Malachai POV

Annabelle told me she was pregnant only a few days ago…she's only 16 if we lived in the normal world this would be looked down apon, but here its glorified. Everything seemed so right just a few months ago, but now I realized how wrong everything is I was in a cult. Hell I was a possessed kid's minon.. I was playing daddy with a kid who's parents died willingly for a false God.

"Malachai?" I heard Isaac call.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Is Annabelle pregnant?" he asked, meeting my eyes. I decided to do something I've never done because until this point I never had a reason to.

"No." I lied easily. My parents taught me not to lie, but they also taught me to protect what I loved, I just had to choose what was more important. Annabelle would die in 3 short years and my baby wouldn't live to be 20. I had to protect my family this so called religion told us to and that was one rule I wanted to follow. I just needed a plan to get us out, Annabelle would agree she was to smart to believe this bull shit we were being fed.

I had family in Denver Colorado, it was just a matter of getting there I knew they would take us in. We couldn't leave at night, that was his time He would surely kill us. We could escape just at the sun came out we would have to be quick and take little with us. I knew it would be hard for us this is where we spent all of our lives. This is where our parents raised us then we killed them, we killed all of them. And I played a main part in it there would be a special place in hell for me.

I made a promise to protect my wife and children and I always keep promises.

I came home to see Annabelle playing on the carpet with Zack. I smiled knowing how ecstatic she was for our baby to come. "I'm home." I said as was our usual routine. She looked up and smiled. "I missed you." She stood up to kiss me.

"I missed you too." She said raising an eyebrow.

"We need to talk." I said in a hushed tone.

"About what?"

"Just grab Zack and come upstairs." I said my brain working overtime.

We sat on our bed as I told her my plan. There were a lot of open ends. Where would my family be living, would they still be there? Could we get through the corn without dying. There were so many things that could go wrong, it was nerve wracking.

"I agree we have to get out, we have to get this baby out. She doesn't deserve this." she said thoughtfully, rubbing her stomache.

"There you go with the she again, he can hear you. Its probably degrading for him." I told her in a fake snooty tone.

"She's probably angry at you for not believing in her." She said in the same tone.

"Either way this baby, along with us is getting out in just a few days." I kissed her and left to take care of one more thing.

I went to old houses and stores getting money, it almost felt like stealing, but I had to do it. I had to get them to safety.

*A/n- I'm sorry this is so short. This is by far the hardest chapter. Its easy to tap into Annabelle's mind, but Malachai's not so much. :/ anyway thanks for the reviews. Please give me feedback that's why I write. J I love you guys. Thank you so much.