Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight in any way. All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Hello my lovely readers Monster In Law is back! I am posting the first five chapters tonight so please enjoy love gem xoxox

Bella's Introduction:

It's just another day in my exciting life.

My name is Isabella Marie Swan, Bella for short. I'm twenty-one years old and I live in a small apartment only a few minutes from the beach. I work for a temp agency, where I have tried as many different forms of work as possible. I never stick with one thing too long because I find too many things interesting and I like to explore possibilities.

I am currently working in a small doctor's office just across town. I really enjoy helping people and I get along with all the staff. I am also a dog walker, a caterer and a yoga instructor. You name it and I have most likely done it.

I have wavy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I am so clumsy that I trip over thin air almost as much as the steps I take. Both my parents died when I was little, but I keep in touch with my adoptive parents.

My hobbies include drawing and walking along the beach. I love to hang out with my best friends, Jessica and Mike, whenever I get the chance and I dream of finding the perfect guy one day, someone to come and sweep me off my feet, so that we can have our happily ever after.

Edward's Introduction:

My name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. I'm twenty-four years old and one of the top doctors in the Florida area. I love working in the hospital and helping people. My best friend is Jasper Hale who is married to a lively little fireball named Alice.

I woke up this morning feeling fresh and ready to face the day, which was odd considering I had done a twelve hour shift only eight hours ago.

I'm about six feet two inches tall with a slim muscular body. I also have bronze hair that goes in all different directions.

My mom can be very controlling at times. She pages me constantly if I don't respond immediately and calls me every day. I guess that's what I get for being an only child, but I love her all the same and try to contact her as much as possible.

My hobbies include spending time with my friends, watching TV and reading. The apartment I live in is unbelievable. It has a lot of space, two floors with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, my office and a music room I had built so that I can continue to practice and write my music. I'm finding it very difficult to write or play my music right now because I've lost my inspiration.

Esme's Introduction:

I am Esme Cullen. I work on a show called The Time of Your Life, you may have heard of it. Well of course, you have. It's fabulous and so am I. I have met superstars, royalty and the country's most famous leaders. I am old enough to be the mother of a twenty-four year old, so you do the math.

I have wavy, caramel hair that is shoulder length with hazel eyes. My life revolves around my son Edward. I love him so much that it hurts when I'm away from him. I know that I can be a little obsessive at times, but that's because I only want the best for Edward.

Edward's father died when he was little, and ever since I have never been able to control my emotions when it concerns my son. I am afraid that Edward will just not need me one day and that I will be alone.

My brilliant assistant Rosalie tries to keep me in line. She always speaks her mind no matter what she thinks. She has been working for me for over three years and I consider her a best friend who just happens to be on the payroll.

I live in a massive house that has the most beautiful garden, which is great because I love to garden in my spare time.

All I could want in the world, I own. The only thing that is missing from my life is my beloved Carlisle. I hope that one day I will join my love in a better place, but I am never going to leave as long as Edward needs me.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it Please review. Ok thank you for reading the beta-ed first chapter of monster in Law, the fabulous (Tinian I'att) did all the wonderful editing.