Oh lawd! :D
I saw Weasel's video, and it inspired me. And, so, instead of finishing my other chaptered fics, Inspiration has decided to flip me the proverbial bird and whack me over the head with this plot.
Forgive me.
Writer's block is a bitch to deal with. -_-;
Disclaimer: Y' already know what goes here.
Yong Soo: SAY IT. Or you'll get sued.
… I don't own Hetalia. *sob*
Note: Yong Soo = NO MORE "DA-ZE"-ING! I have recently discovered that it is purely Japanese in creation!
… but it's cute. So I'll keep it in my previous fics + fluff. X3
… and Kiku is slightly, SLIGHTLY, OOC.
It was a normal day in the House of Southeast Asia, but of course, no day is complete without the age-old argument…
"Pepero is better than Pocky."
"Tch. No way. Pocky is so much better."
"Pepero has more chocolate on it!"
"That's what you think."
"That's why it's true."
"Wait, what?"
"Whatever I think of is real! Just look at the size of those elephants! They're huge!"
"What the hell do elephants have anything to do with Pocky and Pepero?"
"Nothing and everything."
"Don't get all philosophical on me."
Vietnam's eye twitched in irritation, and a vein popped onto her forehead.
Yong Soo blinked. "You should get that vein checked. That can't be healthy."
She snapped. "SILENCE! I need some quiet around here! Fight somewhere else, but not here!"
Kiku blinked. "Why should we?"
"I will PADDLE you!" she snarled, gripping it in her hands threateningly.
"Exit, stage left!" Yong Soo zipped out in a blur of white and blue.
Kiku bowed quickly and walked as fast as he could out of there.
Vietnam blew out a breath of silent relief. "Finally. Some qu—"
"—iet… dammit," sighed Vietnam as Taiwan burst into the living room. "I knew it was too good to be true."
[Later – approx. half an hour]
Yong Soo pelted Kiku on the head with a Pepero box.
"AH-HA! Pepero wins again!" Yong Soo said, punching the air.
Kiku massaged his head and glared at Yong Soo. "THIS ISN'T OVER, YONG SOO! FOR THE POCKYY!"
"HAHA! I await your attempt eagerly!" Yong Soo shouted back, and threw another Pepero box at him before dashing off.
Kiku glowered as the box hit him square in the forehead. He grabbed his cell and pushed the call button.
"Oi, get me as many boxes of Pocky as you can. Pronto."
[Even later – 11:45PM]
Yong Soo yawned as he stepped into the house. He couldn't wait until he got into his bed…
… if only his room's door would open.
Yong Soo's eye twitched. "The hell?"
He shoved against it, he tried to pull it off, hell he even tried to punch a hole through it, but nothing seemed to work.
"This is either made of bulletproof material, or I need to work out mo—hey look it ope—oh mother fu…"
He stared at the Pocky that had literally filled his room. Actually, he couldn't even see his room. A wall of red Pocky boxes fill his vision.
"Dear Lord in Heaven, hallowed be thy naAAGGH—!"
It took them three months to dig Yong Soo out of Mount Pocky.
What the heck. Where did this come from. O3o