Upside Down

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing… well… when the subject is famous books anyway…

Dedicated to Smile Life Away the most awesomest person ever (yeah, I'm aware the word awesomest doesn't exist but awesome doesn't cover it) – because without her (and her crazy dreams) this wouldn't exist. I hope this turns out to be what she had in mind.

(A/N: Please leave a review if you favorite and/or alert)

It all began with a letter, a strange way to begin things. But really, the entire situation had turned out to be strange and much more complicated than the letter could ever hope to be.


It's been a while.
I know, I know, I've been terribly neglectful – I should write more… I know, I'm sorry. But my life's been terribly hectic lately and I didn't want to write just to whine about it.
First, I had to study for exams – which I did really well in, by the way. And then there was the ball I had to plan; that was a lot of fun but pretty tiring! I ended up decorating the way you suggested, with the white and green and I added a little touch of magic and had 'snow' falling from the ceiling (it was glitter, really, and it took a while but I managed to stop it from falling on the tables.) The Great Hall looked so pretty – I took some pictures so I could show you. Potter was a great help too – he made the whole menu up and it was really kind of funny because he kept running up to me between classes and would be like:"Taste this – do you think it has too much cinnamon?" he was so nervous, it was actually kind of cute (And, no, mom, I'm not 'warming up to him' so don't start.) The only thing I didn't follow your advice on was the Christmas-trees, because not everyone in Hogwarts celebrates Christmas so I thought it would be easier to have a 'Winter Theme'…

I got a dress for that Christmas party you told me you're doing; it's silvery-green and I really liked it (Alice kept babbling on about how it looked really good on me, so I guess that's a good sign; plus, it had a huge discount.) It's has a really… Grecian style. AND I got heels too; you can't say I don't love you…

I did get that letter about Tuney's wedding, and – for the record – I did write an answer… I never sent it thought (found that out this morning when I was cleaning my trunk) which, I guess, explains why you never answered…. I bought her something anyway – No, it's not magic, of course; it's a huge, huge make up box (She was really into that last time I saw her, I hope she still is…) and I got her a necklace and a pair of earrings for Christmas (they're made of strings of silver petunias.)

Anyway, I should stop babbling and tell you the bad news already. Alice says I tend to do that – bore people to death before I get into the bad news so that, by the time I do, they're ignoring me anyway… But I guess there's really no chance of that happening with you – moms don't ignore their daughters… plus, you could just skip ahead…

Well…. Turns out Potter's parents are Aurors and there's this official convention the first week of Winter Break and Potter's parents wrote me because "James talks so much about me they figured I was a nice girl" and asked me if he – well, they… because his friend, Black, lives with them for some reason) could stay at our house for that week because Mrs. Potter doesn't want his poor baby to have to spend Winter Break at school and since Remus (another of Potter's friends) is going to America for the holiday and she never really got along with Pettigrew's (another friend) parents, she figured she'd ask me…. She was so nice and kept saying that I sounded like such a sweet, decent girl who wouldn't turn his boys away and I just couldn't say no – because that would've been rude, wouldn't it? I hope you don't mind. And, you've been saying you want to meet James or a while now…

James is not that bad – he can be mature and helpful and nice when he wants to. It's really the 'dynamic duo' I'm worried about. I guess it's a good thing Tuney spends as much time as you say she does over at Vernon's – I don't think she'll take kindly to Potter and Black.

So, now, the only thing I have left to say is thank you (because I'm sure that as soon as you stop reading you'll go get the house ready) and sorry (for telling you on such short notice)

See you in a few days.

PS – You think you could ask dad what sweets he wants this time for me?
PS 2 – That reminds me, I got you something too – it's magic, but I think you'll find it really useful =0)


"Lily!" Sirius Black shouted, throwing the door to the compartment door open and sitting himself between the two girls that were inside. He looped an arm around the already angry-looking Lily Evans and cackled. "Aren't you really excited about having me stay at your house for a full week? We can have sleepovers and talk about boys and do our make-up…"

Lily winced, sighing and glaring at Sirius – she was not happy about the situation and Black was not making it any easier. It was going to be a long, long week. She was about to say something when she heard a chuckle from the door and turned to find James Potter standing there, arms crossed in front of him.

"Could've told me you were gay before, mate," he stated, the corners of his lips turning up slightly. James let out another chuckle as he walked into the compartment and sat down in front of the other three. The brunette, Alice rolled her eyes, pushing Sirius off as he tried looping an arm around her shoulders.

"Lily!" She shouted, pushing him away and glaring at her best friend. Lily looked from James to Sirius and sighed standing up.

"Okay, fine…" She took another deep breath and glowered at the two boys who were looking up at her innocently. "I have something to say to you, and I want you to pay attention."

"Yes, ma'am," Sirius chuckled, mock-saluting her before he went back to inspecting his shoes.

Lily pursed her lips before crossing her arms, wand grasped tightly in her right hand before she spoke. "If you don't want me to kick your asses out of my house before the week is over, and by that I mostly mean you, Black, you're going to have to behave. Which means no pranks," At this she sent a glare in Black's direction, who just looked back at her innocently, an eyebrow raised, "and absolutely no magic." She sighed. "At least not in front of my sister. Got it?" James nodded solemnly as Sirius stood up and walked toward the door of the compartment again, his hand pressed against his forehead dramatically.

"Always so distrustful!" he muttered before he exited the compartment, leaving the other three staring after him. Lily made a face before sitting down again and tapping her fingers on her knee nervously.

James cleared his throat as he stood up and was almost out of the door before he spoke again, "I'm sorry about Sirius," he muttered quietly turning to look at her, Lily blinked at him for a few seconds.

"It's not your fault," she said finally at which James shrugged, ruffling his hair.

"His attitude – he's always been like that. It's just who he is," he continued, giving her a small smile as he gave another step out of the compartment. Lily nodded, not really sure of what to say to that. "But he can be mature when he wants to be… and he's a good friend. He'll behave, don't worry."

Lily blinked, momentarily surprised at the obvious loyalty and caring in his voice. It was times like this that almost made her change her mind about James. Almost. She was pulled out of her reverie when Frank Longbottom walked into the compartment, waving at her and James before sitting down next to Alice.

"You're a good friend," Lily said finally, walking out into the hallway next to James as he held out his hand to her, clearly intending to leave Alice alone with her boyfriend. He chuckled, looking out of the window on the other side of the hallway, before turning to look back at her.

And suddenly, Lily felt trapped. One of the things that had changed last year, besides James' behavior, was Lily's behavior towards James. Which was just another factor in the terrible realization that she was stuck with him in her house for a week. Before, she had always taken care to avoid him whenever he was near her, but then there had been that accident involving James and an armchair. But it hadn't really been Lily's fault, how could she have known he had been sleeping there? It had been dark and he should've been in his room anyway.

But now, all she could do was stare up into his deep, hazel eyes, feeling slightly light-headed and fuzzy as every other girl in Hogwarts did in his presence. Damn him. Damn James Potter. It only got worse when he smiles and whispered a husky: Thank you, and she found herself wanting him to turn away, or maybe stay where he was and tuck the strand of hair that was tickling her cheek.

That what was he was doing…

She jumped away, colliding painfully with the door to the compartment behind her. She cringed and rubbed her back keeping her eyes on the carpet at her feet, silently thanking Merlin for the door that had knocked her out of her trance.

"I'll… uh… see you at the station, ok?" she asked fumbling with the latch of the door at her back and grudgingly looking up at him.

"Sure." His voice was quiet, almost embarrassed, and Lily noticed – with a twang of guilt – that he looked slightly tense as he walked away.

This promised to be a long week indeed.