"How about...masquerade?" Hermione suggested.

"No way. Too overused," Draco answered as he lolled back on the couch. Hermione sighed. Currently, her and Draco were sitting in the Head common room, trying to brainstorm ideas for the Valentine's Day Dance.

"Winter wonderland?"

"No way."

"That's the eighth idea you've turned down," She said from her perch on the floor.

"Well, if you stop coming up with lame ideas, I wouldn't have to turn them down," He said jokingly.

"Haha, very funny. I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas," She responded.

"I'm much more content watching you suffer." Hermione rolled her eyes and leaned back against the couch. Some head boy.

"What about...an enchanted evening?" She questioned lamely.

"Now, you're talking," He responded.

"You like that?" He nodded

"Well, now that we have an idea, we can relax," He said as he closed his eyes.

"Isn't that what you've been doing?" Hermione said with an innocent smile.

"Oh very clever Granger," He said without opening his eyes. She smiled and turned back to the fire. Draco peeked open an eye and turned to watch her. Her brown hair was lit up by the fire and her creamy skin was revealed by her pajamas. "Hey..." He started. She looked up. "Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"How come?" She questioned. He shifted so he was sitting up and bent so he was leaning over her.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out..." Draco tested her reaction. "You know since things aren't that great with Potter," He recovered quickly. She smiled softly.

"Draco, are you asking me out?" She asked with a raised brow.

"What if I was?" He said, going into defense mode. She watched him for a moment, testing his sincerity. They had been getting along well, lately...

"Why not?" She said with a smile. He grinned.

The Next Day

Hermione was puzzled. She had picked out two outfits to spend the day with Draco and she didn't know which one to wear. One consisted of a maroon sweater and long dark blue jeans with brown suede boots and a matching scarf and hat, while the other was a long peacoat, a short skirt, and black flats. She sighed and collapsed onto her bed. She never had problems with this before. Usually she just threw on whatever was in her closet, even when she was just hanging out with Harry.

"Gah!" She exclaimed. "Damnit Malfoy." Annoyed, she turned her head to the window. A light snow was falling, covering the grounds in a thick blanket. 'I guess I'll wear the warmer outfit...' A knock alerted her from the door.

"Hermione?" Draco's voice came through the door. "Are you ready? It's almost time for us to be in the courtyard.

"Just a second!" She said as she quickly pulled on the jeans and sweater. She grabbed the scarf and hat and opened the door. She smiled.

"Ready?" He questioned as he took in her appearance. She nodded and followed him down the spiral staircase.

It seemed like all the 7th years were gathered in the courtyard, probably getting their last-minute chocolates for Valentine's. Hermione noticed Harry out of the corner of her eye and turned to see him standing with Ron, Lavender, and Parvati. They were all talking and laughing. She noticed Ron and Lavender were holding hands. She sighed. Were they on a double date?

She shook her head. Why should it matter? She was on a date herself, and with Draco Malfoy, the best looking guy in school. The guy everyone wanted! She looked up at Draco who was looking around. The group suddenly took off in direction of the village and the pair followed.

Draco POV

Draco followed Hermione and the rest of the 7th years as they made their way down to the village. He turned to look down at Hermione only to see her looking at Potter and Weasel, again. Draco was immediately flooded with anger. She was supposed to be on a date with him! Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin prince! The hottest guy in school! And he couldn't keep her attention for five minutes?

Quickly, he bent to take her hand in his own. She turned her head to him and a small smile lit up her face. Draco felt his heart rate accelerate and he looked away. Damnit, what's wrong with me?

When the group reached the tiny town, it immediately broke apart, some kids heading to the 3 broomsticks and others to the shrieking shack. "Where do you want to head first?" Draco questioned as he looked to his companion. She had a thoughtful look on my face and then her face broke out in a smile.

"I know where we can go," She said as she began to pull him into the village.

"Where are we going?" He questioned as he struggled to keep up with her without falling.

"You'll see," She said as she rounded a street corner. She pulled him down the road, then around another corner to a street he had never been on before. Finally, she came to a stop in front of a shop. Draco looked up.

"A bakery?" He questioned.

"Not any bakery," Hermione said as she pushed open the door. "The best bakery in the world."

"We ran here...for a bakery?" He said as they got in line.

"You should see the line when the rest of the school is allowed in Hogsmeade," She said. "They have this apple tart, you have to taste it." Draco chuckled. They reached the counter and Hermione ordered. The woman nodded. Hermione turned to her purse, but Draco stopped her.

"I got it," He said as he released her hand for the first time.

"Are you sure?" He nodded. He thanked the woman behind the counter and took the boxes.

"Do you want to head to the shrieking shack?" He asked. She nodded. The pair began walking and Hermione opened her container. She grinned and began to pick at it, slowly pulling apart the pastry. Steam rose from inside and she put a piece in her mouth.

"Aren't you going to eat yours?" She questioned.

"You really like that, huh?" He said as they made their way down the road. She nodded.

"Harry, Ron, and I were exploring one day and we just found it," She said.

Hermione POV

"Harry, Ron, and I were exploring one day and we just found it," She said. She conveniently left out the fact that they had snuck out under the invisibility cloak. The duo continued to make their way to the shrieking shack. She pulled another piece off the tart and slipped in into her mouth.

"...Do you miss them?" Draco said after a minute. Hermione slowed her pace.

"A little," She admitted. Actually, that was a lie. She missed them a lot. They were her only friends before Draco. "I just miss how we always used to hang out, and they would get me into trouble, and I would yell at them, and they would just laugh..." She sighed.

"Maybe, you could try talking to them," He suggested.

"It's not even Ron who's mad. It's Harry...The last time he was this angry with me was third year. Even then, he never said things like he did the other day..." She ripped another piece off her tart and slipped it in her mouth. He chuckled.

"You have sugar on your mouth," He said as he reached out and brushed her lips with his fingers. They lingered and she shivered as their eyes met.

"Sorry our friendship is causing problems," He mumbled for the second time, not breaking her gaze. She smiled softly and took his hand, lacing her fingers with his.

"The good thing is I have you," She said with a slight blush. He looked away.

"Yeah..." Hermione watched as his eyes turned icy.

"Draco?" She questioned. He shook his head.

"Come on," He said as he began pulling her into the woods. "We haven't seen any of the village yet!" Hermione followed, smiling.