very teasing manner. She caught his hand, but dropped it the second she'd finished speaking.

"Aw, Damon.. Want me to kiss you better?" she joked.

The smirk never disappeared off his face as he listened to the girls conversation. A little bit fun with the Bonnie girl might be well.. fun, and entertaining. This town was boring, and as long as he couldn't do anything about his actual task, he has to find something to do. And that won't be hard. Especially with all those girls around, and Stefan to mock. He turned around in time to see Elena and Stefan holding each other's hand. He raised his eyebrow before speaking in a mocking tone.

"Look at you two. All loved up. " He wiped away an invisible tear. "I think I might cry." He laughed, before winking at Elena playfully and turning back around to the front of the class. Well, this was definitely fun, and he could get used to that . Even getting up so early just to go to this ridiculous school.

He looked down at Elena's hand then up at her with a smirk, before tilting his head to the side. "Don't bother Elena. I've got someone. " He looked at the girl he'd sent a note too, before leaning forward to be closer to Elena, so he could whisper in a very seductive tone, all this while doing the so called 'eye-thing'. "I might get your sweet little friend to keep me company too." With a smirk, he backed off and leaned back in his chair, quite content with himself. The whole high school idea was awesome. First, he gets chicks, as many as he wants, two, he gets to mock Stefan, and three, though he wouldn't admit it even under torture, he got to spend time with Elena. Yeah, that's how sad Damon Salvatore could be. That was quite pathetic actually. They should make a movie about it. A movie about Damon Salvatore. The title "Damon Salvatore, the sexy arrogant smartarse." . He couldn't help but smirk at the thought.

Elena raised each of her dark brows up at Damon and she couldn't help but smile. Without speaking, Elena stifled a laugh while rolling her eyes. Elena's eyes obeyed his as she glanced over to a girl, who for the life of her she could not remember the name of. She was slim, a brunette with very dark brown eyes; she was quite pretty but dippy. Really really dippy. Despite herself, Elena smiled.

"Well, you know Damon I..." And that's when he turned to her.

Elena sucked in a deep breath of air, without making it too obvious and swallowed before composing herself enough to answer him. She merely shrugged, smiling.

"Each to their own," she mumbled before leaning back into her seat which Bonnie was now beside.

If Bonnie didn't stop giggling, Elena was going to smack her, it was driving her crazy.

He didn't answer her. Just sat there, doing pretty much nothing. That is, until he got an idea. An idea that will annoy both Elena and Stefan. Perfect. He grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen off Elena, because he himself didn't have any, and scribbled his number on a piece of paper, before throwing it to Bonnie. He then smiled at Elena, and put her pen into his mouth, before taking it out and acting as if it was a mistake.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you for the pen by the way." He smirked, before holding it out for her, waiting for her to take it herself.

Oh, it was so much fun, high school. He could see Stefan getting pretty pissed off, and he was sure he would get a lecture at home, but what did he care.? He was a vampire and this was a small town, and he was bored, and now, he was doing this to have fun, and his little brother couldn't stop him.

Elena finally spared a glance at her best friend and rolled her eyes once again. Bonnie could be so blonde sometimes, if that was even possible. Although, she did love her friend's light-hearted love of life nature, but sometimes it just got on her nerves, especially since the guy she couldn't stop gushing over was Damon Salvatore. Yes he was hot; yes he was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen in her entire life... But Elena still stood by her word. He was an ass.

"Bonnie,, Please try and control yourself, i could stop traffic with your cheeks" Elena mumbled sarcastically before planting her bag upon the desk and taking her books and pens out.

Elena let it drop quietly to the floor before reaching out to Damon's hand, but of course.. He was a lot faster. Elena let out a long sigh before flashing Damon a sarcastic glare and settling back into her seat. She'd tried not to take any notice of Damon passing notes to Bonnie.

He kept smirking for the rest of the class. High school was fun. Now, he could understand why Stefan decided to go back to school. As the bell rang he got up and walked over to Elena. He made sure they had every class together. Unluckily, Stefan didn't. Poor brother, what will he do without his pretty cheerleader.? Well, Damon wasn't the one to care.

"So.? Ready for the next class, partner?" He asked mockingly, as he kept his smirk in place.

Maybe this town wasn't so boring after all. He already had two girls to keep him company during the lonely evenings that Stefan decides to go hunting or to meet Elena and he won't be there for Damon's entertainment. This was working out perfectly. And he was still under impression that he was unbelievably awesome, and irresistible.

Elena all but snatched her pen from Damon's grasp; he could be so damn pig arrogant sometimes it really did drive her crazy. Luckily, Alaric wasn't in today, or well, he'd definitely have a bit more than a small surprise at see if Damon situated amongst his pupils. Why in the hell did Damon want to go back to high school anyway? It puzzled her. Thankfully, the bell didn't take long to ring and everyone was evaporating out of the classroom and into the hallway. With a quick kiss from Stefan and an apology from Bonnie they were both gone. Just as she went to turn, he of course, was directly in front of her. Elena let out a heavy sigh and frowned at him. She folded her arms neatly across her chest before speaking.

"Okay Damon, spill. What is it you want? And no, I'm not believing the 'you're just here for the ride' crap," Elena had trouble keeping a straight face.

"Oh Elena, Elena.." He said, smirking, before frowning slightly, pretending to be in thought. "This could be a song. Wait.." He started humming some melody before singing. "Oh Elena, Elena, you'll bring me and Stefan to the Arena, your body's like hyena's. " He stopped and tried to keep a straight face. "Why I never became a singer and a song writer is beyond me." He smirked, and took her arm, before walking towards their next class.

He leaned towards her, so that lips were just by her ear before whispering.

"And I AM here for the ride." He backed off, but kept his hand on her arm.

This day was getting better and better, and the song he made up.? He might just end up singing it to Stefan because it was a masterpiece.

Danny+Jackie x3