A/N: Hello my very very very loyal readers. I am so sorry this chapter took so long to write. It was a bit of laziness coupled with a lot of writers block. So this is the home stretch for this story. Including this chapter, there will be three more chapters to this story making the grand total sixteen chapters. Thank you guys so much for continuing to read this story even though I constantly put you through updating droughts. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight

Draco's Point of View

I stood unmoving outside my compartment in the train for what seemed to be hours. None of my friends had come to check on me. I guess they just figured that I was somewhere making out with Bella; oh how wrong they were. Most of Slytherin house knew about my secret relationship with Bella as she had frequently visited me in my dorms. They hadn't told anyone mostly because we tended to stay in our own little bubble and with the mess that Umbridge was making at Hogwarts, we didn't want to make the wrong connections.

I managed to pull myself together with a few minutes to spare as the train lurched to a stop. The small box with the promise ring for Bella had been shoved to the bottom of my trunk where I could hopefully forget about it.

I was numb as I walked into the Great Hall. I barely touched my plate even though it was piled high with all of my favorite foods. It didn't seem to make any sense. They had expressed their love for each other multiple times, but it must not have meant anything to her if she was able to get over him so quickly. She seemed to be rather happy as she laughed with her brother and his idiotic friends. I was furious. No one disrespects a Malfoy like that and gets away with it. However, I couldn't bring myself to be very angry with her. She was still my everything and I loved her.

I decided to try and confront her in secret tomorrow. Maybe then I would be able to get the answers that I wanted on why we broke up.

Tomorrow came much quicker than I imagined and it seemed as though I wouldn't be able to talk to Bella. She was never alone. Her brother, or Granger, or one of the Weasleys were always around her. I finally saw her alone when she was on her way to potions class. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a deserted corridor.

"This is so familiar." I said with a slight smirk once we were alone.

"What did you need Draco? Snape isn't going to be too happy if I'm late to class." Bella said.

"We never got a chance to talk about our break up." I said. I was getting a bit desperate.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing left to say." She said with a shrug.

"There is plenty left to say!" I was getting angry. "You just decided to end this relationship. No warning, no reason, no nothing."

"I did give you a reason. I told you that I was tired of having to hide our relationship."

"But you didn't give me a chance to tell you that I was ready. I wanted to shout on the top of the astronomy tower that you were my girl." Bella's eyes got wider. "I was ready to take a chance on you and you just threw that away. And instead of feeling remorse, you're perfectly okay with your actions even though it's killing me."

"I didn't know you felt that way." Bella said. She reached to touch my arm and I pulled away roughly.

"You don't get to touch me. Not without giving me an explanation."

"I don't know what to say, Draco. I really do love you, or at least I did. I'm not sure that happened during the break but my feelings for you changed." She said. Tears were beginning to well in her eyes.

"I didn't know you felt that way."

"I really am sorry." The tears had welled up and were now streaming down her face. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I really want to remain friends with you."

"Well, I didn't want my heart to be shattered into a million tiny pieces…." I sighed. "I guess neither of us is getting what we wanted." I walked away from her. I wasn't in the mood to hear anything else she could possible say.

Time seemed to pass slowly without Bella by my side. Pansy seemed to have renewed her feelings for me and constantly followed me around. I was patrolling the seventh floor corridor and Pansy was following me. We passed by a blank wall when Pansy stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong with you?" I snapped.

"Listen, do you hear that?" she asked pressing her ear against the wall.

"While I appreciate your nod to Potter's craziness, there's no one here to appreciate it." I drawled. "You can stop now."

"I'm serious Draco; it sounds like there's something in there." I rolled my eyes and leaned my ear against the wall to appease her. Surprisingly, I did hear what sounded like people shouting spells. It sounded like Potter and his friends. This was the perfect chance to finally get his expelled from this school.

"Pansy, go get Umbridge and tell her to come here." I whispered. When she hesitated I shouted. "Quickly, Pansy." She scurried off in the direction of Umbridge's office. I've finally got you, Potter. I thought.

Moments later, Umbridge and Filch were stomping down the hall with a few other members from the Inquisitorial Squad came storming in with their wands at the ready.

"Thank you for informing me of this Mr. Malfoy." Professor Umbridge said with a tight smile. "It's astounding what students think they can get away with." Our wands were at the ready, waiting to cast a spell when Umbridge gave the word. Without so much as a twitch of a wand, the wall burst open and rubble fell all around us.

Dozens of Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws came pouring out of the wreckage. They scrambled to get out of our sight and to the safety of the dorms. Amidst the rubble and chaos, I was able to spot Potter, the Golden Trio, and the Cullens. From my place sprawled on the floor, I was able to reach my wand and cast a few stunning spells in their direction. One by one each of them fell to the ground. I loomed over Bella, "It sucks that it had to end this way, Princess." I hissed. I grabbed Bella and Potter by their arm and gestured for Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise to help me with the others. We dragged them up the stairs to Dumbledore's office.

