Cybertronian Invasion 9

Ok folks sorry it took so long to update again but I said I would not abandon the story so here's chapter 9! Here the war against our pilot heroes and their Autobot allies has a shift in the battlefield. The Decepticon pirate crew led by Cannonball has changed his ship Sea Slag's course to Earth. But will this truly be the turn of the tide for the Decepticons on Earth? Read, review, and find out. Story is still rated K+ or E10+ or everyone 10 and up for robot violence and basic swearing. Also one important item of note I'm using the Classics, Universe, and Generations bodies for the robots so if you want know why a character turns into their alt mode go to transformers wiki and you'll get your answers. I don't own EVA, Transformers, or any song I put in this story.

-begin Transformers: Face the Devastation by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth

-chapter 9 - Pirates VS Knights

In the early morning skies over Tokyo-3 a small group of Autobots were going about an early morning patrol in the outermost city limits. The sea was next to the road as waves lapped ashore during the current low tide.

''Uh-oh ro-bros looks like we got company.'' Double Clutch said hearing what sounded like police sirens. "Or as humans call them the Po-Po or the Fuzz.''

Knowing about police on earth lessons from the Ark's supercomputer Teletraan-1 Double Clutch, Mirage, and Leadfoot knew enough to pull over to the side of the road and respond to the city's local law enforcement. Better that than get into trouble with the planet's laws.

''Something wrong officers?'' Leadfoot said puzzled why the officers stopped them while on patrol. After all weren't the Autobots doing the same thing as the police? As in ''Protect and Serve''?

The police cruiser's male officer stepped out of the car while his lady partner followed after him. ''Its those drafting fins on your friend's cars, those make them illegal to drive on the road.''

''Exactly. Your racing buddies in the yellow and blue and the blue and white. Sorry guys but we'll have to confiscate them. Nothing personal but its the law.'' The lady officer added taking out her pamphlet that likely had blank tickets.

''But we're not race cars officer. We're Autobots. Watch.'' Mirage said as he, Double Clutch, and Leadfoot transformed into their robot modes.

Much to be expected the two police officers were in shock and awe at the sight of the three towering car based robots. They'd heard of the Transformers from the news but had never had the opportunity to meet any as the pair was always doing patrol on the city limits. This was a first for them.

Clearing his throat the male officer figured he'd made a minor goof but still he had a job to do. ''Even still Autobots or not the rules of the road apply even to you. We'll give you a warning. And no speeding like that red car with the yellow fins.'' He added as the trio had thoughts of Hot Rod come to their minds. That was just the sort of thing he'd pull they thought.

''So then can go back on our patrol officer?" Mirage asked the first policeman.

''Uh carry on then." His lady partner said gesturing them to leave.

The trio of Autobots then converted back to their vehicle modes and revved their engines. ''Junko why do we always get the weird calls hmm?'' The frazzled officer muttered as he saw the three Autobots drive off continuing their early highway patrol.

''Dunno Koji I think we need a vacation. They say Paris is nice this time of year.'' She replied back.

-NERV - later that evening

At NERV in Central Dogma it was getting towards the end of the shift Shigeru had the biggest grin plastered all over his face. As he strolled over to his fellow computer technicians Maya and Makoto Hyuga plus the two small Autobots Eject and Rewind. Though they shared their new alt-mode (their previous were too clunky), their case a mobile handheld communicator each of their personalities were different. They along with Graphy, Steeljaw, and Ramhorn were partnered with the likes of Blaster.

''Makoto you won't guess what I just won!'' He said taking a seat in a nearby wheeled chair acting all smug.

''Free haircuts from that salon for life?'' Maya said teasing him over his shaggy long bangs.

Giving the lady PC techie a glare he turned to Makoto. He whipped out what seemed like tickets to a local city concert. "Just the biggest concert to ever storm the city! Plus I got enough for all three of us to go! Hows them apples!?''

In the far end of the corridor was Blaster and Jazz. They both happened to overhear the trio talk about the said event. The small crew of Autobots had gotten close to the trio of techies. Like the pilots all NERV staff had a major Autobot keeping watch of their personal safety; Dr. Akagi had Perceptor, Misato had Hot Rod. The two would blow off steam by going to the ruins of Tokyo-2 and drive like maniacs. The Lambo brothers Sideswipe and Sunstreaker kept tabs on Kaji. And finally Jazz, Blaster, and his smaller partners kept a few optics on the ''bridge bunny'' trio.

So the Autobot laptop had reason to be cautious. ''I dunno, it might be dangerous. I heard concerts can get really rowdy.''

It was then Graphy joined in on the begging bandwagon. ''Oh c'mon let's have some time for some fun. The humans say ''all work and no play makes them dull boys or girls if they're women''. Let's go! C'mon please?! Or do I have to beg or gravel like a Vehicon drone here hmm?''

