A/N :Ok people, this is a story that I would like to present to all of you Jake and Nessie fans out there! If you are reading this story you're wonderful and awesome but I bet you already know that. So please enjoy this story and REVIEW!

Special Announcement: And of course I have to thank Vampiiexplainsnoreasoning for helping me through thick and thin and rain or shine! She's my beta and I feel like we're writing this thing together (actually we are)... what can I say, she pretty damn awesome and the best friend ever! You just can't help but love her (and her humor)! So please go and check her out and her amazing stories, I couldn't have done this without her :D

Disclaimer: It's all Stepheine Meyer's. Yeah, Yeah, she's above and beyond awesome and all those other amazing adjectives out there!

P.S. warning there is various uses of colorful of language in the following.

What you think, I'm doing this for me,

so fuck the world feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a things stopping me,

I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly,

and all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony

-Eminem, 'Not Afraid'-

Jake's P.O.V Chapter one. 'The Rush'

I swear I was flying.

Bullshit, I was on top of the fucking world!

My heart was pounding. Fuck, it was racing like a wolf chasing down it's prey. I wondered briefly why in the hell some idiot called it 'horsepower' and not 'wolfpower'? I mean seriously, can't people see that those things are beast! Damn.

I was racing down the highway like fucking 'Lightning McQueen' from that kiddy Cars movie or some shit like that, on my just finished motorcycle.

She was a sharp bad ass Harley, with black leather seats and a shiny silver engine. It took me a while to make this baby. Sure she was a project but that's what I wanted: something to take my mind off of this dirty world. And damn was it was worth it. 'Cause sweet-fucking-Jesus, she was a beauty.

Why I made her...well, this is what I call my way of getting wasted.

You see, people go to the bar, buy some drinks and chug them down like there's no tomorrow. The burn of the alcohol flaming down their throats and swimming through their veins. Simple: They like the rush. People drink away their worries so all you can feel is the rush; nothing else. You forget about everything but the dizzy funny feeling inside that's taking over your body. You can't think or feel, just do.

This is my rush. Flying down the highway forgetting all my fucked up problems and just riding with the wind. Freedom.

I looked a t my speedometer that pointed to about 120 mph. I pushed the gas harder. 'Come on baby...just a little be faster...' The meter rose higher...135...140...148 'Come on dammit. Just a little...'

I heard flaring sirens and saw flashing lights from a police crusier coming up behind me.


What to do in a situation like this? Well, there was option one−I could pull over and just take the goddamn ticket and get on with my life... or option two: Run like a vampire on crack.

I knew I could lose that jackass, but he also knows where I live. I know, I know. You're thinking, 'How in the hell does this douche know where you live?' Well, ever since I've stolen that fucking chocolate bar from that junky shop that Embry and the boys dared me on. They said that there's no way I could get caught with the cashier hitched up on his mighty fine horse with some fucking ass drugs. But, the stupid cameras had to rat me out. And that, dear children, was one of the days that I will never forget. Just say 'No.' Right.

I heard a knock on the door as I sat silently on the couch next to Billy, watching a game of basketball on the TV absently. I had been sitting here for about an hour after Rach and Becca went over to a slumber party one of their friends from school was having.

I was trying to hide the guilt that was haunting my conscious and screaming at me to repent and confide in my father. The whole time during dinner I couldn't even look at my dad; I was afraid that he would see straight through me and know that I had done something bad. I was ashamed and mad at myself for disobeying my dad and thinking that if I did the stunt, that it would make me look good and prove that I was one of the guys. But really, I only did it because I was mad at mom for dying−leaving me here all alone. I was angry at her and didn't know what to do. I locked it away and pushed it to the back of my mind. But the damn thought kept bottling up inside of me until I couldn't take it anymore and I just cracked.

Dad clearly didn't know what was going on with on me. Charlie was still trying to help him with his 'drinking problem' that he was 'trying' to hide. Rachel tried to take over where mom left off, but we were all slowly falling.

Our family was breaking apart.

I got up from the couch and walked over to the door. When I opened it, I saw the face of Charlie; Chief Swan, head of the Police. I froze as our eyes met. We were staring each other down− seeing which one of us would look away first. My mask of innocence was slowly melting away. Shit. What if he tells Dad?