Minister Fudge was already waiting along with the annoying stick-up-his-ass Weasley and Professor McGonagall. I shoved both Potters into chairs while the other members of the inquisitorial squad took care of Granger, Longbottom, the female Weasley, and Potter's annoying sidekick. Professor Umbridge had us tie each of them to a chair.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Potter and his trouble making friends."Professor Umbridge sneered once they woke up. "Albus, I saw these children running an illegal association. This is a clear violation of the rules."

"If I may speak…" Potter started.

"And you may not, Potter." Professor Umbridge screamed. "You are clearly a menace to this school and you should've been expelled ever since that first Quidditch game where you attacked a fellow student."

"Professor, this was found amongst the rubble." Pansy said. She handed Professor Umbridge a sheet of paper titled Dumbledore's Army and a list of names.

"This is more proof that Potter has been breaking the rules." Professor Umbridge screamed her face turning an alarming shade of pink. "Mr. Potter always seems to evade punishment so I'm going to deal with this now."

"When did your little group start, Harry?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"I heard about this unlawful organization right before I put the educational decree up." Umbridge said. "What does it matter? He broke the rules. You can't protect him."

"I was going to say, that if the club was started before the educational decree, then technically they weren't violating any rules." Dumbledore said.

"Yes, but after that, the group was highly illegal and breaking school rules." Professor Umbridge said with a curl of her lips. "Were you aware that you were breaking school rules, Mr. Potter?"

"I had no clue." Harry said. "We weren't breaking any school rules."

"Are you sure about that, Mr. Potter?" Professor Umbridge smiled threateningly. "Because our number one witness says you did know. Miss Edgecomb was kind enough to come to me with some information regarding your little club today. Mister Malfoy and the others finding you was the icing on the cake. Fifty points to Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy." I smirked at Potter.

Marietta Edgecomb, who was hiding in the shadows, walked to the middle of the room with her head hanging low. When she looked up, I could see pus filled pimples all over her face and neck. The ones on her forehead spelled out the word 'SNEAK' in giant letters.

"Ignore Miss Edgecomb's unfortunate outbreak of acne. It's her words that really matter." Professor Umbridge put a pudgy hand on her shoulder. "Now, Miss Edgecomb, do you mind telling the minister what you were telling me moments ago?" she asked, her tone sickly sweet. Marietta shook her head. "Did you not understand the question?'

"She means 'no' Dolores, unless she is communicating with a form of sign language not yet known to humans." Professor McGonagall said sternly. She ushered the pimple faced girl away.

"No matter," Professor Umbridge said primly, standing a little straighter. "This list was found at the scene of the crime. It's all the evidence we need." She handed a list with the heading 'Dumbledore's Army' to Fudge.

The male Potter made a move to stop the exchange, but I hit him squarely on the back of the head.

"Mister Malfoy, violence is not necessary!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

"It was nothing more than a tap." Professor Umbridge snapped. "It's obvious that Potter is a menace and this list just proves that he is nothing more than a no good trouble-maker."

"We weren't doing anything wrong!" Potter shouted as he tried to break free from the ropes.

"That's enough Harry," Dumbledore said in a firm voice. "You don't need to cover for me anymore."

"What are you talking about Professor?" the minister asked.

"It clearly says my name on that sheet so there's no need to waste any more of your time."

"Ignore him; we are here to expel Potter." Professor Umbridge shrieked.

"Is it Potter's name on the list?" Dumbledore asked. Both Professor Umbridge and Fudge shook their heads. "Then it is quite clear what it is."

"Are you saying that you organized this, Professor?" Fudge asked. Professor Umbridge was beginning to turn a violent shade of purple.

"Well, that's my name on the sheet. So I am taking full responsibility."

"I'm afraid we're going to have to arrest you." Fudge stated calmly. The Weasley next to him was scribbling furiously on the clipboard he was carrying.

"That is where we have to disagree, Cornelius." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"But you just confessed to your crimes. We have a written confession." His cheeks started to color as his anger grew.

"I have it all written here. At precisely ten thirty-seven p.m. Albus Dumbledore said—" Weasley babbled as he looked over his papers.

"Do shut up you insufferable twit." Professor Umbridge shouted. "I don't care about you have written about Dumbledore. I know that Potter is behind this. Arrest him too!"

"There is no need to do that Dolores." Fudge said. "We're already arresting Dumbledore."

"That is where you are mistaken." Dumbledore said. "I never said that I would come quietly…or willingly." With those words, he twirled his arm in the air and a bright purple mist filled the room.

I blacked out after that. Moments later I was rejuvenated by a teacher. Professor McGonagall ushered me and the rest of the students away as Professor Umbridge screamed insults in her ear.

After I left Dumbledore's office, I was met with the unpleasant sight of Edward Cullen at the bottom of the stairs. He ran to Bella when he saw her and kissed her squarely on the mouth.

"I was so worried about you." He said. "What did she do to you?"

"She couldn't prove anything." Bella answered. "But Dumbledore is gone now." Their lips met for another more passionate kiss. All I could see was red.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted. My fists were clenched in anger, the knuckles white.

"Draco—" Bella turned to face me.

"You swore to me that you wouldn't fall into his trap." I said harshly. "You promised."

"It's nothing like that." She tried to explain.

