~Chapter twelve! Last one! I'm little sad. But it just means that i get to write more Harry Potter stories. Well actually in my case Weasley family stories. Haha.~

That Night in the Gryffindor's common room:

Everyone else had gone to bed leaving Fred and George alone. "Uhh. . . hey Fred?" He looked at his twin. "Yes, George?"

"I'm glad you're back." "Me too. I missed causing trouble." This caused George to laugh. "Yeah i was so scared that I was going to lose you. I don't know what o would have done without you." George grew very serious. "I . . . well the important thing is I'm here now, right?"

George smiled. "Yes." "Georgie, whatever happened to Snape?" George's face fell. "He um ran off when we found you." Fred jumped up. "WHAT?" George got up as well and hugged him tight. "Don't worry Freddie. Dumbledore will fund him and he'll go to Azkaban. And. . . and i won't let him hurt you ever again. I promise." Tears came down both their faces. And Fred nodded into George's chest. "I'll keep you safe." He whispered and that promise he intended to keep.

A few weeks had passed since the accident and still no sign of Severus Snape. Dumbledore took over the potions class. George never left Fred's side. Actually they were always at eachother's sides even before this happened.

One day Fred and George were standing in the court yard talking their little brother and his friend's between classes. The bell rang and everyone wen their separate ways. The twins were half way to their Defense against the dark arts class when Fred realised he forgot his book for the class. "I'll be right back Georgie. Forgot my book."

"Hold on I'll come with you." He started walking with his twin when Fred stopped him. "No it's okay. You go on to class and tell Professor Lupin I'm going to run a little late." George looked unsure. He didn't want Fred to be alone. "I'll be alright. You can live without me for five minuets can you?" He smiled. "If you insist. Just hurry back."

"OKay. Don't be such a worry wart." With that said Fred took off running to their bedroom. He opened the and left it open. He was just going to be a few minuets anyway. He found his book under a pile of clothes. He was about to turn and leave when he heard his door close.

He spun around to face his worst fear. Professor Snape.

"Hello Fredrick." He stepped closer to Fred. And the young weasley boy stumbled backwards, but tripped over the dirty laundry that covered the floor. He landed on the floor with a loud thud. And watched helplessly as Snape waled closer and closer to him.

In Professer Lupin's classroom:

Class just started and George took his seat. He was starting to get worried, because Fred still wasn't here. "Ugh! Where is her?" He mumbled. Professor Lupin was calling role. "Fred and George Weasley?" George raised his hand. "Here." Lupin looked at him. "Where's. . . .Fred?" He took a guess that, that George. It was still hard for him to tell them apart.

"He forgot his book and went to go get it." Lupin nodded. A few more minuets passed and George was going insane. He stood up. And Professor Lupin turned his attention to him. "Yes, George?" Without a word George ran out of the classroom with Lupin chasing after him. "George, what's wrong? George!" They ran passed Dumbledore. Who looked after them and hurried after them. Lupin lept forward and tackled George to the ground. He was just one hallway from the Gyrffundor's common room. He was sobbing uncontrollably. "NO! Let me go! Fred never came back! Somethings wrong! Please let me go!" Dumbledore caught up with them. Even though he was a few feet away he still heard everything. "George me and Professor Lupin will check your room alright? Stay here where it's safe."

George walked after them. Like heck he was going to stand there! Lupin and Dumbledore reached the twins bedroom. They leaned in a bit and heard Snape's voice. "There's noone around to help you now."

Lupin looked at the man with the beard and he nodded. They each got out their wands. And Albus Dumbledore blasted the door open. Snape was taken aback at this. "Expelli - armus!" Roared Lupin. And Snape hit the wall knocking him out. George pushed past the teachers and knelt beside his twin. "Fred! Are you alright?" Fred didn't take his eyes off of Snape. "Freddie! Look at me!" Fred slowly turned his attention back to George. Before he could say anything George engulfed him into a giant hug. "It's okay Freddie. It's over. It's finally over."

Snape went Azkaban. And was sentenced for a long time. Fred was just a bit shaken up after that. Not hurt physically.

That Night:

The twins lay in their beds. "Hey Georgie. You awake?" "Yes Fred." "Um. . . I - I was wondering if i could sleep with you tonight?" Even in the the dark Fred knew that George was smilng. "Get over here." This made Fred smile too and he walked over and got into his brother's bed. "Thanks George." "Anytime Freddie." They fell asleep in eacother's arm. Sleeping peacfully.

~OH man it's over! I'm so sad! Haha. All weli i get start on another Fred and George story soon. I really hope you enjoyed this story just as much as i enjoyed writing it for you.~