"Hey Charlie. What brings you all the way out here? Your TV gone on strike again from over-use and lack of rest?" Billy called out, from over from the couch, chuckling.

"No," Charlie said, sighing as he pulled his eyes away from me. He walked into the room shaking his head. "It's about that boy of yours." He said, turning to pointedly stare at me before looking at dad straight in the eye. Crap.

"What's going on Charlie?" Dad asked. His suspicious eyes met mine with questioning concern.

Charlie sighed again and continued. "Jake was caught on camera stealing from A.M. P.M." Charlie said with no emotion. Clearly, this guy has been smoking Chemical Fumes. What the hell is his problem?

Dad looked at me with shock and wonderment, but then it quickly faded into a scowl. I guess he wasn't surprised. I had always been a trouble-maker; messing with my sisters, pulling pranks on my friends. Mom would say that one day I'd end up in jail if I continued on my rebellious streak. Guess I never learned how to get good.

"Jake, is this true son?" His voice declared that he already knew that it was true, but he was still incredulous. Alcohol does that to you, I hear.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. It's not like I can lie to him! I mean, come on! It's on freaking tape, for god's sake!

"Thanks Charlie. I'll make sure to talk to him," Billy huffed. Charlie nodded and headed out the door not even saying good bye. Yeah, he was disappointed in me. So what? I knew I was lying to myself I let him down, but I felt bad. He doesn't understand. No one does.

Looks like I'm headed down the road for a lonely life.

So, you pretty much get the point that I was a crazy shit. Billy went ape-shit and dropped kicked my ass−despite the fact that he was in a wheelchair, the thought never stopped him from using his legs. I couldn't even walk the next day. That day he said he was 'teaching me a lesson'-right. If anything, I just learned how to not get caught. Even though I still did get caught, it never stopped me from getting in trouble. The police where always on my ass; sometimes, I could've sworn that I would see shit following me. Day and night; rain or shine. This one time, I was stealing chips− I know, lame right?− and five minutes later, Officer Phil had me pinned to the fucking floor. After awhile though, I learned their names and back-rounds. Stupid Douches. Didn't they know that a poor guy on an Indian reservation who had to work to pay for his father's medication didn't even have the money to pay for some fucking speeding tickets? I think in Officer Training they dissected out their hearts.

Aside from my insane thoughts, Option One sounds fairly decent.

I pulled over, stopping with a halt, balancing my bike between my legs. I heard the crunch of the gravel as the officer pulled up behind me, lurching to an insane stop. Jeez. This isn't a fucking action movie.

I took off my helmet to see the cursed face of−oh goody. What an amazing coincidence. It's Dr. Phil! I gritted my teeth in aggravation. Maybe if I run fast enough, I can get in his car to run him over...

" Boy, do you know how fast you were speeding down that highway?" Well, Captain Obvious, I did. Thanks, dick-head, for pointing out the obvious. And oh yeah−while you're at it, you do realize that you live in Forks, Washington, correct? What the fuck is up with your accent?

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p', crossing my arms over my chest.

I guess that's not what he wanted to hear, because he looked like his head was about to explode. Man, that'd make my fucking day.

"You could of killed someone out there!" He yelled. Who does he think he is? My mother? What I really wanted to say was, ' Dude, you do realize that I can eat a meal, take a shit, shower, drive at 5 mph and still drive faster and safer than you? Way to go, Idaho!'

" I know how to drive." I said as calmly as possible, but through gritted teeth. "Haven't I told you guys that, or are you so damn ancient that you need a memory check?" I couldn't help but mess with him−he just made it too much fun.

" Now listen to me son, you−"

" And how many times have I told you guys that I'm not your son? Jeez, do you people ever listen?" I always got heated when people called me 'son'. If your name wasn't on my fucking birth certificate then who in the hell do you think you are, calling me your son? Another thing: What's with Cops and memory defects? Do they ever hear anything anyone's ever saying, or is it just going in one ear and out the other?

"You will not interrupt me when I'm talking to you, dip shit!" He screeched. I could've sworn his eyes flashed red. Looks like Dr. Phil forgot to take his meds this morning...

"Can you just give me my fucking ticket so I can get the hell outta here?" I asked coldly, trying not to punch the sucker's nose out. He better not try me.