''C'mon Blaster it'll give us a chance to experience earth culture up close. Did you know that most human hearing loss comes from continued exposure to loud decibels? If humans want to go deaf let them do it while having fun.'' Rewind mentioned. Rewind was very intelligent... though most of his plethora of smarts came from odd, bizarre or little known trivia. In short he'd perform great on the US game show Jeopardy and pretty much any others.

''Besides let's get ready for some tunes!'' Eject said sounding very much like the US boxing/wrestling announcer Michael Buffer. In fact earth sports had become one of his big new hobbies on the planet. He peppered his battle cries, speeches, and off duty dialogue with varying sports related terms (though very few knew just what the frag he was talking about 90% of the time). To say he was a sports nut was a big understatement.

''Blaster we're being guarded by several tons of alien space metal. We're protected.'' Maya countered putting the matter to rest. They were all going to the concert with several Autobot guests.


As the sun went down in the city square the concert was being set up. As it was mentioned proceeds were being sent to the recovery of the city after the intense battles that had raged recently. Since the trio worked at NERV they didn't have long to wait in the line. They three used their NERV connection to let the Autobots in to see the show. But due to their large size they were told to be near the shows middle section where there was a a more solid ground (this grated on Ramhorn's nerves since none of the Autobots weighed too much).

''So what's our musical selection for tonight?'' Jazz asked as he was seated himself next to the seat alongside Blaster.

Looking over the shows scheduled lineup Shigeru then relayed what read to his seated friends. ''Let's see first up is the US metal group Powerman 5000, Linkin Park, Stan Bush, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and Nickelback. The all girl band Jem and the Holograms and let's see who else... shit! Their arch rivals The Misfits are here too. Bet they're just trying to show up their competition. Ok, ok, what else is on the tour... Ahh here is, and rounding out the show is the South Korean singer Psy."

"I hear they're truly, truly outrageous.'' Graphy said as a girl from the crowd looked at him rather oddly. "What? Never seen a free thinking robot before and like music from an all girl band? People these days are living under rocks.'' The miniature Autobot griped.

Just like he did at Central Dogma Rewind again had more trivia based information he had uncovered about the festivities. "I heard in the news there's plans for a series of live-action films based off Hasbro's military sci-fi series GI Joe, and monster horror Inhumanoids cartoon. Then there's the My Little Pony film that's expected to hit next year.''

The second My Little Pony was mentioned images of the male Pony fandom called the Bronies appeared in the two guy's minds. The likes of Maya however gave them a glare. "Oh stop it the Bronies aren't that bad. My twice removed cousin's boy is one. Let's just enjoy the show.''

A minute later the concert started and the crowd really started to rock out to the great musical numbers. "Sweet Primus now this is a show! Haven't had a stellar cycle out like this in vorns!'' Blaster hollered as he struck his rock pose.

''A bit heavier than my usual but it ain't bad. Rock out 'n shout! OWWW! Somebody stop us!'' Jazz hollered next enjoying himself.

"Oh yeah now yer gettin' it! Great going guys, throw up the goats, like this!" Shigeru told Rewind & Eject who both throw up their hands to rock 'n roll V-sign. "Yeah! You're doing it! You try Steeljaw."

The lion simply curled its metal paws as best he could and threw them up in the air striking a pose. That along with his growling and roaring helped. "Yeah, that's how its done! Rock out!'' Shigeru cheered.

With the sounds and colored lights the city had almost forgotten about the assault of the Angels and the Autobot & Decepticon war. Right now fun was the only thing the concert goers had on their minds.

However evil would not rest not even for a rock concert. As a sudden unexpected volley of missiles sent the concert goers fleeing for safety revealed a mid-sized squadron of previously unseen Decepticons, Blaster though recognized one of them. "Ferak! What're you doing here!? Thought you were on the other side of Golgonath VII!''

"Ready to sew some terror on this pathetic dirtball what else?'' The evil white jet explained.

''Yeah blowing stuff up is a bonus thing you didn't know!'' Ferak's gun added converting into a robot.

''Tornado!'' Ramhorn growled knowing Tornado made a living by betrayal, apparently. He was once even a professional saboteur, then a Decepticon rebel. Now a scheming pirate.

''Tremble with terror this planet belongs to our captain, the Decepticon Cannonball!" The fembot named Flamewar.

''WHAT!?'' The group of Autobots half hollered out in shock.

''Cannonball?! But he's dead!'' Graphy gaped despite lacking a toothy jaw.

''Stupid Autobots you thought wrong.'' The grey truck based member snarled walking out of the thick billowing smoke. He activated his pair of wrist battle blades. "I Cannonball still live and still ready to scrap you!''

As the flames from the missile impacts billowed smoke Jazz & Blaster knew there was only one way out of this... FIGHT! The group of Autobots squared off against Cannonball, Flamewar, Tornado, Brimstone, and Ferak.