"Then what is it like?" I glared at her. "Because it looks like words mean nothing to you Bella."

"Don't talk to her like that." Edward growled.

"You know what you are?" I turned to face him. "You're nothing but a lying, perverted old man. How old are you? Preying on young girls. Telling lies to get whatever you want. You sicken me. Your entire kind sickens me."

"Draco—" Bella said helplessly.

"And you!" I turned to face her. "You're no better. What kind of person goes back to someone that lied to them? That manipulated them?"

"You don't understand!" she screamed. "I love him."

"Love? That's rich coming from you. It wasn't long ago that you were saying those same words to me." I laughed humorlessly. "I'd tell you to watch your back, Cullen, but now that I think about it; you two deserve each other. One cold, unfeeling blood-sucker with another."

"We're not afraid of you, Malfoy." He said.

"You should be, since I'm going to be the one who will destroy you. Both of you." I smirked.

"How could you destroy me, Malfoy? I'm curious."

"Exposing your secret of course." I said. "I would actually be doing the world a favor by getting rid of you blood-suckers."

"I would expose magic if you did." He said with a smirk of his own.

"Like you could do that to your precious girlfriend, " I mocked. "I'd like to see you try. If you expose magic, you expose her too. It doesn't matter anyways, when I'm through with you, your entire family will cease to exist." With a final cold glare, I turned and walked away.

Bella's Point of View

"You don't think he was serious, do you?" I asked Edward. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. No matter how much I wanted it to feel right, it didn't. A small part of my brain thought that he was slightly too tall and his arms didn't cradle me properly. The larger part of my brain loved his touch and was very pleased when he embraced me. I pushed the doubts out of my mind. I was probably just shaken up after dealing with Draco.

"He's probably just bluffing." He pulled me tighter to him. "He's just jealous that he lost an amazing girl like you." He kissed me. It felt wrong. That small part of my brain said that his lips were to cold and firm, not soft and loving like Draco. Again, my concerns were squashed by the larger part of my brain that said I just wasn't used to kissing him.

"It's getting late, I should probably start heading to my dorm before Harry starts to worry about me." I said before turning to walk away.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied. I could feel my body reject the words. They felt wrong. My mouth became too watery and I could almost feel bile rising up out of my throat. Nevertheless, the rest of my brain told me that the words were true. That they were perfect true words to express my feelings for my current boyfriend, Edward…not Draco. My love was reserved for Edward. He was the one I loved.

When I entered the Gryffindor Common Room, I was greeted with the sight of an angry Harry. I could almost see the smoke pouring out of his nostrils and ears.

"I just found out some interesting news." He said with a frown. "Rumor has it that my sister was dating Draco Malfoy."

"H-Harry" I stammered.

"Just tell me that it isn't true."

"I can't."

"You were sleeping with the enemy!" he shouted. There was nothing and no one around to contain his rage and right now all of that rage was directed towards me.

"It wasn't like that."

"Let me guess, he managed to trick you into falling for him." He spat. "Get your head out of your ass, Bella. Everything that Malfoy touches, he destroys. I thought you were smarter. He was just using you."

"That's not true! He loves me!" I screamed. What did it matter if Draco loved me? I was with Edward. Only Edward's love should matter. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from defending Draco, the man I didn't love.

"I bet you were working with him." He started pacing now. "I bet you're part of the reason that DA got found out."

"You're being absurd. I'd look just like Marietta if I had betrayed you."

"I do not doubt Hermione's spell work, but the Malfoys are a dark family. He probably knows some sort of powerful curse so that it wasn't traced back to you."

"Harry, stop it."

"No Bella." He said. "I thought we were family. I was so excited to find out that I had a sister. But I was wrong, you're no family to me."

"Harry…" I whispered. "You can't mean that." Tears streamed down my face.

"I can, and I do mean that. We stopped being family that minute you started snogging Malfoy. Now, you're nothing more than his whore." With those final harsh words, Harry turned around and walked upstairs to his dormitory.

My legs collapsed from underneath me as I curled into a ball near the fireplace and sobbed. I never thought I would hear such harsh words from Harry. He was the brilliant brother that I grew up hearing stories about and couldn't wait to meet. Now, he didn't even want to acknowledge me as his sister. He had tossed me out like a week's worth of rubbish.

My eyes had barely closed when I heard a tapping on the window. I got up from my ball in front of the fire and opened the common room window to a majestic eagle owl. The owl bit me hard on the finger before it perched itself on my arm. Its talons cut deeply into my forearm as I struggled to untie the letter. When I had managed to extract the letter, it gave me a bite on the ear before flying back out the window.

I moved to the couch and used the blanket there to try and stop the bleeding in my arm. Sucking on my bleeding finger, I unrolled the scroll to elegant cursive that I recognized immediately.

I told you that I would destroy you


I gasped and re-read the words that were written before dissolving into sobs once more.

A/N: So there you go guys. I'm so very sorry that it took so long for this to come out. I hope you enjoyed it. The next one should be super long. We're officially coming to the home stretch. There are two more chapters before this story is over. Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed and favorited and followed this story. Your support means that world to me.