
Previously, on There You'll Be:

Goku barely registered the time it took to reach the space pod he was to escape on.

His mind had almost completely shut down when it sunk in that he was going home.

Or back to the closest place that he had to home.

And back to the only thing that still mattered to him.

The control panel in his pod showed one week until he reached Vegeta-sei.

Seven days until he'd get to hold her again.

Seven days until, unbeknownst to him, his world would cave in around him.


Seven Days until arrival:

-0-What day is it? And in what month?-0-

When they were alone again, the newly crowned Saiyan King found himself in a completely new predicament.

His nerve had all but crumbled.

She must've noticed the strange look on his face, because she merely cocked her head to the side a little bit, and shot him a questioning glare.

-0-This clock never seemed so alive-0-

Vegeta never answered her. He merely scowled a bit, before stomping off to the other side of the room

"You know, this would be a hell of a lot easier if you'd say something." She merely shot him another questioning glare in reply.

"See? Do you see what I mean? You're positively infuriating!" Vegeta's forehead creased in annoyance as he spoke, lending his normally serious demeanor a completely out of character comical appearance.

-0- I can't keep up and I can't back down-0-

It was all Bulma could do to contain her laughter. "I might talk more if I knew what it was exactly that we're supposed to be talking about.." She whispered softly, and for a moment, she thought that Vegeta's eyes might explode from his head. He recovered quickly, however, and set his normal stony glare back into place.

"You're infuriating, that's all I'm talking about." She hmmphed, before turning to stare at the wall beside her.

She didn't speak again.

-0-I've been losing so much time-0-

"You're infuriating. You're more trouble than you're worth. And you're going to be the downfall of the whole Kami forsaken Saiyan race if I'm not careful." He told her after a moment, his voice shockingly more soft than normal. She still didn't turn to face him, or even make any move to acknowledge that she'd heard, "and you're the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire fucking life."

-0-Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do-0-

THAT sent her whirling around to face him, eyes wide, cheeks burning bright pink. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment, and her mouth opened and closed soundlessly, lending her the very distinct image of some kind of large fish. Vegeta would have burst into a fit of laughter if he'd felt that the timing had been a bit better. But when speaking of matters such as these, it was generally best to avoid laughing in her face.

No matter how tempting that option might have been at the moment.

-0-Nothing to lose-0-

Bulma kept impersonating the fish for several more seconds before she regained control of her motor functions, and began glaring again.

"You shouldn't say things like that." She whispered, her expression never softening.

"And why not?" Vegeta questioned in reply, his gaze equally as stony as hers. Perhaps more so. He, after all, had had years to perfect his technique. For Bulma, it was more of a recent acquisition.

-0-And it's you and me and all of the people-0-

"You know why not."

"You're exactly right. I know why not. That still doesn't mean I understand it. Do you honestly mean to tell me that Kakarot would have wanted you to be miserable for the rest of your life?" Came Vegeta's reply. The softness from earlier had been replaced with the same stony conviction that Bulma was so used to seeing from him.

"I don't know what he would have wanted. I never got the chance to ask him." She reminded him quickly, before chancing a look up at him. Ah yes, there was the guilty look she had been expecting. Her gaze dropped then, to stare at her feet, and the iridescent polish that still coated her toenails from that night's festival. Where the Saiyans had gotten nail polish at, she'd never understand.

-0-And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you-0-

She blinked twice, before realizing how drastically her line of thinking had changed.

Had she really gone so wacky that she couldn't maintain a serious line of thought for more than a few minutes?

She blinked again.

-0-All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right-0-

Then again though.. it didn't really seem all that different that normal..

She was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she never even noticed the man bashing his head rather rapidly against the wall. She did, however, notice his insane ramblings as he stomped into the bathroom. While the words weren't quite loud enough for her to make them all out, she was nearly positive that she heard something about "Damn fool women that didn't know a good thing when they saw it".