-begin Transformers: Face the Devastation by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth

The pirate Brimstone faced off with Jazz who converted back to his sports car mode and revved himself up, right for Brimstone himself! The Autobot sped at max speed for Brimstone, clashes with him and judo-flips him, but Jazz transforms back to his car mode, lands, drives again at high speed and converts to robot mode, punching Brimstone right in his face.

''AGHHH!'' He hollered falling backwards into a nearby parked delivery van.

Whipping out his speaker weapons Jazz barraged the fallen robot with powerful weaponized rock music. The blasts of sound sent the robotic badguy skidding away further. Recovering from his daze Brimstone whipped out his triple bladed sword and slashed at his Autobot problem.

Despite dodging out of the way Jazz's arm was still hit! In fact Brimstone sliced it right off!

Squaring off with Ferak Blaster readied himself as the jet based Decepticon lunged at him, only Blaster spin kicked him away sending him flying. "That all you got you punk!? I'm 'bout ready to get psycho on yer aft!''

The pirate lunged for Blaster again as their fists connected then turned to a grapple with each trying to overpower the other. Ferak kept up his trash talking shoving the Autobot communications expert back. ''Blow it out yer exhaust port! Blow too much you'll end up in the junk heap!''

Breaking off the grapple Blaster slugged Ferak upside his face and waited for an opening on his foe. "Ramhorn let 'im have it!'' Blaster ordered opening fire on Ferak.

The barrage was pushing his foe back steadily, but the rhino based Autobot converted to his tank mode blasting Ferak with explosive rounds. ''Hey, hey, hey leave some of him for me!'' The rhino complained.

Meanwhile Flamewar was facing off against Steeljaw, Eject, Graphy, and Rewind who were more than ready to brawl with her. "Did you know I've read during my tenure with humans they've an excellent way to solve problems? It's called conflict resolution, we sit down and talk this whole thing out.'' Rewind rambled firing off his long barreled rifle at the biker girl.

With several divebomb maneuvers Graphy fired off a rounds of lasers, as Flamewar grabbed a chunk of scrap metal using it as a makeshift shield. "Can the trivia brainiac! Not the time!'' Graphy complained to the data master.

Snarling Flamewar whipped her exhaust pipes and mufflers together into her signature weapon. Her Energon missile bow! She was furious and ready to tear these Autobots into scrap! She took aim right them. ''Oh, you little microchips wanna take me on?! Fine! I'll terminate all your little programs!''

Ever the sports nut Eject had some wrestling jargon he'd been wanting to try out for just such an occasion. In fact he jumped to a tall street light and yelled down at Flamewar. ''OK but can you smell what the Eject is cookin'?! I'm gonna lay the smackdown on your candy aft!'' Eject yelled again jumping and using a classic wrestling move, the elbow drop.

The smaller blue robot slammed down on Flamewar knocking her down on the grass. ''OW! Why you little!" The fembot yelped as her backside was shot by Rewind.

"I shoot! I score! Oh yeah can you dig it!?'' He hooted out now bending back her leg, the wrong way no less! Snapping it clean off.

Making sure she wouldn't retaliate Steeljaw pounced on her. "Hey! That hurt! GET OFF ME!" The biker bot ranted as she was pinned down by Steeljaw's sharp fangs.

The smaller pirate tried getting the robotic lion off his ally only Steeljaw was onto him. ''ARGHH!'' Tornado hollered out sent flying by Steeljaw's explosive missiles.

With Jazz at his mercy Brimstone was ready to impale him, and finish him off once and for all. And Cannonball joined in, mostly for sick amusement.

Suddenly though a powerful explosive round hit Brimstone's shoulder sending him into a spin and then a hard slam on the dirt. Another blast sent Cannonball flying as well. As the smoke cleared Jazz smirked... the Autobot warrior Warpath revealed himself! ''Warpath! Boy am I glad you're here!''

The tank warrior converted to robot mode hollering at maximum volume. "KABLAM! Plus I brought along some buddies! Double Clutch, Mirage, Leadfoot go get 'em!"

The three cars then sped right for the Decepticon attack force who tried shooting their tires. The threesome dodged and swerved out of the weapon fire as Leadfoot revved his engine driving right for Flamewar.

''Oh ya wanna play huh boys? Here!'' Flamewar yelled out blasting them with her crossbow gun. He avoided the shot and ran right into her hard. ''DAGH!'' She was then sent flying and landed in heap.

With Cannonball in his sights Double Clutch sped right for him, slamming into him and sending him flying. Once he landed he was furious. "Why you... ! Eh oh no... '' He saw Double Clutch was doubling back driving even faster.

The pirate knew he was gonna get rammed even harder. ''Ahh hexagonal nuts.'' And he was being sent flying and landing on a large garbage truck.