"Who do you think you are, you little son of a bitch? You don't tell me what to-"

Anger flared up inside me, like the pits of hell coming alive. He said the two words I hated the most; and most of all, they were used in the same sentence. My hands curled up into fists before I could even think what of I was doing. How dare he call my mother out of her name! I pulled my arm back and it snapped forward, punching him right smack between the eyes. He hit the ground with a slam flat on his back. I did a Victory Punch into the air.

"Don't you ever dis-respect my mother, you stupid shit. And next time, learn how to fucking speak before you talk." I paused. "Oh yeah, also, I won't hesitate to put you in your fucking grave, if you ever speak to me like that again!" I threatened. He just better be glad that I didn't kick him in the fucking balls.

Pfft, he sure had it coming. Karma's a bitch, bitch.

I walked over and sat on the hood of the police car. It was really tempting to run him over right now. I was waiting for the fucking 'Prophet' to arise from the dead so he could cuff me and take me and lock up in my cell. I was smart enough not to run away, and wait for him to come on my front door step and arrest me in front of my father.

I seriously want my legs, and I value my life tremendously.

"You little fucker," Phil muttered under his breath. He slowly raised his back off the ground, trying to regain consciousness. I snorted as I saw his cowlick at the back of his head. He got to his feet and wobbled from dizziness. He stumbled over to the cruiser where I patiently waited, and placed his hand on the car for balance. He shook his head, probably trying to clear out the dizziness. I grinned evilly with cockiness; I made him dizzy. Boo-yah. He looked over at me, his face filled with nothing but pure fury and animosity, his eyes shooting bullets at me. I'm pretty sure that if looks could kill, I'd be ash rig. He was just mad because he couldn't control me and that I could beat the living shit out of him.

"Jacob Black, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of Law. You have the right to have an attorney present now and during any future questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you free of charge if you wish." Since I already knew the drill, I patiently put my hands on my back and waited for him to shut the fuck up, preaching the ways of 'respect' and 'duties'. He cuffed my hands and shoved me into the back of the car, roughly slamming the door on my face. Ow. Who pissed on his cornflakes?

We rode in complete silence on the way to the police department. I was chilling in the back remembering all the funny memories that I've spent in this car, and dear ol' Felipe was in the front, plotting his next evil plan, trying to rid me from the earth...can a person get anymore lame? If there was a score board keeping points, then 'Black' would have 10 and Felipe would have 9. He only had that much in the first place because well, the law was on his side. Shit, he better be happy he had that or I would his drop-kicked his ass a loooong time ago.

'Why couldn't it have been Charlie?' a little voice in the back of my mind said. Well, dear sub-conscious, it's because he quit his job to become your probation officer to keep an eye on you for your dad. Truthfully, I really appreciate all that he's done to help out my family−he's like a second father to me. Ever since my dad started drinking after my mom died, Charlie helped Billy get his life back on track and his act together again. They had always been friends since I can remember. Charlie also applied to be my probation officer to get away from Phil, too. Isn't that funny? Charlie's ex-wife, Renee, married Officer Phil. Why? Personally, I don't know. I'm not sure what Chemical Fumes she's inhaling to actually marry the dude. They used to live in Arizona, and would travel around, searching for a baseball team that would take Phil. But no teams wanted that jackass of a loser. I don't blame them. So, Dr. Phil went into the law enforcements. Poor Charlie went ape-shit when he found out. It must of been awkward to work side by side with you ex's husband.

We arrived at the station and Phil yanked me out of the car. I saw Charlie waiting for me, shaking his head like always.

I couldn't help but smirk at him. I bet he just got the call and heard what happened. I saw a small smile forming on his lips. He couldn't hide from me; bet that he was happy that I gave Phil a little piece of my mind.

He walked over to me as I leaned against the side of the crusier, grinning now.

He sighed as he approached me. "What I am I going to do with you, boy?" Charlie greeted me, slapping a tender hand on my back. I rolled my eyes as a grin broke out on my face.

" Hang me from a tree and let the wolves descend," I said and we both laughed.

" Whatever you say, Jake." He said smiling.

What do you think? Give me your thoughts, comments-whatever! Please review! Thanks for reading and I will try to update as soon as possible! So stay tuned people cause this is going to be one hell of ride! :D