Hey sorry for not updating earlier. Been busy lately… Hope everyone enjoys.


Ripcurl stalked towards the wolf pack, fangs bared, back arched in a show of strength and anger. Rocco and his pack looked terrified, which was understandable. But Before Ripcurl could get too close, Rocco suddenly jumped and ran in the direction Bumblebee had gone. Slag! Ripcurl thought as he went after Rocco. Quickly throwing Prowl onto his back along the way.

Prowl clung to the wolf for dear life. He couldn't believe that he was-for lack of better words-riding a cyber-wolf. He heard the tell tales sounds of the rest of Rocco's pack behind them, back Ripcurl didn't seem to care. All he cared about, was getting to Bee before Rocco did.

Ripcurl caught sight of Rocco not too far ahead of them, and was absolutely furious. First Rocco invades HIS territory, them attempts to kill the mechs under his protection, them he has the audacity to lie to him… Oh he'd get it if Ripcurl got his fangs on him.

Ripcurl lunged at Rocco, after making sure his passenger was holding on tight, and knocked the other wolf to the ground. He had the urge to rip Rocco apart right there and then, but he knew he had to find Bee. He jumped over the downed wolf and powered ahead, keeping a safe distance between himself and the wolf pack. He kept running, until he caught scent of what he was looking for.

Prowl could faintly see Bumblebee not too far ahead of them, but knew that they weren't out of danger yet. Even if Ripcurl got Bee and himself out of the forest, the wolf pack was still at large. But for some reason or another, he had faith that the wolf he was currently riding would get them to safety. He didn't know why, he just felt safe around Ripcurl.

Ripcurl felt Prowl relax on his back, and smiled a bit. He couldn't understand why, but he felt comfortable with having another ride him. Primus, it felt good to put his time into something good-like protecting those who might need it- rather than killing innocent mechs. He was abruptly pulled from his thoughts, as he saw how close he was to the little yellow mech. Primus he can move fast. He thought, as he grabbed the mech from behind and threw him onto his back.

"What the?" Bee asked, as he was plucked from the ground, and onto Ripcurl's back. Said wolf just looked over his shoulder and smiled.

They kept running until they came across the very same mine entrance they'd fought the barnacle monster at. Being back here brought back some-not so fond-memories. Ripcurl suddenly stopped running, and drop to the ground. "Alright. Hide in here and don't come out until I tell you it's safe" he said. Bumblebee and Prowl didn't need to be told twice, as they ran for the mine entrance… It's was sill half blocked by rocks, so gave good protection. But would it be enough?

Ripcurl walked to the middle of he clearly outside the mine, and waited. It didn't take too long before Rocco and his mutts turned up. "You really don't listen, do you Rocco?" Ripcurl snarled, as the readied himself for battle.

"Hey. Wolves gotta eat!" Rocco snapped back. Bad move. Ripcurl lunged, tackling Rocco the ground. Both biting, clawing and ripping at each other. The former finally got the upper servo. Pinning the latter to the ground.

Ripcurl was about to rip into the pinned wolf, when suddenly he was tackled by two other wolves. Claw and Delta both tackled the larger wolf off their leader. They tried their best to pin him, but even together… They weren't strong enough. Ripcurl bucked both wolves off him with little effort. Before jumping up, glaring at the two wolves, who the gall to attack him.

Claw and Delta couldn't help but wince and cower under Ripcurl's intense gaze. "Leave them alone" a voice behind Ripcurl suddenly sounded.

The latter didn't even get the time to turn around, before he was tackled from behind. Rocco made the mistake of believe he'd defeated Ripcurl, when he'd just sealed his fate. Ripcurl pushed both himself and Rocco to the ground, and broke free of his grasp.

Rover looked at his downed leader, and charged at the offending wolf, only to find himself back handed hard enough to send him flying. Ripcurl couldn't believe when the pup of pack attacked him… Wasn't much of a fight. Bigger fish to fry. He thought, as he turned his attention back to Rocco. He lunged at the other wolf and sunk his fangs into his shoulder, earning him a scream of pain the downed wolf.

Rocco howled in agony as Ripcurl's fangs sunk deeper into his shoulder, ripping into sensitive wires and tubing. He managed to kick the other away, and run back to his pack. "Alright!" he screamed, gaining the attention of everyone. "You win. We will hunt somewhere else" he continued, bowing his head in submission.

Ripcurl snarled, as he sat near the entrance of the cave. "Don't you dare come back!" he hissed threatening. Rocco and his pack took the hint and ran as fast as their legs would carry them. This was a fight they couldn't win… And probably never would. They would keep their word. They would find a different hunting ground.

Ripcurl watched as the pack ran with their tales between their legs. Suddenly a small, frightened voice hit his audios. "Are they gone?" it whispered.

Ripcurl smiled as he turned, coming face to face with Bumblebee. "Yes little one. They're gone… You can out now" he replied warmly, not wanting to frighten the young mech anymore. Bee ran out and latched onto Ripcurl's front leg, refusing to let go. Ripcurl simply smiled at the display of affection, and gently wrapped his other leg around the small mech. It was comforting, knowing that he'd done something to benefit another being… It made him feel good.


Hope you like it so far. I might need some ideas for the next chapter, hit a small snag in this story.