His troops were outnumbered and now outgunned, the Autopath Warpath brought a fresh fully fueled warriors to this fight. It was a losing battle. The fact Warpath, Ramhorn, Eject, and Rewind were now in tank mode and barraging them meant Cannonball had a a decision to make. "Dagh! Decepticons retreat! We have to rendezvous with the Nemesis! Get our wounded out of here! RETREAT!"

The pirate leaped into the air taking off to reconvene with his commander as Brimstone carried an injured Flamewar. Converting to jet mode Ferak linked with Tornado as the five flew off to the Decepticon warship Nemesis.


Far out to sea was the gigantic warship Nemesis, where things were in uproar. And the cause was Cannonball's arrival. He and his small squad were held at gunpoint by Megatron himself. He didn't believe this was the great space pirate. "There's no possible way this to be true.'' He argued.

''Yes Megatron this fool has to be an Autobot trick! Melt them down to piles of molten scrap.'' Starscream suggested.

''Heh! Says you!'' Ferak growled charging at the Decepticon commander.

Only he was shot in the shoulder by Skywarp. "Stay back! Do that again and you die!'' The other Seeker Thundercracker threatened keeping his weapons ready. The Seekers Ramjet, Thrust, Acid Storm, Dirge, and Sunstorm also stayed armed and ready.

But this didn't make sense, especially to Bombshell, Shrapnel and Scrapper all highly intelligent thinkers. Pulling out a few datapads they did a few scans of this so-called ''Cannonball''. They uncovered something very odd. "Uh lord Megatron if I might I think I can explain Bombshell and my findings. What the scans show is the exostructure of Cannonball. The color scheme, armaments, and personality quirks all show Cannonball. But his internal technical specifications show he's not who he says is. His spark resonance is different too. Just who are you?'' The Constructicon leader asked out loud.

''I told you all. I'm Cannonball.'' Cannonball repeated.

"And my commanding officer.'' Flamewar growled as Hook and Shockwave began work to repair her leg.

Looking over the data Shrapnel was impressed by how closely this fake took after the original. "Yes, but he is indeed a very well crafted copy, copy. So much he's virtually the same, same.'' The evil stag beetle noted.

"We told you lord Megatron. He's Cannonball.'' Ferak said again this time silenced by a gun barrel from Spinister a recently arrived Decepticon warrior.

"Pick your words very wisely Ferak. Here there's no do-overs.'' He said stoic as ever.

The Constructicon Scavenger was still puzzled by all this. If this wasn't Cannonball then who was he? "Well just who in the Pit are you?''

"He is Cannonball. Are yer audio sensors not workin' or something?!'' Tornado half yelled only Megatron grabbed by the neck.

He even aimed his fusion cannon at him as a gesture to keep him quiet. ''You can't be Cannonball! Cannonball died a few earth days before the Ark launched.'' Megatron said pointing out this fact.

In fact Cannonball's body was recovered and taken to Kaon he'd honored for his service. However that still didn't explain how the pirate cheated death so many times during the Great War on Cybertron. Numerous soldiers swore he died right before their optic scanners. So just who was this fool?

This ''fake'' Cannonball went about explaining himself to his leader. ''Humpf! Those Autobot fools still haven't figured it out. I'm not Cannonball... I'm in fact Cannonball the 5th. The dead Cannonball was the 4th. I'm the next in his legacy. The 4th Cannonball trained a replacement to take his name, and the legacy with a whole new crew. Right now its me. Until that day, though, I now speak for my crew and say this... ALL HAIL LORD MEGATRON!''

As expected the room was filled with the cheers of hollering Decepticons as the pirate had brought from the Sea Slag a treasure trove of stolen technology, high grade Energon, supplies, tools, even fine graded oil. Let's just say the evil army got over-energized that night.

-to be continued

This chapter allows a bit of focus on the three ''bridge bunnies" of EVA. Sadly the three don't get as much development as the pilots the major staff. Even fanfiction there's a severe lack of content with them. I'd figured I'd have a bit of fun with them. Also this was written way before the MLP Movie came out so I kinda called it. Also a challenge to all readers, I'll give 50 points to whoever can correctly guess all the references the characters make. Be it anime, manga, comics, books, live-action tv, animation, or games it doesn't matter. Guess them. Go on guess them. This story has been stagnating for way too long, figured I'd update it. That and I've just been hit with the worst thing besides writer's block... a lack of ambition. For whatever reason I just don't have the writing bug anymore. Must be the winter getting worse.

Please read and review this and my other stories which range from: Yokohama Night Monsters, Diclonius Goddess of Steel, Power Rangers Dimension Legends, ELG The Series, EL Digital Saviors, Cybertronian Invasion, and Maverick Hunter KLN to satisfy your craving for bizarre crossovers. This has been TURP "The Crossover Writer" and now slightly less insane phasing out people later.