-0-I'm tripping on words-0-

Yep, that sounded exactly like her. How long had she dated Yamcha before they'd gotten engaged? Half a decade. How long had they been engaged before his death? An hour, at most. How long had it taken for her to come to terms with her feelings for the kind natured Saiyan she had known since childhood? Again, a half a decade, give or take a year or two. And then she had lost him as well. Was it really any wonder that Bulma just couldn't find it in herself to rush headfirst into another relationship?

-0-You've got my head spinning-0-

Not to mention the fact that, twisted as it may have sounded, she just couldn't find it in herself to admit that her dearly departed Goku was, in fact, dearly departed. Perhaps it was because they had never been able to recover his body. It was hard to grieve for a person when there wasn't a person to grieve for, if that made any sense at all.

She shook her head to chase the thoughts away. She just couldn't figure out for the life of her why she kept doing this. Vegeta was right, Goku was dead, and anyone who knew the man could have told you that he would never want someone to be upset on his account. She gave a small sigh. She could say things like that all day long. It still didn't make her believe it.

-0-I don't know where to go from here-0-

If SHE had been the one to die, she would have wanted him to at least grieve before moving on to the next person.

She sighed again.

But no matter how much she thought about it, it just didn't seem that simple.

No matter how jealous a person Bulma might have been, she knew without a doubt that she wouldn't have wanted Goku to remain unhappy forever.

-0-Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do-0-

All this thinking lead to an ever larger question. Could she ever really find happiness with Vegeta?

As much as she wanted to ignore it, she couldn't deny the fact that something inside of her screamed at the possibilities.

She was shaken from her reverie by the soft click of the bathroom door as the Saiyan in question re entered the room.

-0-Nothing to Prove-0-

One look at him,dressed in nothing but a smile, quickly made her think of other things entirely.

Namely, would she be able to live with herself in the morning?

That thought didn't even stand a chance though as his lips crushed bruisingly against hers. The answer quickly became a "who-the-hell-cares" before being wiped completely from her mind.

-0-And it's you and me and all of the people-0-

And then Bulma Briefs did something that she would most likely live to regret.

She surrendered to the Saiyan King.


Six Days Until Arrival:

-0-And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you-0-

He had been right. In oh so many ways.

With a slight smirk he looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms. She would make one hell of a queen someday, when all of this mess with Frieza was over and done with, and he could find some way to justify her, of course. Vegeta was anything but a fool. He knew that there was no possibility that his people would accept her so easily.

-0-There's something about you now-0-

Perhaps he could appoint her as a Duchess or something in the meantime? The courts HAD been hassling him for quite a time to declare someone to sit as his second in command in case something were ever to happen to him. He was more than a bit leary of using the word "heir". After all, most people didn't do the things that they had just done to their heirs.

Vegeta gave a quick shudder. No no no no no. Most definitely not an heir. He would name her his successor and see how well the people reacted to that. Given enough time, they would warm to her. In just the amount of time she had already been on the planet she had won most of them over. Of course, not to the point where they would entrust her with the goverment of their world, but enough that they wouldn't kill her.

-0-I can't quite figure out-0-

That was always a good start.

Especially when Saiyans were involved. They tended to be more of a "shoot first ask questions later" sort of race. It was best to get on their good side, (the quicker the better, in most cases). Given enough time, he was fairly certain that the blue haired Earthling would be able to do just that.

-0-Everything she does is beautiful-0-

It was settled then. Today he would have the appropriate papers drawn up. Or rather he would have Nappa have the appropriate papers drawn up. The Saiyan King gave a slight grimace. In no way was he looking forward to seeing the smirk Nappa was sure to be wearing when he heard the news. Damned good for nothing.. He had hassled the Saiyan King for as long as the girl had been there. The bastard had always seemed to KNOW when Vegeta was thinking those not so pure thoughts about the earthling.

-0-Everything she does is right-0-

The bastard was either smarter than anyone ever gave him credit for, or he was incredibly, INCREDIBLY stupid.

Vegeta was fairly certain he knew which.

