Chapter 1: The First Time

It was her second Frabjous Day— this time not a day of fear, but of celebration. There were many things to be joyful about. First, there was no more Jabberwocky to slay. Second, she had decided to stay in Underland for good. Third, she was a newlywed Mrs. Hightopp. And fourth, she was with her dear Hatter forever.

The White Queen had thrown a magnificent ball— something she excelled at. Hundreds of creatures were there to socialize, eat, and dance. The Hatter and Alice had Futterwackened vigorously. When a waltz began, he pulled her in close, gazing at her with a different intensity that she could not recognize. It thrilled her inside, and she boldly stared back at him. His eyes flickered down to her lips, then back up to those pools of dark brown that he loved so much. A half-smile washed across her face.

"Are you getting tired of the party?" She whispered conspiratorially.

"Very much so," he leaned in with a smile. She grinned back and led him out of the ballroom. Mirana noticed the couple leaving and a sly smile slid over her face as well. They hurried down the maze of hallways to the bedchambers the White Queen had given them while the Hatter worked for her court.

As soon as they entered the suite, Tarrant pushed her up against the door, eagerly and passionately claiming her lips. She let out a small moan, a sound which he had never heard her make before. It surprised him yet he decided he wanted to hear more.

His hands ran feverishly up and down her body. Her breathing hitched and she tangled her fingers in his hair. His hand pressed into the small of her back, and she arched into his body. His waist was grinding against hers, and she suddenly felt very hot and in need of some liquid for her dry throat. As he lowered his head to kiss her bare collarbone, she whispered, "Tarrant?"

"Yes— dearest?" He said in between kisses.

"I— I think we should— move to the— bed..." She panted. What was he doing to her that made her in dire need of oxygen?

"Splendid idea," he agreed, and unpinned her from the door. As she made her way to the bed, she fumbled with the buttons that held her dress in place. The Hatter eyed her curiously.

"It's so hot in this dress," Alice answered crossly when she caught him looking at her.

"Would you like some help?" He gulped, wide-eyed.

"That would be wonderful," she nodded, and he came around to the other side of the bed. As the dress fell away, he stared unashamedly at the loveliness before him. She blushed furiously, but then poked a finger at his chest.

"You. Clothes. Off." She said in slight annoyance. He grinned and gladly stripped before climbing into bed with her. Then he continued his exploration of her body. She shuddered in ecstasy.

"How is it that your hands do such wonderful things to me?" She moaned breathlessly. He slid a casual finger around the underside of her breast before answering, "You make it easy, Alice."

"Naughty," she whimpered as he bent down and kissed the other one. After a few more kisses and moans, he felt so tense. She wondered why he was hesitating.

"Hatter?" She questioned. He met her eyes and asked, "May I...?"

She scoffed at his inquiry. So gentlemanly, even in the bedroom!

"Must you ask?" She cried, playing with his hair, "you'll make me go mad if I have to wait any longer." He grinned and placed himself before her.

"Very well then," his Scottish brogue rumbled into her ear. Then he pushed in, filling her smoothly. She gasped and clenched the bedsheets beneath her. It felt so good to her. He paused a moment to gaze down at her.

"Love," he asked as he traced a breast with a thimbled finger.

"Mmm?" She moaned. He was doing it to her. Again.

"I think I need to push in more. And I think it will hurt some," he looked at her apologetically.

"Do it," she pleaded, "before I go mad." And with that, he thrust hard into her. She couldn't help but whimper. His eyes flickered with sorrow, and he buried his head into her hair.

"I'm sorry, my Alice."

"No, I'm alright. I— just need some time," she tried to take a deep breath. He nodded and kissed her softly on her neck. After a few minutes, she signaled that she was ready. He began slowly, pulling almost all the way out, then back in.

"Do you— know how much I— love you?" He asked, trying to concentrate on thrusting as well as speaking. She covered his lips with hers before she shook her head.

"Show me." She demanded with as much force as she could. He buried himself up to the hilt before pulling out, then shoved back in. She gasped and arched her back against him, wanting him inside her more and more. He felt something building and wondered if Alice felt it too.

"Ready?" He grunted, knowing that her tight grip on the bedsheets was his answer.

"Uh-huh," she panted, her chest heaving up and down. He sped up the pace and she suddenly shrieked his name. He followed the heat and they flew into ecstasy together.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her. They were both covered in a fine sheen of sweat and completely worn out.

"Tarrant," she moaned softly.

"Yes, my Alice?" He kissed her nose lightly before rolling off of her.

"I love you."

He pulled her closer to him and sighed into her hair.

"I love you too, my dearest. Shall we sleep now?"

She didn't answer him. He looked at her and discovered she had beat him to Dreamland. He chuckled and pulled the covers over them. So this is how it would be. He was the luckiest hatter in the world.