The girl in his arms shifted positions slightly, drawing his attention back down to her. She gave a sleepy yawn, before her eyes cracked open, and for just a split second, Vegeta was fairly certain she was going to scream.

-0-Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do-0-

And not in the way that he had wanted her to, mind you.

The panic in her eyes faded after a moment, however, and was quickly replaced with a general look of confusion.

"What time is it?..." As dumb as it might have sounded, it was the best thing that her still sleep deprived brain could come up with. That, and it was always a good thing to know. Plus, it kept the more elusive question of "Oh God what have I done?" off of the table for a few more moments.

-0-Nothing to lose-0-

"I'd say a quarter after seven or so. I'm surprised to see you awake already, actually. I would have figured you would have been out for at least a few more hours." Try as he might, Vegeta just couldn't keep all of the cockiness out of his voice at the comment, and unfortunately for him, Bulma noticed.

"No offense little man, but you weren't that good." Of course, even as the words left her mouth, a look of mortification took over her sleepy features.

-0-And it's you and me and all of the people-0-

"But I was good, huh? Ah well.. I suppose I have plenty of time to sway your opinion of the degree of my talents, don't I?" It never ceased to amaze Bulma just how quickly he could shoot a comeback at her. Never once.

"Ah, as tempting as that sounds right now, I need a shower. And don't you have something.. I don't know.. King-like to do?"

Vegeta merely shot her a glare before climbing out of the bed and grabbing her arm. Before she even had a chance to react she found herself thrown over the shoulder of a still completely naked Saiyan.

-0- And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you -0-

Had it not been for her equally as embarrassing state of undress, she might have been able to find a lot more humor in the situation.

As it was, however, the only logical thought that she could get her brain to process at the moment was how good his ass looked from this angle.

Vegeta stalked to the bathroom quickly, stopping only for a moment to flip on the light switch before he headed to the shower and flipped the water on.

-0- and me and all of the people with nothing to do -0-

It was only then that Bulma figured out exactly what it was that he intended to do.

"Oh nonononono. You are NOT getting into the shower with me, Vegeta.

"Yes, I am. Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. Your choice."

-0- Nothing to prove -0-

"Vegeta…." Had it been any other man that she was talking to, they would have promptly dropped the subject at her tone of voice. This was no ordinary man, however, so her protest fell on deaf ears.

"I promise you though, you'll like the easy way a lot better."

His tone of voice sent a shiver down the blue haired woman's spine. Like it or not, the prospect of a joint shower had gotten a lot more appealing all of the sudden.

-0- And it's you and me and all of the people -0-

She found herself back on her feet a moment later, and wasted no time catching his lips in a kiss, her hands moving instinctively up to tangle in his unruly hair.

She backed quickly into the shower, pulling him with her, their lips never breaking contact.

-0- And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you -0-


Somewhere in space:

Had Son Goku been given a chance to pack before he was smuggled off of the ship, he would have brought something to read.

Or perhaps one of those handheld video games.

Or something to help kill some of the boredom. The only thing that kept him from banging his head repeatedly against the wall of the space pod was the thought of Bulma's smiling face.

-0- What day is it? -0-

To say that he couldn't wait to see her again was an understatement. Saying that he wasn't complete without her didn't quite do it justice either. Whatever it was that he felt for her was something that he couldn't quite put into words. It was big, though. And to hell with everything else.

As soon as he got back to that Kami forsaken planet he was going to marry the fiery blue haired Earthling, come hell or high water.

-0- And in what month? -0-

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, a goofy smile plastered on his face.



A thousand light years away, on a small red planet, Bulma Briefs threw her head back and screamed, still clinging tightly to the panting Saiyan in front of her.

-0- This clock never seemed so alive -0-


Heh heh.. PLEASE don't kill me? Heh heh heh. I just couldn't help it. It seemed like such a perfect way to indicate that everything is most definitely NOT going to be ok when Goku gets back. Anyway, if I still have any readers left after the ungodly amount of time that it's taken me to update, then I hope you enjoy! And if not, then that's ok, too. I'll just pretend that you still care. J

Till next time!
